View Full Version : 10 things happy folks do differently

22nd October 2014, 01:14 PM
I thought this is a very good article, and I agree almost everything here. Reading this, I looked back over the course of my life, and realize I learned these lessons myself and was not taught them. That was eye opening for me.

But, it's an individual thing I suppose. Worth a read...


22nd October 2014, 02:19 PM
As it's said, "ignorance is bliss."

22nd October 2014, 03:04 PM
As it's said, "ignorance is bliss."

That is not what this article is about. In fact, I think the point is ignorance is NOT bliss. Ignorant people allow society and it's influences to make decisions for them. This article is about being free from that to make your own decisions. Follow your own path in life.

Comments like yours are particularly destructive to a thread. People read a comment like that, believe it, then don't read the article and thus never form their own opinion on it.

Please at least read this article and come up with something intelligent to add to this thread.

22nd October 2014, 03:16 PM
I thought this is a very good article, and I agree almost everything here. Reading this, I looked back over the course of my life, and realize I learned these lessons myself and was not taught them. That was eye opening for me.

But, it's an individual thing I suppose. Worth a read...

I agree worth a read. Do your own thing, don't try and change people around you, but don't give into their wishes and demands unless you agree with them, if they ask you for your advice, give it, but don't get upset if they don't follow it, you've done your part...

General of Darkness
22nd October 2014, 03:17 PM
The reality is that those people seem to not have any responsibility, as in children (which I don't have), debt or aspirations.

22nd October 2014, 03:21 PM
The reality is that those people seem to not have any responsibility, as in children (which I don't have), debt or aspirations.

What about the high achieving investment bankers who jump out of buildings when the market crashes? Are they happy? I like the term work hard, but play hard too. A balance must be achieved.

22nd October 2014, 03:23 PM
I agree worth a read. Do your own thing, don't try and change people around you, but don't give into their wishes and demands unless you agree with them, if they ask you for your advice, give it, but don't get upset if they don't follow it, you've done your part...

I also like the part of not fearing death, but accepting it as part of life.

22nd October 2014, 03:27 PM
The reality is that those people seem to not have any responsibility, as in children (which I don't have), debt or aspirations.
They may not have any outward responsibility, but they see their main responsibility to be true to themselves. I have two children they are a part of me, it is my responsibility to see them grow up to be responsible adults. I provide for them and am a natural authority until they can fully take care of themselves...

22nd October 2014, 03:28 PM
What about the high achieving investment bankers who jump out of buildings when the market crashes? Are they happy? I like the term work hard, but play hard too. A balance must be achieved.

I don't think I would call bankstering, work. Then again, a parasite has gotta eat too, right?

22nd October 2014, 03:39 PM
That is not what this article is about. In fact, I think the point is ignorance is NOT bliss. Ignorant people allow society and it's influences to make decisions for them. This article is about being free from that to make your own decisions. Follow your own path in life.

Comments like yours are particularly destructive to a thread. People read a comment like that, believe it, then don't read the article and thus never form their own opinion on it.

Please at least read this article and come up with something intelligent to add to this thread.

I hope you weren't expecting to get valuable wisdom from a hipster page called "Elite Daily"?

Most of what they recommend is naive and even delusional. Love your friends but don't rely on them? Then why have "friends"? It's better to have no friends at all than "friends" who are worthless. These hipsters are ignorant of what "friendship" means.

As the General points out, written by someone who "seem[s] to not have any responsibility, as in children (which I don't have), debt or aspirations."

Acceptance of what comes and what is is a key to happiness. Perhaps the master key. There are millions of people who face horrors and sorrows head on, and remain "happy." Many who are filthy rich without a modicum of responsibility or real want are so depressed they kill themselves. These hipsters at "Elite Daily" (LOL) pretend that poop culture "self-actualization" is "wisdom."

22nd October 2014, 03:40 PM
I also like the part of not fearing death, but accepting it as part of life.
I agree. However I think it's tricky, sure it is inevitable, I accept that, and I don't go around fearing death very much, but I would avoid and resist it as much as I can, as I don't want to die now, maybe because I love life...

22nd October 2014, 03:43 PM
They don’t bother trying to make others like them — mainly because they don’t care if they’re liked.
( I don't give a shit about shit anymore and I'm happy about it!)
They like themselves and they are the only people they ever answer to. You could like them. You could hate them. You could pay them no mind whatsoever — doesn’t make a difference to them.

They do what they do because they decided to do it. They aren’t trying to gain your approval or acceptance. They don’t want to be part of your team — they’re a team of their own. They live their lives the way they see fit and if you like them for it, great. If not… then so be it.

They do things because they want to do them, not because they believe they have to do them.
(Since I quit working, I only do things I want to do...finally!)

