View Full Version : CZ 75 Phantom

16th October 2014, 12:45 PM
CZ75 Phantom 9mm Poly
I've been running this pistol for 5 years now. It has been evolving or we have been evolving. Accuracy has improved a lot. I was anticipating and hanging low left. The gun has gotten smoother. I got a bit better too. I think the sight is just off to the left. I haven't cleaned it in 2 years and it's improved in that same time frame. I was fanatic for a while. Then I thought hang it. Last year I put just over 700 rounds through it. This year half as many. Not much traffic but better than none.

I'm liking it. Ergonomics are still like a glove. The grip is textured but it's hardness doesn't give a lot of grip with a little sweat added in. Only an issue when range shooting. get a cloth and wipe it. The sides of the pistol show slight signs of pressure bulging or maybe from the action of the slide. I've been told its not a structural issue and I think they eliminated it in newer designs. The rails are unaffected and it cycles smoothly.

I've had maybe 6 FTFeed's since running this. A couple that were mag related and the others down to the ammo. Range reloads. 1 FTE on a pretty weak round. There's been a few of those. And a couple dud rounds. Gotta wait 20 or 30 secs to make sure not a slow bang.

Probably give it a clean before taking it out again to see if there is a noticeable difference.
Recommend it? Yes but I think there is better out there even from CZ. This gun in full metal is one.
A smaller version of this would be good for carry. CZ make em.

20th October 2014, 06:02 AM
This is an Phantom. Not mine.
https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRjP6FEr3JWAWBnMKaeXzFHQOWLbIDco DulxjXr1210DaGwg9Fl4w

Was at the range today. Had the slide lock open after the first round in a mag. Had this problem before when the mag was not seating fully. This is a different mag. I have a bunch but I generally just run 2. I did think the ammo was a bit loose. slight rattle. I'll tag it and swap it out or maybe carry a spare for next time. Used some steel cased ammo. Wad cutters. Fairly hot charge. Very snappy. Could be a new supplier or some dodgy stuff that's cheaper to import than make local. I think wolf do a steel case. I didn't bother to check the case stamp, can't read fine print anyway. If I get them again next time I'll make a note.

Was talking to one of the range marshals He had not seen this model gun before but he recognized the design as a CZ. Popular brand here for a while. I was checking out what they had on display for sale at the range. They had a Gen 4 Glock in 9mm. Some 1911 colts and clones in 9mm. A couple of nice gansta pieces. There was another poly gun next to the glock. the slide was maybe 50% thicker. Looked like a brick.

I saw one of these.
Browning High power (http://www.browning.com/products/catalog/firearms/detail.asp?fid=007B&cid=051&tid=003#center): The photo doesn't do it justice. I think this one might have a bit of bling added. It also had a matt finish on the slide. Chromed port cover or barrel?? I want one. That one. I shot a beat up one when getting my club qualifications done. It was old but it ran like butter. Extra weight over the poly gave it excellent balance. I might have to rent one again to be sure.

20th October 2014, 01:38 PM
Thanks for this. I'm looking at a CZ 75 right now but there's so many configurations. I'd like to find this one. My last two out of three purchases have been CZ and I've started an addiction. The first was a Ultra Lux .22lr and last week I picked up a 550 in .308

20th October 2014, 06:33 PM
There was another poly gun next to the glock. the slide was maybe 50% thicker. Looked like a brick.

one of these?


20th October 2014, 07:07 PM
crap all that typing gone.

It was a full sized poly pistol. It stood out because it was next to a glock 17 and the slide was nearly 2 times thicker. Not sure what model it was but confident it was a well known brand. I'll be back there in the next week so I'll check it out. I generally take a look in the hope they will have a CZ 75 SP01 for me but no luck. I think I saw one just after I bought my pistol but I've seen nothing since.

I can see how you can get a CZ addiction. If I lived elsewhere I would have several of these already. Especially some of the smaller ones. They just fit so well. I like the way they are built. No nonsense, purposeful but still handsome pistols.

We are limitted to minimum 120mm/ 4.5" barrel length for pistols. That means no compact pistols. Must all be full size. That limits what you can buy but there is still a good list to choose from.

