View Full Version : Govt tells Christian ministers: Perform same-sex weddings or face jail, fines

20th October 2014, 01:26 PM
Govt tells Christian ministers: Perform same-sex weddings or face jail, fines Officials threaten to punish senior citizen couple – both ordained pastors – if they decline to officiate same-sex ceremonies
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Attorney sound bites: Jeremy Tedesco (http://www.adfmedia.org/files/Tedesco_Knapp_101814_SOT.mp3) | Jonathan Scruggs (http://www.adfmedia.org/files/Scruggs_Knapp_101814_SOT.mp3)
http://www.adfmedia.org/files/Knapps.jpg (http://www.adfmedia.org/files/HitchingPost2.jpg)COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho – Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed a federal lawsuit (http://www.adfmedia.org/files/KnappComplaint.pdf) and a motion for a temporary restraining order (http://www.adfmedia.org/files/KnappTROmotion.pdf) Friday to stop officials in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, from forcing two ordained Christian ministers to perform wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples.

City officials told Donald Knapp that he and his wife Evelyn, both ordained ministers who run Hitching Post Wedding Chapel, are required to perform such ceremonies or face months in jail and/or thousands of dollars in fines. The city claims its “non-discrimination” ordinance requires the Knapps to perform same-sex wedding ceremonies now that the courts have overridden Idaho’s voter-approved constitutional amendment that affirmed marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

“The government should not force ordained ministers to act contrary to their faith under threat of jail time and criminal fines,” said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Jeremy Tedesco. “Many have denied that pastors would ever be forced to perform ceremonies that are completely at odds with their faith, but that’s what is happening here – and it’s happened this quickly. The city is on seriously flawed legal ground, and our lawsuit intends to ensure that this couple’s freedom to adhere to their own faith as pastors is protected just as the First Amendment intended.”

http://www.adfmedia.org/files/HitchingPost.gif (http://www.adfmedia.org/files/HitchingPost1.jpg)“The government exists to protect and respect our freedoms, not attack them,” Tedesco added. “The city cannot erase these fundamental freedoms and replace them with government coercion and intolerance.”

The Hitching Post Wedding Chapel is across the street from the Kootenai County Clerk’s office, which issues marriage licenses. The Knapps, both in their 60s and who themselves have been married for 47 years, began operating the wedding chapel in 1989 as a ministry. They perform religious wedding ceremonies, which include references to God, the invocation of God’s blessing on the union, brief remarks drawn from the Bible designed to encourage the couple and help them to have a successful marriage, and more. They also provide each couple they marry with a CD that includes two sermons about marriage, and they recommend numerous Christian books on the subject. The Knapps charge a small fee for their services.

http://www.adfmedia.org/files/HitchingPostHistoric1.jpgCoeur d’Alene officials told the Knapps privately and also publicly stated that the couple would violate the city’s public accommodations statute once same-sex marriage became legal in Idaho if they declined to perform a same-sex ceremony at their chapel. On Friday, the Knapps respectfully declined such a ceremony and now face up to 180 days in jail and up to $1,000 in fines for each day they decline to perform that ceremony.

“The city somehow expects ordained pastors to flip a switch and turn off all faithfulness to their God and their vows,” explained ADF Legal Counsel Jonathan Scruggs. “The U.S. Constitution as well as federal and state law clearly stand against that. The city cannot mandate across-the-board conformity to its interpretation of a city ordinance in utter disregard for the guaranteed freedoms Americans treasure in our society.”

Virginia McNulty Robinson, one of nearly 2,500 private attorneys allied with ADF, is serving as local counsel on behalf of the Knapps in Knapp v. City of Coeur d’Alene, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho.


20th October 2014, 01:29 PM
Is their church registered as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt entity? Then they have already forfeited their rights to speak out against political activity they don't like.

Uncle Salty
20th October 2014, 02:14 PM
Is their church registered as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt entity? Then they have already forfeited their rights to speak out against political activity they don't like.

Yep. They have a signed agreement with the state that tells them what they can or cannot do.

Marriage is a contract between two people and the state. It just invites the state to intervene into a relationship.

