View Full Version : They're going to have to rename Hawaii to Jewaii

15th October 2014, 06:38 AM
First Larry Jew Ellison bought a large chunk of the islands.

Now Facebilk Zuckerberg has bought another large chunk.

It does seem like a trend.


"The Facebook chief executive bought part of Kauai, the fourth largest of the Hawaiian islands, Forbes magazine reported.

His 700 acres on the north shore will include a pristine white sand beach, a former sugarcane plantation, and an organic farm.

Under Hawaiian law the the beach will have to remain open to the public as the state has no private stretches of sand.

Zuckerberg, 30, who is worth around $33 billion, is the second Silicon Valley billionaire to buy up part of Hawaii.

Last year Oracle chairman Larry Ellison purchased the whole of Lanai, Hawaii's sixth largest island, for up to $600 million."

Half Sense
15th October 2014, 07:19 AM
Ellison bought the whole island? That's a hell of a big porch.

15th October 2014, 08:03 AM
Ellison bought the whole island? That's a hell of a big porch.

Used to be owned by Dole, I believe... that's where all the good pineapples came from.

15th October 2014, 08:43 AM
this is what i don't understand about the gentiles who work in high-tech.

most of them work for Jews.

it's as if Gentiles lost all their instincts for entrepreneurial high-tech back in 2001.

which obviously, they did not.

how can someone look at US industry (or US government) and not see Jew nepotism ?

e.g. Jew VC's giving VC to young Jew entrepreneurs.

In the case of Facebilk, 2 young Gentiles actually started it - the Winklevoss brothers.

Zuckerberg stole their invention.

Why is Zuck not in prison & the Winklevoss brothers buying Hawaii ?

Jew nepotism.

Twisted Titan
15th October 2014, 08:59 AM
Same reason why Bill Fake isnt in jail for stealing MsDos

15th October 2014, 01:07 PM
Same reason why Bill Fake isnt in jail for stealing MsDos

Gates paid DOS up front, i think.

Zuck stole the idea & prototype software from a consulting client, the Winklevoss'. Zuck paid the Wink's $65 million because a court ordered Zuck to do so.

In other words, Gates was not dealing with stolen property. Zuck was and is.

Basically, an example of history rhyming. And the theft of Edison's motion picture invention by the Warner Brothers, who moved from the East Coast to the West Coast to escape prosecution & develop the idea.

Definitely some similarities there.

I'm not saying Gates is an angel. If anything, I just want to understand the details of Jewish perfidy accurately.

However, that is like trying to comprehend infinity, so we need a "short version".

"with Jews you lose", just one idea.

damn, this needs to be taught to young people.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Of course the trick is to focus on what we can do.

I pray that one of the regulars (non-troll regulars) creates a money-making cooperative, giving them $Billionaire Gentile status.

Not that they need the money. It's just that Gentiles need to stop ceding control of their societies to Jews.

So, if one of you guys starts the next Hewlett Packard or Yahoo or Apple or Ford (Hewlett Packard, Yang and Filo, Jobs & Wozniak, and obviously Ford - all Gentiles, I think)

- can I have a corner office with a view ? :)

And one final note, while I am ranting - you would need control of the media to convince people not to point out the obvious -
* quite often, when you're watching football, an entire defensive or offensive side will be black, African-American, whatever. Yet it is considered racist to merely state the obvious.
* at least 50% of the articles about billionaires in American financial media are about Jewish billionaires. I don't need to know the exact number to perceive a demographic characteristic, worthy of questioning.

15th October 2014, 01:11 PM
They will need somewhere to run too and an island surrounded by radioactive water sounds perfect.

General of Darkness
15th October 2014, 01:28 PM
Hopefully a volcano goes off and burns them alive.

15th October 2014, 01:30 PM
Hopefully a volcano goes off and burns them alive.

Not likely to happen on either one of those islands...too old and too far from the hot spot that created the chain. The Big Island is currently occupying that space, which is why Kilauea is always running.

15th October 2014, 03:30 PM
Hopefully a volcano goes off and burns them alive.


15th October 2014, 03:36 PM
just thinking about the culture, the native Hawaiians and the native haoles, are no lovers of big-spending outsiders.

i think this is an example of where local citizens can use laws for the benefit of local citizens.

i'd like to see Hawaii seize Ellison and Zuckerberg's properties via eminent domain. then insist that the matter be settled in Hawaiian courts with Hawaiian lawyers.

Jon Roseman is another Jew who bought one of the pre-eminent surfing properties. He bought the island of Tavarua, home of Cloudbreak, one of the most famous and most popular breaks in the world.

Huge cash cow for the Jew Roseman.

15th October 2014, 06:09 PM
this is what i don't understand about the gentiles who work in high-tech.

most of them work for Jews.

it's as if Gentiles lost all their instincts for entrepreneurial high-tech back in 2001.

which obviously, they did not.

how can someone look at US industry (or US government) and not see Jew nepotism ?

e.g. Jew VC's giving VC to young Jew entrepreneurs.

In the case of Facebilk, 2 young Gentiles actually started it - the Winklevoss brothers.

Zuckerberg stole their invention.

Why is Zuck not in prison & the Winklevoss brothers buying Hawaii ?

Jew nepotism.

I thought that too about him stealing the invention.

Couple side notes:

These people are not stupid. Why would they buy that after Fuki.? Is there maybe nothing to the hype, or are they just that ignorant?

Doesn't the Winkelvoss Bros. hold the largest sum of BTC?