View Full Version : 33 cops, 600 bullets fired

21st October 2014, 10:59 AM

mick silver
21st October 2014, 12:04 PM
only 600 bullets . it look like they run out of ammo I bet that will not happen again you guys need to go and read the comments here one ...........................Misty would have been safer with the bank robbers than with the murderers that stole her life. I have much less fear of my countrymen than the dogs the elite use to protect their system. When a man blindly follows the orders of a man he more resembles a well trained dog than a harmoniously developed moral being. Someone gave the order to open fire on that vehicle. I would like to see that individual shot by a firing squad made up of the 33 dogs that opened up on the citizen. Followed by murder charges against the 10 that hit Misty. The tragedy is that not one will answer to this crime and all will more than likely get a few weeks paid vacation.
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dXEHI5oifs#t=83 here a comment for you guys that live in California .

21st October 2014, 12:44 PM
Come on, people. What exactly is to be done when three thugs rob a bank and take hostages? And use automatic weapons fire against you and everyone they're driving by? How is this anyone's fault but the three Spic thugs who kidnapped them?

Let the fuckers simply drive away? Does anyone seriously think the Spics would have let the women go alive?

That shyster talking is only seeing money, not justice.

There is legitimate outrage at police brutality, and there is old-fashioned stop the thugs with brute force. This is not the former.

21st October 2014, 12:49 PM
Misty would have been safer with the bank robbers than with the murderers that stole her life.

The Spic thugs would have raped her then killed her if they were simply allowed to drive away to a hideout of their own choosing.

If someone is shooting at you, mick, with automatic fire, would you just "take it"? Should the Spic thugs simply be allowed to continue firing willy-nilly into a residential neighborhood? (I know the area personally).

The surviving Spic thug will be the one charged, rightly, with murder.


30-round magazines are illegal to import, sell, and manufacture, but not illegal to possess. Of course, cops can still buy them, too.

21st October 2014, 01:13 PM
Crimethink? stop defending your buddies.......like the lawyer said......"cops should have terminated the pursuit and allowed the helicopter to follow them".....there would have been no need for the bank robbers to shoot at anything....at 42 years of age you want to sound stupid when I know that you are not.


21st October 2014, 01:18 PM
Crimethink? stop defending your buddies.......like the lawyer said......"cops should have terminated the pursuit and allowed the helicopter to follow them".....there would have been no need for the bank robbers to shoot at anything....at 42 years of age you want to sound stupid when I know that you are not.

42 years old, eh? Are you and PatColo the same poster? He made that same mistake yesterday. You're also accusing me of being "deliberately obtuse" as he did, but with different words. This is very interesting to me.

You condemn me for giving credit where credit is due, and calling the cops "my buddies." However, you side with and defend a shyster. I know there are more cops that are decent than there are shysters. "Follow with a helicopter," LOL. I can think of several locations within a few miles where that helicopter would have been useless...east towards Morada, or north into Lodi, for example...lots of trees. The Spic thugs actually tried to escape by going into Lodi and Acampo (just north of Lodi).

21st October 2014, 01:24 PM
This happened in Stockton, CA.
Not many criminals get away from cops in California police chases.
They were ordered to kill everyone and it was wrong.

Uncle Salty
21st October 2014, 01:47 PM

Actually, LEO is exempt from the 10 round limit.

21st October 2014, 02:03 PM
You want to see the problem only from one point of view......I see it from many........so, you win.....till you open your eyes.


21st October 2014, 04:17 PM
They were ordered to kill everyone and it was wrong.


One of the Spic thugs survived because he used the woman as a shield.

21st October 2014, 05:41 PM
Holy macro, this guys has been here since Sep 2014 and already has 1,242 postings........with the info that he has been putting out he is supposed to be between 42 and 44 years of age but it looks to me that he has been lying........he must be retired and a X cop to booth.......and notice his 666, no wonder he defends the cops.


21st October 2014, 05:51 PM
Holy macro, this guys has been here since Sep 2014 and already has 1,242 postings........with the info that he has been putting out he is supposed to be between 42 and 44 years of age but it looks to me that he has been lying........he must be retired and a X cop to booth.......and notice his 666, no wonder he defends the cops.


