View Full Version : Sheriff's deputies ordered to personally serve Ebola family without PPE

3rd October 2014, 06:55 PM
PPE = Personal Protective Equipment

Please put aside any hatred for cops for a moment, and consider the implications of this.


"They're very concerned," said Christopher Dyer, president of the Dallas County Sheriff's Association. ‎"Their families are concerned. You've got to go home and tell your spouse, 'Hey, I was just inside this house where a guy had Ebola.'"


Dyer said deputies - both those that went inside and those that didn't - were told to bag up their uniforms and boots and turn them in. He said he contacted Valdez's second in command, asking that the deputies be put on leave and be evaluated by medical staff.

3rd October 2014, 07:00 PM



3rd October 2014, 07:03 PM
They are stupid and now I am supposed to feel sorry for them?........otherwise how would you explain the fact that they can kill with out any feelings? may the go past the pearly gate of heaven and not be able to stop till they reach the gates of HELL.


3rd October 2014, 07:54 PM

Please put aside any hatred for cops for a moment....[QUOTE]

Yeah, like that's going to happen on this forum. 10 pages from now after all the bash cop posts, you'll see what I mean.

3rd October 2014, 11:14 PM
Yeah, like that's going to happen on this forum. 10 pages from now after all the bash cop posts, you'll see what I mean.

You're probably right. I just want people to consider that if "they" will order their own Praetorian Guard personnel into such a situation, it seems to indicate "they" want to create more victims.

I hope the cops and firefighters/paramedics around the country are paying very close attention: yes, you guys are "expendable" to "them."

3rd October 2014, 11:48 PM
I never have heard of firefighters and paramedics going around the country murdering people...I am willing to fight for them and protect them.........cops? I'll just get a lawn chair and watch their guts hang out..........remember that they were trained by those who we also love to hate.........the Zionist state of Israel......the killers of the Palestinian people........... :(


4th October 2014, 03:37 AM
They are sherriff's deputies though... I thought the Sherriff was the chief LEO of the county, and usually they are elected? So who is ordering the sherriff around?

4th October 2014, 04:10 AM
They are sherriff's deputies though... I thought the Sherriff was the chief LEO of the county, and usually they are elected? So who is ordering the sherriff around?

Those dangling those sweet DoD toys and Fed frns.

midnight rambler
4th October 2014, 07:42 AM
They are sherriff's deputies though... I thought the Sherriff was the chief LEO of the county, and usually they are elected? So who is ordering the sherriff around?

Those dangling those sweet DoD toys and Fed frns.

Gotta bear in mind that any sheriff is a POLITICIAN, and the larger the population of a county the MORE of a politician they have to be.

4th October 2014, 12:28 PM
i don't hate cops.

nor do i hate the pig sentries in 'Return of the Jedi' (they guard Jabba's palace and the frozen Han Solo.)

but when one of them is eaten by the Big Scary Monster, i shed no tears for the pig sentry when it becomes Bantha fodder.

Dorner was a good cop. There are good cops out there.