View Full Version : Great News! 100% protection found against Ebola
16th October 2014, 10:33 AM
Clipboards. With our without paper. It would seem that clipboards provide 100% protection against ebola.
The Idiotic Explanation Why The "Idiot With The Clipboard" Was Unprotected
Phoenix Air has released a statement explaining why the now infamous non-HazMat-wearing 'clipboard man' seen in close proximity to Dallas Ebola patient Amber Vinson (while the rest of the members of staff are fully protected) was unprotected... and it will blow your mind.
Why is "Clipboard Man" not wearing protective gear?
The airline confirmed to ABC News that the man was their medical protocol supervisor who was purposefully not wearing protective gear.
"Our medical professionals in the biohazard suits have limited vision and mobility and it is the protocol supervisor’s job to watch each person carefully and give them verbal directions to insure no close contact protocols are violated," a spokesperson from Phoenix Air told ABC News said.
"There is absolutely no problem with this and in fact insures an even higher level of safety for all involved," the spokesperson said. hed_the_.JPG
more @ ZH (
16th October 2014, 10:50 AM
Two options:
1) he is a f**ktard like Clay Jenkins;
2) he knows he can't get it.
We simply don't have enough information to determine which.
16th October 2014, 11:18 AM
Photo op like the Boston Bombing, Shady Hoax etc...
16th October 2014, 11:22 AM
The guy with the clip board must be a gov bureaucratic, it is well known nothing can touch them short of nuking their asses!
16th October 2014, 01:01 PM
The Idiotic Explanation Why The "Idiot With The Clipboard" Was Unprotected (
Submitted by Tyler Durden ( on 10/16/2014 11:21 -0400
ABC News (
Phoenix Air has released a statement explaining why the now infamous non-HazMat-wearing 'clipboard man' seen in close proximity to Dallas Ebola patient Amber Vinson (while the rest of the members of staff are fully protected) was unprotected... and it will blow your mind.
Why is "Clipboard Man" not wearing protective gear? (
Phoenix Air responds (via ABC News) (
The airline confirmed to ABC News that the man was their medical protocol supervisor who was purposefully not wearing protective gear.
"Our medical professionals in the biohazard suits have limited vision and mobility and it is the protocol supervisor’s job to watch each person carefully and give them verbal directions to insure no close contact protocols are violated," a spokesperson from Phoenix Air told ABC News said.
"There is absolutely no problem with this and in fact insures an even higher level of safety for all involved," the spokesperson said.
* * *
So - in summary - due to the restrictive vision when wearing an Ebola-protective suit, one member of staff must be sacrificed/exposed to ensure no one trips?
And these are who we are supposed to trust?
Here is the full sequence of events involving "clipboard guy" via the Mail ( hed_the_.JPG
Is he with the CDC? Both the ambulance company and Emory University Hospital said the unprotected man with the clipboard (center) is not one of their employees - meaning he is likely a CDC employee
A man in plain clothes was seen on the tarmac Wednesday afternoon, as the second Ebola patient (in yellow hazmat suit) boarded a flight to Atlanta, Georgia
The man is seen boarding the flight, after exchanging several objects with the hazmat crew
Clipboard man appears to have flown on the same flight as infected Miss Vinson, as he is seen in footage of her getting into an ambulance at an airport in Atlanta
General of Darkness
16th October 2014, 01:04 PM
Two options:
1) he is a f**ktard like Clay Jenkins;
2) he knows he can't get it.
We simply don't have enough information to determine which.
More like Leroy Jenkins.
16th October 2014, 01:07 PM
the only way to be sure ?
16th October 2014, 01:28 PM
Thanks To Obama’s Incompetence, Ebola Is Now Out Of Control In America
October 15th, 2014
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By Michael Snyder (
Much of the responsibility for the Ebola crisis that the United States is now facing can be laid squarely at the feet of Barack Obama. If Obama had banned all non-essential air travel between the U.S. and West Africa, Thomas Eric Duncan would have never gotten on to a plane to this country in the first place. And if Obama had directed the CDC to get all hospital staff in America some basic training about Ebola, we might not have two infected nurses at this point. But instead, this Ebola outbreak in America is now officially out of control. The fact that one of the sick nurses got on to an airplane while she was feeling feverish boggles the mind, and it is creating a tremendous amount of fear all over the nation. Already, one traveler showed up at Dulles airport in a full hazmat suit ( The White House has announced that Obama has canceled a fundraising trip and will be holding an “emergency meeting” on Ebola. Hopefully he can start to get a handle on what is going on before it is too late.
