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25th September 2014, 10:11 AM

Hysterical Jewish Press Reports Boost Dr. David Duke’s Video
September 23, 2014 at 4:54 am

By STAFF — Recent hysterical reports in the Jewish press and other media coverage of one of Dr. David Duke’s most popular videos have helped to boost worldwide viewership of the 100 videos on his TV channel alone to more than nine million total views. Even more amazing is that for every one video on his channel, there are 300 videos posted by people all over the world of his videos and lectures..

Dr. Duke’s video “CNN, Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix” (see it below) in particular has now, as a result of the aforementioned coverage, clocked nearly three-quarter of a million views—and that is just on his YouTube channel, and excludes the hundreds of thousands of times it has been viewed on other channels to where it has been copied.

In fact, over 60,000 different YouTube videos have been made from copies of Dr. Duke’s videos, speeches, lectures and radio shows, and together the total viewership now totals hundreds of millions of views..

In addition, Google allows the ratings of all videos by viewers and Dr. Duke’s videos have a composite rating of 93 percent positive! For instance, the incredibly hard-hitting and convincing CNN video has a rating for its 750,000 views of exactly 96.5 percent positive.

Over the last week alone, Dr. Duke’s personal channel has been viewed in no less than 130 different nations around the world, and the message they carry—that of opposition to Jewish globalist supremacism and freedom for all people of the world, is increasingly resonating among all peace-loving folk of the world. Dr. Duke believes in the right of every people on earth to be free and independent, to preserve their heritage, their precious diversity and freedom.

A recent article in the Jewish Press newspaper—which claims to the be US’s largest circulation independent Jewish newspaper—serves as an example of the sort of hysterical coverage which the Jewish media is giving to Dr. Duke’s videos.

Titled “Five Anti-Zionist Doctors ‘Hijack’ Medical Journal to Dump on Israel” and written by Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu, it supposedly reports on the recent hullabaloo which took place after medical professionals from around the world published an open letter in the Lancet medical journal which condemned the recent Zio-murder campaign in Gaza.


The Jewish Press article—which featured a large picture of Dr. Duke as its main image—showed clearly the hysterical nature of the writer and the editors, as it was littered with the most basic spelling and typographical errors, way beyond any normal level of errors which are found in most publications.

The fact that this article was penned in haste, in hysteria and in hate, is evident from the huge number of errors its contains—particularly if it is borne in mind that the writer claims to be a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University who worked as a “senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies” and wrote for Israel’s national news service “Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.”

For example, the Jewish Press article mistakenly identifies the world-famous Lancet medical journal as the “Lancent” [sic] and its very first line contained another amusing editing error reading “and a [sic] David Duke.”

It goes on to say that the doctors in question circulated Dr. Duke’s video with the following commentary: “The David Duke video in question is called “CNN, Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matri,[sic] in which Duke claims that “the Zionist Matrix of Power controls Media, Politics and Banking” and that “some of the Jewish elite practices racism and tribalism to advance their supremacist agenda.”

From there, however, the hysteria kicks in once again, and the article goes downhill quickly, and devolves into a panicked diatribe against the Lancet journal and the medical professionals who dared to speak out against the Zionist murderers in Gaza, ending the contemptuous remark of “Israel should not be concerned so much if the Lancent [sic] authors represent those calling for academic boycotts of Israel. And you call these people doctors?”

Dr. David Duke is literally waking up the world the the world’s biggest problem, the ultra-racist Zionist Globalism that threatens the freedom and well being of all people. That are driving us to war, hatred in pursuit of Zionist, Israeli geopolitical objectives; that are creating economic slavery through the Zio international banking theft and robbery of every nation and people. He is exposing their grip on the major media conglomerates and its degradation of the highest human values, that saturates our young people with promotion drug and alcohol abuse, sexual degeneracy, violence, blood, every kind of human sickness and depravity.

Every reader and financial supporter of DavidDuke.com should be proud that are enabling Dr. Duke and his tremendous work, vital work that depends on all of us to be ultimately successful.

His success is proof of the power of one man to change to the world! As seen by this hysterical reaction of The Jewish Press, the world is indeed waking up!

25th September 2014, 02:51 PM
Sadly, David Duke™ is a permanently-damaged brand name.

Even his natural allies, like Metzger, find him ridiculous. "Plastic Man" Metzger calls him, due to Duke's multiple plastic surgeries.

His "Dr." thing is very ridiculous. Getting a Ph.D. from an obscure "university" in Ukraine cannot rehabilitate the brand.

