View Full Version : Immigration News Today: US Mayors Agree to 'Support and Welcome' Refugee Central Ame

General of Darkness
3rd October 2014, 07:45 AM
No surprises for me.

Here's who signed.


Mayor Kasim Reed
City of Atlanta, Georgia Mayor Martin J. Walsh
City of Boston, Massachusetts

Mayor Rahm Emanuel
City of Chicago, Illinois
Mayor Stephen K. Benjamin
City of Columbia, South Carolina
Mayor Michael B. Hancock
City of Denver, Colorado
Mayor Eric Garcetti
City of Los Angeles, California
County Executive Isiah Leggett
Montgomery County, Maryland

Mayor Michael A. Nutter
City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mayor William Peduto
City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Mayor Daniel L. Bianchi
City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Mayor Edward B. Murray
City of Seattle, Washington
Mayor Francis G. Slay
City of St. Louis, Missouri
Mayor Jonathan Rothschild
City of Tucson, Arizona

Here's the letter.


Here's the story to it.
