View Full Version : G-S.us Gold Silver sentiment - Sign of a Market Bottom ?

3rd October 2014, 01:01 PM
I sense that some of our members are not super-enthusiastic at the chance to buy precious metals at current prices.

That is not a criticism. But it is interesting.

Given that this is Gold-Silver.us, with the good honest old-fashioned streak of Honesty about Jewish history, if you guys are in some ways questioning Precious metals as a store of value, it is as good a sign as any of a market bottom.

They talk about 'capitulation', everybody giving up.

To use the term sometimes used by business reports (they use the term sentiment), is it accurate to say that sentiment is lower than ever ?

I remember in October 2008, when the prices hit their lows of $681/$8.30 (check out the associated ratio, 82). Back then, people were buying but Precious Metals were hard to get. You could get a 1000 ounce silver bar, and that was about it on Silver.

I am pretty sure that 'sentiment' about PM's was better then, that it is now.

Maybe we should rent our Brain Trust out to some industry bigwig like Jeff Christian. Maybe he could use us as a focus group, for which we would ask to be paid of course.

Celtic Rogue
3rd October 2014, 01:26 PM
I am in for the duration... until silver hits $100-300 range... then I may sell some and buy land... but it looks like the strong hands are trying to shake the metals from the weak hands before the exponential growth in metals prices! I still am ahead of the game but we are getting real close to no growth for me. Besides... whats the alternative? FRN's? No thanks!

General of Darkness
3rd October 2014, 01:32 PM
You selling? I'll buy at 15 bucks an ounce.

I think most members aren't super rich and buy when they can, but we've got some trying times coming. And I didn't have a bad feeling of this Obongo/Ebola virus, but now I am.

I do apologize and don't mean to hijack your threat but this is what could happen, and this is from my perspective because I'm in sales.

1 - By the Monday there's cases in L.A.
2 - They fuck up, just as planned
3 - People get scared
4 - This is where it gets fucked up, people stop going to work
5 - Once that happens the system died financially - No orders get taken, processed, shipped, billed etc etc etc

I really want to learn how to make silver bullets just for the fuck of it.

This isn't DOOM yet, but it can happen quickly, and I have a very bad feeling it will. Too many jews in the woodpile pushing this too happen.

But I should be worried about silver? Maybe I'm just not in the know.

3rd October 2014, 01:45 PM
If ebola was such a threat, would the stock market be rising like it is?
The Jews have their finger on the pulse of everything...nothing happens without them causing it, or knowing about it.

A real pandemic has the potential to crash the global economy...this is not a real pandemic imo.
All the deaths being reported are in Africa of people in poor health and in hospitals that are just deplorable and filthy.

General of Darkness
3rd October 2014, 01:53 PM
If ebola was such a threat, would the stock market be rising like it is?
The Jews have their finger on the pulse of everything...nothing happens without them causing it, or knowing about it.

A real pandemic has the potential to crash the global economy...this is not a real pandemic imo.
All the deaths being reported are in Africa of people in poor health and in hospitals that are just deplorable and filthy.

Oh there's nothing to worry about EE regarding Ebola, get the fuck out of here.

--- Numbers for the USA starting with patient 0 in Texas

Sep, 2014 - Infected: 3 Dead: 2 ROI: 3.47
Oct, 2014 - Infected: 12 Dead: 8 ROI: 3.47
Nov, 2014 - Infected: 42 Dead: 29 ROI: 3.47
Dec, 2014 - Infected: 145 Dead: 101 ROI: 3.47
Jan, 2015 - Infected: 503 Dead: 352 ROI: 3.47
Feb, 2015 - Infected: 1,746 Dead: 1,222 ROI: 3.47
Mar, 2015 - Infected: 6,058 Dead: 4,240 ROI: 3.47
Apr, 2015 - Infected: 21,020 Dead: 14,714 ROI: 3.47
May, 2015 - Infected: 72,940 Dead: 51,058 ROI: 3.47
Jun, 2015 - Infected: 253,102 Dead: 177,171 ROI: 3.47
Jul, 2015 - Infected: 878,262 Dead: 614,784 ROI: 3.47
Aug, 2015 - Infected: 3,047,570 Dead: 2,133,299 ROI: 3.47
Sep, 2015 - Infected: 10,575,068 Dead: 7,402,548 ROI: 3.47
Oct, 2015 - Infected: 36,695,486 Dead: 25,686,840 ROI: 3.47
Nov, 2015 - Infected: 127,333,337 Dead: 89,133,336 ROI: 3.47

