View Full Version : Employer Rejects Applicant For Lack Of Diversity

9th October 2014, 06:47 AM
Employer Rejects Applicant In A Horribly Offensive Way For An Unbelievable Reason

"...there is a personal shaming element to it that was most unfortunate.”

A Norwegian wilderness tourism company apparently rejected a Canadian woman’s job application on the basis of her faith. She is a Christian and graduated from a university that has students sign an agreement to not engage in sexual relations outside heterosexual marriage.

Bethany Paquette graduated with a biology degree from Trinity Western University (TWU) in Langley, British Columbia (B.C.), about 30 miles (https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Vancouver,+BC,+Canada/Trinity+Western+University,+7600+Glover+Rd,+Langle y,+BC+V2Y+1Y1,+Canada/@49.1981889,-122.9949208,11z/data=%214m13%214m12%211m5%211m1%211s0x548673f143a9 4fb3:0xbb9196ea9b81f38b%212m2%211d-123.1139268%212d49.261226%211m5%211m1%211s0x5485d2 10004aa16d:0x7f6e9aca41aba551%212m2%211d-122.600176%212d49.140696) east of Vancouver. She submitted an application to be a guide for Canada’s North for Amaruk, which (http://www.amaruk.com/en/info/about/index.html) “specializes in private guiding…custom expeditions throughout the world for private clients.”

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) News reports (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/trinity-western-grad-attacked-for-being-christian-in-job-rejection-1.2791323) Paquette, an experienced river rafting guide, received an email response from the company’s hiring manager, Olaf Amundsen, who told Paquette her alma mater’s values did not match Amaruk’s:

“Unlike Trinity Western University, we embrace diversity, and the right of people to sleep with or marry whoever they want.
“The Norse background of most of the guys at the management level means that we are not a Christian organization, and most of us actually see Christianity as having destroyed our culture, tradition and way of life.”

Paquette wrote Amundsen back, arguing the rejection was a contraction of his values:

“Your disagreement with Trinity Western University, simply because they do not support sex outside of marriage, can in fact be noted as discrimination of approximately 76 per cent of the world population!!! Wow, that’s a lot of diverse people that you don’t embrace.”

She told CBC News that she wrote Norse people chose Christianity, and she signed her email, “God Bless,” in part because she knew it would irritate him, to which Amundsen replied:

“I do not want to be blessed by some guy… who has been the very reason for the most horrendous abuses and human rights
violations in the history of the human race.”

He also wrote that he would “f–k” God. CBC News provided the full email exchange (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1310195-copy-paste-of-all-amaruk-emails-in-chronological.html) (Warning: content contains explicit language).

Paquette filed a 20 point complaint (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1310194-2014-09-30-paquette-human-rights-complaint-filed.html) with the B.C. Human Rights Commission, one which asserts the “refusals constituted discrimination on the basis of political beliefs that [Amundsen and other Amaruk employees named in the complaint] assumed are held by Ms. Paquette, including but not limited to the assumed political belief that TWU should have the freedom to hold its community covenant as a valid exercise of freedom of religion.”

Geoffrey Trotter, Paquette’s attorney, told CBC News the emails were “nasty” and “over the top.”

“You are not allowed in British Columbia to refuse to hire someone because you associate them with other people, from centuries ago, who you think they did something they shouldn’t have done.”

In the complaint, Trotter is seeking for Paquette a declaration from Amaruk about the refusal to hire his client based on her faith, an order that the company cease to hire based on religious beliefs, compensation for salary lost and expenses incurred, and even “compensation for injury to feelings and self-respect or to either of them.”

A statement from Amaruk, sent to CBC News by Amundsen, says that Paquette was rejected “solely based” on the fact that she did not meet the minimum qualifications.

“Any further discussion after that, including the fact that we strongly disagree with the position that gay people should not be allowed to marry or even engage in sexual relationships, would have been a mere expression of opinion.”

TWU spokesperson Guy Saffold said, “Canadians shouldn’t be treated this way by a foreign country. No faith should face discrimination.”

“Mocking of their religion – there is a personal shaming element to it that was most unfortunate.”

Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/reason-woman-told-couldnt-work-will-make-glad-live-america-now/#h8bpY0XmJSDkmVuX.99

9th October 2014, 06:50 AM
Fng unbelievable..

9th October 2014, 11:18 AM
Someone should apply as a Muslim and a Jew, and see what happens.