Watch it he will pass your posting record very soon at the rate he is going!

You have your honor at stake and have to defend!

21st October 2014, 05:52 PM
Here you go good buddy.......say whattttttttt.......... your friends upholding the law once again........a one way law.

Kentucky police call killing man with no gun in hail of bullets a 'shoot out,' refuse to answer questions or name the killer cops.

A little more than a month after police shot and killed a man in Richmond, Kentucky State Police still won't talk about the details of their investigation.

Specifically, they won't answer whether or not Jesse Gibbons, 29, was armed with a gun when police fired a hail of bullets at him. They also haven't said which officers, from which departments, fired their weapons.

On Sept. 13, a Lexington police officer investigating a domestic violence complaint got into an altercation with Gibbons at a convenience store on Buckhorn Drive. Lexington police said Gibbons assaulted the officer, stole his Taser and sped off in a Jeep. The resulting police chase brought Gibbons and officers from several departments to the Eastern Bypass in Richmond, where Gibbons' wrecked his jeep. Police surrounded it and, after that, gunshots, according to witnesses - too many to accurately count.

A brief video clip of the incident provided to LEX 18 showed what sounded like a dozen shots fired. A longer version online depicted what sounded like more than 30 shots fired in the span of about 30 seconds.

Since then, the incident has almost exclusively been referred to in news reports as a "shootout," which would indicate Gibbons returned fire. However, Gibbons' father, Stan Gibbons, said police told him they had not found a gun.

"I was interviewed four days after he was killed, and they did tell me they had not found a firearm after searching, and after searching with a dog," he said.

Police told him they would go back to the scene the next day to search again. He said he hasn't heard from them since.

Gibbons talked exclusively with LEX 18 Investigates Thursday. He said his son was a good man who suffered from bipolar disorder and anger management problems. He acknowledged his son "crossed a line" when he allegedly hit the Lexington police officer.

However, Jesse Gibbons knew that his mental illnesses could cause problems, his father said. That's why he refused to own firearms.

Read more: http://www.lex18.com/news/lex-18-news-investigates-police-shootout-or-po...
....- See more at: http://xrepublic.tv/node/10874#sthash.MUcg0QNr.dpuf

21st October 2014, 06:12 PM
Hunting down 33 cops can be quite a challenge

21st October 2014, 06:54 PM
Holy macro, this guys has been here since Sep 2014 and already has 1,242 postings........with the info that he has been putting out he is supposed to be between 42 and 44 years of age but it looks to me that he has been lying........he must be retired and a X cop to booth.......and notice his 666, no wonder he defends the cops.

No, that's your 6-6-6. You once admitted your family were Cuban Maranos (fake "Catholic" Jews). Cuba was a key refuge for crypto-Jews during the Spanish Empire, as it got them away from Catholic authorities, and, offered easy money by working Goyim on sugar cane and "trading."

My theory is being buttressed yet again with this post of yours, Ponce. You and Patty are in lockstep against me: "42 years old," "feigning stupidity"/"deliberately obtuse," and now, "look at how many posts he makes!"

Which VPN do you use to post as PatColo and Ponce? Which persona is easier, Patty's or Ponce's?

21st October 2014, 07:38 PM
Crimethink, folks get real heated around here about cop threads. Trust me, I know. They think you are ex LE and they will be all over your ass. Or, in your case, they use that as a strawman against you.

I'm not implying I agree with your posts, just letting ya know...

21st October 2014, 07:39 PM
Actually, LEO is exempt from the 10 round limit.

You are correct, we had 21 round mags. 3 of them on us.

21st October 2014, 08:05 PM
Crimethink, folks get real heated around here about cop threads. Trust me, I know. They think you are ex LE and they will be all over your ass. Or, in your case, they use that as a strawman against you.

Oh, yes...

I'm not implying I agree with your posts, just letting ya know...

Which part(s) do you disagree with?

21st October 2014, 08:15 PM
Which part(s) do you disagree with?

