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22nd October 2014, 08:39 AM
Sierra Leone: Nano Silver 10 PPM Now Official Ebola Therapy

Ebola-torn Sierra Leone announced today that it has approved nutrient Nano Silver 10 PPM as an Ebola therapy based on the positive results seen when it defied strong international pressure, testing nutrient Nano Silver 10 PPM in Ebola patients over the past three weeks.

"If you say that this illness does not get better, then that's a lie because 500 people have gotten better.....Sheikh Massally.. sent the nutrient Nano Silver. This works; people are getting better." Hon. Alpha Kanu, Minister of Information, Sierra Leone

Newton, NJ (PRWEB) October 21, 2014

Nano Silver 10 PPM has been officially approved as a therapy against the deadly Ebola virus by Honourable Alhaji Alpha Kanu, Sierra Leone’s Minister of Presidential and Public Affairs. Minister Kanu announced today that based on clinical results in the Ebola-torn areas of Port Loko and elsewhere, nutrient Nano Silver 10 PPM has been declared an official approved therapy in the Ebola crisis. No other treatment currently exists for Ebola victims.

Ebola, the viral disease which has killed at least 4,400 people in West Africa, has made its entrance into the United States (1 known death) and the EU (3 known deaths) where it poses a serious health threat if it spreads as it has in West Africa, Health officials are scrambling to find viable options in case of an outbreak following WHO’s announcement on August 12, 2014 clearing the way for human experimentation with untested materials of unknown safety.

The Minister focused his announcement on one of the safest, yet most controversial natural tools in the Ebola battle, consistently linked to overcoming viral and other disease-causing organisms -- Nano Silver 10 PPM. Referring to Nano Silver 10 PPM for Ebola patients, Minister Kanu stated in an October 11, 2014 video,

“There is no illness that doesn't have a cure. If you say that this illness does not get better, then that’s a lie because 500 people have gotten better...We already have the beds and the medicines. Sheikh Massally--he is an Imam--in Atlanta, USA, has sent the nutrient Nano Silver. This works; people are getting better.” See Minister Kanu's full statement here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/this-works-sierra-leone-information-minister/

Nine days later, Minister Kanu followed that declaration with his official announcement today that henceforward, Nano Silver 10 PPM is now part of the strategy of his country in helping people with Ebola move past the illness.

Two of Sierra Leone’s leading newspapers, The Exclusive, and The Standard Times Press, confirmed the Minister’s announcement today: see here, http://standardtimespress.org/?p=5520 .

Sierra Leone is one of the hardest-hit counties in the Ebola epidemic which Margaret Chan, MD, WHO Director, says is "out of control" and "poses a threat to international peace", yet that organization has, as detailed by Minister Kanu, expressed strong opposition to trials with Nano Silver 10 PPM.

Nano Silver 10 PPM’s well-documented benefits make it a meaningful nutritional adjunct when dealing with viral and other infections. A 2009 declassified study sponsored through the United States Department of Defense found that the same Nano Silver 10 PPM (parts per million) provided to Sierra Leone by the Natural Solutions Foundation and Sheikh Ismail Massally supports normal cell membrane integrity, even in the presence of the Ebola virus.

While the Food and Drug Agency (FDA), World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) discount silvers benefits for Ebola (or other) patients, there was no way to know until a proper test was conducted on infected patients. That test took place in Sierra Leone in the past 3 weeks under Minister Kanu's personal responsibility for deploying it to the afflicted working with the Minister of Health and other officials.

Silver is inexpensive, self-sterilizing, non-toxic and easy to use. Silver, however, does not appear to be on most scientists’ radar when it comes to finding approaches to Ebola, although WHO declared it to be “ethical” to try “unproven interventions” and that there is a “moral duty” to test them, per this Link.

When Natural Solutions Foundation’s Medical Director, Rima E. Laibow, MD, addressed the assembled African Ministers of Health in 2007 at an African Health Summit in Mombasa, she warned them about emergent viruses. On August 1, 2014 in her Open Letter to the Heads of State and Ministers of Health of the four Ebola-stricken countries, she urged them to consider a particular nutrient, Nano Silver 10 PPM, in the Ebola crisis. She advised them that its use is part of a prudent program of powerful, safe immune support. In fact, this particular Nano Silver 10 PPM is the precise material used in the DoD study.

She reminded them that according to WHO/CDC/FDA there is no material which has ever been demonstrated to have the same immune boosting capacity when facing Ebola. In that letter, she reminds us that the stakes are very high since respiratory Ebola has a 90%+ mortality while contact Ebola has “only” 60-70% mortality. Dr. Laibow’s Open Letter is here: http://TinyURL.com/StopEbola.

Sheikh Massally read Dr. Laibow's letter and reached out to her to provide Nano Silver to his people. Dr. Laibow shared her Protocol for the use of nutrient Nano Silver 10 PPM with the doctors of Sierra Leone.

Concerned citizens are advised to take basic precautions against possible contamination. Avoid shaking hands with people who are visibly ill. Hand washing is another way to minimize physical contact but since the disease is airborne, according to the US Army Military Research Institute for Infectious Diseases Special Report, that is only one of the possible ways to protect health. Some health professionals, especially those familiar with the power of natural modalities like Dr. Laibow, recommend the use of Nano Silver 10 PPM as part of a nutritional immune enhancement approach, supporting homeostasis, resulting in a vibrant immune system.

About Natural Solutions Foundation: Rima E. Laibow, M.D. co-founded the Natural Solutions Foundation in 2004 in an effort to dismantle the current conventional unsuccessful medical dogma and provide more clarity for those searching for proactive approaches to health. Since then, the Natural Solutions Foundation has made its mission to enlighten individuals all across the world on the core, underlying issues regarding disease. Dr. Rima, as she is known around the world, and the Natural Solutions Foundation are fueled with the desire to reach others and empower them with pertinent health information often hidden away from public view. Our Mission: To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Natural Solutions. ###

22nd October 2014, 11:16 AM
Nano Silver 10 PPM has been officially approved as a therapy against the deadly Ebola virus....No other treatment currently exists for Ebola victims.


Rima Laibow's very own words (start at 3:19):

"[Nanosilver is] not a drug...it does not treat, mitigate, cure or prevent any disease."

22nd October 2014, 12:37 PM
Important find Ponce. I have been a proponent of colloidal silver since 1998 when it “cured” a case of genital herpes that I had suffered under for almost 20 years. I have given my testament concerning CS here on the internet a few times over the years but there has never been much response.

So don’t tell me that colloidal silver does not act against viruses and bacteria. I’m personally affected and will be eternally grateful to have found it long ago.

Recently I spoke with the owner and designer of the Silvergen machine which I had bought in 1998. He stated adamantly that CS killed all bacteria and viruses in lab tests and there was nothing that it would not kill. He further stated that he had sold 40 CS machines, the large ones that make CS at 5 gallons at a time. Where did they all go ? To one party in South Africa. He received a report back that they had saved the lives of thousands of AIDS sufferers.

