View Full Version : Pineal gland observations...

13th October 2014, 05:21 PM
Interesting observation in my daughter. Since she was born she will stare at me and my wifes forehead (or anyone elses). I told the wife she is trying to communicate, she doubted me. My daughter might be able to read what my pineal says since after about 5 seconds she smiles big time. Mine is probably like a calcified rock but she seems to be able to read it. I can't read or get anything from it or any 'communication' from her. Just a strange observation I thought. My wife can't get anything either but did have a bunch of vaccines like me. The wife was rarely subjected to fluoride so I don't think that is the total cause.

To take an innocent soul and pump it full of inoculations and fluoride is probably one of the most evil things an informed parent can do. In certain circles we are shunned for not having her stabbed, those are the circles we have learned to stay away from.

13th October 2014, 06:00 PM
Amazing story, cebu. Personally, I'm convinced that the mass fluoridation of the US water supply is indeed a conspiracy to reduce the ability of the average American to perceive and understand the spiritual nature of our existence.

13th October 2014, 06:06 PM
If you start to feel tired at night it means your pineal gland is secreting melatonin, that makes a person sleepy,which means it must be working in some capacity.

Hypothalamus and pituitary are also in the head, imagine all 3 glowing and connected by a triangle of light.


Imagine light centered in the head , this can be imagined .

Breath the light in ,then breath it out ect.

Once these glands light up , and connect life becomes more of a journey as opposed to a battle .

Everyday thoughts appear more as dreams that can interfere with our real awareness .

Emotions can possibly become a quagmire thats not worth the effort.

Your daughter is looking at your awareness center ,here thoughts are not really necessary as she is probably basking in being alive and seeing her living parents.

Colloidal gold is tops for assistance , when I looked up what IQ means and how CG is meant to improve it by 20% in one month, I found that IQ was more related to problem solving .So if our problem solving abilities increase then we have more chance of making the right decisions and it all comes from ourselves.

13th October 2014, 06:11 PM
Amazing story, cebu. Personally, I'm convinced that the mass fluoridation of the US water supply is indeed a conspiracy to reduce the ability of the average American to perceive and understand the spiritual nature of our existence.

Yes well they have to do this ,make a person stupid enough to believe in them ...hahahaha

ISIS chops of heads ,that seems to be affective also.

Really it is incredibility sad and heart breaking and beyond the comprehension of anything divine.

13th October 2014, 06:14 PM
If you start to feel tired at night it means your pineal gland is secreting melatonin, that makes a person sleepy,which means it must be working in some capacity.

Hypothalamus and pituitary are also in the head, imagine all 3 glowing and connected by a triangle of light.


Imagine light centered in the head , this can be imagined .

Breath the light in ,then breath it out ect.

Once these glands light up , and connect life becomes more of a journey as opposed to a battle .

Everyday thoughts appear more as dreams that can interfere with our real awareness .

Emotions can possibly become a quagmire thats not worth the effort.

Your daughter is looking at your awareness center ,here thoughts are not really necessary as she is probably basking in being alive and seeing her living parents.

Colloidal gold is tops for assistance , when I looked up what IQ means and how CG is meant to improve it by 20% in one month, I found that IQ was more related to problem solving .So if our problem solving abilities increase then we have more chance of making the right decisions and it all comes from ourselves.

You know what's funny? I teach Sunday school for elementary school kids, and this month's theme is creativity, and how God imparted his creative nature into all of us. I've taken this opportunity to teach these kids the amazing capability that we have to be creative and be problem solvers. Indeed, the Bible is full of individuals who used creativity and problem solving to deal with all sorts of situations.

13th October 2014, 06:14 PM
Could be back lighting on your hair follicles that she's looking at.


13th October 2014, 06:14 PM
Amazing story, cebu. Personally, I'm convinced that the mass fluoridation of the US water supply is indeed a conspiracy to reduce the ability of the average American to perceive and understand the spiritual nature of our existence.

Yes agreed but the wife is from the Phil, only spent 4 years in Hongkong with her degree before she went back. No fluoride in the water she had, most was well water. Never had fluoride once I brought her back either. But.. she did have a bunch of vaccinations, the Phil is owned by the USi and probably the Queen.

So without the fluoride I would think the amount of inoculations plays a big part in regards to the pineal gland to function at least for the body housing it. My son got jacked up from the vaccines and my wife had reaction from the mandated MMR after I brought her here. No way to get out of them... unless you come though Mexico for free.

New chick (not 5 months) is LOUD sorry... she will not get either the fluoride or inoculations as long as I am alive unless of her own choosing. Wife is fully on board with the bullshit happening around us and wont allow it either. Just wish I met the current wife 35 years ago.

13th October 2014, 06:22 PM
Mine is probably like a calcified rock

Isn't there some sort of self defeating thesis going on here?


13th October 2014, 06:25 PM
Could be back lighting on your hair follicles that she's looking at.


Dude I'm 50+ there are no hair follicles man.

