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13th October 2014, 06:36 PM
Ohh how they look out for us goy



13th October 2014, 07:12 PM
we are technically imbeciles so they have a responsibility..... at least the king does anyways.

13th October 2014, 08:14 PM
How come they appear as the imbeciles then.

Still if I could fry up an egg from one of my chooks , dot gov would be like an added ingredient,tasty even and part of the egg would add a dot gov nutritional value to my diet. It maybe could come to a point after our receptors start craving dot gov food and basically cant live with it, she did have a nice hypnotic voice.............

13th October 2014, 08:17 PM
It's terrifying that I don't know for sure if this is a parody or not. I'm afraid to look, for fear that I'll find out it 's real.

ETA: Indeed it is real, which is disturbing to no end.

On the bright side, the comments below the vid on Youtube are quite... contrarian, which restores my hope just enough to keep going.

13th October 2014, 08:20 PM
It's terrifying that I don't know for sure if this is a parody or not. I'm afraid to look, for fear that I'll find out it 's real.

Its a parody real or not.....

Remember GOV knows BEST........http://media.mercola.com/images/newsletter/2005/08/02/fluoridate.jpg

13th October 2014, 08:42 PM
I edited my post... check the comments on the YT video.

13th October 2014, 09:16 PM
The thing I'm not really clear about is, does GE still make actual products? I thought they abandoned that and were basically just a finance company now.

13th October 2014, 09:33 PM
The thing I'm not really clear about is, does GE still make actual products? I thought they abandoned that and were basically just a finance company now.

They still have a ticker and chart. they do something I'm sure.

13th October 2014, 09:37 PM
They helped make fukushima , but we shouldnt talk about that I guess.

13th October 2014, 10:31 PM
so they know something about radiation then?

Hatha Sunahara
14th October 2014, 01:11 AM
If .gov was really looking out for us, they would ban the sale and use of microwave ovens completely. I know that the Soviet Union banned microwave ovens, but I'm not sure if the Russians continued that ban. Europeans also avoid using MW ovens. I'm not sure what microwaves does to food, but scientists who have studied it say it's not good. Apparently it destroys the nutrition in your food. I've read stories of people heating water in a microwave oven, and then letting it cool, and watering a plant with it, and the plant promptly dies. I know they save time heating food, but there are high performance convection ovens that are almost as fast. I'm thinking of getting one and tossing out the MW oven.


14th October 2014, 02:32 AM
If .gov was really looking out for us, they would ban the sale and use of microwave ovens completely. I know that the Soviet Union banned microwave ovens, but I'm not sure if the Russians continued that ban. Europeans also avoid using MW ovens. I'm not sure what microwaves does to food, but scientists who have studied it say it's not good. Apparently it destroys the nutrition in your food. I've read stories of people heating water in a microwave oven, and then letting it cool, and watering a plant with it, and the plant promptly dies. I know they save time heating food, but there are high performance convection ovens that are almost as fast. I'm thinking of getting one and tossing out the MW oven.


I debunked the microwaved water on this board. See the gardening forum.

The only way I can figure people killed their plants with mv water was to pour the mv water on the plants hot.

14th October 2014, 04:55 AM
I don't have a mv. never seen the need. There is one where I work and I do use it a couple times a week for reheat. I find the heating is uneven. Sometimes letting it sit helps. I don't trust them, a bit for the food but mostly I think they probably leak a lot.

14th October 2014, 02:21 PM
The thing I'm not really clear about is, does GE still make actual products? I thought they abandoned that and were basically just a finance company now.

Military, industrial and "health care" products (weapons, jet engines, "heavy" electrical systems, locomotives, MRI/CT machines, etc.). The "consumer" appliances divisions have all been sold off. The "consumer" electronics stuff went to Thomson (French General Electric) decades ago.

GE Capital has also spun off its "consumer" finance; now called "Synchrony Bank."

14th October 2014, 02:24 PM
I know that the Soviet Union banned microwave ovens, but I'm not sure if the Russians continued that ban.

The Soviet Union did not ban microwave ovens. That is an urban legend often cited.

14th October 2014, 03:47 PM
With radiation it would cook only in one minute istead of five......that's modern cooking.

By the way, in some places they do radiate food, it makes it last longer.


14th October 2014, 03:55 PM
With radiation it would cook only in one minute istead of five......that's modern cooking.

By the way, in some places they do radiate food, it makes it last longer.


So do chemically-complicated preservatives. Making food last longer means generally turning it into something that is no longer fit to be considered food.