So what do we do with this information ?

Look for the truth !

Because you will not find it in the lab tests where millions of dollars are the cost in getting an FDA approval. Why ? Because there is no profit to be had from the big corporations. In fact, if it is as effective in curing mankind’s maladies as I believe, it must terrorize the big corporations as much as the truth of the evils of unbacked fiat currency.

So to suppress, we have not only motive and opportunity but also unlimited money to do so. All the earmarks of solving a crime while at the same time having the financial power to suppress.

Ten years ago I offered a gentleman who was returning to South Africa a CS machine if he would use it to heal AIDS patients and report back to me but he never followed through. I later called the San Diego and Seattle gay community folks and never got through. It was my fault for having not pursued my beliefs and hopes further.

Two medical doctors whom I have visited I shared the CS story and both had no knowledge of CS ! Interesting that through their many years of study that they were not aware that CS was used before penicillin came into the picture in about 1938. I’m sure that someone with the time and interest could find and research older books that would confirm the usage of CS pre 1938.

If Cs kills the AIDS virus and herpes virus as well as many, many others, why not ebola ?

I’m both disappointed and heartbroken that there are forces among us who would fight the truth for their own selfish gains to the exclusion of mankind’s health. A crime against humanity writ large.

Best wishes,


"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson

22nd October 2014, 12:49 PM
So don’t tell me that colloidal silver does not act against viruses

I will.

Recently I spoke with the owner and designer of the Silvergen machine which I had bought in 1998. He stated adamantly that CS killed all bacteria and viruses in lab tests and there was nothing that it would not kill. He further stated that he had sold 40 CS machines, the large ones that make CS at 5 gallons at a time. Where did they all go ? To one party in South Africa. He received a report back that they had saved the lives of thousands of AIDS sufferers.

"Trust me." That's all we ever get.

Because you will not find it in the lab tests where millions of dollars are the cost in getting an FDA approval. Why ? Because there is no profit to be had from the big corporations.

If it worked on viruses, someone somewhere would by using the scientific method to demonstrate efficacy. The "it's not proven because there's no profit in it" canard is bullshit. Essential oils, which cannot be patented, and are cheap, sometimes cheaper than CS, are cited in countless research studies as effective.

Ten years ago I offered a gentleman who was returning to South Africa a CS machine if he would use it to heal AIDS patients and report back to me but he never followed through. I later called the San Diego and Seattle gay community folks and never got through. It was my fault for having not pursued my beliefs and hopes further.

If CS worked to cure AIDS, the faggots would be all over it, as they should be. The faggots don't care what the System claims if it doesn't serve their purposes.

I’m both disappointed and heartbroken that there are forces among us who would fight the truth for their own selfish gains to the exclusion of mankind’s health.

Those peddling products that claim much but do little - or nothing - are in no higher moral position. Preaching for profit, not practicality.

22nd October 2014, 01:36 PM
Where the hell does this guy comes from, he is very disordely and not real.......well, we need the good with the bad so that we know who is the bad......from the dumn Cuban refugee with a 10th grade education and a millionair hahahahahahah..........answer that one my good friend.


22nd October 2014, 01:55 PM
Where the hell does this guy comes from, he is very disordely and not real

Oh, but I do come from the land of reality.

"Disorderly"? LOL

from the dumn Cuban refugee with a 10th grade education and a millionair

I'm sure you meant to say Cuban Jew refugee, right? Millionaire? That's it? Cuban Marranos usually have a lot more.

22nd October 2014, 02:01 PM

Rima Laibow's very own words (start at 3:19):

"[Nanosilver is] not a drug...it does not treat, mitigate, cure or prevent any disease."
She have to say that, otherwise FDA will go after her. Chiropractors had to say the same thing about its healing methods in the early 20th century, or they would get prosecuted for practicing medicine without a licence...

22nd October 2014, 02:24 PM
She have to say that, otherwise FDA will go after her. Chiropractors had to say the same thing about its healing methods in the early 20th century, or they would get prosecuted for practicing medicine without a licence...

This is a bit beyond CT intellectual understanding........

22nd October 2014, 02:27 PM
She have to say that, otherwise FDA will go after her.

From another thread:

Laibow's own words:

"As of now it is said that there is no treatment against Ebola, and that is not true....It does kill every pathogen against which it has been tested, worldwide, without exception. There is no other effective solution...why hasn't Nanosilver been brought forth already, as a treatment against Ebola...."


A Jewess who uses doubletalk and weasel words...worshiped by the "anti-Zionist" "free thinkers" here at GSUS.

Chiropractors had to say the same thing about its healing methods in the early 20th century, or they would get prosecuted for practicing medicine without a licence...

She is "practicing medicine without a license":

"Dr. Rima Laibow is a proven liar:


"As a licensed physician practicing drug free medicine for more than 42 years"





The latest "it's a nutrient!" claim is utterly pathetic.

22nd October 2014, 02:28 PM
This is a bit beyond CT intellectual understanding........

I am unable to accept Jewish weasel words and doubletalk as "valid." I guess one must be "special" in order to do so.

"Intellectual property" pirates operate successfully all over the world. SlySoft gives a big middle one to the American Copyright Cartel from Antigua. Dozens of VPNs do the same from various countries. Dozens if not hundreds of "mail order pharmacies," too. Why can't Laibow simply tell the FDA to "f**k off!" in the same way, and sell from a location where the FDA has no authority? After all, if she claims her work is "purely humanitarian"?

Alas, I think she likes living near the Jew York Metro, and is willing to compromise the Truth as long as the sales keep coming in.

22nd October 2014, 02:33 PM
I am unable to accept Jewish weasel words and doubletalk as "valid." I guess one must be "special" in order to do so.

No thats fair enough , she is jewish ,thats a fair enough reason to believe nano silver dosnt work................I go with my earlier comment.

22nd October 2014, 02:39 PM
No thats fair enough , she is jewish ,thats a fair enough reason to believe nano silver dosnt work................I go with my earlier comment.

She's a liar. You don't seem to "get" that. Some Jews aren't born liars, like her. But she is the quintessence of an American Jewess.

22nd October 2014, 02:41 PM


22nd October 2014, 02:44 PM


The most important part of those webpages:

"$50.00 FOR 32os of 20ppm COLLOID IS CHEAP (price subject to change without notice here)!"

If GlaxoSmithKline declared on their own webpage that "the flu vaccine is proven, and will keep you safe from all stains of flu," and then offered do-it-yourself kits on that same page for $50, you'd be shrieking (rightfully!) about the conflict of interest. But if some kook does it for "Nanosilver," you're just peachy-keen about it.

22nd October 2014, 02:50 PM
From another thread:

She is "practicing medicine without a license":

The latest "it's a nutrient!" claim is utterly pathetic.
Actually if she doesn't claim it is drug with any curative properties she isn't practicing medicine at all, whether the concoction has any curative properties or not. Unfortunately that is the steps you have to take in an Orwellian society with state granted monopoly of medicine. CRIMETHINK!