David Duke will always be a "Klansman" and "Nazi" to the masses. And, therefore, of little value.

And what he says in his videos is not even original.

25th September 2014, 03:12 PM
Sadly, David Duke™ is a permanently-damaged brand name.

Even his natural allies, like Metzger, find him ridiculous. "Plastic Man" Metzger calls him, due to Duke's multiple plastic surgeries.

His "Dr." thing is very ridiculous. Getting a Ph.D. from an obscure "university" in Ukraine cannot rehabilitate the brand.

David Duke will always be a "Klansman" and "Nazi" to the masses. And, therefore, of little value.

And what he says in his videos is not even original.

Duke has enlightened many thousands/millions of people around the world.
He has done his homework and I dare anyone to refute anything he's said.

As far as having a damaged brand name...anyone that speaks against the Zionist Jews is considered damaged in this country.

Think about others that spoke against the Zionists...JFK = skull pealed off, Ron Paul - ridiculed and painted as a quack, Joe Biden recently just used the word Shylock and there was outrage over it.

25th September 2014, 03:44 PM
Duke has enlightened many thousands/millions of people around the world.

Define "enlightened."

Duke, like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, or Michael Savage, is an entertainer. One on the so-called "fringe," but no different in purpose and ultimate effect.

He has done his homework and I dare anyone to refute anything he's said.

His commentaries on the media are built atop the work of others, such as William Pierce.

As far as having a damaged brand name...anyone that speaks against the Zionist Jews is considered damaged in this country.

Think about others that spoke against the Zionists...JFK = skull pealed off, Ron Paul - ridiculed and painted as a quack, Joe Biden recently just used the word Shylock and there was outrage over it.

JFK = not a Klansman or Nazi.

Ron Paul = not a Klansman or Nazi.

Joe Biden = not a Klansman or Nazi, just a loose-mouthed fool.

This is David Duke:

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/_tyrGrD5a4ys/R8yrOQMdn8I/AAAAAAAAAKA/Qd29OMlIazw/s400/David-Duke-pix-2.jpg - http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/news/images/2035_1260.jpg

He can never recover from that youthful stupidity.

25th September 2014, 03:50 PM
Crimethink has dirt on everyone and every thing , in fact thats all he is interested in posting , no facts ,no break throughs, nothing of interest, just dirt.

25th September 2014, 04:13 PM
Define "enlightened."

A. Exposed is a better word.
Do you think Duke has enlightened many people to know the Federal Reserve is a private institution run by Jewish bankers?

Duke, like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, or Michael Savage, is an entertainer. One on the so-called "fringe," but no different in purpose and ultimate effect.

A. Excluding Duke, the above are nothing but sensationalists pushing a narrative based on lies, opinions and false info.
Duke sticks to his primary subject with info he's researched and verified as truth.

His commentaries on the media are built atop the work of others, such as William Pierce.

A. Not all is work by others. All truth must be gathered from all sources...this is not a fault regarding Duke.

JFK = not a Klansman or Nazi.

A. Worse then a "Nazi"!, he threatened all of Jewish elite's interests and their plans to control the world.
He obviously failed due to the removal of his brain.

Ron Paul = not a Klansman or Nazi.

A. Worse then a Nazi! He threatened the bankers and Israel's plans to control the world.
He was easily controlled with one meeting from the Bernanke.

Joe Biden = not a Klansman or Nazi, just a loose-mouthed fool.

A. Worse! An idiot with a brain he can't control. He was warned by the ADL to not do it again!

This is David Duke:

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/_tyrGrD5a4ys/R8yrOQMdn8I/AAAAAAAAAKA/Qd29OMlIazw/s400/David-Duke-pix-2.jpg - http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/news/images/2035_1260.jpg

He can never recover from that youthful stupidity.

A. Yep, no one can ever change.
No one should ever be forgiven for their past, a past that harmed no one.
No one should ever let a person's past be forgotten...especially if it helps discredit them from exposing their crimes.

Apparently someone is listening to Duke.
Leading Scientists Support for Dr. Duke’s CNN-Goldman Sachs Video Ignite Zio Rage!
September 25, 2014 at 7:58 am

The editor of the world’s leading medical journal, the Lancet, has flatly rejected Jewish Supremacist strong-arm censorship tactics over an open letter condemning the Zio-murder campaign in Gaza, dismissing the attempts to silence the publication as “utterly irrelevant” and “a smear campaign.”

