View Full Version : Dr. Gil Mobley On Why The CDC Is 'Lying' About Ebola

General of Darkness
12th October 2014, 03:28 PM
I really wished he would have just came out and said in the end, "Can you ever really trust a jew?"

Also checking temperatures means NOTHING, they can be contagious without showing signs of it. CLOSE THE FUCKING BORDERS.


12th October 2014, 03:37 PM
You can bring in supplies by boat. quarantine the whole fucking continent if you have to. Given what we all know, right now, at this point, allowing flights is completely insane. How may people do they want to kill?

Contain it. But they won't.

12th October 2014, 04:31 PM
How the f#@k can the Global Screw Up(GSU) create a global epidemic if they quarantine everything.

12th October 2014, 05:48 PM
Gil Mobley, MD, is a true hero. The man's life is almost certainly in danger for daring to act & speak as he does. I'm surprised he didn't "disappear" after the Hartsfield protest.

This is what we need for Surgeon General or Director of the CDC.

12th October 2014, 05:50 PM
You can bring in supplies by boat. quarantine the whole fucking continent if you have to. Given what we all know, right now, at this point, allowing flights is completely insane. How may people do they want to kill?

Contain it. But they won't.

NATO air forces could airlift - and airdrop - medical supplies.

Any American with Ebola should be quarantined outside of CONUS - say, Anderson AFB, Guam, or maybe even Diego Garcia.

But you asked the question that all one needs to ask: "How many people do they want to kill?"

mick silver
13th October 2014, 01:39 PM
a lot .... "How many people do they want to kill?
NATO air forces could airlift - and airdrop - medical supplies.

Any American with Ebola should be quarantined outside of CONUS - say, Anderson AFB, Guam, or maybe even Diego Garcia.

But you asked the question that all one needs to ask: "How many people do they want to kill?"