22nd October 2014, 02:58 PM
Actually if she doesn't claim it is drug with any curative properties she isn't practicing medicine at all, whether the concoction has any curative properties or not. Unfortunately that is the steps you have to take in an Orwellian society with state granted monopoly of medicine. CRIMETHINK!

As I noted in another post, it's just like piracy: you have to tell them to f**k off, and do what needs to be done. But lying is not among it.

If she really has the interests of peoples' good health at heart, she needs to crusade against the Faster Death Administration by whatever means are necessary. It's not like she has a license to be revoked. If her "cure" really does work, I've no doubt pretend Israel would let her operate from there.

Rather, I contend that she is interested in continuing sales in a "comfortable" fashion, and even her tribesmen question her claims.

22nd October 2014, 03:19 PM
The most important part of those webpages:

"$50.00 FOR 32os of 20ppm COLLOID IS CHEAP (price subject to change without notice here)!"

If GlaxoSmithKline declared on their own webpage that "the flu vaccine is proven, and will keep you safe from all stains of flu," and then offered do-it-yourself kits on that same page for $50, you'd be shrieking (rightfully!) about the conflict of interest. But if some kook does it for "Nanosilver," you're just peachy-keen about it.

Thats a reasonable price to pay for your life, as it has no side affects then there is no harm in taking it.Whats the big deal .

22nd October 2014, 03:21 PM
If she really has the interests of peoples' good health at heart, she needs to crusade against the Faster Death Administration by whatever means are necessary.

This proves you have no idea about alternative medicine...............crusade against big pharm ....hahaha

22nd October 2014, 03:32 PM
This proves you have no idea about alternative medicine...............crusade against big pharm ....hahaha

I am a certified aromatherapist, and well-versed in legitimate natural medicines.

I have no trouble saying this publicly & in writing: essential oils can and do "cure, treat, and prevent disease." FU FDA.

22nd October 2014, 03:33 PM
Thats a reasonable price to pay for your life, as it has no side affects then there is no harm in taking it.Whats the big deal .

If it actually saves anyone's life, sure - but it doesn't. "No side effects" is also not true. You're handing over cash for someone to pocket, while they laugh at you.

22nd October 2014, 03:58 PM
If it actually saves anyone's life, sure - but it doesn't. "No side effects" is also not true. You're handing over cash for someone to pocket, while they laugh at you.

but it doesn't

is also not true

gee its hard to argue with your facts and strong points you raise...........

22nd October 2014, 04:05 PM
http://www.naturalnews.com/047016_ebola_treatments_warning_letters_unproven_c ures.html

The warning letters, viewable here (http://www.fda.gov/ICECI/EnforcementActions/WarningLetters/default.htm#recent), single out the Natural Solutions Foundation (Rima Laibow) and two essential oil companies "Young Living" and "doTerra" whose distributors, the FDA says, were making claims that their oils could treat or prevent Ebola.

22nd October 2014, 04:10 PM
but it doesn't

is also not true

gee its hard to argue with your facts and strong points you raise...........

You cannot present a single legitimate research piece where "Nanosilver" has had any beneficial effect against viruses in vivo. NOT ONE. I've asked countless times now.

You only give anecdotal "I know it works!" claims without any scientific method backing it.

22nd October 2014, 04:18 PM
http://www.naturalnews.com/047016_ebola_treatments_warning_letters_unproven_c ures.html


More Mike Adams "tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"?

Telling the FDA to shove their letters was the moral course of action, if "Nanosilver" is "saving lives." Buckling is cowardice.

"Some medical doctors believe that 'Nanosilver' will cure Ebola." That is protected by the First Amendment. Instead, Laibow switched to "is not a treatment" and claims it's a "nutrient," which it simply is not (a nutrient is a substance that everyone needs to continue living - people do not die for lack of "Nanosilver").

If Laibow believes sincerely in her "cure," is it not a moral obligation to push forward? What does she have to lose?

22nd October 2014, 04:20 PM
As I noted in another post, it's just like piracy: you have to tell them to f**k off, and do what needs to be done. But lying is not among it.

If she really has the interests of peoples' good health at heart, she needs to crusade against the Faster Death Administration by whatever means are necessary. It's not like she has a license to be revoked. If her "cure" really does work, I've no doubt pretend Israel would let her operate from there.

Rather, I contend that she is interested in continuing sales in a "comfortable" fashion, and even her tribesmen question her claims.
If her tribesmen are questioning her claims I wouldn't hold that against her. The FDA crushes people that are opposed to it openly. I was crushed because I refused to take the Swedish Chiropractic state license, and took a public stance against it, mostly from so called colleagues. Not completely though, I recovered when I moved to Turkey, but it took several years, where I and my family basically lived from hand to mouth. I wouldn't take the stance I did then again, out of principle. Understand I still tell people that asks for my advice what I consider to be truth, but I don't do it publicly. I stay under the radar. The world didn't really appreciate what I tried to do for it, most of my surroundings punished me for my stance, overnight I lost half of my patients (just one article 'critical of my methods' in the local newspaper). Very few supported me, and even fewer came to me because of what I did. Those who did bless them!

22nd October 2014, 04:24 PM
If her tribesmen are questioning her claims I wouldn't hold that against her. The FDA crushes people that are opposed to it openly. I was crushed because I refused to take the Swedish Chiropractic state license, and took a public stance against it, mostly from so called colleagues. Not completely though, I recovered when I moved to Turkey, but it took several years, where I and my family basically lived from hand to mouth. I wouldn't take the stance I did then again, out of principle. Understand I still tell people that asks for my advice what I consider to be truth, but I don't do it publicly. I stay under the radar. The world didn't really appreciate what I tried to do for it, most of my surroundings punished me for my stance, overnight I lost half of my patients (just one article 'critical of my methods' in the local newspaper). Very few supported me, and even fewer came to me because of what I did. Those who did bless them!

You were young, looking to build a career. You also didn't claim to have a cure that would save millions. Laibow claims to have that cure, is old as dirt, has no medical license to lose, and plenty of cash to fight. Mercola has fought, but then, his medicines actually work.