The British medical journal’s editor, Dr. Richard Horton has dismissed an increasingly hysterical Jewish supremacist media campaign which has erupted after the Lancet published “An open letter for the people in Gaza” in its July 23, 2014 edition.

He also went on to say it makes no difference to him that some of the scientists strongly recommended Dr. David Duke’s video: CNN, Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix saying that even it were true that they supported the video, he would not remove the letter.

That letter, signed by more than two dozen of the world’s most senior medical professions—from a large number of nations within and without Europe—denounced what it called “the aggression” against Gaza by Israel.

The Jewish extremists are stunned by the bravery of these medical professionals in speaking out against what they believe is their God-ordained right to murder the hated Goyim, and immediately launched an intensive campaign to try and attack the letter writers.

As reported earlier, two of the main letter writers had earlier, through an email circulation and a Google news group, dared to circulate a link to one of Dr. David Duke’s videos, CNN, Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix.

Read the rest here: http://davidduke.com/leading-scientists-support-dr-dukes-cnn-goldman-sachs-video-ignite-zio-rage/

25th September 2014, 04:46 PM
NY Times: Europe’s Anti-Semitism Comes Out of the Shadows

In the wake of the conflict in Gaza, three communities became flash points of violence and began contending with hatred they thought was buried in the past.

Strike up the violins and break out the barf bags. The poor little defenseless Jews, (who own the bloody West - lock, stock, and barrel) are concerned about a rise in European "anti-Semitism". As evidence of Europe's possible "return to 1939", Sulzberger's Jew York Slimes cites a handful of incidents: a single pro-Gaza protester in France allegedly yelled "Gas the Jews!", a synagogue in Germany was allegedly hit by a Molotov Cocktail, and a Swedish Jew was allegedly beaten up for being Jewish.

Assuming that these were actually true stories and not staged events (which Jews are well known for), this is hardly the equivalant of 14th - 19th century pogroms, in which angry villagers, reminiscent of those old Frankenstein movies, would grab their torches, march into the Jewish quarter, and vent their indignation upon the local well-poisoners, child-sacrificers, and money-lenders. Ah, the good old days when European men were men!

https://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1388/35/1388355119221.jpg http://thehessiangoeshome.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/frankenstein-castle-torch-wielding-mob.jpg

"That shyster charged me 50% interest and then took my farm!"

An old Polish proverb states: "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you." The Zionists have perfected this technique to an art form. Just look at what they recently did to the poor people of Gaza. Bibi Satanyahu murdered 2000 of them; the whole time whining about the harmless rockets which Hamas was allegedly firing back.

By constantly evoking pity from the bewildered specimens known as Boobus Americanus and Boobus Europithicus, the Jewish Supremacist is able to neutralize his victims as he fleeces and bamboozles them at every turn. This manipulative game of "waaa, waaa, waaa" is quite a trick, and its been going on for a long, long time. Ask William Shakespeare. He'll tell you!


Shakespeare was on to the age-old 'waaa, waaa, waaa' ritual:

"If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not avenge?" - Shylock the money lender from 'The Merchant of Venice' (now banned in virtually all U.S. High Schools!) pleads his case before a magistrate; passionately explaining why he should be allowed to literally cut out a "pound of flesh" from a bankrupt debtor.

25th September 2014, 05:29 PM
Crimethink has dirt on everyone and every thing , in fact thats all he is interested in posting , no facts ,no break throughs, nothing of interest, just dirt.

I deal in facts, not fantasy.

I do not comment to make me popular. I comment to expose the truth.

Posting material from admitted liars is not beneficial.

Posting material from proven liars is not beneficial.

I am unsure, really, why you find material from liars "interesting."

David Duke as "advocate for liberty" is in the realm of fantasy. Duff or Adams? I wish they were just benign fantasy.

25th September 2014, 05:43 PM
Leading Scientists Support for Dr. Duke’s CNN-Goldman Sachs Video Ignite Zio Rage!

You prove my point.

The first thing attacked is Duke's "White Supremacist" / "Nazi" past.

If he didn't have the Klan robes and Swastika armband, the Enemy couldn't simply point at that and shriek.

Duke could - should - retire from public life, and work quietly, or pseudonymously.

The brand David Duke™ is as valuable as ValuJet™. Public image is made by much work, and destroyed by one error.

25th September 2014, 05:52 PM
You prove my point.

The first thing attacked is Duke's "White Supremacist" / "Nazi" past.

If he didn't have the Klan robes and Swastika armband, the Enemy couldn't simply point at that and shriek.

Duke could - should - retire from public life, and work quietly, or pseudonymously.