I don't think it's worth the risk of injuring an innocent person, even to catch 3 dangerous turds. In the big picture, it should make sense. 3 criminals like this, you are right, could have raped and killed her...then gone on to harm countless others.

I would not have pulled the trigger, knowing myself. We don't know what could have happened. You pull that trigger, you end things, right there. You can't take back that decision. 600 rounds is a lot. I don't think we have all the right information and think there might be an anti-cop agenda with this story.

Something stinks, but I can't put my finger on it. Stockton is a shit hole. I was very close to getting hired there as a firefighter. I was the #10 highest tester out of thousands for the job. They were going to hire 20,but I am white, so who knows if I would have made the cut. I turned it down for police academy. I'm glad I did. That city sucks.

21st October 2014, 08:38 PM
I don't think it's worth the risk of injuring an innocent person, even to catch 3 dangerous turds. In the big picture, it should make sense. 3 criminals like this, you are right, could have raped and killed her...then gone on to harm countless others.

I would not have pulled the trigger, knowing myself. We don't know what could have happened. You pull that trigger, you end things, right there. You can't take back that decision. 600 rounds is a lot. I don't think we have all the right information and think there might be an anti-cop agenda with this story.

Fair enough.

I just can't consider this "police brutality" or even "excessive force." The Spics threw two hostages out of the van while driving, and by the grace of God those two were not killed or permanently crippled.

The Spics could have surrendered but they were true desperadoes bent on escape or death, at any cost. I would have given the same order, however sad I would have been once I found out that one of the Spic thugs used the deceased as a human shield. The Spic thugs fired twice as many rounds per shooter as the cops.

Something stinks, but I can't put my finger on it. Stockton is a shit hole. I was very close to getting hired there as a firefighter. I was the #10 highest tester out of thousands for the job. They were going to hire 20,but I am white, so who knows if I would have made the cut. I turned it down for police academy. I'm glad I did. That city sucks.

I grew up in the shadow of Stockton, and got my AA there. I once asked my mom, "has Stockton ever been a decent city?" (as in, the late 1950s or 1960s). Her answer was quick and simple: "no."

We always laughed at the "Stockton's Great, take a look!" slogan painted on the water tanks off I-5.

Stockton is a foul, deadly mix of Niggers, Spics, Southeast Asians, and a small minority of Whites, both White trash and some decent folks. Several times key crime & other ignoble stats have exceeded those of Detroit. In the 1960s, the San Joaquin County Office of Education developed an agreement with Lodi, Stockton, and Lincoln Unified School Districts to divide areas of responsibility, and Hammer Lane north was Lodi's. That survives today, and most of the decent folk live north of Hammer Lane, then rural, now right across the northern part of the metro. Stockton's schools have been utter trash since the 1970s.

21st October 2014, 08:41 PM
Looks to me that Crimethink "locksteped" himself with that post because what he mention there goes back about five years and only a cop looking for some kind of evidence would do it.......why would a newcomer do it?........he dug his own grave :)


21st October 2014, 08:49 PM
Looks to me that Crimethink "locksteped" himself with that post because what he mention there goes back about five years and only a cop looking for some kind of evidence would do it.......why would a newcomer do it?........he dug his own grave :)

Are you drunk?

The area where this happened was my stomping grounds from 1988 - 1993. My family was still in Lodi until 2001. I still envision the area accurately, and when this robbery happened, the footage was fully familiar.

21st October 2014, 08:52 PM
The Spics could have surrendered but they were true desperadoes bent on escape or death, at any cost. I would have given the same order, however sad I would have been once I found out that one of the Spic thugs used the deceased as a human shield.

If you are correct about this, then I do agree with you, unfortunately. If the turds are shooting you have to consider all the innocent people who could get hit by that. How many innocent folks could get hit in the gun fight, if you let it continue.

What a fucked situation to be in, to make that call.

BTW, Stockton, was in the top 10 most dangerous cities in the country. If I could give advise to folks, just stay out of Stockton, period.

21st October 2014, 09:28 PM
If you are correct about this, then I do agree with you, unfortunately. If the turds are shooting you have to consider all the innocent people who could get hit by that. How many innocent folks could get hit in the gun fight, if you let it continue.