This assumes he at least infected 3 in September which is very realistic at the higher R0 of 3.47

If it's 2.60
Sep, 2014 - Infected: 3 Dead: 2 ROI: 2.6
Oct, 2014 - Infected: 7 Dead: 5 ROI: 2.6
Nov, 2014 - Infected: 18 Dead: 12 ROI: 2.6
Dec, 2014 - Infected: 46 Dead: 32 ROI: 2.6
Jan, 2015 - Infected: 119 Dead: 83 ROI: 2.6
Feb, 2015 - Infected: 309 Dead: 216 ROI: 2.6
Mar, 2015 - Infected: 803 Dead: 562 ROI: 2.6
Apr, 2015 - Infected: 2,088 Dead: 1,462 ROI: 2.6
May, 2015 - Infected: 5,430 Dead: 3,801 ROI: 2.6
Jun, 2015 - Infected: 14,117 Dead: 9,882 ROI: 2.6
Jul, 2015 - Infected: 36,703 Dead: 25,692 ROI: 2.6
Aug, 2015 - Infected: 95,429 Dead: 66,800 ROI: 2.6
Sep, 2015 - Infected: 248,115 Dead: 173,681 ROI: 2.6
Oct, 2015 - Infected: 645,100 Dead: 451,570 ROI: 2.6
Nov, 2015 - Infected: 1,677,259 Dead: 1,174,082 ROI: 2.6
Dec, 2015 - Infected: 4,360,874 Dead: 3,052,612 ROI: 2.6
Jan, 2016 - Infected: 11,338,273 Dead: 7,936,791 ROI: 2.6
Feb, 2016 - Infected: 29,479,510 Dead: 20,635,657 ROI: 2.6
Mar, 2016 - Infected: 76,646,727 Dead: 53,652,709 ROI: 2.6
Apr, 2016 - Infected: 199,281,489 Dead: 139,497,042 ROI: 2.6

3rd October 2014, 01:56 PM
If ebola was such a threat, would the stock market be rising like it is?
The Jews have their finger on the pulse of everything...nothing happens without them causing it, or knowing about it.

A real pandemic has the potential to crash the global economy...this is not a real pandemic imo.
All the deaths being reported are in Africa of people in poor health and in hospitals that are just deplorable and filthy.

In the absence of market-moving news, I wonder if we can see the effect of them applying and then removing their Working Markets Assets Group (aka Plunge Protection Team). At then end of many trading days, the stock market drops off in the last 5 or 10 minutes, VERY steep curve.

I think what we may be seeing is the PPT starting a late lunch, or an early martini hour - or both - it is 4 PM Eastern time.

You selling? I'll buy at 15 bucks an ounce.

I think most members aren't super rich and buy when they can, but we've got some trying times coming. And I didn't have a bad feeling of this Obongo/Ebola virus, but now I am.

I do apologize and don't mean to hijack your threat but this is what could happen, and this is from my perspective because I'm in sales.

1 - By the Monday there's cases in L.A.
2 - They fuck up, just as planned
3 - People get scared
4 - This is where it gets fucked up, people stop going to work
5 - Once that happens the system died financially - No orders get taken, processed, shipped, billed etc etc etc

I really want to learn how to make silver bullets just for the fuck of it.

This isn't DOOM yet, but it can happen quickly, and I have a very bad feeling it will. Too many jews in the woodpile pushing this too happen.

But I should be worried about silver? Maybe I'm just not in the know.

I agree about Ebola. We are witnessing an exponential growth rate.

I think that we will see cases trickling in, until it's up to about 5. If they are clustered in one area, quarantine time - roadblocks with medical inspectors etc.

TOTAL fvck-up to the stock markets.

