View Full Version : Alex Jones and Matt Drudge Exposed by Gordon Duff - Controlled Opposition, Cointel

General of Darkness
21st September 2014, 10:07 PM
Nothing we don't know, but it's important to remember who these fuckers are because from time to time we'll come across people that believe all their bullshit. I do recognize that they do about an 85% good job, but that 15% is what muddies up the waters.


21st September 2014, 10:28 PM

“About 30% of what’s on Veterans Today is patently false. About 40% of what I write is at least purposefully partially false. Because if I didn’t write false information I wouldn’t be alive. I simply have to do that.”


Gordon Duff IS a Jewish Disinformation Agent

General of Darkness
21st September 2014, 10:30 PM
Liars upon liars upon liars.

21st September 2014, 10:36 PM
DailySlave.com (http://www.dailyslave.com/) is a great website. I heavily recommend bookmarking it.

Anyone who talks about aliens is either a fool or, a disinfo too. There are no aliens.

midnight rambler
22nd September 2014, 12:00 AM
DailySlave.com (http://www.dailyslave.com/) is a great website. I heavily recommend bookmarking it.

Anyone who talks about aliens is either a fool or, a disinfo too. There are no aliens.

Right - the 'ETs' and 'aliens' have been here all along, which means they are neither 'extra-terrestrial' nor 'alien'.

22nd September 2014, 12:45 AM
Yes if you do not believe or promote the cherished delusion that Jews are the root of all evil in the Universe...You can not be in the Mickey mouse club.

Google Hyperdimensional beings.

22nd September 2014, 12:48 AM
I'm alive because I point out that the absolute capitalist system is the enemy of all

You all think revelations of the common and typical criminal activity which is an effect of the system is the cause.

22nd September 2014, 01:05 AM
That only leaves us here on GSUS

Hyperdimensional beings or aliens...........every day there are sightings of craft in the sky we know nothing about.......so if someone knows what they are not then do they know what they are. But it is real.

22nd September 2014, 01:54 AM
That only leaves us here on GSUS

Hyperdimensional beings or aliens...........every day there are sightings of craft in the sky we know nothing about.......so if someone knows what they are not then do they know what they are. But it is real.

These interdimensional beings are indeed real. But they are not from Mars (colloquial for "another planet"). They have been visiting humanity since the Garden of Eden. In ancient times, they were seen for what they were. Modern man is too "sophisticated" to see them for what they are. Now, humans want to pretend there is no God, no Devil, and no reality beyond that which can be measured in a laboratory.

Yet these interdimensional beings still visit, and have their way with some. Professional UFOlogists have studied these visits. They have concluded these "close encounters" are identical in nature to the visits of ancient times. Materialization seemingly out of nowhere, serpent-like or reptilian generally, and a burning smell, as of sulfur present. Most visitees are helpless. A few are not. These latter humans have invoked the name of their Master, and the "aliens" quickly fled. That name is Yeshua ha-Mashiach - Jesus the Christ.

Chuck Missler is a US Naval Academy graduate, and retired executive for Ford Motor Company and Western Digital (once its largest shareholder). He has controversial opinions on many things, but this presentation is valuable for understanding "aliens":


"The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon."


"Demonology is not just another crackpot-ology. It is the ancient and scholarly study of the monsters and demons who have seemingly coexisted with man throughout history.... The manifestations and occurrences described in this imposing literature are similar, if not entirely identical, to the UFO phenomenon itself. Victims of demonomania (possession) suffer the very same medical and emotional symptoms as the UFO contacteés....

The Devil and his demons can, according to the literature, manifest themselves in almost any form and can physically imitate anything from angels to horrifying monsters with glowing eyes. Strange objects and entities materialize and dematerialize in these stories, just as the UFOs and their splendid occupants appear and disappear, walk through walls, and perform other supernatural feats."

John A. Keel

"The 'medical examination' to which abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscient of the medieval tales of encounters with demons. It makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical framework: any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in a shorter time and with fewer risks."

Jacques Vallee, Ph.D.

"[Jacques] Vallee’s explanation of UFOs is the most striking," she said, "because of its parallels with demonic activity. UFO investigators have noticed these similarities. Vallee himself, drawing from extrabiblical literature on demonic activities, establishes a number of parallels between UFOnauts and demons..."

Elizabeth L. Hillstrom

"A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing and invisible entities as well as phenomena like poltergeist [ghost] manifestation and 'possession.' Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomena."

Lynn E. Catoe, Library of Congress Bibliographer writer for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research

22nd September 2014, 10:20 AM
I do not know anything about Matt Drudge.

I have listened to Duff a little. There is something about him I do not trust. It appears he gives his writers full First Amendment rights, but Duff did spike one article by Stew Webb that was up on VT only about an hour. I saved a copy of that article and will post it at end here just for the record. It was about Pete Santilli being a paid FBI agent.

