View Full Version : Ebola Contained!
20th October 2014, 10:09 AM
I'm predicting this will be the headline in about 10 days.
Ebola has been reported contained in Nigeria and now Nigeria is Ebola free.
When you see the "Ebola Contained" headlines in the US about 10 days from now, along with the announcement...
"I hope you all will remember that the Obama administration with the help of CDC has saved the US from a horrible pandemic by being proactive and taking the proper measures to keep us all safe once again."
"Please remember Obama and the Democratic party saved you when you are voting on Nov. 5th."
Yer pal,
20th October 2014, 11:38 AM
If Ebola "magically" stops spreading now, and no further cases in America occur before the election, I will begin to give great heed to your contention that this outbreak has, indeed, been an engineered hoax.
Three weeks and we will know.
20th October 2014, 11:41 AM
If Ebola "magically" stops spreading now, and no further cases in America occur before the election, I will begin to give great heed to your contention that this outbreak has, indeed, been an engineered hoax.
Three weeks and we will know.
Agreed. EE's prediction actually makes quite a bit of sense. Can't wait to find out! :)
20th October 2014, 11:41 AM
What Obama did was to give everyone in the US a clipboard...that man knows what he is doing ........tune in tomorrow for another joke.
20th October 2014, 11:56 AM
What Obama did was to give everyone in the US a clipboard...that man knows what he is doing ........tune in tomorrow for another joke.
Obama didn't do anything, his handlers did. If a hoax is indeed the order of the day, the purpose of it is to restore confidence in the almighty State.
20th October 2014, 12:02 PM
The people that want to remain in power will do anything and kill anyone that stands in their way, without a doubt!
Hatha Sunahara
20th October 2014, 05:58 PM
It won't take 3 weeks. Watch the MSM news tonight. Dallas has been proclaimed free of ebola. Another few days, everywhere else will have zero ebola. By Friday it will be a distant memory--halfway down the memory hole. You'll only remember it when the politicians who fixed it remind you by claiming credit. Obama's Ebola Czar is a magician who can make big things disappear in short order. It's good that you forget about it, because when you do, you're less likely to look for any evidence that it was a hoax to begin with.
It's already been contained in Senegal and Nigeria.
20th October 2014, 06:23 PM
It won't take 3 weeks. Watch the MSM news tonight. Dallas has been proclaimed free of ebola. Another few days, everywhere else will have zero ebola. By Friday it will be a distant memory--halfway down the memory hole. You'll only remember it when the politicians who fixed it remind you by claiming credit. Obama's Ebola Czar is a magician who can make big things disappear in short order. It's good that you forget about it, because when you do, you're less likely to look for any evidence that it was a hoax to begin with.
It's already been contained in Senegal and Nigeria.
Just remember who saved your asses on Wednesday November 5th.
20th October 2014, 06:42 PM
It won't take 3 weeks. Watch the MSM news tonight. Dallas has been proclaimed free of ebola. Another few days, everywhere else will have zero ebola. By Friday it will be a distant memory--halfway down the memory hole. You'll only remember it when the politicians who fixed it remind you by claiming credit. Obama's Ebola Czar is a magician who can make big things disappear in short order. It's good that you forget about it, because when you do, you're less likely to look for any evidence that it was a hoax to begin with.
I'll give it the three weeks.
If I was wrong, I will be glad to admit it, because it will mean millions did not suffer utter misery.
Hatha Sunahara
22nd October 2014, 12:19 PM
This thread started on Monday Oct 20, 2014. It is now Wednesday October 22, 2014. I found this thread on page 3 of General Discussion Threads. How far down the memory hole has it gone in just two days? The two nurses infected with ebola in Dallas are now ebola free. You only hear about it in Africa, and it seems to be abating there too. By Friday I won't be able to find this thread without a thorough search.
mick silver
23rd October 2014, 08:11 AM
back up ... ee may have hit the nail on the head we can only hope this happens , I would hate to see many die from this
23rd October 2014, 11:05 AM
The people that want to remain in power will do anything and kill anyone that stands in their way, without a doubt!
Yep. "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." No truer maxim has ever been uttered.
Imagine a brilliant Sun becoming self aware
soon to realize it only has so much power to share
before it goes dim and dies.
It tries to build a shield around itself
to protect its hard earned life and wealth
from all the planetary junk floating nearby.
But its only got a few billion years for the enterprise
to attract all the worthless junk in the universe
so it resorts to the irresistible gravity of lies,
and cries and cries out in pain
as it beckons and cajoles and fries.
Sorry about the spontaneous emission of rhyme. :cool:
23rd October 2014, 02:56 PM
i just posted this in Ponce's thread... worth reading
ebola pandemic in africa is NOT real....