I am in for the duration... until silver hits $100-300 range... then I may sell some and buy land... but it looks like the strong hands are trying to shake the metals from the weak hands before the exponential growth in metals prices! I still am ahead of the game but we are getting real close to no growth for me. Besides... whats the alternative? FRN's? No thanks!

what, no boating accident ? :)

3rd October 2014, 02:12 PM
There are many things that can take the stock market down. It is up because people have CONfidence. They are CONNED. Most of that money in stocks must be retirement funds. Once the jitters begin, people will start moving over to cash lickity split. Right now they are sleeping goats.

Since we are in a global economic disaster- picture standing in a locked room and 5 hand grenades were thrown into the room without pins- we are about to see an unavoidable multi-level, multi-texture, multi-color economic collapse. The waves of scared money will be flying like bat guano at the mouth of a cave that was just firebombed.

Ebola is just the sweet icing on the cake. It will pop some of the biggest bubbles, first by fear- shutting down activity, and then by depopulation- eliminating the work engine and the consumer in devious ways.

Silver.... hmmm... better than crappy paper.

3rd October 2014, 02:18 PM
Oh there's nothing to worry about EE regarding Ebola, get the fuck out of here.

--- Numbers for the USA starting with patient 0 in Texas

Sep, 2014 - Infected: 3 Dead: 2 ROI: 3.47
Oct, 2014 - Infected: 12 Dead: 8 ROI: 3.47
Nov, 2014 - Infected: 42 Dead: 29 ROI: 3.47
Dec, 2014 - Infected: 145 Dead: 101 ROI: 3.47
Jan, 2015 - Infected: 503 Dead: 352 ROI: 3.47
Feb, 2015 - Infected: 1,746 Dead: 1,222 ROI: 3.47
Mar, 2015 - Infected: 6,058 Dead: 4,240 ROI: 3.47
Apr, 2015 - Infected: 21,020 Dead: 14,714 ROI: 3.47
May, 2015 - Infected: 72,940 Dead: 51,058 ROI: 3.47
Jun, 2015 - Infected: 253,102 Dead: 177,171 ROI: 3.47
Jul, 2015 - Infected: 878,262 Dead: 614,784 ROI: 3.47
Aug, 2015 - Infected: 3,047,570 Dead: 2,133,299 ROI: 3.47
Sep, 2015 - Infected: 10,575,068 Dead: 7,402,548 ROI: 3.47
Oct, 2015 - Infected: 36,695,486 Dead: 25,686,840 ROI: 3.47
Nov, 2015 - Infected: 127,333,337 Dead: 89,133,336 ROI: 3.47

This assumes he at least infected 3 in September which is very realistic at the higher R0 of 3.47

If it's 2.60
Sep, 2014 - Infected: 3 Dead: 2 ROI: 2.6
Oct, 2014 - Infected: 7 Dead: 5 ROI: 2.6
Nov, 2014 - Infected: 18 Dead: 12 ROI: 2.6
Dec, 2014 - Infected: 46 Dead: 32 ROI: 2.6
Jan, 2015 - Infected: 119 Dead: 83 ROI: 2.6
Feb, 2015 - Infected: 309 Dead: 216 ROI: 2.6
Mar, 2015 - Infected: 803 Dead: 562 ROI: 2.6
Apr, 2015 - Infected: 2,088 Dead: 1,462 ROI: 2.6
May, 2015 - Infected: 5,430 Dead: 3,801 ROI: 2.6
Jun, 2015 - Infected: 14,117 Dead: 9,882 ROI: 2.6
Jul, 2015 - Infected: 36,703 Dead: 25,692 ROI: 2.6
Aug, 2015 - Infected: 95,429 Dead: 66,800 ROI: 2.6
Sep, 2015 - Infected: 248,115 Dead: 173,681 ROI: 2.6
Oct, 2015 - Infected: 645,100 Dead: 451,570 ROI: 2.6
Nov, 2015 - Infected: 1,677,259 Dead: 1,174,082 ROI: 2.6
Dec, 2015 - Infected: 4,360,874 Dead: 3,052,612 ROI: 2.6
Jan, 2016 - Infected: 11,338,273 Dead: 7,936,791 ROI: 2.6
Feb, 2016 - Infected: 29,479,510 Dead: 20,635,657 ROI: 2.6
Mar, 2016 - Infected: 76,646,727 Dead: 53,652,709 ROI: 2.6
Apr, 2016 - Infected: 199,281,489 Dead: 139,497,042 ROI: 2.6

How many have died in the US?
Do you know on average 36,000 people die from the flu each year in the US?
Is anyone panicking about the flu?