20th October 2014, 03:26 PM
The marriage license is the authority given by the state to ministers to perform a marriage. Otherwise without the license the act would be illegal.

20th October 2014, 03:41 PM
They might have to tweak the ceremony words a bit, that's all.

Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the sign of Satan and in the face of this company to join together this sodomite and this sodomite in an unholy matrimony...

7th trump
20th October 2014, 04:05 PM
The marriage license is the authority given by the state to ministers to perform a marriage. Otherwise without the license the act would be illegal.

Not really....a marriage license is the permission of a white (the People) to marry the slave (the US citizen) interracially.
However, since the 14th amendment the government cannot deny any white person the second class citizenship with all its second class civil rights to any white People.
Nowadays everyone is a second class US citizen so color isn't an issue nor is the interracial marriage ...and it goes as generations come to pass the truth is forgotten.

20th October 2014, 04:08 PM
Not really....a marriage license is the permission of a white (the People) to marry the slave (the US citizen) interracially.

The permission is given to the minister. The man and woman are just there to make sure he has proper authorization.

Except nowadays it is the man and the man or the woman and the woman .. or the thing and the dog or donkey or even just two donkeys.

20th October 2014, 04:35 PM
The permission is given to the minister. The man and woman are just there to make sure he has proper authorization.

Except nowadays it is the man and the man or the woman and the woman .. or the thing and the dog or donkey or even just two donkeys.

Yep, once you take away the boundaries, the sky's the limit!



20th October 2014, 04:50 PM
The gov took away the D and added V...............................GOD becomes GOV................

20th October 2014, 05:35 PM
There needs to be a separation from the church and .gov.

Gov supports gay marriage. Fine. The church, and bible, do not. It is a sin.

We are seeing gov forcing their will on the church, be it Christian, Catholic, etc.

I will not judge gay folks, God did not put me on this earth to judge others, but this assault on religion is blatant.

20th October 2014, 06:25 PM
There needs to be a separation from the church and .gov.

Gov supports gay marriage. Fine. The church, and bible, do not. It is a sin.

We are seeing gov forcing their will on the church, be it Christian, Catholic, etc.

I will not judge gay folks, God did not put me on this earth to judge others, but this assault on religion is blatant.

You don't have to judge the gay folks, just judge their actions.

20th October 2014, 06:34 PM
There needs to be a separation from the church and .gov.

Gov supports gay marriage. Fine. The church, and bible, do not. It is a sin.

We are seeing gov forcing their will on the church, be it Christian, Catholic, etc.

I will not judge gay folks, God did not put me on this earth to judge others, but this assault on religion is blatant.

Wonder how this works in the south... will keep you updated but don't think it will go homo/

20th October 2014, 06:45 PM
You don't have to judge the gay folks, just judge their actions.

Are their actions harming others? If not, what is there to judge?

midnight rambler
20th October 2014, 06:52 PM
I'm thinking they just need to put up a sign that reads, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone."

20th October 2014, 06:54 PM
Simple solution:

De-incorporate the business, and do it for free.

If you want to run a Mystery Babylon-licensed "church" or business, you have to play by Mystery Babylon's rules, however perverse and evil.

I am an "ordained minister" with the Universal Life Church of Modesto, California. I can officiate at weddings "legally," but have not done so. I would never try to make a business out of it, since the role should be a community service, based on donations or for free. And that shields me from Mystery Babylon's rules.

Want to be an "ordained minister," too? Go here, it's free, and numerous court cases have forced county & state bureaucrats to accept the credential:


20th October 2014, 06:56 PM
I'm thinking they just need to put up a sign that reads, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone."

Irrelevant. Faggots are now a "protected class" like Groid thugs.

If you request the Mystery Babylon business license and/or the 501(c)(3) exemption, you have declared your master to be Mystery Babylon.

20th October 2014, 06:57 PM
Yep. They have a signed agreement with the state that tells them what they can or cannot do.

Marriage is a contract between two people and the state. It just invites the state to intervene into a relationship.

Marriage is an institution established by three people: husband, wife, and God.

"Legal marriage" [sic] is a business contract between one person, another person, and the State.