The brand David Duke™ is as valuable as ValuJet™. Public image is made by much work, and destroyed by one error.

If you've watched his vids, he explained the Klan years.
And yes people are listening...I'm listening!
Of course the Zionists are quick to point at his past, if it wasn't that it would be something else. If they had nothing to discredit him they would just suicide him.

If he should retire, who will carry his torch against the evil destroying this world?

25th September 2014, 06:06 PM
Of course the Zionists are quick to point at his past, if it wasn't that it would be something else. If they had nothing to discredit him they would just suicide him.

Actually, if he had credibility, he would have an "accident." He is ineffective, so he remains alive. In fact, he benefits the Babylon System because he functions as a relief valve.

Like I wrote earlier, Duke is an entertainer, not a leader.

If he should retire, who will carry his torch against the evil destroying this world?

You assume he is achieving anything. He's been at this since the 1960s. What "notable" achievements has he made?

25th September 2014, 06:49 PM
Actually, if he had credibility, he would have an "accident." He is ineffective, so he remains alive. In fact, he benefits the Babylon System because he functions as a relief valve.

Like I wrote earlier, Duke is an entertainer, not a leader.

You assume he is achieving anything. He's been at this since the 1960s. What "notable" achievements has he made?

I wouldn't call him a leader, (JFK was a leader) more like an authority on Judaism, the Talmud, the Kabbalah, Jewish influence, Jewish racism, Zionism, Jewish History.

Notable achievements:
He's exposed the over-representation of Jews in education, media, banking, government, Supreme Court/Justice System.

If it weren't for guys like Duke, more people would still be believing Obama has anything to do with running the US government.

I wouldn't say he's ineffective or an entertainer. His mission is to alert the world to Zionist evil, he's also trying to protect/preserve the European white race and expose those who wish to destroy white blood.

25th September 2014, 08:57 PM
You prove my point.

The first thing attacked is Duke's "White Supremacist" / "Nazi" past.

If he didn't have the Klan robes and Swastika armband, the Enemy couldn't simply point at that and shriek.

Duke could - should - retire from public life, and work quietly, or pseudonymously.

The brand David Duke™ is as valuable as ValuJet™. Public image is made by much work, and destroyed by one error.

EE_, right there you should've stopped this snake. He's attacking a character and not arguing a message.

Shalom, crimethink. Is Rosh Hashanah over already?

25th September 2014, 09:23 PM
EE_, right there you should've stopped this snake. He's attacking a character and not arguing a message.

Shalom, crimethink. Is Rosh Hashanah over already?

You are funny. Please do notice I gave credit to William Pierce earlier. Duke is no Pierce.

26th September 2014, 02:55 AM
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Jewish newspaper surprisingly publishes views of "anti-Semitic" Senatorial candidate

In a rather surprising move, one of the most established and respected Jewish newspapers in America, The Jewish Daily Forward, has published an interview with Robert Ransdell, the heroic Kentucky Senatorial candidate whose campaign slogan unabashedly states: "With Jews We Lose."

“With Jews We Lose”? No, this isn’t a poster from Nazi Germany. It’s a campaign placard currently on view in Kentucky, where write-in candidate Robert Ransdell is running for U.S. Senate. His party, The White Guard, “seeks to show White people the facts regarding the Jewish role in America’s decline as well as highlight the destructive effects that multiculturalism, diversity, and political correctness have had on this country.” (He details his whole platform in this incredibly rambly video.)

We here at the “Jew Media,” as Ransdell calls it, had a few questions about his views. And so we emailed him. To our surprise, he answered back. Highlights of the interview, which has been edited for style and length, include: his belief that Christian Zionists should relocate to Israel, that no Jews are white, and that there’s only one group out there more arrogant than members of the tribe.

Ladies and gentlemen, Robert Ransdell in his own words:

1) Nowadays, many American Jews consider themselves white. Why don’t you share that view?

I don’t share that view because Jews themselves don’t share that view, it is absurd and a fantasy that Jews in America do not make a distinction between Jews and Whites, I won’t even bother quoting the numerous statements made by Jews, past and present, that affirm this fact. Most Whites falsely see Jews as White because they are never given an in depth and accurate portrayal of Jewish solidarity, unity, and identity which would go to show, again through the actions and statements of Jews, through the prolific number of Jewish interests organizations, that Jews regard themselves as what they are, a separate group.

2) You propose to end all aid to Israel. What would you say to white Christian Zionists who lobby in favor of continued support?