Operation "Secure the Diamonds" Huge Liberia Diamond Discovery Months Before Ebola Outbreak: US Troops Invade Site & Force Quarantine!
23rd October 2014, 03:11 PM
ebola pandemic in africa is NOT real....
Operation "Secure the Diamonds" Huge Liberia Diamond Discovery Months Before Ebola Outbreak: US Troops Invade Site & Force Quarantine!
Why would your fellow tribesmen need Ebola to control the diamonds? The Oppenheimer "DeBeers" Cartel has had total control over all diamonds in Africa for a long, long time.
And Global Research, that Jew-run site again...
23rd October 2014, 03:21 PM
because it is indeed a lot easier to control resources when people are quarantined...
but obviously you didnt read the article. Sorry, I could post countless GR articles against israel and the jewish agenda, but I have other things to do with my time... however, the jewish-nazi-white-black-whatever edged swords have NO power on me. I look for news everywhere and make up my own mind.... mind you?
Why would your fellow tribesmen need Ebola to control the diamonds? The Oppenheimer "DeBeers" Cartel has had total control over all diamonds in Africa for a long, long time.
And Global Research, that Jew-run site again...
23rd October 2014, 03:28 PM
because it is indeed a lot easier to control resources when people are quarantined...
but obviously you didnt read the article. Sorry, I could post countless GR articles against israel and the jewish agenda, but I have other things to do with my time... however, the jewish-nazi-white-black-whatever edged swords have NO power on me. I look for news everywhere and make up my own mind.... mind you?
Global Research is just another form of Jewsmedia, a controlled "opposition" site presenting selected truth dosed with lies - deliberate misinformation. It's run by the Jewish son of a "career United Nations diplomat" and who has went on record as denouncing "anti-Semitism."
An "Ebola hoax" is ridiculous as a tool to control West African diamonds. Oppenheimer has never needed it before, especially when communication was not instant. Hand over a pile of "Western Aid" cash to the Nigger native dictators, and it's all yours for the taking.
23rd October 2014, 03:33 PM
my opinion is that bits of truth is everywhere, some news sites just tell more than others.... I have yet to find a news site that is speaking the Absolute Truth.
you must have missed my threads exposing the relation between freemasonry, Jesuits and zionism... ALL the same.
feel free to go after the jews only, I go after ALL of them... any bias is the enemy of the Truth
the elites have track records of plunging countries into chaos to facilitate the plunder. watch the video...
here is a list of GR articles against isreal
23rd October 2014, 04:12 PM
my opinion is that bits of truth is everywhere, some news sites just tell more than others....
Half-truths among facts are far more dangerous than outright lies.
you must have missed my threads exposing the relation between freemasonry, Jesuits and zionism... ALL the same.
Not "all the same." More half-truths.
Talmudism is the master ideology, and Judeo-Freemasonry and Zionism are child ideologies. The Jesuits have been infiltrated by Marranos, but they are not a "Jewish conspiracy" per se. That's a misdirection. It's a form the same canard against the Catholic Church Jews have supported for a long time, trying to damage their once-greatest earthly enemy.
feel free to go after the jews only, I go after ALL of them... any bias is the enemy of the Truth
The Jews are Satan's officer corps. If you want to shoot only at the enlisted, fine, but my aim is more effective.
If someone is sick with tuberculosis, you don't ignore that and treat the staph infection on their skin first. You conquer the TB, and the staph might go away on its own, or, will be easily eradicated.
the elites have track records of plunging countries into chaos to facilitate the plunder. watch the video...
The "elites" sounds like a "safe" euphemism like the John Bullshit Society's "insiders" - a maneuver to avoid naming the Problem, the Jew.
here is a list of GR articles against isreal
Plenty of Jews are "against Israel." Orthodox Talmudists to fanatic Communists. Some of them realize their Master's goal is the entire planet, not some pathetic little outpost in the Middle East. "Anti-Zionism" is, therefore, easy. And it is a powerful weapon to confuse the Goyim into thinking "the Problem is not the Jews, it's the Zionists."
23rd October 2014, 04:38 PM
I have absolutely nothing to learn from you... especially if you never read my threads about:
vatican/jesuites/zionism/freemasonry and how they are all linked to ancient egyptians and sumerians, and even possibly pre-deluvian civilizations.
and I concur again, they are ALL THE SAME. They just created divisions between themselves for the sake of the power game as nothing can progress without an action and a counter-action (without a good guy and a bad guy so to speak). Up to these days, the jews that have been or are in power are closet freemasons. hence I call them the elites. And also happen to fight for power among themselves as the result of their own greed and psychopathic plots...
it just seems that my knowledge is just more extended than yours...