General of Darkness
9th October 2014, 01:53 PM
Pretty obvious this is a faggot organization. If real Vikings were still alive these fags would have their heads on pikes.







http://www.amaruk.com/en/training/fitness/index.html (http://www.amaruk.com/en/training/fitness/index.html)

9th October 2014, 02:14 PM

Their expeditions link is interesting. Over $14,000 for a 7 day expedition to Iceland to sleep in a tent. Are these people insane?

9th October 2014, 02:25 PM
Their expeditions link is interesting. Over $14,000 for a 7 day expedition to Iceland to sleep in a tent. Are these people insane?

But it includes full-body deep penetr, uh, I mean tissue, massage, each day, all day. :)

(sorry, couldn't resist after the General's photos of the faggy staff members)

9th October 2014, 02:32 PM
But it includes full-body deep penetr, uh, I mean tissue, massage, each day, all day. :)

(sorry, couldn't resist after the General's photos of the faggy staff members)

That's hilarious...no wonder this woman didn't get hired. She's a Christian AND a woman as well. Apparently gay dudes is what they hire and claim it's diversity.

What a world we live in....

9th October 2014, 02:34 PM
That's hilarious...no wonder this woman didn't get hired. She's a Christian AND a woman as well. Apparently gay dudes is what they hire and claim it's diversity.

What a world we live in....

BTW, I gave you a hopefully-useful reply in the STD thread.

9th October 2014, 02:40 PM
BTW, I gave you a hopefully-useful reply in the STD thread.


9th October 2014, 02:41 PM


Twisted Titan
9th October 2014, 03:30 PM
we are not a Christian organization, and most of us actually see Christianity as having destroyed our culture, tradition and way of life.”

The brainwashing of The Shylocks on display again

9th October 2014, 05:13 PM
I'll post this here to keep from opening another thread about faggotry
The world just keeps getting more bizarre

'Gender inclusive' school district says drop 'boys and girls,' call kids 'purple penguins'
Todd Starnes

By Todd Starnes
Published October 09, 2014

The fine folks who run the school system in Lincoln, Neb., are on a campaign to make their classrooms gender-inclusive. And that means teachers will no longer refer to boys and girls … as boys and girls.

“Don’t use phrases such as ‘boys and girls,’ ‘you guys,’ ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ and similarly gendered expressions to get kids’ attention,” reads a handout from the Lincoln Public Schools that was given to teachers.

The handout was part of an effort to educate teachers and administrators about transgender issues, educators told the Lincoln Journal Star.

So instead of asking boys and girls to line up as boys or girls, teachers have been encouraged to segregate the children by whether they prefer skateboards or bikes, or whether they like milk or juice.

“The agenda we’re promoting is to help all kids succeed,” Brenda Leggiardo the district's coordinator of social workers and counselors told the newspaper. “We have kids who come to us with a whole variety of circumstances, and we need to equitably serve all kids.”

So instead of asking boys and girls to line up as boys or girls, teachers have been encouraged to segregate the children by whether they prefer skateboards or bikes, or whether they like milk or juice.

“Always ask yourself, ‘Will this configuration create a gendered space?’” the handout stated.

The handout, provided by Gender Spectrum, a website which "provides education, training and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for children of all ages" does not explain what to do if all of the children like juice or skateboards. But it does suggest teachers “create classroom names and then ask all of the ‘purple penguins’ to meet at the rug.”

Purple penguins?

The Nebraska Watchdog website published copies of the handouts, titled, “12 easy steps on the way to gender inclusiveness…”

The documents are chock-full of all sorts of advice for teachers as they deconstruct and reconstruct the notion of what constitutes a boy and what constitutes a girl. (To avoid offense, those terms will henceforth be known as the “b-word” and the “g-word.”)

“Provide an opportunity for every student to identify a preferred name or pronoun,” the document reads. “At the beginning of the year or at Back-to-School Night, invite students and parents to let you know if they have a preferred name and/or pronoun by which they wish to be referred.”

Back when I was in school, teachers only asked kids if they’d like to be referred to by their first name or their middle name. Of course, I went to school during the Dark Ages.

The document also provides teachers with information to prevent kids from getting bullied on the playground. They suggest teaching kids to use phrases like, “Please respect my privacy” and “Hey, they’re called ‘private parts’ for a reason.”

Yes sir, that kind of tough talk should definitely dissuade the playground bullies.

Teachers were also encouraged to share anecdotes from their own lives “that reflect gender inclusiveness.”

“Even better, share examples when you were not gender inclusive in your thinking, words or behaviors, what you learned as a result and what you will do differently next time,” the handout states.

