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6th October 2014, 04:38 PM
"and many will die"... Ponce

One of Obamacare’s chief architects, Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Rahm Emanuel,recently stated that society would be far better off if people quit trying to live past the age of 75. His words are true to the heinous traditions of Fabian Socialism and his words live up to the accusation that the term “death panels” is an accurate depiction of our national healthcare system. Obama’s handling of the Ebola crisis is reflective of this world view.

The featured guest on The Common Sense Show, on October 5, 2014, was Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger”. Mike Adams is an outspoken consumer health advocate, an award-winning investigative journalist, internet activist and science lab director. Adams is the founder and editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet’s most-trafficked natural health news website. Adams brought his expertise to The Common Sense Show and the revelations made in this interview were stunning.

Dave Hodges Interviews the Health Ranger, Mike Adams

While appearing on The Common Sense Show, Mike Adams, made a number of startling statements regarding the Ebola outbreak in the United States. One of the most frightening aspects of Ebola is that one liter of Ebola-infected blood could kill up to 10 million people.

It’s Difficult to Believe That Ebola Is Not Purposefully Being Allowed to Spread Into and Across America
Given the fact that our airports are still open to West African travelers coming into the United States and the fact that our southern border is still not being closed down, Mike and I have a hard time justifying the fact that this administration is not complicit in the spread of Ebola.

Further, and given the fact that the CDC owns the patent on Ebola and the NIH owns the patent on the Crucell Ebola vaccine, tested 8 years ago, it is very difficult to believe that these private corporations, operating under a government charter, are not positioning themselves to make a lot of money off of the spread and treatment of Ebola.

Jihadist Ebola “Suicide Bombers”
Bioterrorism was one of the top issues that Mike Adams wanted to discuss in the interview. He spoke about bioterrorism, coming through our southern border as an inevitable possibility as he expects suicide “Ebola bombers” to purposefully allow themselves to become infected and then be transported into the United States where they would expose as many people as possible before succumbing to the virus. Given how hated the United States has become in some circles, it is difficult to believe that Ebola will not be turned into a weapon of mass destruction.

No Containment for Ebola
In an article, posted on Natural News, in which the point was made by Dr. Jesse L. Goodman, now a professor of medicine at Georgetown and he served as a former chief scientist at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), states that “It’s no longer a matter of if but of when Ebola will begin to spiral out of control in the U.S.” Goodman, a top infectious disease specialist, recently made these dire claims when asked how bad will the Ebola crisis will get.

During my interview with Mike Adams, he brought up the salient point that people in America go out in public because they believe it is safe to do so. Americans go to football games, movie theaters, concerts, shopping malls, attend school and sit in doctors offices. Once the American people come to believe that it is no longer safe to go in public, our economy will go the way of Liberia’s. Truck drivers will not be delivering food and necessary supplies. Chronically ill people will not be able to get needed medicines. The net effect is that “Just in time delivery” practices, the backbone of our consumer economy, will come to a screeching halt. Famine will become commonplace. Looting will commence and it will become so widespread that the authorities will be powerless in the face of the coming civil unrest. And if quarantines are enacted, the healthy Americans, who are armed to the teeth, will not allow themselves to be trapped with the dying. These “healthy” Americans will attempt to fight their way out of quarantine zones. This could mark the beginning of a potential civil war.

Mike and I also discussed the fact that Ebola lives outside the body for 104 minutes at 72 degrees and Ebola Reston lives for 142 minutes outside the body at the same temperature. As America moves towards another winter, people will be gathering inside where the temperature will be 72 degrees. To some degree, the timing of the virus outbreak is very suspect.

The Biggest Threat to America’s Longevity
Late in the Spring of 2014, we had a chance to close down the border and shut down air travel from West Africa. This administration chose not to. Meanwhile, Americans are completely vulnerable to this coming pandemic because Obama, the CDC, the NIH and the FDA sit by and do nothing as these groups prepare to make a lot of money on the spread of Ebola.