I was thinking that I should join another club and get a pistol to suit that discipline. I would like to try ISPC. I'm looking at whats approved and the Hi Power is not. SA are not allowed except for striker fired it would seem. I guess I could get a HP for the range I am with now and take my Phantom to the IPSC club. They generally want you to shoot .375 or I think they do a .38+ or something to get power factor. Some odd chambering we have to do because we can't shoot .45 or .40s&W for that matter. Its complicated. unnecessary.

27th October 2014, 06:23 AM
the pistol I was talking about is a Steyr L-A1 in 9mm. Not saying I like it. Don't. Stands out. Interesting design.
The Hi Power was still there. Very nice. I want. The Glock was gone though.

Last week there were a few lanes out of action because the motors on the target caddy things and other stuff not working. This week even fewer lanes. On one half there was 1 lane operational. Other have I think there were 3 lanes working, so 1/4 of the lanes operational. It's busy too because end of year and everyone has to get their compliance up to date. Last week dead. This week busy. I might go again tomorrow. Tuesday usually busy so I tried monday and thought bewdy. No people. But no.

Adventure filled time. I got hit 4 times with shrapnel. 2 pretty hard that I had to stop and check myself. Maybe this happens 1 in 4 visits or more. Not other way round.

I had one round I could not get the gun to fire on. Was weird. I thought it was the mag. Remember the problems. Then I thought oh shit I've broken the firing pin. The round before chucked all sorts of crap at me. I thought maybe some part had come back at me. The gun cocked ok on the next round but I could not pull the trigger. I dropped the mag and racked the round out. I put the round back in at #1, racked it and same deal. No fire.

So dropped the mag then I racked it out. I put in the other mag, racked and fired ok. Dodgy mag I thought. Still made no sense.

Stuck with the one mag for the next target but I put that round into the mag at #2 low. So 8th shot from 10. Worked great, got to #8. No fire. Gun refuses to release the hammer.

Chucked that round and went back to using both mags without a problem. Copped a nice chunk of shrapnel in the forehead. The range marshall says, he doesn't know what the deal is but that lane throws up tons of shrapnel. It's an end lane. wall on one side. I've used it once before and when I was thinking on it, it was probably the last time I got hit with anything. He might be right. But I remember another lane and it is also on an end with a wall on one side. I think the stuff skips back up the wall. like a pebble on water.

11th November 2014, 06:32 PM
was back at the range last night. The last obligation for the year. They had a new handgun for sale on display.

It was one of these:
I'm trying to remember if it was a black slide, silver receiver or Vice Versa. It had different grips that I think had the CZ logo embossed large.

That picture does not do it justice. Not even close.

It was a snip at $1595.00 incl 2 mags.

1st September 2015, 05:47 AM
been nearly a year. Trip to the range today, only second time for the year. Last time I went was in June and I bumped into the range owner. We talked for a while, about the casual gun fun market. People pay huge money to blast away here. About the ownership of multiple club guns and the law. Also about changes they had made at the range and a new dedicated guns and ammo shop on premises.

Today the shop was open and I spent a bit of time in there before and after. I was able to buy some proper branded ammo instead of range reloads. Nothing special but decent Winchester paper cutters. Accuracy improvement about 30%. Amount of crap on hands, 1/5th. less smoke, less flame, less snap.

Much better. More satisfying when you are getting closer to what the gun can do.

Speaking to the gun shop guy about .45ACP. Down here we shoot 9mm or .357. If you want to shoot IPSC you only have .357. You can shoot 9mm but you can't score enough due to power factor. 9mm doesn't cut it. .357 is not perfect but at least you can compete.

Word is our NRA equiv - SSAA is talking to the Govt about relaxing the caliber restrictions so we can have .45ACP for IPSC. I think mag limits of 10 will be on going problem for international competitors. They can't train here with larger cap mags that they have in the US. I don't know about other countries.

I'd like to do IPSC but I wasn't interested in doing it with 9mm. I think this is good news.

2nd September 2015, 12:12 PM
I like my old CZ 82s, very nice handling and accurate. A bit heavy for a pocket gun but fun to shoot.
