View Full Version : Jews DEMAND: don't you panic about Ebola!

15th October 2014, 11:47 AM

"At the same time, the outbreak of the deadly virus has sliced through American politics and the media with a vengeance. Understandably, the specter of such a dangerous disease in the United States has bred fear. But it is remarkable how some public figures are inflaming that fear."

Martin Baron, Washington Post Editor-in-Chief and editorial board



"[T]he big misconception about Ebola is that there's risk to people in America. And that's just not the case.”

Richard Besser, ABC News chief medical editor and former CDC Director



"The challenge becomes exponentially greater, if scarce resources are diverted by uninformed demands -- for travel bans, for instance -- which are difficult to implement and do not contribute to defeating the disease. Wasting resources by following casual advice -- even if adamantly spoken and mightily propelled -- would make the tragedy of this disease even greater."

Linda Fried, Professor of Public Health, Columbia University


Do I even need to quote Tommy Frieden?

15th October 2014, 12:40 PM

Hatha Sunahara
15th October 2014, 01:04 PM
At the same time, the outbreak of the deadly virus has sliced through American politics and the media with a vengeance. Understandably, the specter of such a dangerous disease in the United States has bred fear. But it is remarkable how some public figures are inflaming that fear."

Martin Baron, Washington Post Editor-in-Chief and editorial board

"..remarkable how some public figures are inflaming that fear." They can't help inflaming the public's fear. It's their ineptitude, and propensity for lying and cheating, and pushing the 'party line' that inflames public fear. The public expects the people who have commandeered the resources to use them for the common good. There is no guarantee this will be done, based on the record of those public figures. The big fear is that they are going to save themselves and leave the rest of us to suffer the consequences and die. They might even spped up the die-off by forcing deadly 'vaccines' on us. What is it that this guy thinks is remarkable? Their whole public life is based on their ability to inflame the public's fears.


15th October 2014, 01:28 PM
When Mr Ebola reaches the state of Israel they will request more mone to save the "Palestinians" hahahahhahaha and then a new city will open up for the Zionist.


Twisted Titan
15th October 2014, 03:01 PM
"The challenge becomes exponentially greater, if scarce resources are diverted by uninformed demands -- for travel bans, for instance -- which are difficult to implement and do not contribute to defeating the disease. Wasting resources by following casual advice -- even if adamantly spoken and mightily propelled -- would make the tragedy of this disease even greater."

Linda Fried, Professor of Public Health,*

But there is no such difficulty in israel to implement such travel bans .....especially when it is 100 percent humanitrian aid

15th October 2014, 05:02 PM
WFAA town hall meeting on Ebola - Facts not Fear


"Trust us!"

mick silver
17th October 2014, 09:16 PM
http://images.taboola.com/taboola/image/fetch/f_jpg%2Cq_80%2Cc_fill%2Cg_face%2Ce_sharpen/http%3A%2F%2Fvideos.usatoday.net%2FBrightcove2%2F2 9906170001%2F2014%2F10%2F29906170001_3829789842001 _video-still-for-video-3829773958001.jpg%3FpubId%3D29906170001Dallas Ebola victim's fiancée 'finished' after his death

17th October 2014, 11:05 PM
http://images.taboola.com/taboola/image/fetch/f_jpg%2Cq_80%2Cc_fill%2Cg_face%2Ce_sharpen/http%3A%2F%2Fvideos.usatoday.net%2FBrightcove2%2F2 9906170001%2F2014%2F10%2F29906170001_3829789842001 _video-still-for-video-3829773958001.jpg%3FpubId%3D29906170001Dallas Ebola victim's fiancée 'finished' after his death

17th October 2014, 11:28 PM

"At the same time, the outbreak of the deadly virus has sliced through American politics and the media with a vengeance. Understandably, the specter of such a dangerous disease in the United States has bred fear. But it is remarkable how some public figures are inflaming that fear."

Martin Baron, Washington Post Editor-in-Chief and editorial board



"[T]he big misconception about Ebola is that there's risk to people in America. And that's just not the case.”

Richard Besser, ABC News chief medical editor and former CDC Director



"The challenge becomes exponentially greater, if scarce resources are diverted by uninformed demands -- for travel bans, for instance -- which are difficult to implement and do not contribute to defeating the disease. Wasting resources by following casual advice -- even if adamantly spoken and mightily propelled -- would make the tragedy of this disease even greater."

Linda Fried, Professor of Public Health, Columbia University


Do I even need to quote Tommy Frieden?
Astonishing, those people should be beheaded when their fraudulent court system and protection racket collapses. A virus can't be beaten by going to it, outside of a human cell it does nothing, it is just a degrading RNA molecule without life. Stopping the spread is the most effective approach. It is not difficult to stop travel from West Africa, it won't have any major economical impact even. These people are cold blooded murderers, who are willing to sacrifice millions to reach their goals. They were hired to protect us, but willingly and knowingly they do the complete opposite, while saying it is for our own good. Beheading of the 4 mentioned above, after conviction by a court of the survivors.

18th October 2014, 01:34 AM
Unjustified panic over Ebola (author Linda Chavez, Marano Jew)

It’s time to take a deep breath. Ebola is an awful disease that has tragically infected a handful of Americans. Though it deserves the full attention of our medical community — most important, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — it should not be dominating our news, preoccupying our president and other political leaders, and frightening Americans into believing an epidemic on U.S. soil is just around the corner.


The one thing the media could do to help is to quit treating Ebola as if it is the most important story of the day.

19th October 2014, 06:25 PM
Obama on Ebola: ‘We Can’t Give in to Hysteria’


“What we’re seeing now is not an ‘outbreak’ or an ‘epidemic’ of Ebola in America,” Obama said in his weekly video address. “This is a serious disease, but we can’t give in to hysteria or fear.”

19th October 2014, 07:49 PM
Ebola and terrorism: Letting fear get the best of us


24th October 2014, 12:16 AM
Official cites 'epidemic of fear' in US


mick silver
24th October 2014, 10:06 AM
I wonder how the banker feel about it now that that have it in ny shithole

24th October 2014, 01:21 PM
Cleveland Jewish News Editorial: "Ebola Rx – calm down, separate facts from factitious"


24th October 2014, 01:24 PM
I'd like to point out the "good Jewish doctor" who wrote the above editorial claims the Ebola situation is "artificial," just like many who claim to be Jew-wise. The term "factitious" means "artificial" and is a synonym of "sham."

Those who believe in "Ebol-lie" have good Kosher company.