News that a second nurse that was caring for Thomas Eric Duncan has Ebola sent shockwaves all over the country. Apparently those caring for him did not wear hazmat suits for the first two days ( This is such a monstrous error that it is hard to put into words.
What made things even worse is that this second nurse decided to get on a plane ( even after she began exhibiting symptoms…
The CDC has announced that the second healthcare worker diagnosed with Ebola — now identified as Amber Joy Vinson of Dallas — traveled by air Oct. 13, with a low-grade fever, a day before she showed up at the hospital reporting symptoms.
The CDC is now reaching out to all passengers who flew on Frontier Airlines flight 1143 Cleveland to Dallas/Fort Worth. The flight landed at 8:16 p.m. CT.
All 132 passengers on the flight are being asked to call 1 800-CDC INFO (resource://skype_ff_extension-at-jetpack/skype_ff_extension/data/call_skype_logo.png1 800 232-4636). Public health professionals will begin interviewing passengers about the flight Wednesday afternoon.
If she was showing symptoms, that means that she was contagious.
Isn’t that what we have been told all along?
But CDC director Thomas Frieden, who like Barack Obama was reportedly once a “community organizer”, says that the risk to other passengers on that flight was “very low” (…
CDC director Thomas Frieden said she had violated CDC guidelines against anyone using public transport while undergoing self-monitoring for exposure to Ebola. Frieden said Vinson did not report that her temperature had risen a small amount, to 99.5 degrees, before she departed for Dallas. He said her risk to other passengers was “very low.”
How in the world can he say that with a straight face?
She was showing symptoms.
She was contagious.
Anyone on that flight could now have Ebola.
And we might not know who has it for quite some time. According to the CDC, the incubation period for Ebola can be up to 21 days…
The incubation period, from exposure to when signs or symptoms appear, for Ebola ranges from 2 to 21 days (most commonly 8-10 days). Early symptoms include sudden fever, chills, and muscle aches. Around the fifth day, a skin rash can occur. Nausea, vomiting, chest pain, sore throat, abdominal pain, and diarrhea may follow.
But that information might not even be accurate.
A WHO report that was just released says that Ebola can have an incubation period of up to 42 days ( smission.html).
So several weeks from now we might have Ebola cases popping up all over the country.
We just don’t know.
And what makes all of this even worse is the fact that the plane this happened on continued to be used for five more flights ( after the sick nurse got off…
The Frontier Airlines jet that carried a Dallas healthcare worker diagnosed with Ebola made five additional flights after her trip before it was taken out of service, according to a flight-monitoring website.
Denver-based Frontier said in a statement ( it grounded the plane immediately after the carrier was notified late Tuesday night by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about the Ebola patient.
What a nightmare.
In addition, there may already be more cases of Ebola in Dallas. ( is reporting that the boyfriend of nurse Nina Pham ( is a potential case.
And CNN has reported that the CDC is “assessing” four additional health care workers at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. Just check out this screenshot (
Normally, Barack Obama’s incompetence doesn’t immediately cause a major national emergency.
But in this case, that may be exactly what has happened.
Obama should have ordered the CDC to be all over the first case of Ebola in Dallas.
But instead, CNN ( is reporting that nurses are claiming that “there were no protocols” for dealing with the Ebola patient…
Also Tuesday, National Nurses United made troubling allegations ( about the hospital, claiming “guidelines were constantly changing” and “there were no protocols” about how to deal with the deadly virus.”
“The protocols that should have been in place in Dallas were not in place, and that those protocols are not in place anywhere in the United States as far as we can tell,” NNU Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro said. “We’re deeply alarmed.”
Nurses were told to wrap their necks with medical tape when equipment left their necks exposed; they felt unsupported and unprepared, and they received no hands-on training, union co-president Deborah Burger said.
In addition, it is being reported that at the hospital there was “no one to pick up hazardous waste as it piled to the ceiling” during the treatment of Thomas Eric Duncan.
Soiled sheets and clothing just sat there and kept on piling up.
At this point, the head of the CDC should immediately resign in disgrace. The incompetence that he is displaying is absolutely appalling.
For example, during a single press conference he recently claimed that you cannot get Ebola by sitting on a bus, but that you can spread it by riding on a bus (…
Dr. Tom Frieden, director for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said during a telephone press briefing Wednesday that you cannot get Ebola by sitting next to someone on a bus, but that infected or exposed persons should not ride public transportation because they could transmit the disease to someone else.
