View Full Version : Want to hear something REALLY funny?......... me ........ V

14th October 2014, 02:42 PM
I just found out that I am at the top of the 1% of the richest people in the USA hahhahahahhahhahah, this does not really tell me how "rich" I am but rather how "poor" everyone else is..........the main reaso for this is that I am not in debt to anyone for anything and even thou my money is not growing like the ones for the billionairs most of the money that they do have and have coming in is going out right away so that the "clear" money that they have is not that much.......in othe words....."If you don't hold it, you don't own it".... and something else, if you have $3,650 cash you are then in the top 50% of the richest people in this world.

In reality even if can pay only my expenses I am already doing what I want to do so that I would always be rich, the world that I create in your mind is your real world so that I would be happy even with nothing......but of course I am a little crazy, that helps.


14th October 2014, 02:49 PM
This article was about cash ,not some half buried ,tarnished lumps of barbaric metal that no body in the world seems to want. hehe

14th October 2014, 03:42 PM
Hummmmmmmmmm cash only I would be in the 65-70%$ group :(

Who knows, someday I might be in the .002% hahahahahhahaaahh.......just kidding.......I am already in the 100% of myself, after all, I march to the sound of my own drum, boy, is sure noise.


14th October 2014, 03:59 PM
Hummmmmmmmmm cash only I would be in the 65-70%$ group

Perhaps it helps to view wealth from a perspective of value


14th October 2014, 04:06 PM

14th October 2014, 04:32 PM
Not yet, maybe someday hahahahhaahhaha.........am I an optimist or what? LOL.

mick silver
15th October 2014, 08:02 AM
so when are you going to take a trip back to your homeland of mexico with all that money ..... NOW that's some funny shit there

15th October 2014, 08:10 AM
I think that first I'll get myself a bennie hat and then buy the rest of Hawaii hahhahahahhah......it will be a while before I can do that...hummmmmmmmmm and then what?.........all that I would do there I am doing here...I'll think of something.

15th October 2014, 06:14 PM
so when are you going to take a trip back to your homeland of mexico with all that money ..... NOW that's some funny shit there

Mexico?...I thought he was Puerto Rican?


15th October 2014, 06:20 PM
Mexico?...I thought he was Puerto Rican?


Rumor control holds that he claims to be Cuban American, but some circles hold more to Puerto Rican or Mexican with a dash of Jamaican in true origen, but more likely a Heinze 57 mix of all the above!


Hi bud!


15th October 2014, 08:32 PM
Hey amigos, and that's what makes me a black Irish......mix all that is good in life and you got me.


15th October 2014, 08:39 PM
Rumor control holds that he claims to be Cuban American, but some circles hold more to Puerto Rican or Mexican with a dash of Jamaican in true origen, but more likely a Heinze 57 mix of all the above!


Hi bud!


Hey amigos, and that's what makes me a black Irish......mix all that is good in life and you got me.


Mutt it is then!

Better overall than pure breeds anytime! ;D

15th October 2014, 10:17 PM
You are an American to me ponce ....sorry

16th October 2014, 09:03 AM
Well Serpo, only 25% Americano...were I to be 100% I would then me an idiot hahahahahahahah......God Bless America.


16th October 2014, 12:25 PM
Well Serpo, only 25% Americano...were I to be 100% I would then me an idiot hahahahahahahah......God Bless America.


I mean your bones are still Cuban , I am similar , a kiwi living in OZ.