View Full Version : Video: Cop Smashes Through Window, Tasers Man As He Refuses To Show ID During Traffi

7th October 2014, 09:47 AM
Video: Cop Smashes Through Window, Tasers Man As He Refuses To Show ID During Traffic Stop


Guns drawn on couple and children rushing to visit dying grandmother in hospital

A police officer in Illinois was filmed smashing through a car window, tasering and yanking out a passenger after he refused to show ID during a routine traffic stop.

According to a Fox 32 report, Hammond police claim that they were left with no choice when Jamal Jones said he did not have ID with him and refused to leave the vehicle.
Jones, his girlfriend Lisa Mahone, and their children, aged 14 and 7, were rushing to a hospital to visit Mahone’s mother, who was literally on her deathbed. The cops say they pulled the family over because Mahone was not wearing a seatbelt.

“I said ‘oh my God, he’s pulling me over like I robbed a bank,’” Mahone told reporters while describing the incident, adding “The whole situation was just crazy.” “I gave him my license and insurance. I also let him know at the beginning to please hurry up because my mom is about to die,” Mahone is heard saying in the video to a 9/11 operator she had called.

When the cops demanded ID from Jones, he initially refused, but following more insistence from the cops, reached for a bag in an attempt to find ID and a ticket that he had recently been issued by police. This action promoted the police to draw weapons on the family.

“I don’t know you and I don’t know what you’re going to do,” an officer said to Jones. He responded, “That’s why I have my windows up. I’m not no harm to you right now. I got my kids in the car and you’re drawing your weapon.”
“I am scared. And the man–pulled a gun out. A gun! Why do my kids have to see that,” Mahone told 911.
“So once the kids were scared, I wasn’t gonna get out of the car and leave my kids in the car. He was being so aggressive.” Jones explained.

The police refused to take the ticket that Jones offered to them, so he demanded that a supervisor be called to the scene. This prompted one of the officers to respond “Look at my shoulder dumb***. I got bars.”
“You’re going to come out of the car one way or another. You want your kids to see you come out through the window?” the officer then said to Jones, before smashing through the window, spraying glass all over the couple’s young daughter in the backseat, causing her to cry.

The officer then tasered Jones, extracted him from the vehicle and arrested him. He was charged with resisting law enforcement and refusal to aid an officer.

The couple have filed a federal lawsuit against Hammond police. Their attorney Dana Kurtz said that the video, shot by the couple’s son from the back seat of the car, clearly shows that the officers overstepped their authority.
“They had no probable cause, one, to even ask Jamal to get out of the car, or two, to engage in excessive force in tasering and arresting him,” Kurtz said.

“There was absolutely no search, no nothing to suggest there was criminal activity going on. And certainly not anything that would authorize to taser someone and pull them out of the car and shatter glass into the back seat with children present.” the attorney added.

Hammond police issued a statement defending the officers’ actions. It reads “The Hammond police officers were at all times acting in the interest of officer safety and in accordance with Indiana law… In general, police officers who make legal traffic stops are allowed to ask passengers inside of a stopped vehicle for identification and to request that they exit a stopped vehicle for the officer’s safety without a requirement of reasonable suspicion.”

It has emerged that one of the officers on the latest video has twice previously been sued for use of excessive force, with the City of Hammond paying to settle both cases.

Hammond police prompted further headlines recently in unrelated cases. One federal lawsuit (http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/norma-maldonado/) alleges that an officer barged into a family gathering and shot a pet in the face while it was secured inside its own yard, while another alleges that an officer was filmed whipping a police K-9 (http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Video-Shows-Hammond-Police-Officer-Allegedly-Abusing-Dog-257542831.html) and lifting the dog off the ground it by its leash. In both cases, officers were supported by the department, and were not penalized in any way.

7th October 2014, 11:11 AM
Yay, our heroes in blue, protecting us and keeping us safe! God bless our heroes!!


midnight rambler
7th October 2014, 11:15 AM
He was charged with resisting law enforcement and refusal to aid an officer. aka 'contempt of cop'

Standard operating procedure for the OFFENSE of 'contempt of cop'. <yawn> What else is new?

gunny highway
7th October 2014, 11:22 AM
Officers nowadays are not trained to understand the law, they are trained to understand "color of law" and how it can be used to their advantage. Instead of internally investigating themselves, only to come to the inevitable conclusion that the officers' actions were justified, why aren't there independent citizen review boards to investigate this crap. If there were I'll bet there'd be a hell of a lot less of this shit going on.

7th October 2014, 04:05 PM
And cops get all upset when they are sniped. They are asking for many more events.

7th October 2014, 06:42 PM
Contempt of a cop is a pretty serious thing to do.. :rolleyes:


7th October 2014, 07:13 PM
Most cops are just strong arm money collectors these days.

7th October 2014, 08:06 PM
Most cops are just strong arm money collectors these days.

But then again you got stupid niggers that think they know the law until some white pigs come into the picture.

Ya, you knowed the law but you fukt up with whitey.

I see a problem here.

7th October 2014, 08:21 PM
Most cops are just strong arm money collectors these days.

I think your highway man cop, ie highway patrol, is more of a tax collector. Gives tickets to motorists breaking vehicle codes, etc. If you've ever seen a vehicle code book, it's quite thick.

Then you have city cops. City cops are more apt to fight crime, yet also more inclined to be less "comforting" to the public.

They explained it to me this way. As a city cop, you are a sheepdog. The public is sheep, preyed upon by the wolves. Being a sheepdog, your job is to keep the wolf from the sheep, so to speak.. Yet, the sheep will never see you as safe. They see you, just as dangerous as the wolf. You are a predator.

7th October 2014, 08:41 PM
Seeing too many cops as more than unappointed tax men. They are gangsters. Try that game on me and I will hunt you down.

7th October 2014, 11:43 PM
Officers nowadays are not trained to understand the law, they are trained to understand "color of law" and how it can be used to their advantage.

"The Law" is the pistol on the right hip, and the Taser on the left.

Rare is a black-robed whore ("judge") who will really censure them for their actions.

If you refuse to pay unjust taxes, your property will be confiscated. If you attempt to defend your property, you will be arrested. If you resist arrest, you will be clubbed. If you defend yourself against clubbing, you will be shot dead. These procedures are known as the Rule of Law.

-- Edward Abbey