I wonder if teachers are allowed to opt out of that part of the assignment. Perhaps they could tell the kids, “They’re called private parts for a reason.”

Back when I was in school, the only thing the teacher did was read nursery rhymes – like “Rub-a-Dub-Dub.” It was the Dark Ages, folks.

It was an incredibly insensitive time in our nation’s history, when girls were girls and men were men (with respect to Archie Bunker).

To illustrate its point, the district provided an illustration of a gingerbread man. There I go again. How insensitive of me. It’s a gingerbread person. But for the sake of the teachers, the illustration was called a “genderbread person.” Clever, right?

The “genderbread person” was created by social justice comedian Sam Killermann. Who knew there was such a thing? But word on the street is the social justice people have quite the funny bone.

“Gender is one of those things everyone thinks they understand, but most people don’t,” Killermann wrote. “Like ‘Inception,’ gender isn’t binary. It’s not either or. In many cases it’s both/and.A bit of this, a dash of that. This tasty little guide is meant to be an appetizer for gender understanding. It’s okay if you’re hungry for more. In fact, that’s the idea.”

So what are the b-words and g-words supposed to call Superman and Wonder Woman? Super Being and Wonder Entity?

And I suspect some schools will have to rename their athletic teams – like the Smith County Cowpersons.

As you might imagine, some parents are not all that happy with the gender inclusiveness agenda. Rachel Terry fired off an email to other moms and dads accusing the district of social re-engineering.

The Journal Star obtained a copy of her email. She said the district was using taxpayer dollars to promote “the deconstruction of fundamental family and religious values.”

In her defense, Mrs. Terry probably grew up in the Dark Ages, too – when little g-words wore dresses and little b-words wore Husky jeans.

One school district official rejected her argument and said it was not pushing a political or religious agenda. Nor was it pushing a sexual preference on people.

“Part of education in addition to academics is the feeling of welcomeness, the relationship piece,” district official Russ Uhing told the newspaper.

In its quest for “welcomeness,” perhaps the district could ban all homework and allow children to eat cupcakes in the lunchroom. I’m sure the b-words and g-words would feel mighty welcome with those changes.

Still, the folks at Gender Spectrum admit there will be times when teachers will have to use a gender-specific term.

“When you find it necessary to reference gender, say ‘Boy, girl, both or neither,’” the handout states. “When asked why, use this as a teachable moment. Emphasize to students that your classroom recognizes and celebrates the gender diversity of all students.”

And that, dear readers, is a glimpse into what they’re teaching kids in public schools these days.

While we’re on the subject, what’s a gender-neutral term for morons?

9th October 2014, 05:34 PM
"...and most of us actually see Christianity as having destroyed our culture, tradition and way of life.”

Truth, it takes out your faggot shit. Being gay is not a tradition.

9th October 2014, 06:31 PM
'Gender inclusive' school district says drop 'boys and girls,' call kids 'purple penguins'

Any parent that does not immediately pull their kids from this "school" district is assuring their child(ren) permanent moral & mental damage, for life.

"Klebold & Harris, please report to the Superintendent's Office, Klebold & Harris, please report..."

9th October 2014, 06:32 PM
"...and most of us actually see Christianity as having destroyed our culture, tradition and way of life.”

Truth, it takes out your faggot shit. Being gay is not a tradition.

The ancient tradition of the Germanic peoples, including the ancestors of the Norwegians, was to bury homosexuals in bogs.

9th October 2014, 06:43 PM
The ancient tradition of the Germanic peoples, including the ancestors of the Norwegians, was to bury homosexuals in bogs.
I think some were sent to Greenland and Canada, thus despite discovering and inhabiting those lands, there are no ancient Norwegians remaining, funny how nature works...

9th October 2014, 06:46 PM
If anything the employer should be stripped of his business license,

simply for being stupid enough to reply to an unwanted applicant in the first place.

Twisted Titan
9th October 2014, 06:55 PM
“Gender is one of those things everyone thinks they understand, but most people don’t,” Killermann wrote. “Like ‘Inception,’ gender isn’t binary. It’s not either or. In many cases it’s both/and.A bit of this, a dash of that. This tasty little guide is meant to be an appetizer for gender understanding. It’s okay if you’re hungry for more. In fact, that’s the idea.

The shylocks want to destroy your identity to the point where you dont even understand what is the use of the appendage or the slit between ones legs.