13th October 2014, 06:25 PM
You know what's funny? I teach Sunday school for elementary school kids, and this month's theme is creativity, and how God imparted his creative nature into all of us. I've taken this opportunity to teach these kids the amazing capability that we have to be creative and be problem solvers. Indeed, the Bible is full of individuals who used creativity and problem solving to deal with all sorts of situations.

Its a very thin line now as the gap to GOD AWARENESS is closing fast.........

Too me now these kids are expressions of our creator and are our creator , thus the creativity thing is eternal and cannot be taught.

We cannot separate GOD from ourselves anymore as in books or concepts even, but we must become real and serious and find or connection too ourselves basically.

13th October 2014, 06:29 PM
Dude I'm 50+ there are no hair follicles man.

I was going to say what hair follicles but I didnt...:)

Fast track to higher awareness....................EARTHING I found it clears the mind of extraneous thinking caused by EMFs.

And take colloidal gold...........

Rule the emotions and the mind as opposed to letting them rule ourselves.

13th October 2014, 06:30 PM
Ahhh the glowing bald spot, there it is! lol!

hheheheee oh man rollin here

13th October 2014, 06:33 PM
Ok, straight face.

I believe that if there is a nominally functioning cerebral cortex,

that it will electrically blast away any calcified fluoride deposits.

Alls it takes is a spark.

13th October 2014, 06:59 PM
Blue eye Azian baby thing

13th October 2014, 07:00 PM
Dilapidated garage:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/p600x600/10478421_10203685298725758_2966063282644259231_o.j pg

13th October 2014, 07:05 PM
The pineal gland also produces DMT, what is sometimes called the spiritual drug.
What happens next is what "scientists" cannot explain is the WHY?

The DMT is then neutralized in the stomach where the "effects" do not take place.
The question is why does this happen? Why produce a drug that your body then neutralizes?

If you believe God made man, why is this in place and then NOT used?

The answer is in Genesis, where God made man perfect and communicated with him.
After man sinned and was kicked out of the Garden of Eden, he was relinquished to not have that SAME fellowship with God as he did before,
God, who IS a spirit so he must be communicated with on a spiritual level.
That was LOST at the fall

Most likely, one of the results (and there are many) of this is that God then allowed the production of DMT to BECOME neutralized in the body.
He could have just eliminated DMT from production if he wanted to but by leaving it this way, it confirms to us believers that God did originally have that close spiritual fellowship with man, face to face.
It seems it will become active once again after we believers get our NEW body!

There was an article many years ago in the National Geographic,, in which they had one of their reporters go to a shaman in some remote part of the world where they mix concoctions together which produce DMT and also disables to neutralizer in the body,. thus giving the body a major dose of this stuff.

This NG woman reporter in question tried this stuff as an experiment for the sake of reporting on this and the shaman lifestyle and was terrified by what she saw.
She said that she was literally IN a spiritual world, not just a "vision" but actually IN a place.
What she described horrified her and she almost died from the terror alone!

She came as an atheist and left a believer in, at least, the spiritual world.
Perhaps she became a Christian, I hope so because what she saw was hell and she was IN IT with various devils from the description she gave

13th October 2014, 07:16 PM

This symbol has been abused

13th October 2014, 07:24 PM
The pineal gland also produces DMT, what is sometimes called the spiritual drug.
What happens next is what "scientists" cannot explain is the WHY?

The DMT is then neutralized in the stomach where the "effects" do not take place.
The question is why does this happen? Why produce a drug that your body then neutralizes?

If you believe God made man, why is this in place and then NOT used?

The answer is in Genesis, where God made man perfect and communicated with him.
After man sinned and was kicked out of the Garden of Eden, he was relinquished to not have that SAME fellowship with God as he did before,
God, who IS a spirit so he must be communicated with on a spiritual level.
That was LOST at the fall

Most likely, one of the results (and there are many) of this is that God then allowed the production of DMT to BECOME neutralized in the body.
He could have just eliminated DMT from production if he wanted to but by leaving it this way, it confirms to us believers that God did originally have that close spiritual fellowship with man, face to face.
It seems it will become active once again after we believers get our NEW body!

There was an article many years ago in the National Geographic,, in which they had one of their reporters go to a shaman in some remote part of the world where they mix concoctions together which produce DMT and also disables to neutralizer in the body,. thus giving the body a major dose of this stuff.

This NG woman reporter in question tried this stuff as an experiment for the sake of reporting on this and the shaman lifestyle and was terrified by what she saw.
She said that she was literally IN a spiritual world, not just a "vision" but actually IN a place.
What she described horrified her and she almost died from the terror alone!

She came as an atheist and left a believer in, at least, the spiritual world.
Perhaps she became a Christian, I hope so because what she saw was hell and she was IN IT with various devils from the description she gave


14th October 2014, 01:42 AM

At about 33 or 34 minutes in he talks about the pineal gland.

14th October 2014, 01:56 PM
Anyone interested in the purpose and role of the Pineal Gland in human interface with other dimensions and God Himself should get a hold of DMT: the Spirit Molecule, by Rick Strassman, MD. There is also a movie-documentary by the same name. Yes, Strassman is a Jew, but his work is profoundly interesting and profoundly valuable. I don't agree with everything he says, but it will open up avenues you probably never thought of about who we are - who you are.