What a fucked situation to be in, to make that call.

Indeed it was, and the field commander who did is regarded as a heartless son of a bitch.

Most of the route taken by the thugs was backtopped with residences. If they had shot a bystander or two, some kid in a home, the cops would have been condemned for "not bringing the situation under control sooner." When the cops did put an end to the the shootout, they are blamed for the Spic thug using the woman as a human shield.

Allowing a gunfire-less car chase is one thing; Grand Theft Auto San Joaquin County Live is quite another.

If ultimate blame for the death of the woman is to be laid, it should be laid on the "Diversity is our Strength!" liberals who allowed the invasion of California. These are usually the same people who are now screaming that the cops "murdered" the hostage, ironically.

BTW, Stockton, was in the top 10 most dangerous cities in the country. If I could give advise to folks, just stay out of Stockton, period.

If you feel like gambling with your life, take a "Drive While White" down Charter Way or Airport Way south of Charter Way. :)

21st October 2014, 09:45 PM
If ultimate blame for the death of the woman is to be laid, it should be laid on the "Diversity is our Strength!" liberals who allowed the invasion of California. These are usually the same people who are now screaming that the cops "murdered" the hostage, ironically.

Bottom line, you can't blame a whole race because of the actions of a few. That is an agenda. Straight up, no if's but's about it.

You can't blame all cops based upon the actions of a few as well.

If YOU have an AGENDA, who are YOU to cast judgement on other folk's agenda's?!??

Life is tough, nothing is truly safe, and innocent people fall and can't be saved. To blame cops for all the evil in the world accomplishes nothing. To blame anyone, based upon religion or cultural background, to put it on their shoulders accomplishes nothing.

To accomplish something, blame needs to be cast aside. Agenda's need to be tossed away, and solutions need to be offered.

We never see any fucking solutions! Just more fucking blame.

21st October 2014, 09:53 PM
I give up, you are is a tactician in confusing the issue at hand......I know what you are and that's really what I care all about, I am not trying to idiscover fire.


22nd October 2014, 12:13 AM
My feelings havent changed on this from the beginning. The cops did the right thing. Yes it has to suck to kill an innocent civilian hostage. However this is SOP in other places as well. Germany is one of em. If you let someone get away because they have a hostage then all crimes will be committed with hostages.

22nd October 2014, 02:12 AM
Bottom line, you can't blame a whole race because of the actions of a few. That is an agenda. Straight up, no if's but's about it.

You can't blame all cops based upon the actions of a few as well.

If YOU have an AGENDA, who are YOU to cast judgement on other folk's agenda's?!??

Life is tough, nothing is truly safe, and innocent people fall and can't be saved. To blame cops for all the evil in the world accomplishes nothing. To blame anyone, based upon religion or cultural background, to put it on their shoulders accomplishes nothing.

To accomplish something, blame needs to be cast aside. Agenda's need to be tossed away, and solutions need to be offered.

We never see any fucking solutions! Just more fucking blame.

I do have an agenda. My agenda is the search for, and proclamation of, the Truth. Part of the Truth is that racial stereotypes, far more often than not, are true.

The stereotypes about cops are largely, but not totally, based upon non-White and Wigger thugs doing something malum in se, and then being punished for it. "Why you hasslin' me, mo fo!" as the lifted products fall out of his hoodie. He punches the cop, gets Tasered (instead of rightfully shot dead), and a Jew lawyer files a "police brutality" & "civil rights violations" lawsuit against the agency (i.e., taxpayers).

22nd October 2014, 02:14 AM
My feelings havent changed on this from the beginning. The cops did the right thing. Yes it has to suck to kill an innocent civilian hostage. However this is SOP in other places as well. Germany is one of em. If you let someone get away because they have a hostage then all crimes will be committed with hostages.

The Russians used to handle hostage situations by sending in Spetznaz guns a blazing, and conferring posthumous medals upon the innocent deceased. Don't know if that's still the case. Russia, not surprisingly, had one of the lowest rates of hijackings.