They don’t believe they have to do anything. Other than pay taxes and die of course — everything else is a decision followed by deliberate action. If they are doing something, going somewhere, participating in something, it’s because that is exactly what it is that they want to be doing.

No one coerced them or tricked them into doing it because they value their opinion above everyone else’s. They do what they believe is right and don’t bother to ask for permission — they just do it.

They love their friends but don’t rely on them.
(I love a certain few and never rely on anyone)

Friends are tricky because they aren’t really yours, are they? You don’t own them. They are their own people who have their own wants and needs — people who will always put themselves ahead of you and your goals. Friends are great to have, but relying on them too heavily will leave you disappointed.

Those who live happy lives have very close friends, but they keep their independence in order to avoid those moments. It’s the lack of independence and over-reliance that often comes to ruin friendships — all relationships for that matter.

When you ask them what they do, they don’t give you a job title.
(I've been a nomad most of my life, I'm always looking for something new to do, or go. People that only talk about their money have a shit life, I believe)

They tell you about the things they are doing with their lives — the places they have visited and are planning on visiting. The projects they are starting or part of. The problems they are working towards solving and the communities they are working with to get those problems solved.

When you ask them what they do, they respond with what they do in their lives, not what work they do in order to pay for the lives they want to one day be living. The real trick is that these individuals know better than to wait to live the lives they want to live. You live life whether you accept or ignore the fact, how you live it in the moment determines how happy you are.

When you ask them where they live, they say, “At the moment…”
(I like moving around the country, you don't really get to experience a part of the country on just a week long vacation. Soon as I start to feel stagnant, it's time to move again)

Happy people tend to move around a bit. Maybe it’s because traveling does the soul good. Maybe it’s because the stagnancy of staying in one place their whole lives bores them.

Maybe it’s because they love meeting new people and having new experiences. Maybe it’s because they haven’t found the right place to settle down just yet. You see, these individuals see the world as their home — no single country or city. If you ask them where they live, then they’d answer “earth” if they wouldn’t come off sounding highfalutin.

They have their own philosophies, their own religion they created and live by.
(Yes, and you momo's ain't going to change me!)

You don’t need a book to tell you how you ought to live your life. You can live your life by whatever philosophy you wish — as long as you found truths that satisfy you. They have a strong grasp of right and wrong and are their own judges.

They embrace their impermanence.
(I've lived my whole life on the edge knowing my life could end at any moment. Less now. There are things much worse then death. I ain't afraid of shit, except of maybe being broke?)

They know they’re only mortal — having this knowledge and accepting it fuels their every step. You will too. Why? Because it is inevitable. There is no way of avoiding it, only dealing with the fact.

The happiest of people don’t fear death. They don’t do their best to avoid it. They see it as the inevitability that it is in and live their lives by their terms. They may not be able to control death, but they know they sure as hell can control their own personal lives.

They see the world as their playhouse and their mind as the conductor.
(Yes, now stay the hell out of my way while I'm playing conductor)

They don’t believe there is a single way that the world is — a single reality that exists. Instead, they believe themselves to be the originators of their reality.

They believe they have full control over how they interpret what they perceive. They see the world the way they choose to see it because they understand the power such a skill has. We all live in a reality of our own construction. Some of us just construct our realities better than others.

They live in the moment, but dream in the future.
(Life comes down to a series of moments, I'm always searching for that next moment)

Happy people have hopes, dreams and goals. They have wants and aspirations, but they don’t allow themselves to get caught up and lost in them. There isn’t so much a time and place for dreaming as there is a maximum allotted amount recommended.

You can’t live life doing nothing more than looking towards the future because you’ll miss the only time that things actually matter or exist: the present. The present, the immediate moment is the only moment that you can actually live in. The rest is only an illusion.

They don’t bother changing others, but instead learn how to deal with them appropriately.
(The only people I want to change are the people that are trying to change us. These pricks need to be pushed back.)

Devoting your energy to changing other people is a waste of it. People do change, but they only do so on their own accord. They have to decide to change themselves and that only happens in time — you can’t push and force because it doesn’t work.

On the contrary, it often does the opposite of what is intended. Instead of wasting time and energy trying to do the impossible, why not do the next best thing? Learn to deal with people as they are in order to get the result you desire. If you can’t change them, then guide them to do as you wish. Otherwise, let them go.

22nd October 2014, 03:46 PM
Love your friends but don't rely on them? Then why have "friends"? It's better to have no friends at all than "friends" who are worthless.

A friend is never worthless because a worthless person can not possibly be a friend. The point of that was not to use friends for your own personal gain. Friends should be accepted for who they are as people.

22nd October 2014, 03:50 PM
A friend is never worthless because a worthless person can not possibly be a friend. The point of that was not to use friends for your own personal gain. Friends should be accept for who they are as people.

A "friend" who cannot be relied on is a worthless person.