I have been told by several infectious disease experts that the United States had less than four weeks to take the proper precautions, or Ebola was going to spread far and wide across the United States. Mike Adams believes that it is already too late. I must say that I concur. Eighty Penn State students are being watched for signs of Ebola, two Portland healthcare workers have informed me that there are two active cases of Ebola in the city and the CDC is covering it up prior to moving the patients. In mid-September a man traveled from New York City to Chile, where two days later he began to exhibit symptoms of Ebola. Next door, in New Jersey, several are being watched for Ebola contamination. Within the last week a Payson, AZ. man traveled from Liberia to Brussels to Phoenix and was not health screened one time.

This is, and will continue to be the top story in America. When Ebola hits in full force, there will be no school, no NFL, no movie theater going, no concerts, no Christmas shopping and food will be hard to obtain. I would strongly suggest preparing now.

My Interview With Mike Adams
Below is the one hour and forty-five minute interview I conducted with Mike Adams. The interview begins 18 minutes into the tape and six minutes into the second hour. The interview also contains helpful tips in preparing what now appears to be a certain pandemic.

Listen to Hour 1

Listen to Hour 2

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6th October 2014, 04:42 PM
From the US to China, scientists plot spread of deadly disease across the world from its West African hotbed
October 6th, 2014

Disease spreading rapidly across West Africa; more than 3,400 people dead and 7,500 infected

The first case was confirmed in the United States last week

114 people came into contact with him before he was diagnosed

Scientists believe an infected person will arrive in the UK before October 24

Estimate a 75% chance of the virus reaching France in that time

Belgium has a 40% chance of the disease reaching its shores, while Spain and Switzerland have lower risks, at 14% each

The researchers at Northeastern University, in Boston, calculated the countries most at risk in the short term, are:

Ivory Coast
Guinea Bissau
South Africa

6th October 2014, 04:51 PM
Mike Adams has less credibility than Alex Jones, and only slightly more than President Ebola.

6th October 2014, 06:01 PM
The end result will speak the truth.......till then, everyone lies and they don't know how or why.


midnight rambler
6th October 2014, 06:10 PM
Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Rahm Emanuel,recently stated that society would be far better off if people quit trying to live past the age of 75.

I'm thinking that Ezekiel should convince his pals Poppy Bush, Barb Bush, David Rockefeller, Jay Rockefeller, Mo Strong, Geo. Soros, Henry Kissinger, Henry's evil twin Zbig, John McCain, Barbie Fineswine, Ted Turner, Orrin Hatch, et al to show us all the way via leading by example.

6th October 2014, 06:42 PM
society would be far better off if people quit trying to live past the age of 75

Who cares what anyone says ,this guy sounds like another moron with his head up his arse.

Society used to be about old people being looked up to for their wisdom now its young people saying drop dead after 75 yrs to benefit society.

Another one for the PIT.

6th October 2014, 06:46 PM
Mike Adams has less credibility than Alex Jones, and only slightly more than President Ebola.

Alex Jones is Bill Hicks.......Mike Adams is Mike Adams

6th October 2014, 06:46 PM
Who cares what anyone says ,this guy sounds like another moron with his head up his arse.

Society used to be about old people being looked up to for their wisdom now its young people saying drop dead after 75 yrs to benefit society.

Another one for the PIT.

A large percentage of the wisdom that keeps this society from falling apart more quickly is held by those over 65. As they start dying off more readily now, we will see the effects. Most of my generation (I'm 43) has shit for brains. The generations following me? God help us all.

midnight rambler
6th October 2014, 06:50 PM
A large percentage of the wisdom that keeps this society from falling apart more quickly is held by those over 65. As they start dying off more readily now, we will see the effects. Most of my generation (I'm 43) has shit for brains. The generations following me? God help us all.

If the future lies in the hands of those 35 or younger then this planet is DOOMED.

