View Full Version : Huh? Ebola vaccine not being tested against Ebola Learn more: http://www.naturalnews

14th October 2014, 09:05 PM
Its amazing how far we have come in that there is no need to test this vaccine against real live ebola because they basically say.............. it may work...hahaha....

Before long, we are all going to be inundated with a mainstream media propaganda campaign that demands we all accept an Ebola vaccine. Right now, a vaccine has already entered human trials in Africa, reports NBC News. [1] The vaccine was developed by the NIH, and the clinical trial is being run by the University of Maryland.

But there's huge problem in all this: the vaccine won't be tested against Ebola. It will be "approved" by the FDA in record time without ever being shown to be effective, in other words.

You might find this strange... and it is. Drugs are typically tested against people who have the disease the drug claims to treat. For example, high blood pressure drugs are tested in people who have high blood pressure to determine whether the drug "works" to lower their blood pressure. These results are typically compared to a control group which also has high blood pressure but received a placebo. The difference in results across these two groups is attributed to the drug.

A properly-constructed Ebola vaccine trial, then, would also have to use two groups of people: a control group which receives no vaccine and then gets exposed to Ebola, and a treated group that receives the vaccine and then gets exposed to Ebola. The difference in the outcomes of the two groups would be attributed to the vaccine. Obviously, no vaccine clinical trial is going to intentionally expose anyone to Ebola. Thus, the question of whether the vaccine even works against Ebola won't be answered even when the vaccine is "approved" for use in the population.

Clinical trials won't test vaccine's efficacy against Ebola

Instead of testing whether the vaccine works against Ebola, the clinical trials are only trying to determine whether the vaccine causes side effects and produces an immune response. As Dr. Myron Levine, director of the Center for Vaccine Development (CVD) at the University of Maryland, explains:

This research will give us crucial information about whether the vaccine (http://www.naturalnews.com/vaccine.html) is safe, well tolerated and capable of stimulating adequate immune responses in the highest priority target population, health care workers in West Africa.

Note carefully that he does not say the clinical trial will tell them whether the vaccine actually halts Ebola (http://www.naturalnews.com/Ebola.html) transmission. What they are looking for in this trial is whether the vaccine causes side effects and whether it produces an "immune response" of antibodies.

These antibodies, it turns out, are not Ebola antibodies. They are antibodies to a tiny chain of proteins (that resemble one part of Ebola) attached to an adenovirus (a common cold virus). The hope among vaccine developers is that the antibodies which appear in response to this artificially engineered protein structure will also work (http://www.naturalnews.com/work.html) against Ebola. But there will be no proof of this. It will simply be a "best guess" and may not work at all.

Once the experimental, unproven vaccine is deployed, two things will happen

Regardless of the fact that the Ebola vaccine won't be tested against Ebola, there are two things that will immediately happen following the deployment of the vaccine:

1) All progress in containing the Ebola outbreak will be immediately and exclusively credited to the Ebola vaccine (http://www.naturalnews.com/Ebola_vaccine.html).

2) All failures in containing the Ebola outbreak will be immediately and exclusively blamed on people refusing the Ebola vaccine.

Such is the dogma of the vaccine religion: Even without any scientific proof whatsoever, every event that takes place will be interpreted as confirming the absolute infallibility of the vaccine. Those who dare question the efficacy or safety of the vaccine will be labeled as "killers" while those who blindly accept the leap-of-faith worshipping of the vaccine will be labeled "saviors."

Even if the Ebola vaccine were pure saline solution with no viral fragments whatsoever -- i.e. "placebo" -- the above two points would still hold true. The mere fact that it is a vaccine causes once-scientific minds to be overwhelmed with religious fervor and abandon all rational skepticism. No questioning of the Ebola vaccine will be tolerated anywhere, and any who dare raise questions of safety, efficacy or ingredient formulation will be viciously blamed for the worsening outbreak (http://www.naturalnews.com/outbreak.html), almost as if they had run around with a syringe full of Ebola, deliberately injecting people at shopping malls and airports.

Because in today's scientific dictatorship run by pharmaceutical corporations, the only sin worse than being an Ebola carrier who infects others is being a vaccine skeptic who asks scientific questions about vaccine ingredients, manufacturing quality control and vaccine efficacy. In the religion of scientism, there is zero tolerance for those who lack blind faith in vaccines. You either worship the vaccine and its proponents, or you will be condemned as a hazard to public safety.

In today's politicized medical climate, you see, whether the vaccine actually "works" is irrelevant. That's why colloidal silver will never be tested against Ebola by health authorities. They don't want to know whether it works. This entire western system of medicine is not at all interested in what works. It is only interested in what earns a profit.

And it looks like Ebola is about to create a windfall of profits for them all, even if their vaccine product doesn't actually work. But who's got time for actual science when there's a pandemic under way, right?

Sources for this story include:
[1] http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ebola-virus.. (http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ebola-virus-outbreak/exclusive-first-ebola-vaccine-trial-starts-africa-n222266)

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/047253_ebola_vaccine_clinical_trials_outbreak.html ##ixzz3GBOsVSsZ

14th October 2014, 10:07 PM
I assure you that any vaccine will indeed "work" - just not against Ebola.

From the NBC link: "Ebola vaccine trials are also under way at NIH outside Washington, D.C., and in Britain."

Guess where "outside Washington" is?


14th October 2014, 10:35 PM
FORT DETRICK..........aaahhhh

14th October 2014, 11:00 PM
My suspicion is that it will work FOR Ebola. But re the lack of trial of efficiency of the vaccine. This is defacto how every vaccine is put on the market today. And safety is generally tested with comparing the vaccine with a 'placebo' shot that contains the same ingredients as the vaccine (egg yolks, Mercury, Aluminum etc).

mick silver
15th October 2014, 08:41 AM
and you will not be able to sue the maker of the drug once they make it to kill you