22nd October 2014, 05:20 PM
You were young, looking to build a career. You also didn't claim to have a cure that would save millions. Laibow claims to have that cure, is old as dirt, has no medical license to lose, and plenty of cash to fight. Mercola has fought, but then, his medicines actually work.
Regarding colloidal silver and viruses/Ebola I am a fence sitter perhaps not the most honorable position, but I don't have enough facts yet to make a stance. The main reason I didn't take out a chiropractic license was because it wouldn't allow me, at the time (it does now, maybe because of my stance, I don't know) to treat children under the age of 16, unless referred by a medical dr (which never happens)... I had just started my own clinic 8 mths prior, and this 'colleague' of mine that I used to work for in the same town, well connected mason, got this journalist to write this hit piece on me. Where I was accused of treating children despite it being illegal (it wasn't), the journalist distorting and taking everything I said out of context. This colleague spoke out against me being a gold digger, the president of the chiropractic association (who had worked for this colleague also), said rejecting the licence was something patients should be concerned about and not go to me, a bureaucrat at the licensing board said that if this chiropractor was licensed he would certainly be under investigation, the police chief (mason buddy) and district attorney (mason buddy), said they were starting a police investigation in to my treatment of children. I got a fake call a week later while on my way to Austria to meet a so called Chiropractic rights advocate (who wasn't interested in taking my case since I couldn't give him $30,000 for my defense). Terry Rondberg an American heading the International Chiropractic Association. The caller claimed to be a father of a child with colic and wanted my help. I told him I'm sorry you have to go abroad for chiropractic care for your baby.

It really isn't nice to be crushed, it took me years to recover. Maybe as you say Rina Laibow may only be in it for the money, and maybe she has plenty of funds for her defense if she took a stance, but I have no doubt that the FDA would crush her regardless, and the science doesn't matter one iota. Telling the lie that colloidal silver is nutrition allows her to continue, and perhaps it is correct that nano-silver works against viruses too including Ebola... I wouldn't take the Sierra Leone's health ministers word for it though,

22nd October 2014, 07:21 PM
I am a certified aromatherapist, and well-versed in legitimate natural medicines.

I have no trouble saying this publicly & in writing: essential oils can and do "cure, treat, and prevent disease." FU FDA.

two essential oil companies "Young Living" and "doTerra" whose distributors, the FDA says, were making claims that their oils could treat or prevent Ebola.

22nd October 2014, 07:28 PM
Colloidal silver - CureZone (http://curezone.com/foods/silver.asp) www.curezone.com/foods/silver.asp - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=416b4e32533159434743413450534d66584641665 443676a55304549496e4d3249684d6651576f6964566b75435 2466442475538506959415778385945437875426b734649437 37a59514e5644526b4f546d357448314e62514149614851556 7657a30795051734b4f5151424f6a39384c77564e514352374 c7751344756744e4354342b4e69394356786b5258695171576 b384d496938794968424c557a3976634564744145355044533 02b4a5863625552526148445131425534494f436b304a685a6 3445449765a306369486c495a43484d334a543463455555395 6484944554241764e54737a49677457586a4a765930516d534 16835477945774e546c4a426a41504743777a454642484e7a3 0785951526455534d6750556c2b5731774a534867394e79674 944524e4f51694967545246515a4863694a6b414e413263695 a6b357a53306850456a316959477759523073784a5245394f3 2596f4c414d56426b463059584a79524135344b52784d44584 e6d4d6e4d4b4245424c5158456851524a594d43736c63554a6 2425749674d6b6b755877674c486e303559413d3d&epile=4q6n41784r4445774q6n4q774q6p38324r5335725n58 6o3q&edata=caa3e426aec514a969e81e37669dda9a&ek=5979744p62546s2s66553566555570734r485n386355424 664534n70566o3542523345354q466442&ekdata=724be90bd0a370d3220f036810150877) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=cured+by+colloidal+silver&rl=NONE&rid=LELOLOKNLKOL&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/metasearch.pl&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&u=http:%2F%2Fcurezone.com%2Ffoods%2Fsilver.asp)
Colloidal silver. ... Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D., author of "The Cure for All Cancers" and "The Cure for HIV and AIDS", tells us that neither cancer nor HIV can exist ...

Colloidal Silver - Super Antibiotic Rediscovery? - All-Natural (http://all-natural.com/silver-1.html) www.all-natural.com/silver-1.html - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=416b4e32533159434743413450534d66584641665 443676a55304549496e4d3249684d6651576f6964566b75435 2466442475538506959415778385945437875426b734649437 37a59514e5644526b4f546d357448314e62514149614851556 7657a30795051734b4f5151424f6a39384c77564e514352374 c7751344756744e4354342b4e69394356786b5258695171576 b384d496938794968424c557a3976634564744145355044533 02b4a5863625552526148445131425534494f436b304a685a6 3445449765a306369486c495a43484d334a543463455555395 6484944554241764e794974616839595243497a5955646c446 c56535748775a49694d4151684d4f58484672485659454f6d6 7304978424e555770344f52357a5651734e546e31765958385 04142644f4648636d454552615a43776b496b566356544a335 a6730354856564d514878354a546c5265534974435134424e4 6676b416739784369416341784e6b4d323974486b6f4352433 16d4e33706141305a4e465852315245514d4d6e68794a55514 d5557556a5a526c3557566b4d4733383d&epile=4q6n41784r4445774q6n4q774q6p38324r5335725n58 6o3q&edata=a958e52f11b9aaef46fe544a29cdadf9&ek=5979744p62546s2s66553566555570734r485n386355424 664534n70566o3542523345354q466442&ekdata=68539c5a73c670e9ff67457d0492a1fd) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=cured+by+colloidal+silver&rl=NONE&rid=LELOLOKNLKOL&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/metasearch.pl&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&u=http:%2F%2Fall-natural.com%2Fsilver-1.html)
Colloidal silver appears to be a powerful, natural antibiotic and preventative against .... This does notautomatically mean that taking colloidal silver will "cure" ...

Colloidal Silver, The Magical Cure (For Money) - The Awl (http://www.theawl.com/2013/08/colloidal-silver-facts) www.theawl.com/2013/08/colloidal-silver-facts - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=416b4e32533159434743413450534d66584641665 443676a55304549496e4d3249684d6651576f6964566b75435 2466442475538506959415778385945437875426b734649437 37a59514e5644526b4f546d357448314e62514149614851556 7657a30795051734b4f5151424f6a39384c77564e514352374 c7751344756744e4354342b4e69394356786b5258695171576 b384d496938794968424c557a3976634564744145355044533 02b4a5863625552526148445131425534494f436b304a685a6 3445449765a306369486c495a43484d334a543463455555395 64849445542417649546b3261515652565459326241556f416 c6361547768745958746645555136515868675232514b4f534 9744b426864555474736330496e4731394e5543672b4d6a346 645674d594544516b53455a635a53306764686462427a52784 d683874587778625448302b5a486f4a425563615179596a464 55949634477784b41494541334531637859474f5774484d776 f654b77633464555978494756324d516461456d67794e30774 15532346e4d42313858517462535835754e793849416b55655 248556b5230414d5a4878314a454a6641513d3d&epile=4q6n41784r4445774q6n4q774q6p38324r5335725n58 6o3q&edata=f3d67d3b2a55df4d741d8b168927d051&ek=5979744p62546s2s66553566555570734r485n386355424 664534n70566o3542523345354q466442&ekdata=d0b0c8828952798490b4efaae9149988) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=cured+by+colloidal+silver&rl=NONE&rid=LELOLOKNLKOL&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/metasearch.pl&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.theawl.com%2F2013%2F08%2Fcolloida l-silver-facts)
30 Aug 2013 ... In 2002, RZA of the Wu-Tang Clan told a reporter from Blender about his post-9/ 11 health routine: drinking colloidal silver daily. "During the ...