A bad "friend" won't even take your call from the jail.

"Friends" who cannot be counted on are, at best, acquaintances.

Some of us consider friends to be family without biological ties.

22nd October 2014, 03:51 PM
Acceptance is happiness. Also the last stage of grief.

22nd October 2014, 03:51 PM
Crimethink, read EE's post. He gets it and should hopefully make sense to you.

Great post EE.

22nd October 2014, 03:52 PM
When you ask them what they do, they don’t give you a job title.

Because although hipsters are irritating and condescending, they're not so stupid as to think "Barista" is impressive. :)

22nd October 2014, 03:55 PM
Crimethink, read EE's post. He gets it and should hopefully make sense to you.

Great post EE.

I'll admit that perhaps I'm overreacting to the piece solely because of the messenger, a hipster working for "Elite Daily."

If someone normal presented it, with less verbiage, I might be more receptive and non-critical.

More about the gang at "Elite Daily":

http://elitedaily.com/about/ (looks like a roster of Obama 2012/Clinton 2016 campaign HQ).

And a topic they're concerned about:



22nd October 2014, 03:55 PM
Because although hipsters are irritating and condescending, they're not so stupid as to think "Barista" is impressive. :)

Your mind can not just take an article as written, you have to make huge generalizations and assumptions. You are extremely close minded in that regard.

22nd October 2014, 03:57 PM
I'll admit that perhaps I'm overreacting to the piece solely because of the messenger, a hipster working for "Elite Daily."

If someone normal presented it, with less verbiage, I might be more receptive and non-critical.

Fair enough crimethink, my last post we posted at the same time.

Honest question, are YOU happy? Everyone is different and I agree this article doesn't apply to everyone.

22nd October 2014, 04:02 PM
Your mind can not just take an article as written, you have to make huge generalizations and assumptions. You are extremely close minded in that regard.

I'm sorry, call me a bigot, I don't care. If Abraham Foxman wrote an article about how the Sun was beneficial to life on Earth, it would be difficult for me to agree with him. These hipster punks & punkettes are a huge part of the Problem destroying my country & civilization. "The messenger" reflects heavily on the article.

22nd October 2014, 04:05 PM
Fair enough crimethink, my last post we posted at the same time.

Honest question, are YOU happy? Everyone is different and I agree this article doesn't apply to everyone.

I have learned to come to an acceptance of most of the evils that occur, but sometimes ones I witness directly are so overwhelming I get angry and want to correct them by force.

I have come to an acceptance that our country & civilization are probably irredeemably lost, but unlike those who want to wallow in endless "happiness," I just can't watch and do nothing.

I am happy that God has given me the family I asked for, that I have a nice home, have plenty to eat, have no true needs, and even most of my wants are fulfilled.

But going through life in permanent bliss just reeks of selfish ignorance & denial to me - "la la la la la la la, rainbows & unicorns!" while millions suffer every minute of every day.

22nd October 2014, 04:14 PM
But going through life in permanent bliss just reeks of selfish ignorance & denial to me - "la la la la la la la, rainbows & unicorns!" while millions suffer every minute of every day.

I don't understand where you get this interpretation from this article. If I didn't live my life this way, I wouldn't not have seen all the nasty crap I've seen from working in the ghetto. I would have been in "bliss" ignorant of it.

It's life experiences, good and bad, that change us, and make us grow as people. You can't find happiness, in my opinion, if you don't have the courage to get in there where the bullets are flying around.

22nd October 2014, 04:26 PM
I don't understand where you get this interpretation from this article. If I didn't live my life this way, I wouldn't not have seen all the nasty crap I've seen from working in the ghetto. I would have been in "bliss" ignorant of it.

It's life experiences, good and bad, that change us, and make us grow as people. You can't find happiness, in my opinion, if you don't have the courage to get in there where the bullets are flying around.

Maybe this quote of yours is much more insightful than you (or I) think:

"Everyone is different and I agree this article doesn't apply to everyone."

General of Darkness
22nd October 2014, 05:13 PM
OK, well fuck me. I'm probably a bad example then. I bought into the whole usury deal before I become aware, this is probably about my 30's and that's when things got sideways for me personally. Because once you know, you can't unknow.

At the end of the day the majority of this fuckers are full of shit. They're either lying to themselves, their kids,reality or have been absorbed into the system that they're trying to escape.

People shouldn't fool themselves, it's very hard to get out of the system once you've committed to it. Heck I'm in the system, but I have an OUT, small debt, so I can literally buy out of it and disappear.

On a side note I spoke to a friend two days ago that built VOR for me, it doesn't exist anymore but he gave me all the dirt on people around it. So many people you respect are bought off it's mind blowing.

I thought when he called me that it was going to be conversation about firing up the mills and lets do this, but no, it was about who and what the fuck was against it.