20th October 2014, 06:59 PM
Yep, once you take away the boundaries, the sky's the limit!



Pederasty is next...animals a little farther into the future. I'm very sorry to be completely serious.

20th October 2014, 07:03 PM
Marriage is an institution established by three people: husband, wife, and GOV.

Fixed that for ya. You are welcome.

20th October 2014, 07:08 PM
Fixed that for ya. You are welcome.

It was correct as written.

"Legal marriage" [sic] is what you are thinking of. Marriage is an institution founded by God in Genesis.

"Marriage" licenses have become an affront to God now that fag "marriage" is "legal" in most places. I actually advocate that Christians refuse to obtain "marriage" licenses, and simply revert back to the ancient institution and its original means of establishing it: declaring before God and family & friends that one is now a couple, "until death do us part." It doesn't matter if the government "recognizes" it. F**k the government. There are legal tricks to use to make a "legally unmarried" couple almost equivalent under the so-called "law," including Advance Health Care Directives and Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management.

20th October 2014, 07:11 PM
Are their actions harming others? If not, what is there to judge?

Well, now that you've mentioned it...

Homosexuality is being taught/pushed in schools throughout America, from kindergarten through college.
Do you think forcing children to except homosexuality and teaching them it is normal and healthy, is healthy for the children and for this country?
Do you think gays having children by invitro and adoption is healthy for the children. It's been reported that lesbians always want girls and fags always want boys. Are they recruiting future gays?
Do you think destroying the sanctity of marriage is good for society?
Do you think flaunting their perversion for all to see, parades and on TV, is good for this country and families?
Do you think creating laws that make you a criminal for not catering to gays is a good thing?

Do you consider any of this harming others?

20th October 2014, 07:15 PM
Well, now that you've mentioned it...

Homosexuality is being taught/pushed in schools throughout America, from kindergarten through college.
Do you think forcing children to except homosexuality and teaching them it is normal and healthy, is healthy for the children and for this country?
Do you think gays having children by invitro and adoption is healthy for the children. It's been reported that lesbians always want girls and fags always want boys. Are they recruiting future gays?
Do you think destroying the sanctity of marriage is good for society?
Do you think flaunting their perversion for all to see, parades and on TV, is good for this country and the families?
Do you think creating laws that make you a criminal for not catering to gays is a good thing?

Do you consider any of this harming others?

EE, I would answer NO to each question you ask, except yes on the last one.

My thoughts are, we need to honor freedom of choice. I don't know where the balance lies, but there has to be one.

20th October 2014, 07:17 PM
EE, I would answer NO to each question you ask, except yes on the last one.

My thoughts are, we need to honor freedom of choice. I don't know where the balance lies, but there has to be one.

Where is the choice?
Doesn't sound like the ministers will get a choice.
The school children don't get a choice.
Private business doesn't get a choice

20th October 2014, 07:21 PM
Where is the choice?

Each person, not harming others, lives their life how they see fit.

THAT is completely different than the agenda you paint.

No agendas, just folks living life free.

20th October 2014, 07:30 PM
I wouldn't care what faggots - or "straights" - do "in their bedrooms" if what they did in their bedrooms actually stayed there. It doesn't. HIV, Hepatitis, moral pollution...it all flows out into open society.

20th October 2014, 07:32 PM
Each person, not harming others, lives their life how they see fit.

THAT is completely different than the agenda you paint.

No agendas, just folks living life free.

I don't have a problem about people living free. The problem I have is they are forcing their choice on children and society.
If they kept their personal lives private, I wouldn't have anything to say about them.

20th October 2014, 07:40 PM
Each person, not harming others, lives their life how they see fit.

THAT is completely different than the agenda you paint.

No agendas, just folks living life free.

You better tell them "no agendas", because they are pushing one hard!

The Homosexual Agenda is a self-centered set of beliefs and objectives designed to promote and even mandate approval of homosexuality and homosexual ideology, along with the strategies used to implement such. The goals and means of this movement include indoctrinating students in public school, restricting the free speech of opposition, obtaining special treatment for homosexuals, distorting Biblical teaching and science, and interfering with freedom of association. Advocates of the homosexual agenda seek special rights for homosexuals that other people don't have, such as immunity from criticism (see hate speech, hate crimes). Such special rights will necessarily come at the expense of the rights of broader society. The homosexual agenda is the biggest threat to the right of free speech today.