3rd October 2014, 02:24 PM
How many have died in the US?
Do you know on average 36,000 people die from the flu each year in the US?
Is anyone panicking about the flu?

Flu is a gentle lamb compared with ebola. We can see ebola mutate to be as aggressive- contagious- as the flu. If that happens we are talking about more than 36 million dying next year. It is not the history we can look at for future events.

Let's say you take up skydiving and keep forgetting to pull your ripcord in training. You get so caught up with the thrill that you freeze up. Your instructor says you can't free fall. Your answer- more people get killed in car accidents than parachuting. And you had two car accidents last year. You claim your risk is less skydiving.

The start of any new thing cannot be assessed by historical events.

3rd October 2014, 02:29 PM
back to silver: morgans and peace dollars are still at $21+ EVERYWHERE. this being with spot at $16.86.

3rd October 2014, 02:39 PM
Flu is a gentle lamb compared with ebola. We can see ebola mutate to be as aggressive- contagious- as the flu. If that happens we are talking about more than 36 million dying next year. It is not the history we can look at for future events.

Let's say you take up skydiving and keep forgetting to pull your ripcord in training. You get so caught up with the thrill that you freeze up. Your instructor says you can't free fall. Your answer- more people get killed in car accidents than parachuting. And you had two car accidents last year. You claim your risk is less skydiving.

The start of any new thing cannot be assessed by historical events.

So at this time it is only a threat, just like all the other threats we've been through that never materialized.
That's not to say the CDC shouldn't take precautions. They should.
I'm just not being bothered by it at this time. Been down this road before.

General of Darkness
3rd October 2014, 02:50 PM
How many have died in the US?
Do you know on average 36,000 people die from the flu each year in the US?
Is anyone panicking about the flu?

Apples and oranges shit bird. Apples and oranges and you fucking know it. If I'm wrong I'll eat crow, but just because I think you're a cunt you don't need to be a lying jew.

3rd October 2014, 02:58 PM
Apples and oranges shit bird. Apples and oranges and you fucking know it. If I'm wrong I'll eat crow, but just because I think you're a cunt you don't need to be a lying jew.

What doom are we going to fear next week or next month?

How many times must you be played the fool, before you don't bite on their shit anymore?

Get back to me when you have some serious death numbers to report...or the next round of fear.

Do you ever feel like you're being herded into a small corral?
Do you hear the buzzing sound of the sheers?

3rd October 2014, 03:05 PM
We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Remember those bloviating words? Millions of people were shortly snuffed into eternal hell. But for a devil that is brain dead, that is nothing to fear. FDR sold America out because he was a fearful man and did not have the courage or vision to do what is right.

And so it has been with Amerika since then.

3rd October 2014, 03:07 PM
How many have died in the US?
Do you know on average 36,000 people die from the flu each year in the US?
Is anyone panicking about the flu?

The flu does not have a mortality rate of 70% - 90%.

General of Darkness
3rd October 2014, 03:08 PM
What doom are we going to fear next week or next month?

How many times must you be played the fool, before you don't bite on their shit anymore?

Get back to me when you have some serious death numbers to report...or the next round of fear.

Will do. I already said I'll eat crow if I'm wrong, the only difference is that when it comes to reality I'll never be a cunt like you, and you know it.

3rd October 2014, 03:09 PM
back to silver: morgans and peace dollars are still at $21+ EVERYWHERE. this being with spot at $16.86.

Physical market vs. fake electronic silver market.

3rd October 2014, 03:13 PM
Here's my take.

A. Everyone believes the economy is doing well, or it actually is. No problem. I can get a job, and I will do well.
B. This is a con. The economy is about to dump. Metals will shoot up. In that case, if I can keep my job, I am doing fine also.

3rd October 2014, 03:14 PM
The flu does not have a mortality rate of 70% - 90%.

and death has a mortality rate of 100% I'm not buying your numbers in the US, maybe a filthy shithole in Africa with people in poor health are fucking each other like rabbits, spreading diseases like HIV that weakens their immune systems.

