View Full Version : Citizen Pulls Cop Over, Gives Warning

20th October 2014, 01:25 PM
One of the comments:

No offense guy but try this in NYC and the cop would have gotten out of the vehicle slammed your head against your vehicle ordered you to turn around and laid the cuffs on you and called it a day. Consider this your one in a trillion lucky day 



20th October 2014, 01:40 PM
Agreed - the dude got lucky with a good mood cop. Try it on the average cop and it'd be a very different story.

I once had a cop DIRECTLY CAUSE a traffic accident I was involved in, and after seeing the wreck happen, he looked at us all for a minute, then drove away on his little state-sponsored motorcycle. What do you think would have happened to me if I tried to give that cop a warning or otherwise chastise him for causing my jeep to be wrecked??

20th October 2014, 03:36 PM
Agreed - the dude got lucky with a good mood cop. Try it on the average cop and it'd be a very different story.

I once had a cop DIRECTLY CAUSE a traffic accident I was involved in, and after seeing the wreck happen, he looked at us all for a minute, then drove away on his little state-sponsored motorcycle. What do you think would have happened to me if I tried to give that cop a warning or otherwise chastise him for causing my jeep to be wrecked??

Sorry to hear about the jeep getting wrecked.

I have a problem though, with the way this guy confronted the cop, on camera making demands as he did. My problem, is that he, himself, seems to be the one a power trip. Let's look at this a different way. What if that guy approached random people on the street for jaywalking. Would you agree with his attitude? What if he got in your face with his camera over some BS? Would you show him your driver's license? You'd probably tell him to eat shit and die.

He even said at the end "and that's how you pull over a cop". Power trip. Treat cops how you want to be treated, that is my point I suppose.

20th October 2014, 07:19 PM
Wow. Quite amusing, but incredibly reckless. Most cops would put him in a chains for "interfering with a peace officer in performance of his duties" - or more.

We should be able to do that, but we all know how this system actually works.

mick silver
21st October 2014, 12:25 PM
are use 600 bullets on you with his buddys helping him do it