View Full Version : Fake Silver is flooding the Dark Net.

10th October 2014, 01:42 AM

I bring news not to sadden you, but to prepare you.

10th October 2014, 02:12 AM
"You will be able to make the federal reserve mad with these fake silver bullions just like counterfeit money!"


10th October 2014, 02:15 AM
how do you know that your getting real counterfeits and not just counterfeit counterfeits? Trust no one.

BTC is bitcoin right? How much is that in slave money?

10th October 2014, 02:36 AM
Yes. This is a listing that requires entering the dark web in order to view it. It is purchased anonymously via bitcoin.

Think ebay but for drugs and weapons. Heard of silk road?

10th October 2014, 02:42 AM
not as sophisticated


10th October 2014, 03:16 AM
I was in the dark web before it was cool. Used to do battle with the paederists. Sniff em out and alert the popo.

10th October 2014, 03:56 AM
Yes. This is a listing that requires entering the dark web in order to view it. It is purchased anonymously via bitcoin.

Think ebay but for drugs and weapons. Heard of silk road?

Is the site called "evolution"?

No one is dumb enough to buy that shit, right?

That's the big downside of "no-recourse" purchases; total anonymity is traded-off against total scamability. "Escrow," LOL.

10th October 2014, 03:57 AM
how do you know that your getting real counterfeits and not just counterfeit counterfeits? Trust no one.

BTC is bitcoin right? How much is that in slave money?

At this moment:



midnight rambler
10th October 2014, 05:26 AM
BTC 2.2145 x $800.18/100=$17.72 per 1 oz. fake bar. Higher than Ag spot. lol

10th October 2014, 07:50 AM
BTC 2.2145 x $800.18/100=$17.72 per 1 oz. fake bar. Higher than Ag spot. lol

He's just appealing to counterfeiters while selling the real thing,

Glass was correct, these are counterfeit counterfeits.

10th October 2014, 08:22 AM
A couple years ago I began limiting my silver buys to pre-65 junk silver dimes. They are the smallest silver coins and hardest to counterfeit.

Occasionally I'll still grab some generic ounces from the generic bin, but it's mostly junk silver now.