Anyway, I personally am very suspicious of ALL alternative media these days. If a person does have their own source of income and they are not profiting from their writing and speaking, that indeed is a good sign. I would disagree that Alex Jones money thing does "not add up." Alex was given a big boost and a big financial safety net when he first started out. His retired dentist millionaire dad gave Alex financial support and safety net from the beginning in about 1996. But then Alex started selling a lot of videos and other things, and now vitamins and "Super Male" and "Super Female vitality" pills and such, so now Alex is indeed a moneyed person. The thing is now Alex is supported by the Zionist loving GenesisNetwork

It is ALL a bunch of money making scamsters. I do not trust any of their information about anything. It APPEARS they tell some of the truth and have some good analysis IN PART, but basically it is rotten stuff.

Many of us got tricked or sucked in to becoming the phony Alex Jones type conservative and we had to go through our own 12-step programs to get out of phony conservatism. Like I said before, just show me a candidate and a party that is strongly anti-usury AND strongly anti-sodomy, and I will vote again. Incidentally, such a party would also coincidentally be anti-Zionism and anti-Democrat and anti-Republican and anti-Tea Party and anti-Richard Gage and their evil schemes.

I have been researching 9-11 since 9-11-01. I know about Dr. Steven Jones / Richard Gage from their very beginnings. It is not a pretty picture. In fact, I think it is Satanically evil. (All the latest Buiding 7 WTC campaigns come straight out of Gage CIA playbook, no matter how "good and reasonable" some of those efforts may APPEAR. They are not about truth - period! Also Dr. Judy Wood and Dr. Morgan Reynolds palled up with Santilli and so now they all are pretty much a huge disappointment to me, not matter how much I thought they made some good contributions to 9-11 truth. )

As far as Rense is concerned, his site has become an infomercial conduit and many many of the radio shows and articles he has on his site Rense.com are about bringing big money to some people. I hate to see people I believe really are seeking truth have anything to do with Rense, but then, of course, that would really hurt their information getting out there. REnse allows Santilli his own show on Rense Radio. Duff is a guest on Rense radio show quite often so they have to keep that little Rense money machine going.


I noticed that today, November 5, 2013, at approximately 9:30 a.m. Central Daylight Saving Time, VeteransToday completely erased and deleted all traces of a very popular article by Stew Webb about Peter Santilli, entire article posted below.

Lunatics are us Pete Santilli and Bruce Montalvo
By Stew Webb
I like exposing those who are FBI and AIPAC disinformation stooges in the alternative media it’s like having great sex the longer you wait the more fulfilling it is for you and your partner. I have learned over 29 years as a Federal Whistleblower not to jump to conclusions to sit back and wait for all the evidence to come in before making statements or conclusions patients is virtue.
I first exposed this stooge Pete Santilli after doing 2 radio interviews with him on his former Radio program. Santilli begged me to hook him up with Gordon Duff Editor Veterans Today I called Gordon who then called Pete Santilli who illegally recorded Gordon’s conversation. Santilli wanted Gordon to do an interview on Santill’s radio program Gordon said no then the next day Santilli played the private telephone conversation of Gordon and himself on his radio program which is illegal. Santilli also spiced the illegal taped recorded conversation and tried to make it sound as though Gordon Duff threatened Santilli which Gordon did not and Gordon has the entire conversation that Gordon himself recorded.
Pete Santilli lies on his Radio Program
But that was not enough for Santilli who was trying to discredit Veterans Today Editors and Columnists because of the amount of truth coming out weekly on Veterans Today.
Professor James Fetzer Editor Veterans Today also encountered the Santilli lies after his radio interview was spliced and completely taken out of text and played later on the air by liar Pete Santilli.
LUNATICS ‘R US: The Santilli/Wood/Sunstein Gambit
Those lies of Pete Santilli cost him his radio program and was fired from the network.
Then he started his Gorilla news radio which he came after this Whistleblower using his sidekick Bruce Montalvo unknown to me at the time. Bruce called me talked for an hour then took that illegally recorded conversation spliced it and aired it on his new Pete Santilli Gorilla Radio.
Talk Show Host Bruce Montalvo violated law
Then Santilli somehow gets a radio slot on Jeff Rense’s Radio network and Jeff was warned by several unnamed friends of mine and his what Pete Santilli had done in the past but Jeff could not listen and was brain dead. Now Jeff’s network is at risk and his audience will wonder why did so called Patriot Jeff Rense allow a FBI-AIPAC controlled disinformation stooge on his network.
The latest hysterical tirade from Pete Santilli is his own writing to his FBI handler I am in fear of my life because the Truckers Demonstration in Washington against Government Corruption was hijacked by Pete Santilli who the truckers say Santilli offered to raise money for their Gas expenses and that they never got any money and the Truckers claim nearly one half of a million dollars ($500,000.00) was raised by Santilli on his radio program and is missing.
AIPAC Disinformation Lunatics R US Pete Santilli
Here is the latest on Pete Santilli according to talk show host Vinny Eastwood and Susan Posel who did some investigations of Pete Santilli’s reported theft from the truckers. This interview shows documents and a fax sent to Pete Santilli’s FBI handlers where Santilli actually threatens his FBI handlers.

YouTube - Veterans Today -

Now that Pete Santilli has become a liability for the FBI I wonder if he will now get the normal stooge treatment from his Government handlers.
Will Pete Santill be hearing those bars slamming behind him because he has been ousted and now threatening the FBI?
Will Jeff Rense learn to listen to those who give him good advice which sometimes he ignores?
Stew Webb Whistleblower
Stew Webb Columnist Veterans Today