Lemme give you only one recent example: I take my diesel truck to this thirty-something diesel mechanic; I have a discussion with him upfront about taking responsibility for one's actions which many of his generation suffer from not doing ("It's NOT my fault!!!") and that is the challenge he faces, i.e. his generation has a severe problem accepting responsibility. He indicates to me that he 'gets it'. I figure we've had a meeting of the minds so I entrust him with working on my work truck which entails working on the cooling system. He has the truck for a week longer than he agreed (said it would take a couple of days in and out of his shop, it ends up taking NINE days). He has one of his (apparently untrained) monkeys deliver the truck - this guy was 30 minutes late on a Fri. evening, I'm thinking, "Well shit, what'd he do, stop by the bar on the way here?!?!?" I can smell the overheating of truck when standing 8+ from it however I figured something was just burning off from the recent work. Wrong. My monkey takes off in it a couple of days later and I get a call from him shortly afterward that it's overheating. WTF?? Apparently this mechanic's monkey drove my truck with the temperature gauge in the red without taking action to correct, who the hell knows if he even bothered to look at the temp. gauge. I call the mechanic and he sends his monkey out with 2 gallons of antifreeze. Puts in the 2 gallons of antifreeze plus an additional 2 quarts of tap water - all with the truck not running while hot, a Mechanics 101 fundamental DO NOT DO THIS! My monkey brings the truck back to me and I add nearly TWO more gallons of anti-freeze (over 17 quarts total to a system which holds a total of 24 quarts). That's right, numbnuts sent the truck out from his shop without bothering to even check the coolant after working on the coolant system. I could go on but I'm sure you get the point.

6th October 2014, 06:50 PM
Alex Jones is Bill Hicks.......Mike Adams is Mike Adams

You really believe that shit?

And would it really matter? Alex Jones selected his Jewish girlfriend/wife before the "Bill Hicks became Alex Jones" bullshit. It's not like Hicks would have replaced an Aryan truthteller.

6th October 2014, 06:54 PM
I am 74 and will live another 74, life is to interesting to just die.........do you reslise how many problems we have now days?...... everything to me is like a book that I am reading and I don't want to stop reading it in the middle of it..........or like watching a good movie and the power goes out, well, I'll simply use my solar power or one of my generators and by golly I'll see the end of the movie................and more now that I can see clearly hahahahahahahah.


General of Darkness
6th October 2014, 10:24 PM
Well I guess this could be a good way to remove the welfare class.

7th October 2014, 05:10 AM
I'm thinking that Ezekiel should convince his pals Poppy Bush, Barb Bush, David Rockefeller, Jay Rockefeller, Mo Strong, Geo. Soros, Henry Kissinger, Henry's evil twin Zbig, John McCain, Barbie Fineswine, Ted Turner, Orrin Hatch, et al to show us all the way via leading by example.

or his Irgun Terrorist father Benjamin Emanuel.

7th October 2014, 05:21 AM
If the future lies in the hands of those 35 or younger then this planet is DOOMED.

if the future also lies in the hands of those 35 or older and they have various forms of PTSD, a person can't get any work done unless they're a total do-it-yourself-er.

i just sold 2 Mercedes biodiesel's to escape from the soap opera created by a 50-something mechanic with PTSD. very skilled, but when things go wrong, he stops talking.

the people who bought the non-running cars are sort of a lesbian/transsexual 'gang' that has zero safety sense. Over a period of 5 meetings spanning 3 weeks, they had a total of 3 accidents. combination of under and over 35.

converted the 2 cars into 70 ounces of Silver. best i could do.

i'm not sure there is any under or over 35 delineation. i am witnessing gross incompetence and comparably dysfunctional behavior on both sides of the age line.

based on my experience with mechanics & parts shops, i am taking very good care of my gas powered vehicle.

midnight rambler
7th October 2014, 06:21 AM
i'm not sure there is any under or over 35 delineation.

That was a generalization from my own observations. YMMV

7th October 2014, 06:29 AM
That was a generalization from my own observations. YMMV

i think part of the trick is, how do you interview people (contractors & sub-contractors) to see how they will respond in "clutch" situations.

another part of the trick, how do you interview people to assess their skill level generally.

7th October 2014, 07:43 AM
Remember that back in Cuba they are still driving 1959 cars ......... learn of today for tomorrow, for tomorrow that's all that you will have.