14th October 2014, 02:06 PM
The pineal gland also produces DMT, what is sometimes called the spiritual drug.
What happens next is what "scientists" cannot explain is the WHY?

The DMT is then neutralized in the stomach where the "effects" do not take place.
The question is why does this happen? Why produce a drug that your body then neutralizes?

If you believe God made man, why is this in place and then NOT used?

The answer is in Genesis, where God made man perfect and communicated with him.
After man sinned and was kicked out of the Garden of Eden, he was relinquished to not have that SAME fellowship with God as he did before,
God, who IS a spirit so he must be communicated with on a spiritual level.
That was LOST at the fall

Most likely, one of the results (and there are many) of this is that God then allowed the production of DMT to BECOME neutralized in the body.
He could have just eliminated DMT from production if he wanted to but by leaving it this way, it confirms to us believers that God did originally have that close spiritual fellowship with man, face to face.
It seems it will become active once again after we believers get our NEW body!

There was an article many years ago in the National Geographic,, in which they had one of their reporters go to a shaman in some remote part of the world where they mix concoctions together which produce DMT and also disables to neutralizer in the body,. thus giving the body a major dose of this stuff.

This NG woman reporter in question tried this stuff as an experiment for the sake of reporting on this and the shaman lifestyle and was terrified by what she saw.
She said that she was literally IN a spiritual world, not just a "vision" but actually IN a place.
What she described horrified her and she almost died from the terror alone!

She came as an atheist and left a believer in, at least, the spiritual world.
Perhaps she became a Christian, I hope so because what she saw was hell and she was IN IT with various devils from the description she gave

The Pineal Gland's continued production of DMT is by God's design. It didn't stop with Adam & Eve. Pineal secretion of DMT is minimal, but increases during intense spiritual experiences, including death.

Ayahuasca is a DMT-containing "tea" made in South America. It uses natural plants - God's green herbs - and one of the ingredients contains a MAO inhibitor, which allows the ingested brew's DMT to remain psychoactive.

While I do not doubt that those not in the protection of God may experience "another dimension" where demons reside, it is error to imply that these plants, which God created, are "satanic" in and of themselves. There is also no certainty that what that woman experienced was "Hell." It could be a similar experience as "alien abductees" experience (the "aliens" are demons).

An interesting fact, demonstrating the insanity of the Babylon System's "war on drugs": possession of any amount of DMT is a felony in the United States. So, possession of your brain and its Pineal Gland, "manufacturing" DMT, is a felony. LOL

14th October 2014, 02:09 PM
There is also a thing called the Crown Chakra...................

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQyJcayNO1CF8_e7MvakQRTak0Ida774 0K1fpSpsgm_9itRsT35rA 400 × 435 - naturesforyou.com

(http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.naturesforyou.com% 2Fshoppingcart%2Fproduct_images%2Fuploaded_images% 2FChakras.gif&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.naturesforyou.com%2Fsh oppingcart%2Fpages%2FTHE-CROWN-CHAKRA-%25252d-SAHASRARA-%25252d-THOUSAND-PETALED-LOTUS-CHAKRA-%25252d-SEVENTH-CHAKRA.html&h=435&w=400&tbnid=Is0jMi71weTv7M%3A&zoom=1&docid=c7S2zKgdswnfbM&ei=F5E9VOiQNIjq8AXk5ILIBg&tbm=isch&client=firefox-a&ved=0CCcQMygKMAo&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=771&page=2&start=8&ndsp=10)

14th October 2014, 04:14 PM
From the first link:

The late Willis Harman possessed one of the most discerning minds to apply himself to the field of psychedelic research. Earlier in his career, Willis had published the first and only scientific study using psychedelics to enhance the creative process. When I met him 30 years later in 1994, he was President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, an organization founded by the sixth man to walk on the moon, Edgar Mitchell. Mitchell's mystical experience, stimulated by viewing the Earth on his return home, inspired him to study phenomena outside the range of traditional science, which, nevertheless, might yield to a broader application of the scientific method.

14th October 2014, 06:25 PM
Watching the movie, too much beer tho, might hold off til tomorrow.

16th October 2014, 12:08 AM
A 1917 study observed that cow pineal gland extract lightened frog skin. ...
He named it melatonin because it lightened skin by contracting the black pigment in ...

http://books.google.co.cr/books?id=rQeeTNHjdtgC&pg=PA62&lpg=PA62&dq=A+1917+study+observed+that+cow+pineal+gland+ext ract+lightened+frog+skin.+...++He+named+it+melaton in+because+it+lightened+skin+by+contracting+the+bl ack+pigment+in+..&source=bl&ots=gVpIgywVy1&sig=CslsdNYw5eKjZ0CUs5aVQwdbkyw&hl=en&sa=X&ei=0G4_VIGGH8HygwTUkoCwAw&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=A%201917%20study%20observed%20that%20cow%20pinea l%20gland%20extract%20lightened%20frog%20skin.%20. ..%20%20He%20named%20it%20melatonin%20because%20it %20lightened%20skin%20by%20contracting%20the%20bla ck%20pigment%20in%20..&f=false