C-Silver-Testimony - Silent Cures (http://www.silentcures.com/C-Silver-Testimony.html) www.silentcures.com/C-Silver-Testimony.html - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=416b4e32533159434743413450534d66584641665 443676a55304549496e4d3249684d6651576f6964566b75435 2466442475538506959415778385945437875426b734649437 37a59514e5644526b4f546d357448314e62514149614851556 7657a30795051734b4f5151424f6a39384c77564e514352374 c7751344756744e4354342b4e69394356786b5258695171576 b384d496938794968424c557a3976634564744145355044533 02b4a5863625552526148445131425534494f436b304a685a6 3445449765a306369486c495a43484d334a543463455555395 64849445542417649546b3261514a51584449766445672b483 1394d5579307750473965636a565249696b704130636265786 f6b4e415651585467766551556a47566454577a73374d44344 e4352645046534d685255454e6233783463306459556d5a784 e3039795641674e54586b384d436c6341553545567a4931476 c4655596d67314e4578305a415935546d384b4633647250483 4534147396663464e504e575932425239514e58636e6430634 f4147596c4e42743643313962533330395a48384e4268515a5 1334a78466845505a773d3d&epile=4q6n41784r4445774q6n4q774q6p38324r5335725n58 6o3q&edata=b0dd2b0ebc29aa644b740fd8f6ff107c&ek=5979744p62546s2s66553566555570734r485n386355424 664534n70566o3542523345354q466442&ekdata=8f6829d66849315ded9d4c3bd40906c1) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=cured+by+colloidal+silver&rl=NONE&rid=LELOLOKNLKOL&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/metasearch.pl&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.silentcures.com%2FC-Silver-Testimony.html)
Colloidal Silver kills Cancer cells and the AIDS virus on contact. ... Here are some first-hand testimonials by real people of cures and relief from many diseases.

Colloidal Silver Cures - Earth Clinic (http://www.earthclinic.com/supplements/colloidal_silver.html) www.earthclinic.com/supplements/colloidal_silver.html - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=416b4e32533159434743413450534d66584641665 443676a55304549496e4d3249684d6651576f6964566b75435 2466442475538506959415778385945437875426b734649437 37a59514e5644526b4f546d357448314e62514149614851556 7657a30795051734b4f5151424f6a39384c77564e514352374 c7751344756744e4354342b4e69394356786b5258695171576 b384d496938794968424c557a3976634564744145355044533 02b4a5863625552526148445131425534494f436b304a685a6 3445449765a306369486c495a43484d334a543463455555395 64849445542417649546b326152525951694d7059306369413 14e6355793077504739656367554a415441704545384d4f446 f79596b4e2f557a67746245516943567454496a30325054774 a526c6755425330705531634e4e7a6f67656b4149566d386b5 978777443467749536e6b3961483850416b524c46484567516 85a665a336c7863784d4e46695578623168325742784c446e4 d5342527355656a4939437730524e42496b423274794131514 b6448457963425a7944674e5a5458686f5958734941455a4e4 67955685178454c5933736764524e63416d563159786774584 13d3d&epile=4q6n41784r4445774q6n4q774q6p38324r5335725n58 6o3q&edata=c331a8bf180634b4caa81a95bb6e0cd4&ek=5979744p62546s2s66553566555570734r485n386355424 664534n70566o3542523345354q466442&ekdata=fa5c26242e1a5499a6add9268c76c5d3) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=cured+by+colloidal+silver&rl=NONE&rid=LELOLOKNLKOL&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/metasearch.pl&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.earthclinic.com%2Fsupplements%2Fc olloidal_silver.html)
24 Sep 2014 ... Available specifically as an alternative medicine, colloidal silver is often considered a “cure-all” as it has so many purposes. Although the ...

Colloidal silver cures MRSA infections, purifies water, destroys ... (http://www.naturalnews.com/034904_colloidal_silver_mrsa_candida.html) www.naturalnews.com/034904_colloidal_silver_mrsa_candida.html - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=416b4e32533159434743413450534d66584641665 443676a55304549496e4d3249684d6651576f6964566b75435 2466442475538506959415778385945437875426b734649437 37a59514e5644526b4f546d357448314e62514149614851556 7657a30795051734b4f5151424f6a39384c77564e514352374 c7751344756744e4354342b4e69394356786b5258695171576 b384d496938794968424c557a3976634564744145355044533 02b4a5863625552526148445131425534494f436b304a685a6 3445449765a306369486c495a43484d334a543463455555395 64849445542417649546b32615239595243497a5955636c434 5314d5579307750473965636b5a5052586c315158304b4f534 9744b426864555473656330496e4731394e49694d744969737 a5678635346536b684641774249694d745951526455534d675 052677156563448525864765969686555554e5053534a77455 546635933596a63456b42435741694d78703553306850456a3 1695a327759523073784a5245394f32596f4c414d56426b463 059584a79524135344b52784d44584e6d4d6e4d4b4245424c5 158456851524a594d43736c63554a62425749674d6b6b75587 7674c486e303559413d3d&epile=4q6n41784r4445774q6n4q774q6p38324r5335725n58 6o3q&edata=5d31df1bccaf9dec6c2954ad8e5219ce&ek=5979744p62546s2s66553566555570734r485n386355424 664534n70566o3542523345354q466442&ekdata=b9515951d6b2cdbf061c1d7c7db70fe8) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=cured+by+colloidal+silver&rl=NONE&rid=LELOLOKNLKOL&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/metasearch.pl&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.naturalnews.com%2F034904_colloida l_silver_mrsa_candida.html)
8 Feb 2012 ... Colloidal silver cures MRSA infections, purifies water, destroys candida and fights the flu - In spite of FDA ban.