9th October 2014, 07:10 PM
If anything the employer should be stripped of his business license,

simply for being stupid enough to reply to an unwanted applicant in the first place.
That's a mistake Scandinavians tend to do, and being blatantly honest with the reason for the decision...

9th October 2014, 09:48 PM
That's hilarious...no wonder this woman didn't get hired. She's a Christian AND a woman as well. Apparently gay dudes is what they hire and claim it's diversity.

What a world we live in....

Maybe it is a gay org.... the problem is the org doesn't just come out and say it!

"We are a gay company...as a Christian woman do you REALLY want to be a part of our organization?" <--- All it would take, maybe?

I didn't look at the email exchange yet, so maybe that was said...

10th October 2014, 02:58 AM
Maybe it is a gay org.... the problem is the org doesn't just come out and say it!

"We are a gay company...as a Christian woman do you REALLY want to be a part of our organization?" <--- All it would take, maybe?...

I think you are right. The problem, and I keep getting annoyed with this, is that they use the term diversity. A bunch of gay guys is not diverse, it's the exact opposite of diverse, it's all gay dudes. If they want to claim diversity, they need people from all different cultures and lifestyles.

Detroit is not fucking diverse. It's all black folks.

for fuck's sake.

10th October 2014, 03:06 AM
That's hilarious...no wonder this woman didn't get hired. She's a Christian AND a woman as well. Apparently gay dudes is what they hire and claim it's diversity.

What a world we live in....
I just read their page on Canadian wilderness expedition one week in comfort tent with your private expedition guide. $12,295... This is nothing but high end homo prostitution. Probably they have seen quite a lot of world leaders and banksters on their 'expeditions'. But I would be surprised if this woman applicant isn't a plant to take them down...

10th October 2014, 03:15 AM
I think you are right. The problem, and I keep getting annoyed with this, is that they use the term diversity. A bunch of gay guys is not diverse, it's the exact opposite of diverse, it's all gay dudes. If they want to claim diversity, they need people from all different cultures and lifestyles.

Detroit is not fucking diverse. It's all black folks.

for fuck's sake.

"diversity/diverse" is a PC code word for anything non-hetero white.

Example: "our school is very pro diversity"
Translation: "our school is full of faggots and non-whites"

Example: "the neighborhood is very diverse"
Translation: "the neighborhood has very few hetero-whites"

10th October 2014, 03:24 AM
The marxists in this country are about to go absolutely apedoodoo. I read an article the other day about how it was an outrage with a children's song books for each gender. I do find it interesting though living in such an insane country. I just wonder how far they will take all of their mumbojumbo.

I've had to deal with many people like this Amundsen.

10th October 2014, 03:29 AM
I just read their page on Canadian wilderness expedition one week in comfort tent with your private expedition guide. $12,295... This is nothing but high end homo prostitution. Probably they have seen quite a lot of world leaders and banksters on their 'expeditions'. But I would be surprised if this woman applicant isn't a plant to take them down...

I like how they term the tent a 'comfort' tent. hint hint. This is definitely high end homo prostitution. I think you are right, this woman is FBI. They give new special agents this type of assignment.

edit: check this out, they have physical fitness requirements to get hired...

1. Be able to swim for 500 meters in under 12 minutes
2. Be able to perform a minimum of 42 push ups in 2 min max
3. Be able to perform a minimum of 8 pull ups (no time limit)
4. Be able to perform a 2.5km run in no more than 11 minutes

edit #2:

You have to be a Navy Seal to work for this place. Here's the SEAL fitness test:

500 Yard Swim 12:30 8 Minutes
Pushups 50 80-100
Sit-ups 50 80-100
Pull-ups 10 15-20
1.5 Mile Timed Run

10th October 2014, 03:55 AM
Maybe it is a gay org.... the problem is the org doesn't just come out and say it!

"We are a gay company...as a Christian woman do you REALLY want to be a part of our organization?" <--- All it would take, maybe?

I didn't look at the email exchange yet, so maybe that was said...

Of course it's a gay organization, the pictures of young buff males not wearing shirts says it quite clearly.
If the women needs to be told, she's an idiot, or a plant.

10th October 2014, 04:01 AM
"diversity/diverse" is a PC code word for anything non-hetero white.

Example: "our school is very pro diversity"
Translation: "our school is full of faggots and non-whites"

Example: "the neighborhood is very diverse"
Translation: "the neighborhood has very few hetero-whites"

Diversity is a codeword for anti-White genocide.

Diversity means unsafe.

Diversity means unclean.