In 2014, one of the top priorities of the Homosexual Agenda is to prohibit and outlaw conversion therapy, particularly for teenagers. California and New Jersey are the only states to have enacted such laws (Governor Chris Christie signed it into law as he was preparing his reelection campaign), and leftists are pushing similar bans in many other states now.

In a speech on December 10, 2013, to a pro-family rally in Jamaica, Brian Camenker of MassResistance outlined the step-by-step approach of the homosexual agenda:[1]

legalize homosexuality
promote gay pride parades
demand non-discrimination laws
insist on homosexuals' adoption of children
push the homosexual agenda in schools
force "gay marriage" on society
demand public funding to deal with increased homosexual-related social problems
promote the transgender agenda
impose a large-scale loss of free speech
ban counseling for kids confused by homosexual issues
attack churches

20th October 2014, 07:41 PM
I don't have a problem about people living free. The problem I have is they are forcing their choice on children and society.
If they kept their personal lives private, I wouldn't have anything to say about them.

I agree with this as well. Though I don't think they are forcing their choice on the rest of us. They want their choice to be accepted and praised. They are definitely NOT keeping their personal lives private, that is for sure.

20th October 2014, 07:46 PM
You better tell them "no agendas", because they are pushing one hard!

The Homosexual Agenda is a self-centered set of beliefs and objectives designed to promote and even mandate approval of homosexuality and homosexual ideology, along with the strategies used to implement such. The goals and means of this movement include indoctrinating students in public school, restricting the free speech of opposition, obtaining special treatment for homosexuals, distorting Biblical teaching and science, and interfering with freedom of association. Advocates of the homosexual agenda seek special rights for homosexuals that other people don't have, such as immunity from criticism (see hate speech, hate crimes). Such special rights will necessarily come at the expense of the rights of broader society. The homosexual agenda is the biggest threat to the right of free speech today.

In 2014, one of the top priorities of the Homosexual Agenda is to prohibit and outlaw conversion therapy, particularly for teenagers. California and New Jersey are the only states to have enacted such laws (Governor Chris Christie signed it into law as he was preparing his reelection campaign), and leftists are pushing similar bans in many other states now.

In a speech on December 10, 2013, to a pro-family rally in Jamaica, Brian Camenker of MassResistance outlined the step-by-step approach of the homosexual agenda:[1]

legalize homosexuality
promote gay pride parades
demand non-discrimination laws
insist on homosexuals' adoption of children
push the homosexual agenda in schools
force "gay marriage" on society
demand public funding to deal with increased homosexual-related social problems
promote the transgender agenda
impose a large-scale loss of free speech
ban counseling for kids confused by homosexual issues
attack churches

EE, when I first traveled to Europe, I remember seeing TV commercials, and the women were topless in them. OMG! Look at that! I thought of all the European kids seeing that every day. You know what? I'm sure they are fine.

Their view on sex is more open and natural than our view on it.

Maybe it would be better for our kids to not keep them sheltered?

Basically, I don't think being gay is a choice. I think it's something born with, you are born that way, deal with it, life is tough, etc.

20th October 2014, 07:53 PM
I agree with this as well. Though I don't think they are forcing their choice on the rest of us. They want their choice to be accepted and praised. They are definitely NOT keeping their personal lives private, that is for sure.

How is forced teaching of homosexuality in school not force?
How is creating laws limiting free speech not force?
How is flaunting homosexuality through society not force?

Are people taking part in beastiality, incest and polygamy/polyandry/polyandrous households just people living free?

20th October 2014, 07:54 PM
EE, when I first traveled to Europe, I remember seeing TV commercials, and the women were topless in them. OMG! Look at that! I thought of all the European kids seeing that every day. You know what? I'm sure they are fine.

Their view on sex is more open and natural than our view on it.

Maybe it would be better for our kids to not keep them sheltered?

