View Full Version : Eye operaton was A OK.................... V

3rd October 2014, 07:20 PM
Feel really bad, going back to bed..... will tell your (brag) all about later on, nite nite.


3rd October 2014, 07:58 PM
So glad you did fine with the operation ,you'll feel better after a bit, take care Mr. Ponce !

God bless you !

3rd October 2014, 08:05 PM
Glad to hear it went ok. Thanks for checking in with us!

4th October 2014, 12:00 AM
OK, woke up once again and got the drops in my eyes, feel a tiny bit better :)....... believe it or no it the operation was a work of art, at first they didn't want to do it because my BP was to high, 199/129, but then they gave me a magic pill and it came down to 165/119 and that opened the door for a yes........everything at the VA was first class and they treat me like a king.

After the operation I ate my lunch and coming back home my friend had to stop the car four times for me to puke....everything, and more, came out like a water fountain and I almost past out :( .......came home and went to sleep for about four hours then got up and use the drops in my eyes and wrote you guys a short message and now I woke up and ate a twinky and drank some tea and now back to sleep, nite nite.


4th October 2014, 01:08 AM
So, what did you have, cataract surgery?

A Chinese woman is having trouble with her eyes, so she goes to see an optician. The optician looks in her eyes with the instrument. The Chinese woman says, "What is the matter doctor?"

The doctor says, "You have a cataract."

The Chinese woman looks astounded and says "No NO, I have a Ringcon Continental."

4th October 2014, 01:12 AM
Good you had it done Ponce! You'll be fine in no time, but your BP is very high!

mick silver
4th October 2014, 02:50 PM
hope all is well

4th October 2014, 04:39 PM
As you all know I sleep on the couch in the living room, last night my cat sleep above my head on the arm rest and once in a while she would wake me up by lightly touching my head, she knew that something was wrong with me and was checking me out....

Feeling better now and I can finally read with both eyes, not clearly yet but is getting there....thanks guys.


4th October 2014, 04:58 PM
Good to hear improvement, I know this worry's the crap out of you, one set of eyes and that!

Bet your magic bp pill was chewable and fast acting!

I got one when they freaked at my yearly, amazing how fast they work (pill).

Be well and get better!

And watch your b/p. That was insanely way too high!!

Do you have a bp tester? Take your med,s and not stroke out or worse someday my friend! Things are just getting interesting on this mud ball we call home, keep your health and a bag of popcorn, kick back and enjoy the show! Work to stay around for a few more years!

Hard headed Port Rican!


4th October 2014, 06:13 PM
No one believe me when I say that my BP has been over 165 all my life.....I have been told by a pro that it has something to do with my hormone system and that in a way it is good.........the will help me live for a very long time.........I am Ponce :)


4th October 2014, 06:29 PM
No one believe me when I say that my BP has been over 165 all my life.....I have been told by a pro that it has something to do with my hormone system and that in a way it is good.........the will help me live for a very long time.........I am Ponce :) V

160 = mouse!

Over 190 past 200 = elephant!

You may be Ponce, but at those pressures, you may not remember your name, or see or walk etc,etc. or just plane die, if you have a stroke or worse!

Hard headed , *&((&* ! Hispanic you!

Which is true to type from what I have seen over the years! I understand, your way or no way, so your loss and also ours!

4th October 2014, 06:55 PM
Glad to hear you're feeling better Ponce.

4th October 2014, 07:07 PM
You will only die if you worry about it and don't want to die......like you guys know I have been there three times and I came back... I only went to sleep and then I woke up again ....it was nothing.................and If I don't come back?, well, I simply will stay asleep. I never worry about what I can't do anything about.........otherwise I will die many times.

To me what counts the most is how I die....I hope to die with more slaves to serve me in Valhalla.


4th October 2014, 07:09 PM
As you all know I sleep on the couch in the living room, last night my cat sleep above my head on the arm rest and once in a while she would wake me up by lightly touching my head, she knew that something was wrong with me and was checking me out


Isnt that something? Our animals have very sophisticated instincts when it comes to these things. Somehow, they know, and they care. Glad your cat kept an eye on you. :)