3rd October 2014, 03:16 PM
Will do. I already said I'll eat crow if I'm wrong, the only difference is that when it comes to reality I'll never be a cunt like you, and you know it.

I wouldn't want you to be in my cunt club. You're doing just fine in the brown eye between the butt cheeks club.

General of Darkness
3rd October 2014, 03:21 PM
I wouldn't want you to be in my cunt club. You're doing just fine in the brown eye between the butt cheeks club.

Oh really do tell.

3rd October 2014, 03:32 PM
and death has a mortality rate of 100% I'm not buying your numbers in the US, maybe a filthy shithole in Africa with people in poor health are fucking each other like rabbits, spreading diseases like HIV that weakens their immune systems.

If we see 100,000 people with Ebola in the United States, our "superior" healthcare will look just like that of shitholes in Africa. We simply do not have the ability to handle those numbers if complete isolation is needed. Most hospitals, even large ones, can deal with no more than 10 or 12 such cases at one time. Early on, the death rate will be about half of that with intensive care in America, or 35% - 45%. Later, well...

American health care is also dealing with Enterovirus 68 right now, with fatalities increasing. Those victims are increasingly using limited ICU beds.

Imminent Ebola Doom is not arriving in America...but let's check back in Spring 2015, and see how well things are going. Especially if total quarantine has not been implemented on West Africa, and they have over a million casualties, as is the projection for early 2015.

3rd October 2014, 04:05 PM
Oh really do tell.

Say hi to all your family and friends in the club

The Brown Eye club Hi sign.

3rd October 2014, 04:26 PM
waiting for sub 15 to buy.

3rd October 2014, 04:41 PM
Apples and oranges shit bird. Apples and oranges and you fucking know it. If I'm wrong I'll eat crow, but just because I think you're a cunt you don't need to be a lying jew.

What doom are we going to fear next week or next month?

How many times must you be played the fool, before you don't bite on their shit anymore?

Get back to me when you have some serious death numbers to report...or the next round of fear.

i think you're both right.

Ebola is serious, obviously different than the flu.

re the use of fear and bio-weapons, or natural diseases ... remember the Anthrax attacks, post 9-11 ?

given Israel's authorship of 9-11, i think it is likely that the anthrax attacks were done by Israel, though obviously through cut-outs (paid agents, AKA Israel supporters).

so far the handling of the Ebola situation seems to me like good old fashioned incompetence, combined with a large side order of Denial.

of course the Talmud-worshippers will use it to their advantage. the implementation of travel restrictions will restrict Gentiles more than it will Jews.

General of Darkness
3rd October 2014, 04:47 PM
Say hi to all your family and friends in the club

The Brown Eye club Hi sign.

I don't get it. Please be specific.

3rd October 2014, 05:13 PM
I don't get it. Please be specific.


3rd October 2014, 05:15 PM
i think you're both right.

Ebola is serious, obviously different than the flu.

re the use of fear and bio-weapons, or natural diseases ... remember the Anthrax attacks, post 9-11 ?

given Israel's authorship of 9-11, i think it is likely that the anthrax attacks were done by Israel, though obviously through cut-outs (paid agents, AKA Israel supporters).

so far the handling of the Ebola situation seems to me like good old fashioned incompetence, combined with a large side order of Denial.

of course the Talmud-worshippers will use it to their advantage. the implementation of travel restrictions will restrict Gentiles more than it will Jews.

Someone made a comment to watch the red states get ebola so the voters won't go to the polls.

General of Darkness
3rd October 2014, 05:20 PM

Well I know that I'm an asshole but I'm thinking your attempting to insinuate something else. Again, please be specific

3rd October 2014, 05:28 PM
The strong hands don't want you to keep their silver and gold.... or their land and control. They will usher in disasters that will shake your stake; moths that will eat your grain; wars that will burn your oil and spill your blood.

They will make your hands weak so they alone can be strong. They attack the flesh and the spirit. They will erode your energy, your strength and your will.

These are days worse than ever before on this planet. Those are not just words to frighten children. There will be enough fear that men will fall over dead from it. You are warned so that you do not succumb to their plans. You learn what is coming so you can step aside. But if you want to test out this harmless little ebola thing, go right ahead.

