View Full Version : Breaking: Dallas County Deputy Ordered into Ebola Apartment Quarantined

8th October 2014, 01:14 PM

A vehicle cordoned off in the CareNow parking lot is registered to a Dallas County sheriff’s deputy who went into Thomas Eric Duncan’s apartment last week, according to a story that appeared on WFAA’s website earlier this week.

And our colleagues at KXAS-TV (NBC 5) have confirmed that the person in the ambulance is an employee with the Dallas County Sheriff’s Department.

8th October 2014, 01:15 PM
Last week:


8th October 2014, 01:21 PM
I have to restrain any schadenfreude, but Clay Jenkins is far more "deserving" of this than this deputy who went against his will.

8th October 2014, 01:44 PM

The Frisco patient has been identified as a Dallas County deputy Michael Monnig, who was not one of the 48 people being monitored by federal, state and local health officials because he never had direct contact with the patient. Monnig did enter the apartment where Duncan stayed after Duncan had been admitted to the hospital.

8th October 2014, 01:57 PM
I have to restrain any schadenfreude, but Clay Jenkins is far more "deserving" of this than this deputy who went against his will.
He deserves death penalty, his exact job is to protect the public. If he isn't deemed to be criminally insane, and someone dies, which isn't unlikely, because of his decision to go in the apartment unprotected against an infectious disease, it is premeditated murder.

8th October 2014, 02:02 PM
"The science is clear," Jenkins said. "Unless you came in contact with a person who was symptomatic with Ebola, you have a zero percent chance of contracting Ebola. The danger of people contracting Ebola is the danger to the health care workers who came in contact with Mr. Duncan and the other people who came in contact with Mr. Duncan.".


Tell that to Deputy Monnig and his family, you faggot.

8th October 2014, 02:14 PM

8th October 2014, 02:23 PM
So Jenkins got his ass covered, by those morons!

midnight rambler
8th October 2014, 02:48 PM
Apparently ALL these elected (and some appointed) public servants are fucking morons.

8th October 2014, 04:20 PM
A cop is going to buy the farm......so?.......I wonder how many inocent civilians he killed.


8th October 2014, 04:41 PM
Apparently ALL these elected (and some appointed) public servants are fucking morons.

Or paid very well to be a moron.

8th October 2014, 05:13 PM
Looks like Clay is being paid for other work too.

County Judge Addresses Concerns About Immigrant Children Housing (http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2014/07/06/county-judge-addresses-concerns-about-immigrant-children-housing/)

Sunday, Jenkins and Shotwell and several volunteers knocked on the doors of more than 300 residents, talking with each of them personally, to explain what they can expect when hundreds of children arrive in their neighborhood.

9th October 2014, 12:01 AM

9th October 2014, 03:01 AM
Sunday, Jenkins and Shotwell and several volunteers knocked on the doors of more than 300 residents, talking with each of them personally
I bet he hasn't changed his clothes since visiting the Duncan residence.

9th October 2014, 02:28 PM
They say he tests negative for ebola.

9th October 2014, 02:38 PM
They say he tests negative for ebola.

Let's hope they're telling him, and us, the truth.

9th October 2014, 02:43 PM

9th October 2014, 05:31 PM

Sounds like it's all been hype.

9th October 2014, 06:11 PM
Sounds like it's all been hype.

Apparently so.

Could all have been avoided if the deputies had been provided PPE when ordered to serve the Ebola family the court order.

9th October 2014, 06:14 PM
Apparently so.

Could all have been avoided if the deputies had been provided PPE when ordered to serve the Ebola family the court order.

It's all good. The deputy is getting paid regardless.

9th October 2014, 06:34 PM
It's all good. The deputy is getting paid regardless.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's off-duty for months...PTSD or something. Although in this case the PTSD might be legit.