View Full Version : The ultimate SHTF vehicle.

26th September 2014, 12:30 PM
I dare you to find a more bad ass bugout RV ever made. All systems run on diesel, stove, heat, AC, etc. Completely off the grid and will take you anywhere.

$400,000 though. But, $400,000 will only buy you a shitty house out here in CA, or a nice but lame apartment. Personally, I'd much rather live in this thing and have the whole world as your backyard.


General of Darkness
26th September 2014, 01:00 PM
Love it, but at 7 - 7.5 MPG, no thanks.

26th September 2014, 01:04 PM
Love it, but at 7 - 7.5 MPG, no thanks.

Well, big horses eat a lot of hay. I get 10 mpg with my current rig.

General of Darkness
26th September 2014, 01:28 PM
Well, big horses eat a lot of hay. I get 10 mpg with my current rig.

Pete, I've spent around 12K upgrading on my Cummins 2500 that WILL get 24 mpg when I stay below 2K RPM, and the only reason is to be able to get out of dodge, no pun intending, WTSHTF or more accurately WTSHTF stabilizes and I've determined that I HAVE TO LEAVE, pandemic, violence, NO WATER etc. I've got routes, mean scarey dogs, guns etc, but now I'm in someone elses back yard so it creates another set of circumstances. Personally I think people that live in big cities people need to be prepared to get somewhere where there's water that's at least 600+ miles from the place they're bugging out from. On a full tank I can do that, and I've got four 5 gallon tanks I can fill up that get's me out to 1,000 miles if I need too.

What I really want to do is take this old jetski trailer I have because it's short and narrow and convert it into a off trailer and it's pretty easy to do. I can flip the axle, and do other things in 1/2 a day, also also get a spray gun so if I had too, I could tape up my windows and spray my entire truck mat black within an hour. Because stealth will be the key in TSHTF because that vehicle, while cool as shit, it's a big ass target if someone see's it.

But honestly I don't know but I doubt we'll ever get to that point. But then again I never thought a gay muslim would be president.

26th September 2014, 01:43 PM
I hear ya General. I never thought we'd have a gay muslim president either.

But. That beast may only get 7 mpg, but it has a 250 gallon tank. Drop a grand and fill that beast up, then you could go over a 1000 miles to bugout if you needed, with fuel to spare for heat, cooking, etc. Plus, you are taking your HOME with you.

Rich man's dream, imo. I learned most vehicles have tanks to go around 360 miles. You can predict the gas mileage of your vehicle, by the size of the gas tank. As predicted, my 36 gallon tank will take me 360 miles.

Here's another option, pretty cool from Europe. I really like the interior layout of this one.


26th September 2014, 06:00 PM
Zombie magnet

26th September 2014, 06:21 PM
Four hundred G's IS the ultimate bugout vehicle even without the truck.

26th September 2014, 06:25 PM
The best would be able to hide in plan sight and be ignored!

Beauty is only eye candy, its what is inside that counts!

26th September 2014, 06:39 PM
How many of you folks live in homes worth 4 hundred g's?

That's what this is, a home, that you can take with you and battle the zombies with....

Park it in a fucking ditch if you want to be ignored.

General of Darkness
26th September 2014, 07:21 PM
How many of you folks live in homes worth 4 hundred g's?

That's what this is, a home, that you can take with you and battle the zombies with....

Park it in a fucking ditch if you want to be ignored.

Actually mine is about 750G's with 8500 square feet of land and a pool, a garage to house my tools etc.

26th September 2014, 07:30 PM
High center of gravity means easily dumped on its side. And rendered useless.

26th September 2014, 07:35 PM
High center of gravity means easily dumped on its side. And rendered useless.

Wide stance track would off set h/g to a point. Ideal is to shift the c/g as low as it could go.

As far as the theme of the thread goes, anything that is a attention getter is a target.

The best ideal is not attract attention or stand out, unless you are the only one on the road, then all bets are off.

26th September 2014, 07:45 PM
High center of gravity means easily dumped on its side. And rendered useless.

Fuckin know it all. Ever seen a unimog in action?

26th September 2014, 08:04 PM
Fuckin know it all. Ever seen a unimog in action?


