View Full Version : Occult Forces 1943 Movie

20th October 2014, 12:53 AM
I have not watched this yet. still downloading it. Looks interesting. Supposedly the Director and the Producer of this movie were both killed. No information on who they were. Maybe their names are in the credits.

Full Movie


Series of Clips from the movie


Wiki on the movie and the Director/Producer

Supposedly the first movie to reveal these guys. Watching the clips vide I think we might have had this posted before OR I've seen some of these scenes in other videos. Repost maybe.

20th October 2014, 01:55 AM
Damn, I wish it was in spoken English! If anyone needs a reason as to why Marshal Petain and his government were persecuted after the war, this is it.

20th October 2014, 06:08 AM
The pairing of speeches in the first video starting at the 53:00 mark first by JFK then by Hitler were a nice touch following the movie.

20th October 2014, 09:23 PM
interesting Mami's discussion going on about whether or not this film names dajoo, as who the masons were working for. Some dispute about how meaningful, or not, the 6-pt star behind the speaker is near the end.


I haven't watched, btw. Looks like it's a manageable length though, so consider it in my queue :)