Basically, I don't think being gay is a choice. I think it's something born with, you are born that way, deal with it, life is tough, etc.

I don't believe that many are born gay. I think most were exposed to it, or were molested as children.

How about we not shelter the kids and teach teach them about God and that homosexuality is wrong.

I've made a few trips to Europe and I would say European's are more open about the human body and nudity. Nothing unnatural about that.
I didn't see people fucking, sodomizing each other and sucking dick/eating pussy in public?

American's might be uptight about nudity and the human body, but sex itself, is no more natural in Europe then in the US.

20th October 2014, 08:00 PM
How is forced teaching of homosexuality in school not force?
How is creating laws limiting free speech not force?
How is flaunting homosexuality through society not force?

Are people taking part in beastiality, incest and polygamy/polyandry/Polyandrous households just people living free?

I think the agenda is a move to push for acceptance. But, do you think they live free? I suppose that is my question.

Agenda aside, media aside, do any of you feel like you are in a position to judge these folks? I sure don't. I see the same shit you folks do. I think it's a sin as well. But, I am not going to judge or condemn anyone.

20th October 2014, 08:13 PM
I think the agenda is a move to push for acceptance. But, do you think they live free? I suppose that is my question.

Agenda aside, media aside, do any of you feel like you are in a position to judge these folks? I sure don't. I see the same shit you folks do. I think it's a sin as well. But, I am not going to judge or condemn anyone.

A. I don't think they are living free. I don't think they are happy at all to be free, they want more then being free.
I try not to condemn the people, but I can judge their actions...especially when it affects children and our society.

I am a little biased between lesbians and fags. From what I see, most lesbians are about emotions and relationships...although I'm not sure any of them are happy people. They all seem angry and miserable to me?

Fags are more about sex and perversion. Almost all the perverted stories you hear and read about, are about male queers doing disgusting things.

20th October 2014, 08:28 PM
Fags are more about sex and perversion. Almost all the perverted stories you hear and read about, are about male queers doing disgusting things.

It's hard to fault the fags or homos even on this point. Be honest, EE? As a normal man with a normality high sex drive, do you not think about sex and perversion? Seriously?

I know I do. I admit it.

The homos are just doing what we think about doing with women, that's it. I think.

20th October 2014, 08:28 PM
Last post...

I had a friend years ago who was very pro-black and white race mixing. Now I don't give a shit what other people do mind you, but I asked him a simple question. How would you feel if your daughter brought home a very black boyfriend with very black features. I think you can guess the answer.

Now purely hypothetical speaking, just to see if you are really as accepting as you say you are.

What if your father came to you tomorrow and said,
"son, your mom and I are splitting up...you see, I want to come out and be free...you see, dad likes sucking off strange men in rest stops and adult book stores...also picking up gay teenagers along the way...dad also loves men ejaculating in his rectum" "give me a big ol hug son"

Would you be as accepting of this as you are when it's someone else's kids or family that are being free and queer?

20th October 2014, 08:35 PM
It's hard to fault the fags or homos even on this point. Be honest, EE? As a normal man with a normality high sex drive, do you not think about sex and perversion? Seriously?

I know I do. I admit it.

The homos are just doing what we think about doing with women, that's it. I think.

I don't believe in anal sex with a women. If a women's pussy, mouth and hands are not enough for a man, maybe the man is with the wrong sex? A lot of women have been conditioned to like anal, I know.
Kinky sex with a female/females is something else...most of, if not all of us, has thought about, or tried.

20th October 2014, 08:44 PM
I don't believe in anal sex with a women. If a women's pussy, mouth and hands are not enough for a man, maybe the man is with the wrong sex? A lot of women have been conditioned to like anal, I know.
Kinky sex with a female/females is something else...most of, if not all of us, has thought about, or tried.

EE, I agree, and I don't believe in anal sex with women either, and I've never participated in that.

I do have "unpure" thoughts, I think it's natural for men to have these thoughts and drives. If we don't have a high sex drive...we have a problem, imo.

20th October 2014, 08:53 PM
EE, I agree, and I don't believe in anal sex with women either, and I've never participated in that.