26th September 2014, 08:36 PM
You can roll anything if you are stupid enough. A 45 degree side hill will roll almost anything

26th September 2014, 08:41 PM
You can roll anything if you are stupid enough. A 45 degree side hill will roll almost anything

The RV version is almost 50% taller on the same chassis than the one in my video.

26th September 2014, 08:54 PM
My point is to know how to drive. A unimog is a very capable off road vehicle. Yeah you don't want to be side hilling that thing, and obviously it will roll easier than a lower profile vehicle. Those things are chase vehicles for paris to dakar and similar. You dismissed it like it would roll the first time it went offroad.

26th September 2014, 08:59 PM

Apparently this 1980 version can do a 40 degree side hill. The model you showed was an ancient one. I'm too lazy to see what new ones do.

26th September 2014, 09:10 PM
Some angles of attack are good to drive depending on what is being driven, stance and c/g depends on the setup. Anything pushed past the individual limit is a byby roll.

Same models of the same make , if setup is right will/may succeed and others not setup the same to lower the c/g will not!

26th September 2014, 09:21 PM
The wrangler forums community seems to think 40 degrees is the max side hill for a jeep. A 2014 unimog is rated for 42. The heavy drive train and tires keep the COG low. Point being that "know it all" dismisses a very capable vehicle.

General of Darkness
26th September 2014, 09:26 PM
The wrangler forums community seems to think 40 degrees is the max side hill for a jeep. A 2014 unimog is rated for 42. The heavy drive train and tires keep the COG low. Point being that "know it all" dismisses a very capable vehicle.

Do they also say when you need that extra 2 degrees pay the extra $380,000

26th September 2014, 09:43 PM
Do they also say when you need that extra 2 degrees pay the extra $380,000

I don't think you can live in a Jeep.

27th September 2014, 12:27 AM
Point being that "know it all" dismisses a very capable vehicle.


27th September 2014, 03:30 AM
Actually mine is about 750G's with 8500 square feet of land and a pool, a garage to house my tools etc.

To put things in perspective, $700/$750G's in NC (I know it's not California but) will get you a nice 3,000+ sq ft home with great old barns, your own lake/pond, a well, on a 150 acres...that's 6,534,000 square feet of property.
I don't think you'll be able to hear your neighbors fart on that size spread.

I have a carpenter friend that lives in South Pasadena, bought his home (crammed in a neighborhood, nothing special) in the late 90's for about $220,000. The value (if you want to call it value) went to $1.8 million. Talk about hitting the lottery.
That's fine if you're knocking down a 7 figure income and need to be near LA. I think some people lose sight of what that buys elsewhere.

If the drought goes on for another decade and people have to flee CA, his lottery ticket will be worthless, moose poop.
Frankly, I'm amazed people are still flocking to CA with all it's problems. A sanctuary state for illegal's, pollution, drought, fires, fucked up laws, traffic and the odd chance of the big quake. Outside of that, CA is great!

27th September 2014, 04:04 AM
To put things in perspective, $700/$750G's in NC (I know it's not California but) will get you a nice 3,000+ sq ft home with great old barns, your own lake/pond, a well, on a 150 acres...that's 6,534,000 square feet of property.
I don't think you'll be able to hear your neighbors fart on that size spread.
Makes you wonder why someone hangs out in California waiting for a certain SHTF...

27th September 2014, 04:33 AM
Makes you wonder why someone hangs out in California waiting for a certain SHTF...

Because they love their job, all the beautiful people there, all the choices available to spend your money, restaurants etc., great weather?

It's not all bad in CA. I miss things about it. I liked riding my motorcycle through the canyons...a Sunday morning ride through Santiago Canyon to Cook's Corner to meet some friends, or up to Neptune's in Ventura, or the Ortega Hwy. to Hell's Kitchen, or the Rock Store in the Malibu Canyon...loved riding the coast too.
I miss some of my favorite restaurants for Greek (Christakis in Tustin), Spanish/Cuban, Mexican.

Most of the time I spent in CA was great, loved it...it only got shitty working there after the 2008/09 crash.
I couldn't retire there and it was just time to go.

mick silver
27th September 2014, 09:00 AM
if shit happen to fall apart in this country your going no were . if you not there then get there already because you are not driving though my little part of the world and camping out and eating my food . and theirs many many more like me were I am at

27th September 2014, 09:22 AM
if shit happen to fall apart in this country your going no were . if you not there then get there already because you are not driving though my little part of the world and camping out and eating my food . and theirs many many more like me were I am at

Roughly 30% of this country is BLM land, not owned by you or anyone. As it stands today, we can camp on any of it. With an off the grid expedition RV loaded with 6 months worth of food. Good luck finding me.

