View Full Version : The way the US visa system works

midnight rambler
4th October 2014, 03:14 PM
If you're a low IQ noble yet uneducated kneegro from a turd world shithole with relatively few IF ANY skills you have or contributions you can make then pretty much all you have to do is show up and we'll give you a visa, just like the recent ebola carrier did. However if you're white with an education and very positive things you have to contribute to American society (along with being from a former USSR country), then SCREW YOU we'll NEVER give you a tourist visa since you may game the system*.

Gee, it's as if the social engineers want the scum of the earth to migrate to the USA.

*like the swine they freely allow in aren't gaming the system

mick silver
4th October 2014, 03:21 PM
anyone one can come here and live for free that's the visa way . and you don't need a visa to do that

4th October 2014, 04:15 PM
Thank you, Talmud Jews! Emanuel Celler, Fifth Columnist Extraordinaire.

5th October 2014, 04:12 AM
Gee, it's as if the social engineers want the scum of the earth to migrate to the USA.

That is exactly what they want. The destruction of the white race and America has been the plan all along.