View Full Version : The Tribute the World Pays to the Empire ...Hugo Salinas Price

21st September 2014, 07:19 PM
The Tribute the World Pays to the Empire
Hugo Salinas Price
International monetary reserves set a new high mark early this month: they now amount to a bit more that $12,000,000,000,000 dollars. ($12 trillion dollars, when we calculate the value of all the reserves in dollars. The largest part of reserves is in dollars; the rest is split up into euros, pounds sterling, yen and Swiss francs.)
What does this colossal number mean?
Reserves measure the quantity of credit which the exporting countries of the world have granted to countries (and the EMU - the European Monetary Union ) that issue currencies considered as adequate to act as reserves for the central banks of the world. That this is credit is quite clear, because the $12 trillion of reserves in dollars, euros, etc., are invested in bonds, which are promises to pay on the part of the US, the EMU or others, and the holders of bonds are creditors, that is to say they have extended credit.
The monetary reserves of the Mexican central bank are included in the above-mentioned sum; which means that Mexico extends credit, mainly to the US, because the majority of reserves in Banco de Mexico are invested in dollar bonds.
In turn, extending credit means that Mexico has not been paid what it is owed. Mexicans are financing the US, Europe and others who issue reserve currencies, to the extent to which the Mexican central bank holds reserves in bonds denominated in dollars, euros and other currencies.
Since August 1971, when the countries of the World ceased to have the option of receiving gold in payment of their favorable balances of trade, or of extending credit by receiving dollars, the quantity of monetary reserves in world central banks has grown monstrously. Since there was no more payment in gold, the world had no option but to grant credit while it waited for the real payment – which has not arrived, and never will arrive.
The bald truth is that $12 trillion dollars is the imperial tribute extracted from all the countries that do not issue a reserve currency, and delivered to the countries that issue the reserve currencies, in the course of the last 43 years. It cannot be anything other than imperial tribute, because those funds represent bonds that will never be paid. Exports exchanged for bonds that will never be paid are tribute which the exporting world has delivered to the United States and Europe.
When Caesar invaded Britain in 54 B.C. his legions had to cut to pieces several thousand Britons. After the Britons surrendered, he imposed upon Britain a yearly tribute or stipendia, to be delivered in the form of assorted valuable goods. This tribute the Britons paid for the next four hundred years. Tribute is what sustains and feeds an Empire.
However, never in history has there been any collection of imperial tribute on the scale of the present financial scheme, of paying for imports with bonds that will never be paid. The devilish thing about it is that hardly anyone understands it.

Only payment in gold can cancel international debts.
As long as gold is not used to settle international debts, as used to be the case up until 1971, then the world will continue to pay tribute to the countries that issue reserve currencies; exporting countries will be handing- over part of their wealth – for nothing in exchange. Such is the essence of TRIBUTE.


21st September 2014, 09:58 PM
$12,000,000,000,000 dollars in reserve.

It's all in circulation.

and the total credit market debt of the global system is around 300 Trillion Dollars.

Under Bretton woods the US Dollar is the global trade medium of exchange.

Even though the US Dollar started out convertible to gold at 35 Dollars per ounce...The total credit market debt in 1945 was 355 billion dollars and the USA only had about 11 Billion Dollars of Gold backing the 355 Billion Dollars.

The US dollar is a credit instrument...and in 1944 all the rest of the credit instruments of the world were fixed to the US dollar.

Making the US Dollar the one credit instrument to rule them all.

The current US total credit market debt is 59 Trillion Dollars.

Leaving 241 Trillion Dollars in other currencies that depend upon the US dollar for their strength or weakness.

The supply of US Dollars has been shrinking in relation to demand since 2008...All the economies that have sanctions imposed or are imploding into revolutions...are being cut off.

It's a feed back loop...when you buy bonds it cause the prices to rise and the yields to drop.

The collapse of US yield rates the past 33 years has powered the inflation of the world the past 33 years.

But since 2008 the inflation of the world since 1944 has been turning into the deflation of the world.

The US dollar has been collapsing since then...but if it was allowed to strengthen too much the entire global system would hyperdeflate.

Everywhere the flow of US dollars have been cut off...the currencies have collapsed or the economies have.

the 300 Trillion circulating globally is all debt backing debt...at around 4%

That works out to a 1,578,000,000,000 Dollar total debt payment per month.

broken down into principle and interest.

The interest per month globally is around 1.011 Trillion Dollars...that is the tribute or rent due on the global credit supply per month...The exponential growth.

The principle payment is around 567 billion dollars per month returns back into thin air per month...the exponential decay.

Because at the core of the global credit system is the compounding interest equation...or the take more power than is given equation.

The cause exponential decay to power exponential growth effect.

Like chopping down trees faster than they regrow to supply power to the demand for power by the mindless fire of desire.

Or imploding 1's into 0's to power the explosion of 0's into 1's

The cause death and destruction to power the construction of life effect.

The implosion of reality to power the explosion of fantasy.

The exponential decay of real power to supply the demand of fake power or money.

Now the interest portion or yield of 1.011 Trillion is constantly reinvested into the system to supply the demand for yield.

But in the case of chopping down the trees of Bretton woods...when the trees or real power or fractional reserve of reality is imploded down to absolute 0 to supply the demand of the explosion of fake power or created out of thin air fantasy up to absolute 1.

It's game over.

This was reached in 2008.

And since 2008 the USA along with the rest of the world has been imploding back into thin air from where it exploded out of thin air from back in 1944.

But it is 2014...Time does not move backwards...It moves forwards.

You can chop a tree down and burn it way faster than you can grow a tree up.

You can knock dominos down faster than you can set them up.

Or soldiers...It takes roughly 19 to 20 years to create a soldier out of thin air...You can return a soldier back into thin air in the blink of an eye.

run out of soldiers to fight the war against deflation...and it's war game over.

The gradual absolute capitalist explosion out of thin air or absolute 0 to the absolute 1 point that is followed by the violent absolute capitalist implosion from absolute 1 down into thin air or absolute 0.

You all are taught fantasy economics.

But real physics is the supply or power to the demand for power by theoretical physics.

Net producing slaves are the supply of power to the demand for power by net consuming masters.

The economics of reality is the supply of power to the demand for power by the economics of fantasy.

When the demand by the economics of the daydream fantasy becomes greater than the economics of reality can supply.

There is a polarity shift...and the hyperinflationary daydream of fantasy or exponential growth to heaven begins to transform into the hyperdeflationary nightmare of reality or exponential decay into hell.

You have to realize...I'm not one of you all.

The invisible order or reality of the Logical basic system operating in the background powers the visible chaos of the reasonable graphical user interface or fantasy believed to be reality in the foreground.

The quantum singularity of Truth needs to supply gravity to the demand for gravity by the duality of relativity or lie that wants to become Truth and never die.

Why can the religion of science not find the connection between Truth or something that needs to be something and nothing or the lie that wants to become something or Truth?

Because truth which is infinite exists outside of the Universe which is finite or a lie.

Only the effect of infinity is visible inside the Universe which is finite.

All that has ever happened for all eternity and all that will happen for all eternity occurs at the same point...that is infinity.

Truth is unreasonable or irrational.

Lies are reasonable or rational.

Truth is logical...Truth has no beginning or end.

Lies are reasonable...Lies have beginnings and ends.

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."--Albert Einstein