I do have "unpure" thoughts, I think it's natural for men to have these thoughts and drives. If we don't have a high sex drive...we have a problem, imo.

Damn those impure thoughts! :)

What are you supposed to do when the slut, er I mean women your with, demands you give it to her in the ass?

20th October 2014, 09:09 PM
There needs to be a separation from the church and .gov.

Gov supports gay marriage. Fine. The church, and bible, do not. It is a sin.

We are seeing gov forcing their will on the church, be it Christian, Catholic, etc.

I will not judge gay folks, God did not put me on this earth to judge others, but this assault on religion is blatant.
Then the people that started the church should not apply for tax free status from the state! Furthermore, they should not be performing government related functions like "marriages"! If marriages were religious ceremonies, and only that, the state wouldn't even have their noses in it. However, most, if not all, people get "married" for the legal benefits. If you are going to contract with the state to take jurisdiction over your relationship, then accept the terms!

The government is not "forcing their will" on churches... LOL. The "churches" are about as religious as a state licensed smog inspection station...hahaha!

Why is that so hard to understand?

Here is another way to look at it:

I own an automotive repair shop (let's say). I hire a smog technician (licensed by the state) to do state smog inspections. I register as a "STAR" station, which allows (and obliges) me to do certain kinds of special emissions inspections.

A customer has been sent to me by the state for a registration renewal inspection because their vehicle, because of age and/or mileage, requires that a "STAR" station performs the inspection.

I tell the customer "we only do 'Murican cars here, because we don't like imports, and you drive a Toyota"...

The state would force me to do the inspection under the terms of my license, or they would revoke it, because that is the contract I signed.

Same fucking same. See?

21st October 2014, 12:39 AM
Nobody should have the right to be married by the state, the state performs civil unions.

The problem is state nomenclature, nothing more.

21st October 2014, 01:17 AM
Marriage is an institution established by three people: husband, wife, and God.

"Legal marriage" [sic] is a business contract between one person, another person, and the State.

Is it though really......

A marriage certificate is an official recorded document issued by a governmental authority that proves that the couple listed on the marriage certificate have a legal marriage. In most areas, a marriage record is part of the public record.

21st October 2014, 01:35 AM
Is it though really......

A marriage certificate is an official recorded document issued by a governmental authority that proves that the couple listed on the marriage certificate have a legal marriage. In most areas, a marriage record is part of the public record.

If my wife & I went to the local registrar, and told them we'd like to "register" our marriage, we'd be told we need a "marriage license" and a "recognized ordained minister" to "officiate."

God did not establish "marriage licenses," but He did establish marriage. A marriage exists whether the government approves of it or not.

21st October 2014, 01:37 AM
I don't believe that many are born gay. I think most were exposed to it, or were molested as children.

100% of faggots become faggots.

Abuse and/or lack of proper parental figure(s) and guidance is the cause.

21st October 2014, 01:41 AM
If my wife & I went to the local registrar, and told them we'd like to "register" our marriage, we'd be told we need a "marriage license" and a "recognized ordained minister" to "officiate."

God did not establish "marriage licenses," but He did establish marriage. A marriage exists whether the government approves of it or not.

Marriage is not with God anymore,its been high jacked by the government.

We may pretend that it is but the fact remains ,its not ,its a contract with some government entity.

the government by the kindness of its heart ALLOWS two people to marry, we should be forever grateful ,to the government.

People even go into churches and marry believing its in the eyes of God and come out with a Gov contract....hahahaha

Oh and you need a license to get married.....hahaha

Definition: A marriage license is a document issued by a governmental authority that allows two people to get married. A marriage license is valid for only a specific time period such as thirty or sixty days and is only good for the state or locale where it was issued.

Example: You cannot use a California marriage license to get married in Kentucky or France.


21st October 2014, 02:31 AM
Marriage is not with God anymore,its been high jacked by the government.

We may pretend that it is but the fact remains ,its not ,its a contract with some government entity.

the government by the kindness of its heart ALLOWS two people to marry, we should be forever grateful ,to the government.