Say what?
At this point confusion reigns in Washington.
And they better get their act together soon because we could be on the verge of the worst health crisis in U.S. history.
Some leaders in Washington are already starting to become extremely critical of the “leadership” of the Obama administration and the CDC. For instance, this week Rand Paul ( accused Obama of “lying to the American people” about this crisis…
Senator Rand Paul has accused Barack Obama of downplaying the threat posed by Ebola for political purposes, alleging that the President has “failed to show leadership” on the issue.
In an interview this morning with Talk Radio 1210 WPHT, the Kentucky Senator was asked by host Dom Giordano if the Ebola outbreak was morphing into an issue of incompetence and the White House “lying to the American people.”
“It adds to just a litany of things that the President has let us down on and failed to show leadership,” responded Paul ( “So, I think it’s one thing after another, it’s not just one issue. The lack of leadership on Ebola, the equivocating, the downplaying, the underplaying, the, sort of, trying to calm everyone with really not being completely frank about the transmissibility of the disease, I think, doesn’t help any of them at the polls.” Like I said earlier, most of the time Obama’s incompetence doesn’t have immediate dramatic consequences.
But this time it might result in the deaths of countless numbers of Americans.
We have reached a tipping point. If Ebola is not controlled soon, we could be facing the worst pandemic in modern history. In fact, the UN says that we only have 60 days ( to avert an unprecedented global crisis…
The UN says the ebola outbreak must be controlled within 60 days or else the world faces an “unprecedented” situation for which there is no plan.
The United Nations made the stark warning as it warned that the disease “is running faster than us and it is winning the race”.
Nearly 9,000 cases of ebola have been reported so far in West Africa, including 4,447 deaths.
So are Obama and the rest of our “leaders” in Washington up to the task?
16th October 2014, 01:43 PM
Gimmy a fucking break...Ebola is not out of control in Amerika. Who has shine from Africa, that's it.
Fear and paranoia is what's out of control. Stupid Amerikan's.
midnight rambler
16th October 2014, 01:52 PM
Perhaps clipboard man has received 'the cure'/antidote/vax or has access to it.
16th October 2014, 02:20 PM
Hatha Sunahara
16th October 2014, 02:51 PM
Perhaps all these ebola stories are part of a large hoax. Keep in mind that huge numbers believed that 19 arab hijackers brought down the two WTC buildings plus building 7 which never was hit by an airplane. And remember where these stories are coming from--the mainstream media. Clipboardman might just be a producer for this hoax video. Kinda like Anderson Cooper at the Sandy Hook media event. There is no good explanation for why he's unprotected while the others need protection unless the whole thing is a hoax. Are you all going to fall for it?
16th October 2014, 03:55 PM
Its definitely the best doom going at the moment.
I've noticed on a lot of the doom blogs that those FEMA coffins were always destined for this purpose. Ebola. In the past it's been swine flu, bird flu, mass decapitations with guillotines. But they were for Ebola all along. The doom guys just roll over all the old stuff into the new boogey man and away they go again.
16th October 2014, 04:33 PM
More like Leroy Jenkins.
16th October 2014, 04:36 PM
In 1987, I had several illuminating conversations with Dr. Herbert Ratner, who had been a public health officer in Oak Park, Illinois, when the polio vaccine was first introduced in the 1950s. Ratner told me how the polio numbers were manipulated.
Before the introduction of the vaccine, the Infantile Paralysis Foundation was paying doctors all over the US $25 for each diagnosis of polio. That stipend served to expand case numbers.
A patient with a limp and a fever who walked into a doctor’s office…polio. And 25 bucks for the doctor. (In today’s money, $222.71.)
About half of all cases of polio-paralysis cured themselves within 60 days. So after the polio vaccine was introduced, the definition of polio was changed: suddenly, to rate a polio diagnosis, the paralysis had to last longer than 60 days. This change automatically caused a drastic drop in case numbers—and that reduction was attributed to the effect of the vaccine.
16th October 2014, 04:37 PM
This is a good but long read.
Some excerpts from the article:
Since 9/11, and seemingly without the notice of most Americans, the federal government has assumed the authority to institute martial law, arrest a wide swath of dissidents (citizen and noncitizen alike), and detain people without legal or constitutional recourse in the event of “an emergency influx of immigrants in the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs.”