Anyone, whether they be Jews or non-Jews, who support a foreign nation over America should be encouraged to leave this nation and take up residence there, whether it be Israel or any other nation. Most Jews put the interests of Israel over America due to racial and religious loyalty to their fellow Jews. Religious conviction leads Christian Zionists to support Israel, except that is for the leaders of this group of people, people like John Hagee, who do it for personal gain. I am not anti-Christian, but those Christians who put Israel over America due to their religious beliefs also are not people that should stay in America, they should relocate to Israel, if the Jews there will have them.

3) The FAQ page on your website shows concern with “increased black-on-white violence” in America. What, then, do you make of the events in Ferguson over the summer?

The riots in Missouri are just another example of the failed experiment of “racial diversity” and failed notion of racial “equality”. The riots themselves were largely incited by the media, controlled by Jewish interests. The riots were the product of decades of appeasement and compromise with regard to Blacks in America. Blacks in America have achieved a level of arrogance that I once thought was only reserved for Jews, many now believe that they can do whatever they want, commit crimes of violence as the Black man shot dead in this case did and that Whites are to simply accommodate them, the concept of owning up to taking responsibility for their actions is almost non-existent to them.

4) Have you personally had any negative interactions with Jews?

I had no negative interactions with Jews before becoming aware of the role organized Jewry has had in the decline of America and the Western world, also their role historically in so many destructive events and programs through history, specifically the last 120 years, although it goes back much further than that. These days my interactions with Jews are pretty negative seeing as I am one of the few who speak out publicly against Jewish supremacy in America and the world today. My disgust for Jews does not stem from any bad experiences with them personally rather I am concerned about my people, White people, and the negative effects Jewish power and control over their world has had on them.


In my view, Robert excellently addressed these questions. What he is doing with his campaign, and the firm, bold stances and perspectives he is openly championing, is exactly what America needs today.

People need to be confronted with the truth for once. They need to be exposed to these ideas. And Robert is doing just that: he is telling the truth about some of the most important issues facing America and the world. Finally, someone is addressing the Jewish Problem head on, and is getting tons of media coverage. This is a major step in the right direction, in my opinion. Until we address the subversive, destructive, parasitic nature of international Jewry, and their death grip on America - organized Jewry and Jewish criminals have a lock on our banking system, our politics, our government, our media, many of our major corporations, and other important sectors of American society (Hollywood and academia, for example) - we will never get anywhere. We will never adequately address, let alone solve, any of the problems facing our world today unless and until we confront the Jewish influence upon and control over our country, a fact Robert appears to fully understand.

For those of you who tune in to The Realist Report (and I hope you all do!), Robert will be my special guest this coming Tuesday morning. The program will begin at 8am Pacific time on Outside Radio. As always, I will post a brief description of the program along with relevant links and, of course, the MP3 file shortly after the program ends. Stay tuned!

26th September 2014, 02:57 AM
Robert Ransdell

People like Duke need to step aside for youngers like Ransdell. Provided there are no photos of Ransdell in Halloween costumes, he's exactly what we need.

26th September 2014, 03:08 AM
I deal in facts, not fantasy.

I do not comment to make me popular. I comment to expose the truth.

Posting material from admitted liars is not beneficial.

Posting material from proven liars is not beneficial.

I am unsure, really, why you find material from liars "interesting."

David Duke as "advocate for liberty" is in the realm of fantasy. Duff or Adams? I wish they were just benign fantasy.

You full of your own self importance , around here we dont need to be told who to listen too,we listen to information from a lot of sources.........

what are your sources ,you havnt really come to the party on that one

we shouldnt listen to this guy or that but we should listen to crime thought who has been here for 2 weeks ....hahahah ........are you some kind of nut

26th September 2014, 03:19 AM
You full of your own self importance , around here we dont need to be told who to listen too,we listen to information from a lot of sources.........

Not telling anyone what to think. Just telling them the facts. Those who present facts, I praise. Those who present lies - especially admittedly so - I condemn.

what are your sources ,you havnt really come to the party on that one

Original sources are best. Preferably not ones that say "buy my product" alongside dire warnings of immediately impending apocalypse.

we shouldnt listen to this guy or that but we should listen to crime thought who has been here for 2 weeks ....

Here 2 weeks...online for a long, long time, involved in the facts of reality since my beginning.

hahahah ........are you some kind of nut

LOL - no, not me. I don't think "nuclear demolitions" brought down the Twin Towers. Man, now that is nuts.

BIG HUG, Serpo! OO)~