People even go into churches and marry believing its in the eyes of God and come out with a Gov contract....hahahaha

Oh and you need a license to get married.....hahaha

Definition: [/B]A marriage license is a document issued by a governmental authority that allows two people to get married. A marriage license is valid for only a specific time period such as thirty or sixty days and is only good for the state or locale where it was issued.

Example: You cannot use a California marriage license to get married in Kentucky or France.


God is omnipotent. Government may think it controls marriage, but it does not. I even propose that government has no control over Godly, genuine marriage at all. The "marriage" license created "matrimonial contracts" are questionably "marriage," and I'm referring to those couples which are normal (man & woman). The fag "marriages" are inherently false; they are not and cannot be "marriage."

My wife & I do not have a "marriage" license, because our marriage is based on two things: our love for each other, and our love for the Founder of marriage, God Almighty. Our marriage is fully legitimate, even if not recognized by Mystery Babylon. Nay, actually, it is more valid because it is not endorsed by Mystery Babylon. Our union is not equal to fag "marriage" - it is far more normal, natural, and legitimate. Those who have a "marriage" license have a relationship "equal" to such abominations according to the Babylon System.

21st October 2014, 04:21 AM
Gay marriage has taken the pristine sacredness of marriage and turned it into some twisted messed up thing that is basically disgusting to a lot of married people.

21st October 2014, 04:27 AM
A marriage certificate is an official recorded document issued by a governmental authority that proves that the couple listed on the marriage certificate have a legal marriage.

The license is applied for. It is a benefit. The certificate is a record that a TRUST was formed involving a husband, a wife and government (or two husbands and government) (or two wives and government).

21st October 2014, 04:32 AM
The license is applied for. It is a benefit. The certificate is a record that a TRUST was formed involving a husband, a wife and government (or two husbands and government) (or two wives and government).

Its a wonder they dont send someone along on the honey moon to help out.

21st October 2014, 04:39 AM
The license is applied for. It is a benefit. The certificate is a record that a TRUST was formed involving a husband, a wife and government (or two husbands fags and government) (or two wives dykes and government).

I believe there's no such thing as "husband and husband", or "wife and wife". This is what gays want you to think.
A husband has a wife and a wife has a husband. That is it!

21st October 2014, 04:58 AM
I believe there's no such thing as "husband and husband", or "wife and wife". This is what gays want you to think.
A husband has a wife and a wife has a husband. That is it!

This worries you? The concept of creating a TRUST doesn't?

Trusts are how governments operate whether it is a birth certificate, a drivers license, registering a car, registering land.

By the time you are are done you probably have a minimum of 50 trusts operating.

The all caps names on the headstone is where the TRUST DIED.


21st October 2014, 05:18 AM
This worries you? The concept of creating a TRUST doesn't?

Trusts are how governments operate whether it is a birth certificate, a drivers license, registering a car, registering land.

By the time you are are done you probably have a minimum of 50 trusts operating.

The all caps names on the headstone is where the TRUST DIED.


I agree about the trust, I merely stated gays try to use traditional words to legitimize gay marriage.

21st October 2014, 05:30 AM
gays try to use traditional words to legitimize gay marriage.


mick silver
21st October 2014, 07:10 AM

21st October 2014, 11:55 AM
Gay marriage has taken the pristine sacredness of marriage and turned it into some twisted messed up thing that is basically disgusting to a lot of married people.

Agreed, which is why I advocate not using "marriage" licenses any more. Take out the government middleman - go directly to God Himself.

21st October 2014, 11:56 AM
I believe there's no such thing as "husband and husband", or "wife and wife". This is what gays want you to think.
A husband has a wife and a wife has a husband. That is it!

They can call it "marriage," but if it is not the free union of one man and one woman, it is not marriage.

21st October 2014, 12:38 PM
[W]hen two people are under the influence of the most violent, most insane, most delusive, and most transient of passions, they are required to swear that they will remain in that excited, abnormal, and exhausting condition until death do them part. [G.B. Shaw, preface to "Getting Married," 1908]

21st October 2014, 07:29 PM
What are you supposed to do when the slut, er I mean women your with, demands you give it to her in the ass?

You stuff it down her throat. That way, she can't make demands like that anymore. :)