23rd October 2014, 04:50 PM
I didnt derail this thread... you did
but here it is (am sure there are many names missing as this list only mentions the 33 degree masons.... but look at the number of jews here below)
Initial List of 33rd Degree Masons
John Adams
(King) Umberto Agnelli
Buzz Aldrin
Yasser Arafat
(Patriarch) Athenagoras I
Gene Autry
Tobias Axelrod
Rabbi Leo Baeck
Foster Bailey
Admiral G.W. Baird
Achille Ballori
M.H. Barroso
Bernard Mannes Baruch
Harry L. Baum
Daniel Carter Beard (Boy Scouts)
Justice Hugo Black
Jonathan Blanchard
Tony Blair
Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck
Alain Bernheim
Rev. William Booth (Salvation Army)
John Wilkes Booth
Hayden C. Boyce
Werner von Braun
John C. Breckinridge
Sir Richard Burton
Senator Byrd
Plutarco Elias Calles
James Cameron
Jimmy Carter
Hugo Chavez
Richard Cheney
Sir Winston Churchill
Henry Clausen
William J. Clinton
Howell Cobb
James B. Conant
Kenneth Copeland
John H. Cowles
Adolphe Cremieux
Francesco Crispi
Delmar Darrah
Morris B. de Pass
Richard DeVos (Amway)
Walt. Disney
Sen. Bob Dole
General James Doolittle
John Drick
Allen Dulles
John Foster Dulles
Gerard (Papus) Encausse
Frederick Engels
Senator Sam J. Ervin
Walter M. Fleming
Gerald Rudolf Ford
Henry Ford
(King) Frederick II
Gaylord Freeman
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Newt. Gingrich
John Glenn
Barry Goldwater
Mikhail Gorbachev
Al Gore
J.J.J. Gourgas
Billy Graham
James Graham
Col. James "Bo" Gritz
Rev. Kenneth Hagin
Manly P. Hall
Mark Hatfield
Jesse Helms
Christian A. Herter
Richard Holbrooke
J. Edgar Hoover
Col. Edward Mandell House
King Hussein
Saddam Hussein
Burl Icle Ives
Jessie James
Rev. Jesse Jackson
Andrew Johnson
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Dr. Bob Jones Sr.
Jack Kemp
Duke Michael of Kent
Alexander Kerensky
Henry Kissinger
C. Fred Kleinknecht
Kenneth S. Kleinknecht
Helmut Kohl
Ted Kollek
Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
Curtis Lemay
Adriano Lemmi
Lyman Lemnitzer
Vladimir Lenin
McIlyar H. Lichliter
Albert Lontaine
Gen. Douglas MacArthur
Sir Henry MacMahon
Robert McNamara
Vasili Maklakov
Domenico Margiotta
Thurgood Marshall
James G. Martin
Karl Marx
(Baron) Yves Marsaudon
Joseph Mazzini
Lord Alfred Milner
Francoir Mitterand
Henry Morgenthau
Benjamin Netanyahu
G. Bromley Oxnam
Olof Palme
Henry Palmerston
Shimon Peres
Albert Pike
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
Prince Phillip
Roscoe Pound
(Gen.) Colin L. Powell
Major General John Quitman
Yitzak Rabin
Ronald Reagan
Joseph Rettinger
Harman Gansvort Reynolds
Marshall S. Reynolds
Michel Reyt
Cecil Rhodes
Oral Roberts
Franklin D.Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
Paul Rosen
James Rothschild
Charles Taze Russell
Bishop Carl J. Sanders
Jacob Schiff
Gerhard Schroeder
Rev. Robert Schuller
Rev. Al Sharpton
Senator Simpson
Joseph Stalin
Rudolph Steiner
R.W. Thompson
Storm Thurmond
Leon Trotsky
Harry S. Truman
Pierre G. Vassal
Felix Warburg
Paul Moritz Warburg
Earl Warren
George Warvelle
Chaim Weizmann
H.G. Wells
William Wynn Westcott
Earl Wheeler
Leo Wheeler
John Yarker
Leon Zeldis
the it-is-all-because/about-the-jews mindset gives me a real headache.
23rd October 2014, 05:52 PM
I have absolutely nothing to learn from you...
I'm sure you don't, since our missions are very different. Mine is the quest for Truth, not diversion.
especially if you never read my threads about:
vatican/jesuites/zionism/freemasonry and how they are all linked to ancient egyptians and sumerians, and even possibly pre-deluvian civilizations.
I've read them...including when you were Goldissima.
and I concur again, they are ALL THE SAME.
Dilute the assault by directing the Goyim at the tentacles instead of the head.
They just created divisions between themselves for the sake of the power game as nothing can progress without an action and a counter-action (without a good guy and a bad guy so to speak).
I'm well-aware of the use of the dialectic, or, in layman's terms, Problem - Reaction - Solution.
Up to these days, the jews that have been or are in power are closet freemasons.