3rd October 2014, 05:37 PM
Well I know that I'm an asshole but I'm thinking your attempting to insinuate something else. Again, please be specific

That's it, that's all I got...

If you see yourself in this image, feel free to point yourself out.

3rd October 2014, 05:57 PM
The strong hands don't want you to keep their silver and gold.... or their land and control. They will usher in disasters that will shake your stake; moths that will eat your grain; wars that will burn your oil and spill your blood.

They will make your hands weak so they alone can be strong. They attack the flesh and the spirit. They will erode your energy, your strength and your will.

These are days worse than ever before on this planet. Those are not just words to frighten children. There will be enough fear that men will fall over dead from it. You are warned so that you do not succumb to their plans. You learn what is coming so you can step aside. But if you want to test out this harmless little ebola thing, go right ahead.

Best post I've read in awhile.

3rd October 2014, 06:06 PM
These are days worse than ever before on this planet. Those are not just words to frighten children. There will be enough fear that men will fall over dead from it. You are warned so that you do not succumb to their plans. You learn what is coming so you can step aside. But if you want to test out this harmless little ebola thing, go right ahead.

"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."

Luke 21:25-26

General of Darkness
3rd October 2014, 06:07 PM
That's it, that's all I got...

If you see yourself in this image, feel free to point yourself out.

I still don't get the point

Be specific.

3rd October 2014, 06:24 PM
Boys, this is GSUS, not GaySUS. We don't need any more illustrations or even talk of excretory organs.

3rd October 2014, 07:42 PM
Best post I've read in awhile.

I agree. Spectrism, you have an amazing gift with words. You would make a fine author.

3rd October 2014, 07:44 PM
waiting for sub 15 to buy.

Think we'll see sub 15? I made a purchase a few days ago, just 10 oz. I think spot was 17 and change. It feels nice to buy silver again though, I haven't bought any in awhile.

3rd October 2014, 09:13 PM
I expect activity on this board to increase substantially in the near future.

3rd October 2014, 09:17 PM
If Silver goes to $12 I may start buying again.

Honestly I don't want Gold and Silver anymore. I have had to large a percentage of my net worth into it and burned too badly. Shockingly I'm still up on Gold since I was a Gold bug early in and bought a ton in the $700s, but hurting badly in Silver. I fear it may take another 30 years before I just break even on Gold/Silver, since the whole thing was such a giant scam.

Lately I've been buying stuff I need and will use over the years like soap, laundry detergent, beans, spices, and stuff like that. I buy organic versions of everything whenever I can find them. That stuff lasts years and will be cheaper today than it will be tomorrow.

Also consider this:

What should a gun guy buy before the next election 2016


3rd October 2014, 09:45 PM
If Silver goes to $12 I may start buying again.

Honestly I don't want Gold and Silver anymore. I have had to large a percentage of my net worth into it and burned too badly. Shockingly I'm still up on Gold since I was a Gold bug early in and bought a ton in the $700s, but hurting badly in Silver. I fear it may take another 30 years before I just break even on Gold/Silver, since the whole thing was such a giant scam.

Lately I've been buying stuff I need and will use over the years like soap, laundry detergent, beans, spices, and stuff like that. I buy organic versions of everything whenever I can find them. That stuff lasts years and will be cheaper today than it will be tomorrow.

Also consider this:

What should a gun guy buy before the next election 2016


Ammo! Ammo! Ammo! Ammo! Ammo! Ammo! Ammo! Ammo! Ammo! Ammo! Ammo! :)

4th October 2014, 05:28 AM
I agree. Spectrism, you have an amazing gift with words. You would make a fine author.

Thanks Hitch. I did write a story some years ago. I need to update it and release it.

4th October 2014, 06:45 AM
Think we'll see sub 15? I made a purchase a few days ago, just 10 oz. I think spot was 17 and change. It feels nice to buy silver again though, I haven't bought any in awhile.
Neither have I, maybe this inaction among bugs have been widespread and therefor price drops. I hope it drops some more over the next couple of weeks or at least stays the same. Main problem now has been logistics. I just haven't had the time to go to the shop, because I have been so damn busy at work. Getting $15oz silver would be a dream!