Hiv Cure : Colloidal Silver , Is It for You ? - Health - Nairaland (http://www.nairaland.com/334255/hiv-cure-colloidal-silver-it) www.nairaland.com/334255/hiv-cure-colloidal-silver-it - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=416b4e32533159434743413450534d66584641665 443676a55304549496e4d3249684d6651576f6964566b75435 2466442475538506959415778385945437875426b734649437 37a59514e5644526b4f546d357448314e62514149614851556 7657a30795051734b4f5151424f6a39384c77564e514352374 c7751344756744e4354342b4e69394356786b5258695171576 b384d496938794968424c557a3976634564744145355044533 02b4a5863625552526148445131425534494f436b304a685a6 3445449765a306369486c495a43484d334a543463455555395 64849445542417649546b32615239595753556762456f6c435 2526345694e365977786642304a4f5248566752325142507a6 8734a41524c56586f696230636e416c4e6248434a7949694d4 151684d4f58436b785531634e4e7a6f67656b4549556d397a4 d68393844467350547977395a79734e426b354f5279496a515 256665943306a4930514146695578623168325768784c446e4 d5342527355656a4939437730524e42496b423274794131514 b6448457963425a7944674e5a5458686f5958734941455a4e4 67955685178454c5933736764524e63416d563159786774584 13d3d&epile=4q6n41784r4445774q6n4q774q6p38324r5335725n58 6o3q&edata=a2cd6744037977b9b944cd45efb0210e&ek=5979744p62546s2s66553566555570734r485n386355424 664534n70566o3542523345354q466442&ekdata=bff710b6d191dac544738080683c2c56) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=cured+by+colloidal+silver&rl=NONE&rid=LELOLOKNLKOL&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/metasearch.pl&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.nairaland.com%2F334255%2Fhiv-cure-colloidal-silver-it)
(10286 Views). HIV Cure To Be Ready In Months? / We Sell Ionic / Colloidal Silver in Nigeria / man-lover Man, Hiv+ve, 44 Cured By Colloidal Silver (1) (2) (3) (4).

List of Illnesses and Diseases Impacted (Cured) By Colloidal Silver ... (http://www.yumyucky.com/list-of-illnesses-and-diseases-impacted-cured-by-colloidal-silver) www.yumyucky.com/ list-of-illnesses-and-diseases-impacted-cured-by-colloidal-silver - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=416b4e32533159434743413450534d66584641665 443676a55304549496e4d3249684d6651576f6964566b75435 2466442475538506959415778385945437875426b734649437 37a59514e5644526b4f546d357448314e62514149614851556 7657a30795051734b4f5151424f6a39384c77564e514352374 c7751344756744e4354342b4e69394356786b5258695171576 b384d496938794968424c557a3976634564744145355044533 02b4a5863625552526148445131425534494f436b304a685a6 3445449765a306369486c495a43484d334a543463455555395 64849445542417649546b326151684d5853343059304179513 16c51454774744679594652774a5248695a6f484534464f437 3794e42524b485459765a41597642456c6148443036496d634 657515964456a51674551384b497a776b4931786253586f696 230636e416c4e6248434a7949694d4151684d4f567a5568464 659496133687849524d4d556d46324f55387658676c64546e5 9384e486f4e55425249526e4278526b5a655a6e397a59514e4 a587952384f41302f486764794b52386e48773474546a736f4 d4841494a416461456d74794131644b5147703459784974585 17749545838375a58706455684d5952334d6e514263495a437 76b64554d4e5532516e4d513d3d&epile=4q6n41784r4445774q6n4q774q6p38324r5335725n58 6o3q&edata=42cd3e722d65d0cb1b4930f2f25a1813&ek=5979744p62546s2s66553566555570734r485n386355424 664534n70566o3542523345354q466442&ekdata=4700972561a46ce48811c5147c5d543a) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=cured+by+colloidal+silver&rl=NONE&rid=LELOLOKNLKOL&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/metasearch.pl&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.yumyucky.com%2Flist-of-illnesses-and-diseases-impacted-cured-by-colloidal-silver)
Silver is widely credited by individual users with combating over 650 diseases, pathogens and other conditions, including: Acne Allergies Asthma

Colloidal Silver Kills Viruses (http://www.colloidalsilverkillsviruses.com/) www.colloidalsilverkillsviruses.com - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=416b4e32533159434743413450534d66584641665 443676a55304549496e4d3249684d6651576f6964566b75435 2466442475538506959415778385945437875426b734649437 37a59514e5644526b4f546d357448314e62514149614851556 7657a30795051734b4f5151424f6a39384c77564e514352374 c7751344756744e4354342b4e69394356786b5258695171576 b384d496938794968424c557a3976634564744145355044533 02b4a5863625552526148445131425534494f436b304a685a6 3445449765a306369486c495a43484d334a543463455555395 64849445542417649546b3261524a575844737561553871415 56c57455467364979454657426f5042796b334146454d4a574 1694b4277634168466e64553871475673435258396f4e58355 54168424c465856795178734d5a436769496b6b4b416a49695 a4239384356675053583535497a6f4452307446567a5132534 73839427a5950417a424466514d414d47596153416c3757483 062647a6b634355386653435a315178565a5a7970316430426 656544e334d306c2b5746734e48797474593334504278424e&epile=4q6n41784r4445774q6n4q774q6p38324r5335725n58 6o3q&edata=0ff6cf47a134b444495d2fbd23300316&ek=5979744p62546s2s66553566555570734r485n386355424 664534n70566o3542523345354q466442&ekdata=51e281477b986cc2bf83c85f579e0816) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=cured+by+colloidal+silver&rl=NONE&rid=LELOLOKNLKOL&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/metasearch.pl&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.colloidalsilverkillsviruses.com%2 F)
A growing body of clinical evidence shows colloidal silver may be your #1 defense against ... were applied to a highly infectious form of virus with no known cure.

Other Established Uses Of Colloidal Silver - Altered States (http://altered-states.net/barry/colloidalsilver/suggesteduses.htm) www.altered-states.net/barry/colloidalsilver/suggesteduses.htm - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=416b4e32533159434743413450534d66584641665 443676a55304549496e4d3249684d6651576f6964566b75435 2466442475538506959415778385945437875426b734649437 37a59514e5644526b4f546d357448314e62514149614851556 7657a30795051734b4f5151424f6a39384c77564e514352374 c7751344756744e4354342b4e69394356786b5258695171576 b384d496938794968424c557a3976634564744145355044533 02b4a5863625552526148445131425534494f436b304a685a6 3445449765a306369486c495a43484d334a543463455555395 6484944554241764e79493149674e6356486f7964456f2f434 56b5245797372644867715668634f417a6c675232514b4f534 9744b426864555473796155633943456761547767734a43304 c5551554946435177426b6361654359314b6c644d564459315 9525a2f4341734b4758733759797350416b42504633676d455 245504d33776a6468414b42575a784d78736f5752784e44534 5736248746345674950544130524a466f6e456738374369563 441426f514a52675053416c37577a307662484d504452424d5 233643152455a645a6e386e49685550417a56304e557035443 1384e54336f3859697864&epile=4q6n41784r4445774q6n4q774q6p38324r5335725n58 6o3q&edata=d52b031f667f403bbb995d9f63ee3929&ek=5979744p62546s2s66553566555570734r485n386355424 664534n70566o3542523345354q466442&ekdata=e8967d1ceb2366c31bbfac725c57ca6e) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=cured+by+colloidal+silver&rl=NONE&rid=LELOLOKNLKOL&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/metasearch.pl&mtcat=web&mtlanguage=english&u=http:%2F%2Faltered-states.net%2Fbarry%2Fcolloidalsilver%2Fsuggestedus es.htm)
This method in fact brings the fastest relief from the disease, Medical literature reports that Cholera has been cured with Colloidal Silver. Healing crisis: This is a ...