Masonry is Judaism for Gentiles. It is utterly laughable to propose that the Jews are subordinate to Freemasonry.
hence I call them the elites. And also happen to fight for power among themselves as the result of their own greed and psychopathic plots...
The goal is the same - service to Satan - but the pathways are sometimes different.
it just seems that my knowledge is just more extended than yours...
If you're sincere in what you write, then you are in remarkable ignorance of the realities of the Devil's children.
23rd October 2014, 05:58 PM
I didnt derail this thread... you did
You posted garbage from an infamous horseshit site, and things (de?)evolved from there.
but here it is (am sure there are many names missing as this list only mentions the 33 degree masons.... but look at the number of jews here below)
Excepting the Jews, each and every one who was truly a Mason was chosen by the self-chosen to serve in such capacities.
Initial List of 33rd Degree Masons
Yasser Arafat
Saddam Hussein
I've looked into this claim before, and found absolutely nothing. Two Arab Muslim Freemasons? Initiated into "the Craft" where? Which lodge were they attached to?
This list is mostly true, but whoever compiled it threw in some non-Mason leaders to paint things towards a particular agenda.
the it-is-all-because/about-the-jews mindset gives me a real headache.
It gives you a headache? Abe Foxman said the same thing! LOL
23rd October 2014, 06:39 PM
because it is the same ancient knowledge that bounds them and which they have concealed, they are all the same :) IMHO
best of luck sorting that out... . LOL
one has to be naive to even think that freemasonry was eradicated in the muslim world... there is a much bigger picture at stake, much bigger.
President Nasser violently abolished Freemasonry in 1961, having it been well and truly established in Egypt since at least 1798, the days of Napoleon’s exhibition, to the demise of the Masonic movement that ended in disrepute and chaos in 1922
Yet, the Old Testament is not excluded from the beliefs of Islam..... Islam has been much in the limelight these days. I have been diligent in attending to my duties as both, a mason and a Muslim and have come to realise that Islam and masonry are indeed compatible. Freemasonry may even be considered complementary to Islam as its principles only go to reinforce a Muslim brother’s own faith; contrary to the misconceptions widely held among my Muslim brethren from various sects.
anyone serious about getting rid of the freemasonry and jewry will have to take down ALL 3 monotheistic religions... they ALL are intertwined
I am ready... are you?
eventually it is what is going to happen... some day, if people wake up...
23rd October 2014, 07:09 PM
because it is the same ancient knowledge that bounds them and which they have concealed, they are all the same :) IMHO
best of luck sorting that out... . LOL
The problem is not the long-dead Sumerians or the Egyptians or the's the bastards that worship the Devil alive here and now.
one has to be naive to even think that freemasonry was eradicated in the muslim world.
Prove that Arafat and Hussein - both ritually murdered by Jews - were "Freemasons."
anyone serious about getting rid of the freemasonry and jewry will have to take down ALL 3 monotheistic religions... they ALL are intertwined
Oh, bullshit.
Christianity (as taught by Jesus Christ) soundly condemns the occultism of Judeo-Freemasonry, and operating in secret with intrigue & lies.
Judeo-"Christianity" is another story, of course. Judaism & Islam are both post-Christ inventions, the former from "the traditions of the elders" Christ denounced as Satanic, and the latter from the ravings of a sex-crazed lunatic.
Freemasonry is a prime force behind Judeo-"Christianity," and its "Jahbulon" syncretic abomination is what anti-Christs refer to as "god" in public speeches and acts.
I am ready... are you?
eventually it is what is going to happen... some day, if people wake up...
The greatest wish of the Jews is the utterly destroy the work of Jesus Christ, for He is the only thing standing in the way of their Master's total control.
Why do you do their work, unless you are in accord with them?
I won't shut up until I am dead, because I know I'm standing with the Right One.
23rd October 2014, 07:52 PM
... there is nothing you can do about it. you anti-jew perceptions just failed the test.
with islam, 3 abrahamic religions... all interconnected and masonic/kabalistic in essence
I am not scared of what may happen, faith does not lie in books written by man. IMHO.
politics is religion and has always been... here is your trojan horse. Forget about global research :)
Silver Rocket Bitches!
23rd October 2014, 07:57 PM
23rd October 2014, 08:19 PM
You missed it, there is no Ebola now this close to midterm elections.
23rd October 2014, 08:22 PM
You missed it, there is no Ebola now this close to midterm elections.
Check out my thread with the doctor who claims Ebola cases are being "disappeared."
Hatha Sunahara
25th October 2014, 12:32 AM
It's Friday. Can anyone remember their ebola anxieties? How far down the memory hole is it?
No more ebola until after the elections. Ron Klain put a lid on ebola stories in the MSM. If they don't talk about it, it doesn't exist. So, everybody please go back to sleep until the next scare.
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