View Full Version : Ultra-Orthodox Jews cause chaos on flight to Israel

26th September 2014, 04:01 PM
You or I cause chaos on an airline and see what happens
When Jews do it, they are tolerated and not charged with a federal crime, or any crime.
The other people on the flight should have opened the escape door and shoved these Jews out on their heads.

Interfering With a Crew member

Actions that don’t rise to the level of a physical assault (or the threat of an assault) can nonetheless dangerously affect the ability of the crew to keep the plane flying safely. Accordingly, the FAA can impose civil penalties (fines) for interfering with a crewmember who is performing official duties aboard an aircraft that is being operated. Almost any offensive or disruptive behavior that distracts the crew can be considered interference, such as:

physically blocking a flight attendant from walking down the aisle or out of the galley
disobeying repeated requests to sit down, return to your seat, or turn off an electronic device
making threats to hurt a flight attendant, a pilot, or anyone else on the airplane, and
from the ground, shining a laser beam into a cockpit.(14 C.F.R. §§ 91.11, 121.580, 135.120.)

Any time you disobey a crew member’s instructions, you run the risk of violating federal law. But civil penalties and criminal prosecutions usually result only when passengers repeatedly ignore, argue with, or disobey flight attendants; or when they act out in a way that is dangerous.

The maximum civil penalty for interfering with a crew member is a fine of up to $25,000. (49 U.S.C. § 46318.)

Ultra-Orthodox Jews cause chaos on flight to Israel

Flight delayed for hours because of demand to segregate men and women
The group of Ultra-Orthodox Jews wanted the plane to be gender segregated

By David Millward, US Correspondent

4:29PM BST 25 Sep 2014

An El-Al flight from New York to Tel Aviv was turned into an “11-hour nightmare” after hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jewish passengers refused to sit next to women.

According to those on board the flight descended into chaos because of their demands.

The flight was full with Israelis, secular, orthodox and ultra-Orthodox Jews – known as Haredim – flying home to celebrate Rosh Hashanah.

Even though the passengers had been pre-assigned seats before boarding, the ultra-Orthodox Jews refused to accept the arrangements because their beliefs required that men and women were segregated.

As the aircraft prepared to take off, the haredi men, distinguishable by their black suits and in many cases wide-brimmed black hats, stood in the aisles rather than sit down, delaying the departure.

Others on board told ynetnews.com of their frustration, which was shared by the pilot who pleaded for everyone to sit down.

"People stood in the aisles and refused to go forward," said Amit Ben-Natan, a passenger on the flight

"Although everyone had tickets with seat numbers that they purchased in advance, they asked us to trade seats with them, and even offered to pay money, since they cannot sit next to a woman.

“It was obvious that the plane won't take off as long as they keep standing in the aisles."

The flight took off after the haredim agreed to take their places to permit departure, before the chaos resumed once the seat belt signs were switched off.

One passenger described the entire experience as an 11-hour nightmare.

"El Al does everything it can to give its passengers the best possible service year-round,” an airline spokesman said.

“These days bring with them a peak in air traffic to Israel, and our crews on the ground and in the air are doing the best they can to address the needs and requests of all our travellers while trying not to fall behind schedule.”

26th September 2014, 04:13 PM
https://o.twimg.com/2/proxy.jpg?t=HBhhaHR0cDovL2kuZGFpbHltYWlsLmNvLnVrL2 kvcGl4LzIwMTMvMDQvMTEvYXJ0aWNsZS0yMzA3NzEzLTE5M0U0 RTlCMDAwMDA1REMtNDQyXzEwMjR4NjE1X2xhcmdlLmpwZxTABx TABAAWABIA&s=cFlVr1BslKZ56TUivQXJD2QPQ-o651DWGqJArmL6h2I
Orthodox Jewish man photographed covering himself in plastic bag during flight because faith forbids him to fly over cemeteries

26th September 2014, 06:01 PM
Did he die for lack of air?.......that would be soooooooo funny.