22nd October 2014, 07:48 PM
You were young, looking to build a career. You also didn't claim to have a cure that would save millions. Laibow claims to have that cure, is old as dirt, has no medical license to lose, and plenty of cash to fight. Mercola has fought, but then, his medicines actually work.

By Dr. Mercola

Colloidal Silver Dramatically Boosts Effectiveness of Antibiotics

The use of silver in the battle against pathogenic bacteria goes way back into antiquity. Hippocrates was one of the first to describe its antimicrobial properties in 400 B.C. Over the past few years, several studies (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/02/07/new-guidelines-released-for-safe-usage-of-colloidal-silver-supplements.aspx) have demonstrated the fact that silver (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/02/07/new-guidelines-released-for-safe-usage-of-colloidal-silver-supplements.aspx) is indeed one of the most effective agents in the battle against antibiotic-resistant super pathogens. Yet conventional medicine has largely dismissed such claims, relegating colloidal silver to the "woo-woo" section of medical myth.
They may be inclined to change their tune however, in light of the latest research11 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/07/03/antibiotics-colloidal-silver.aspx#_edn11), 12 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/07/03/antibiotics-colloidal-silver.aspx#_edn12) which shows that low doses of silver can make antibiotics up to 1,000 times more effective, and may even allow an antibiotic to successfully combat otherwise antibiotic-resistant bacteria. As reported by Medical News Today:13 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/07/03/antibiotics-colloidal-silver.aspx#_edn13)
"...[N]ot only did silver boost the ability of a broad range of commonly used antibiotics so as to stop mice dying of otherwise lethal infections, but it made at least one resistant bacterium succumb to antibiotics again. The addition of silver also broadened the effect of vancomycin, an antibiotic that is usually only effective at killing Gram-positive bacteria like Staph and Strep; aided by silver it killed Gram-negative bacteria such as those that cause food poisoning and dangerous hospital-acquired infections."

For example, by adding a small amount of silver to the antibiotic, a powerful synergism occurred, and a urinary tract infection caused by tetracycline-resistant E. coli was successfully eradicated. Silver also helped save the lives of 90 percent of mice suffering with a life-threatening abdominal inflammation by adding it to the antibiotic vanomycin. In the group receiving vanomycin only, a mere 10 percent survived. The researchers discovered two mechanisms that help explain how silver can boost the effectiveness of an antibiotic:

Silver interferes with the bacteria's metabolism, increasing production of reactive oxygen species14 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/07/03/antibiotics-colloidal-silver.aspx#_edn14) (ROS); products of normal oxygen consuming metabolic processes in your body that, in excess, can damage cell membranes and DNA. Many antibiotics are believed to kill bacteria by producing ROS compounds, and here, the researchers found that adding a small amount of silver boosted the antibiotic's ability to kill anywhere from 10 and 1,000 times more bacteria
Silver makes the bacteria's cell membrane more permeable. This may explain the beneficial effect of silver on gram-negative bacteria, the cells of which are often impenetrable to antibiotics due to the molecular size of the drugs

What About Potential Toxicity of Colloidal Silver?

As for toxicity, the researchers found that the doses of silver required were far smaller than the dose needed to harm either mice or cultured human cells, suggesting that oral and injectable silver should be quite safe. That said, quality is extremely important, as misrepresentation of colloidal silver (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/02/07/new-guidelines-released-for-safe-usage-of-colloidal-silver-supplements.aspx) by less scrupulous manufacturers has in the past led to some of its more negative connotations. According to a Commercial Product Report15 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/07/03/antibiotics-colloidal-silver.aspx#_edn15) by silver-colloids.com, a site that provides detailed laboratory analyses of colloidal silver products, there are three distinctly different types of silver products on the market that are all labeled and sold as "colloidal" silver:

True colloidal silver
Ionic silver
Silver protein: Due to the high concentration of large silver particles, silver protein products are known to cause argyria (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/01/12/meet-the-man-with-blue-skin.aspx), which turns your skin blue-gray color.

When purchasing colloidal silver, it's very important to avoid silver protein formulas. True colloidal silver seems to be the most recommended, but ionic silver could probably also be used. In the featured study, they used ionic silver (Ag) in a silver nitrate salt (AgNO3), which, again, was found to be quite non-toxic in animals and human cell cultures. Substantial antimicrobial activity was found at 30 microns (μM) against E. coli. If you take ionic silver products according to the manufacturer's recommended dosage, ionic silver will not cause argyria. That said, since there are potential health risks involved if you select the wrong formula, I recommend you use colloidal silver (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/02/07/new-guidelines-released-for-safe-usage-of-colloidal-silver-supplements.aspx)only under the guidance and supervision of a qualified alternative health practitioner who can help you select a high-quality product.


Dr OZs father uses colloidal silver

23rd October 2014, 12:55 AM
two essential oil companies "Young Living" and "doTerra" whose distributors, the FDA says, were making claims that their oils could treat or prevent Ebola.

Backing down was done for financial interests, Young Living and doTerra being the most overpriced, multilevel marketing schemes in the EO business. Their oils are great, and they do "treat, prevent, and cure" disease, but they weren't willing to risk continued raking in of profits.

If I get an FDA letter, I'll tell them to shove it, just like Zen Magnets told the CPSC. "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech..." I don't care if I would ultimately lose - I don't crumple like tissue paper, and neither do many others.

23rd October 2014, 12:58 AM
By Dr. Mercola

Colloidal Silver Dramatically Boosts Effectiveness of Antibiotics

The use of silver in the battle against pathogenic bacteria goes way back into antiquity.

Do you understand the difference between bacteria, viruses, and protozoa? Apparently not.

I personally use Colloidal Silver against bacteria.

Ebola is a virus.

23rd October 2014, 07:26 AM

just a startpage tip: when I want to link directly to an URL which will land on a startpage search results page, I deliberately misspell one of the search words, and when startpage returns results, it'll say at the top,

Did you mean: [link to same search word(s) with misspelling corrected]

So SP search, "miSSSpelling" (https://startpage.com/do/search?cmd=process_search&cat=web&query=missspelling&language=english&no_sugg=1&ff=&abp=-1), and SP returns:

Did you mean: misspelling (https://startpage.com/do/search?cmd=process_search&cat=web&query=misspelling&language=english&no_sugg=1&ff=&abp=-1) (...followed by a bunch of results based on the obvious intended word);

so copy/paste that ^ proper misspelling (https://startpage.com/do/search?cmd=process_search&cat=web&query=misspelling&language=english&no_sugg=1&ff=&abp=-1) link to your target forum, email etc (or right-click; C'Copy Link Location for the raw URL).

Linking to startpage searches rather than joogle (http://www.google.com/explanation) helps nudge people towards weaning off the joogle-juice...

Startpage co-founder Katherine Albrecht on what joogle is really up to (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?59965-SPYCHIPS-(RFID)-the-free-E-book&p=540885&viewfull=1#post540885).