28th September 2014, 05:23 AM
Roughly 30% of this country is BLM land, not owned by you or anyone. As it stands today, we can camp on any of it. With an off the grid expedition RV loaded with 6 months worth of food. Good luck finding me.
You'll stick out like a sore thumb. Tuna on legs! :) When will it be delivered to you?

mick silver
28th September 2014, 07:10 AM
just how are you going to get there when the citys will look like parking lots

28th September 2014, 07:53 AM
When will it be delivered to you?

20 years from now when I retire? :) Either that, or if silver gets up to $1000 an ounce, which ever comes first.

Mick's right though, I think to do this you'd need a nice piece of land to bug out too, before SHTF. Have a water source secured, 1000 gallon diesel tank, big garage full of supplies, solar, etc.

Nice way to retire though. Drive around exploring, but if things get dicey, head to the bugout land.

At the RV show they've got huge motorcoaches that are like 5 star hotels that cost as much as this expedition vehicle. "snowbirds" retire in them. Really comfortable, but very limited, and stuck driving on the pavement plugging into boring RV parks. I don't know why more folks don't take the more adventurous route and get one of these.

mick silver
28th September 2014, 07:56 AM
land is cheaper then those bug out trucks , one has to ask what do I need to be able to live . for the cost of one of those trucks I can have 200 are more ac of land and a bunker and tractors and still have silver in the coffee can

28th September 2014, 08:17 AM
land is cheaper then those bug out trucks , one has to ask what do I need to be able to live . for the cost of one of those trucks I can have 200 are more ac of land and a bunker and tractors and still have silver in the coffee can

Yeah, get the land first is the wise thing to do. I've been really wanting to get some land some place safe, no buildings, just the land and start building it up off the grid. My current RV is fine. I'm waiting for the real estate market to take a dump again, like in 2008. Everything out here is way over priced right now. I like to check out landwatch to get ideas and prices.

28th September 2014, 08:19 AM
The ultimate SHTF vehicle: your feet.

28th September 2014, 02:23 PM
Yeah, get the land first is the wise thing to do. I've been really wanting to get some land some place safe, no buildings, just the land and start building it up off the grid. My current RV is fine. I'm waiting for the real estate market to take a dump again, like in 2008. Everything out here is way over priced right now. I like to check out landwatch to get ideas and prices.

You'd better get on it if you want to buy raw land and make it long term self sustaining. I bought 10 acres of river bottom land with a new house and it has taken me 10 years and a lot of work and money to make it somewhat self sufficient. BTW making a lot of apple cider today from my apple trees...

28th September 2014, 02:26 PM
if shit happen to fall apart in this country your going no were . if you not there then get there already because you are not driving though my little part of the world and camping out and eating my food . and theirs many many more like me were I am at

Many of my neighbors expect the worst and have the same attitude as well.

28th September 2014, 03:38 PM
You'd better get on it if you want to buy raw land and make it long term self sustaining. I bought 10 acres of river bottom land with a new house and it has taken me 10 years and a lot of work and money to make it somewhat self sufficient. BTW making a lot of apple cider today from my apple trees...
Spot on! I'm six years into mine and I'm getting there, sure you can make it faster, or you can buy something ready, but it does take time!

mick silver
28th September 2014, 06:34 PM
we all have talk about this coming , folks get out an look for land it still a deal today . there states were land can be had for under 1000.00 a ac it there I see it . and some time I see old homes on it , they need lots of work but you could live there an work on it . the first land I got and still have was no rose garden it took work . I started with 65 ac of dirt and added to that when I could . I started over 30 years ago I never thought I would be were I am today

mick silver
28th September 2014, 06:43 PM
your right but I know that land around me been there walk it know it could live off it but I been on it your right B L M is ever were but the folks that live around it know it and what it could give you to live off of it
Roughly 30% of this country is BLM land, not owned by you or anyone. As it stands today, we can camp on any of it. With an off the grid expedition RV loaded with 6 months worth of food. Good luck finding me.