Beginning in 1999, the government has entered into a series of single-bid contracts with Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) to build detention camps at undisclosed locations within the United States. The government has also contracted with several companies to build thousands of railcars, some reportedly equipped with shackles, ostensibly to transport detainees.
The elite (or Cabal) may have taken down a Malaysian plane (their second one this year) because its previous Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohammed, had the gall – or courage – to set up the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission focus on victims of abuse in Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. The commission investigated and ultimately indicted (on 11 May 2012) Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisers Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo for war crimes.
In all this, it is relevant to remember what FOIA in the UK reveal recently but had been hidden by the government – none of the vaccines work, they cause the very diseases they are meant to prevent, they have dangerous toxins in them in addition, and the vaccine industry (the ones driving the Ebola hoax and inseparable from banking and oil and wars) and the government colluded to hide this from the public so they would continue to submit their children to vaccination. The UK cover up, based on lies about vaccines’ value and stoked fear of diseases, must be remembered right now. It is the definitive truth about vaccines, via hidden government documents.
16th October 2014, 04:56 PM
In all this, it is relevant to remember what FOIA in the UK reveal recently but had been hidden by the government – none of the vaccines work, they cause the very diseases they are meant to prevent, they have dangerous toxins in them in addition, and the vaccine industry (the ones driving the Ebola hoax and inseparable from banking and oil and wars) and the government colluded to hide this from the public so they would continue to submit their children to vaccination. The UK cover up, based on lies about vaccines’ value and stoked fear of diseases, must be remembered right now. It is the definitive truth about vaccines, via hidden government documents. (
This one is 100% provable claim. You can go to the JCVI web site and they have all of their meeting minutes online. You can find them and download them. They do go back more than 30 years where the MMR was causing injury and death and they simply withheld or changed the numbers arbitrarily or changed the scope/definition of the incidence reporting by GP's.
16th October 2014, 05:14 PM
Perhaps all these ebola stories are part of a large hoax. Keep in mind that huge numbers believed that 19 arab hijackers brought down the two WTC buildings plus building 7 which never was hit by an airplane. And remember where these stories are coming from--the mainstream media. Clipboardman might just be a producer for this hoax video. Kinda like Anderson Cooper at the Sandy Hook media event. There is no good explanation for why he's unprotected while the others need protection unless the whole thing is a hoax. Are you all going to fall for it?
Clay Jenkins did the same thing.
The difference between Ebola and the known-fake "threats" like ISIS is that the Federal regime is insisting "don't panic, we have everything under control" with the former, whereas with the latter, ISIS is a "grave threat and we need to bomb them."
16th October 2014, 06:21 PM
yes it's the same play book over and over. And people don't get it but something else is more important to the masses . .... all the time.
16th October 2014, 06:25 PM
yes it's the same play book over and over. And people don't get it but something else is more important to the masses . .... all the time.
I almost forgot to turn on the american idle show... how silly.
16th October 2014, 07:12 PM
Does any one have info on which clipboards are the most effective or are all of them effective? Wondering if plastic or masonite would be better?
Wondering if I can corner the market.
Also it seems Obama has been hugging and kissing people with ebola or people treating people with ebola.
16th October 2014, 07:17 PM
From Serpos' thread it fell from the sky ( I also found this:
Metal Clipboard With Aviation Documents Mysteriously Falls from Sky on Long Island
A Long Island, NY, man is still shaken after he says a metal object plummeted from the sky and slammed into the pavement just feet from where he was standing outside his home Thursday.
Gus Binos was washing a van outside his home at about 3:30 p.m. when he heard the startling noise -- a metal clipboard landing 20 feet from where he was standing in the driveway of his home on Oakwood Drive in the Suffolk County hamlet of Shirley.
"I just jumped and turned," Binos said.
"Wow, what if I got hit with it?" Binos said. "It is a very sharp piece of metal. I mean, with the velocity that it was coming down, it would have stuck a hole in my head."
Jammed inside the clip was a thin stack of aviation documents, including flight patterns and navigation guidelines for flying through New York City's Hudson River corridor and around the Statue of Liberty. The clipboard also held a runway map of nearby MacArthur Airport in Islip.
Link to story (
Its 2013 but I think there is something to this. It's like a foretelling.
mick silver
17th October 2014, 08:43 PM
it just more government workers showing us all just how fucking smart they are then us common folks .... look look at me how smart I am I have a Clipboard I can do anything I want
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