23rd October 2014, 09:29 AM
Hey Pat? we search the same way, specially with my bad spelling hahahahahhahha.....Ok Crimethink, make your comment LOL.


23rd October 2014, 10:59 AM
I never knew colloidal silver was yellow!



23rd October 2014, 01:51 PM
I never knew colloidal silver was yellow!



He probably "freshly brewed" it himself. I wonder if the uric acid is antimicrobial? LOL

23rd October 2014, 02:35 PM
Do you understand the difference between bacteria, viruses, and protozoa? Apparently not.

I personally use Colloidal Silver against bacteria.

Ebola is a virus.

So you use colloidal and not ionic...................

23rd October 2014, 02:38 PM
dont have the time to read the whole thread... but here it is. I think silver and gold 's medical properties surpass their monetary values .... once recognized, prices will have to crash down at some point because REAL cures and profits are nemeses


ebola pandemic in africa is NOT real....
Operation "Secure the Diamonds" Huge Liberia Diamond Discovery Months Before Ebola Outbreak: US Troops Invade Site & Force Quarantine!


The following text was written by Ghana based nurse Nana Kwome. It provides an interesting yet controversial opinion on the Ebola pandemic, focussing on the geopolitical implications and America’s hidden agenda in Africa. (M.Ch, GR editor)

People in the Western World need to know what’s happening here in West Africa. THEY ARE LYING!

“Ebola” as a virus does NOT Exist and is NOT “Spreading”. The Red Cross has brought a disease to four specific countries for four specific reasons and it is only contracted by those who receive treatments and injections from the Red Cross. That is why Liberians and Nigerians have begun kicking the Red Cross out of their countries and reporting in the news the truth.

Now bear with me:

Most people jump to “depopulation” which is no doubt always on the mind of the West when it comes to Africa. But I assure you Africa can NEVER be depopulated by killing 160 people a day when thousands are born per day. So the real reasons are much more tangible.

Reason 1: This vaccine implemented sickness being “called” Ebola was introduced into West Africa for the end goal of getting troops on the ground in Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. If you remember America was just trying to get into Nigeria for “Boko Haram” but that fell apart when Nigerians started telling the truth. Global support fell through the floor, and a new reason was needed to get troops into Nigeria and steal the new oil reserves they have discovered.

Reason 2: Sierra Leone is the World’s Largest Supplier of Diamonds. For the past 4 months they have been on strike, refusing to provide diamonds due to horrible working conditions and slave pay. The West will not pay a fair wage for the resources because the idea is to keep these people surviving on rice bags and foreign aid so that they remain a source of cheap slave labor forever. A reason was also needed to get troops on the ground in Sierra Leone to force an end to the diamond miners strikes. This is not the first time this has been done. When miners refuse to work troops are sent in and even if they have to kill and replace them all, the only desire is to get diamonds back flowing out of the country.

Of course to launch multiple campaigns to invade these countries separately would be way too fishy. But something like “Ebola” allows access to an entire area simultaneously…

Reason 3: In addition to stealing Nigerian oil, and forcing Sierra Leone back to mining, troops have also been sent in to FORCE vaccinations (Deadly “Ebola” Poison) onto those Africans who are not foolish enough to take them willingly.

3000 troops are being sent in to make sure that this “poison” continues to spread, because again it is only spread through vaccination. As more and more news articles are released as they have been in Liberia, informing the populous of the US lies and manipulation, more and more Africans are refusing to visit the Red Cross. Troops will force these vaccinations upon the people to ensure the visible appearance of an Ebola pandemic. In addition to this they will protect the Red Cross from the Liberians and Nigerians who have been rightfully ejecting them from their countries.

Reason 4: Last but not least, the APPEARANCE of this Ebola “pandemic” (should Americans not catch on) will be used to scare the countless millions into taking an “Ebola vaccine” which in reality is the pandemic. Already they have started with stories of how it has been brought to the U.S. and has appeared in Dallas, how white doctors were cured but black infected are not being allowed to be treated, etc.

ALL that will do is make blacks STRIVE to get the vaccine, because it appears that the “cure” is being held back from blacks. They will run out in droves to get it and then there will be serious problems. With all we have seen revealed about vaccines this year you would think we learned our lesson. All I can do is hope so, Because they rely on our ignorance to complete their agendas.

Ask yourself: If Ebola really was spreading from person to person, instead of controlled spread through vaccination – then WHY would the CDC and the US Government continue to allow flights in and out of these countries with absolutely no regulation, Or At All? We have got to start thinking and sharing information globally because they do not give the true perspective of the people who live here in West Africa. They are lying for their own benefit and there aren’t enough voices out there with a platform to help share our reality. Hundreds of thousands have been killed, paralyzed and disabled by these and other “new” vaccines all over the world and we are finally becoming aware of it. Now what will we do with all this information?


23rd October 2014, 03:20 PM
ebola pandemic in africa is NOT real....

Operation "Secure the Diamonds" Huge Liberia Diamond Discovery Months Before Ebola Outbreak: US Troops Invade Site & Force Quarantine!


Singular Me, if I recall correctly, you are both Jewish and Black, yes?

Why would the Oppenheimer "DeBeers" Cartel need the the American Army and an "Ebola hoax" to control what they have already controlled for decades? No one dares oppose Oppenheimer, and in 99.99% of cases, a deal is greased with Jewish money, quietly. The 0.01% simply disappear. We're expected to believe that the natives all of a sudden stopped desiring Jewish cash and stood up to Oppenheimer? LOL

I guess we better believe Jew-run "Global Research" - it's a different type of Jewsmedia, LOL.

23rd October 2014, 04:07 PM
jewish run media or not whet this article is saying is surely corroborating the elites' tactics seen so many time before... psyops, plunder and poisonous vaccines as a prime cause of the so-called pandemic

target the content instead.

23rd October 2014, 06:01 PM
jewish run media or not whet this article is saying is surely corroborating the elites' tactics seen so many time before... psyops, plunder and poisonous vaccines as a prime cause of the so-called pandemic

target the content instead.

The messenger must be examined...the Trojans didn't do that, and their story of defeat is infamous.

Global Research is an electronic Trojan Horse.

23rd October 2014, 06:18 PM
the trojan horse is within... watch out!

mick silver
23rd October 2014, 06:34 PM
so drinking pee help the ebola now

23rd October 2014, 07:11 PM
the trojan horse is within... watch out!

I now for a fact there are Trojan Horses among us here.

23rd October 2014, 07:12 PM
so drinking pee help the ebola now

You make a joke, but in the Turd World, they're serious:

The Golden Fountain - Is urine the miracle drug no one told you about?


23rd October 2014, 11:06 PM
I now for a fact there are Trojan Horses among us here.


24th October 2014, 12:10 AM

I don't regard you as one of them, BTW. I just think you're naive, but good-hearted.