View Full Version : WTF - By 2025 the population of the US will go from 316 million to 69 million?

General of Darkness
22nd October 2014, 07:36 AM
Dunno wtf to make of this, but if you look at almost every white nation the population drops dramatically and the income also.

What are your thoughts on this?


22nd October 2014, 07:49 AM
My interpretation would be that they are saying the population will be reduced BY 69 million.

But then they would be wrong since the population of the United States currently is 646,449 (2013)
[Washington, D.C., Population]

They also (erroneously) list the size of the United States at 9.6 million sq. km. when it actually is 83 square miles.

They might also call it a democracy when it a federation of independent countries (called States).

But back to population. The United States includes identically ZERO living people. Even more impossible than people living in a federation is people living in a corporate fiction.

mick silver
22nd October 2014, 07:54 AM
wars , viruses and other things could be why we may see the population going to 69 million . don't the rich say they only need so many slaves now

22nd October 2014, 08:03 AM
Without Whitey, whose gonna pay Sheneequa's bills? Due to the White Guilt Act of 2017 all Whites were rounded up and executed for their White Privilege™.

Life after White people:


22nd October 2014, 09:07 AM

22nd October 2014, 11:20 AM
My interpretation would be that they are saying the population will be reduced BY 69 million.

It appears so. But how is the population going to decline so steeply in the next just over 10 years? Disease, starvation, mass murder?

Hatha Sunahara
22nd October 2014, 12:32 PM
Palani, you must be including just Washington D.C. for your account of the population of the US Inc. You might want to throw in Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Marianna Islands and a few other 'possession's. Maybe some military bases too. I think the article refers to the country that pays taxes to the US Inc. That country now has 316 million people. A drop of 69 million people is a 22% reduction. The only things I can think of that would cause such a drop are wars, plagues, famines, and mass exodus. It would be interesting to find out what assumptions the forecasters are using.


mick silver
22nd October 2014, 12:57 PM
just my thoughts they don't need no more then 69 million people , it easer to control easer to feed less water needed plus they no longer need money they have all they will ever need they just need full control over all human now we see that with the war and Disease and viruses

22nd October 2014, 01:50 PM
It appears so. But how is the population going to decline so steeply in the next just over 10 years? Disease, starvation, mass murder?

Baby Boomers dropping dead. I plan on being dead by then...

22nd October 2014, 02:10 PM
Baby Boomers dropping dead. I plan on being dead by then...


22nd October 2014, 02:48 PM
Baby Boomers dropping dead. I plan on being dead by then...

Turd Worlders are replacing Baby Boomers, and more. It would have to be an unexpected decrease across the board, to be accurate.

General of Darkness
22nd October 2014, 02:57 PM
My interpretation would be that they are saying the population will be reduced BY 69 million.

But then they would be wrong since the population of the United States currently is 646,449 (2013)
[Washington, D.C., Population]

They also (erroneously) list the size of the United States at 9.6 million sq. km. when it actually is 83 square miles.

They might also call it a democracy when it a federation of independent countries (called States).

But back to population. The United States includes identically ZERO living people. Even more impossible than people living in a federation is people living in a corporate fiction.

Look at the numbers, because it's not a reduction, it's a total, not just on humans but in income. It's pretty obvious what they're saying but where the fuck is the information coming?

However, when you look deeper, at all the nations it truly looks like white genocide.

22nd October 2014, 03:24 PM
I would call it the Obama effect.............

22nd October 2014, 04:48 PM
My interpretation would be that they are saying the population will be reduced BY 69 million..

Nope, other stat says 33 folks/sq mile down to 7 per sq mile. I don't have my calculator, but that does suggest a reduction down to 69 million.

WTF website is this anyway? There's no explanation of anything, just a "forecast". Numbers pulled out of someone's ass, I think.

General of Darkness
22nd October 2014, 05:17 PM
My interpretation would be that they are saying the population will be reduced BY 69 million.

But then they would be wrong since the population of the United States currently is 646,449 (2013)
[Washington, D.C., Population]

They also (erroneously) list the size of the United States at 9.6 million sq. km. when it actually is 83 square miles.

They might also call it a democracy when it a federation of independent countries (called States).

But back to population. The United States includes identically ZERO living people. Even more impossible than people living in a federation is people living in a corporate fiction.

Palini I love you man, but you're ass backwards. 69 Million population and then look at the income. It becomes pretty obvious, but then again, where are these numbers coming from.

22nd October 2014, 06:01 PM
Nope, other stat says 33 folks/sq mile down to 7 per sq mile. I don't have my calculator, but that does suggest a reduction down to 69 million.

WTF website is this anyway? There's no explanation of anything, just a "forecast". Numbers pulled out of someone's ass, I think.

Yes its 69 ,not 70 or 68 but 69............

22nd October 2014, 06:22 PM

The first world typically ends up in a nether world eventually,

happens all the time.

22nd October 2014, 06:24 PM
Baby Boomers dropping dead. I plan on being dead by then...

A deflationists counter and flanking tactic, don't believe him for a second. :)

22nd October 2014, 07:06 PM

22nd October 2014, 07:51 PM
2025 is after the Skynet Talmudinator Wars, isn't it?

23rd October 2014, 05:33 AM
69 Million population and then look at the income. It becomes pretty obvious, but then again, where are these numbers coming from.

I was going to reason that the red downward pointing arrow represents a REDUCTION by the amount shown but if you highlight both the figure and the red arrow and do a ctrl-c and paste what you copied into a text window you will see a percent multiplier. So wherever this guy came up with his ideas of a forecast he is indeed showing these as absolute end values.

Bet he doesn't carry any full term life insurance.

From the home page

For those who might be concerned.

The countries forecast has been out there for over a decade. It is updated annually using the latest available information and is provided AS IS. Obviously, at this point, predicts a Western collapse.

The population reduction might be consistent with those bankers who will attempt vertical flight as an option?

4th August 2015, 12:11 AM
I was listening to the interview posted by Serpo in this thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?84572-Rebecca-Sterling-1999-Vision-of-2015).

During the interview the interviewer brings up this web site.

I recall hearing about it before and I figured GSUS had as well.

So a poke to this thread for anyone who hasn't heard of it.

Australia's population is expected to fall to 8.8 million from 22 million.

US population still showing the same as the thread title.

4th August 2015, 12:26 AM
linky stinky

link to part of deagal not working , havnt they wiped that area

the way she talks their wont be anyone left in U.S

4th August 2015, 12:41 AM
I was listening to the interview posted by Serpo in this thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?84572-Rebecca-Sterling-1999-Vision-of-2015).

During the interview the interviewer brings up this web site.
www.deagel.com/forecast.asp (http://www.deagel.com/forecast.asp)

I recall hearing about it before and I figured GSUS had as well.

So a poke to this thread for anyone who hasn't heard of it.

Australia's population is expected to fall to 8.8 million from 22 million.

US population still showing the same as the thread title.



4th August 2015, 07:20 AM
Vaccines and pharmaceutical cocktails should kick in on many livers in by then.