Based on out conversation I'm not of any value anymore. I would recommend the same to everyone else.

Become a ghost in THEIR system.

22nd October 2014, 05:19 PM
A "friend" who cannot be relied on is a worthless person.


A bad "friend" won't even take your call from the jail.

"Friends" who cannot be counted on are, at best, acquaintances.

Some of us consider friends to be family without biological ties.

A "friend" that tells you......."If you don't do this for me you are not my friend".........is not your friend..........if "Ignorant is a bliss" then Crimethink must be the happies man in the world............yours truly, Ponce.

22nd October 2014, 08:52 PM
My FIL told me one time if you come through this life and get to be my age, and can count your true friends on one hand you did good, I understand that now, I have about 3 people on that hand , oh you have family sure , and (all the other) friends, but the ones on that hand are tried and true. :)

22nd October 2014, 09:46 PM
Interesting Zap.....at 74 I also have only three true friends.......I would give them the key to my home and tell them..."do or take what ever you need".....it feels good.


23rd October 2014, 01:12 AM
A "friend" that tells you......."If you don't do this for me you are not my friend".........is not your friend..........if "Ignorant is a bliss" then Crimethink must be the happies man in the world............yours truly, Ponce.

Cuban Marranos like yourself have no friends, only "business associates."

If I call up a friend, and they promise to do something, they follow through - without payment or reward.

23rd October 2014, 03:54 AM
"Happiness" is sold as the ultimate objective by those who want to keep us ignorant.

Happiness is keeping your head in the sand.

23rd October 2014, 09:22 AM
Cuban Marranos like yourself have no friends, only "business associates."

If I call up a friend, and they promise to do something, they follow through - without payment or reward.

And once again he calls me a "marrano"..............I wrote this about five years ago and after that everything that we posted was GONE, how does he knows this unless he has access to what is not there? and why did he investigated me by searching back so far?...Is his job here with us to argue about everything? ..... in order to know the good you must know the bad and now you guys know why I am good :)

23rd October 2014, 09:23 AM
Cuban Marranos like yourself have no friends, only "business associates."

If I call up a friend, and they promise to do something, they follow through - without payment or reward.

And once again he calls me a "marrano"..............I wrote this about five years ago and after that everything that we posted was GONE, how does he knows this unless he has access to what is not there? and why did he investigated me by searching back so far?...Is his job here with us to argue about everything? ..... in order to know the good you must know the bad and now you guys know why I am good :)

23rd October 2014, 09:45 AM
"Happiness" is sold as the ultimate objective by those who want to keep us ignorant.

Happiness is keeping your head in the sand.

Don't you guys believe in God?

As the saying goes, take beer. Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

23rd October 2014, 02:01 PM
And once again he calls me a "marrano"..............I wrote this about five years ago and after that everything that we posted was GONE, how does he knows this unless he has access to what is not there? and why did he investigated me by searching back so far?...Is his job here with us to argue about everything? ..... in order to know the good you must know the bad and now you guys know why I am good :)

Thanks for admitting what I alleged is true.

I was at GIM, but I guess you've not been paying attention.

23rd October 2014, 02:01 PM
Don't you guys believe in God?

As the saying goes, take beer. Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Man made beer, God made marijuana, who do you trust?

(no, I am not a pothead - and sorry BrewTech :))

23rd October 2014, 02:23 PM
Thanks for admitting what I alleged is true.

I was at GIM, but I guess you've not been paying attention.

Why "alleged" when is true........even two of my grandpapy's were burn at the stake.....however......naw, why waste my time...what belongs to others is theirs.....I carry my own backpack, and is empty.

What others says about me is like water running over me.....makes me cleaner because at the end is what I feel bad about doing, I got rid of all that extra garbage when I took EST........Set B 1977.

Remember that you work, eat, sleep and shit on your own.....you are responsible for your own actions and not the actions of others or what they say about you.


23rd October 2014, 02:48 PM
And once again he calls me a "marrano"..............I wrote this about five years ago and after that everything that we posted was GONE, how does he knows this unless he has access to what is not there? and why did he investigated me by searching back so far?...Is his job here with us to argue about everything? ..... in order to know the good you must know the bad and now you guys know why I am good :)

I knew it, this explains his whole "its the zionists only" trip

23rd October 2014, 02:53 PM
Well billy....... I have never considered myself a Jew.......like I said, only the ones from Jewish mothers can be Jew....my mom is Irish so that I am guilty of being a Black Irish hahahahahahahaah........or should I say Afro-American Irish?

23rd October 2014, 03:13 PM
Well billy....... I have never considered myself a Jew.......like I said, only the ones from Jewish mothers can be Jew....my mom is Irish so that I am guilty of being a Black Irish hahahahahahahaah........or should I say Afro-American Irish?

Your statement does not negate mine, you only confirm it with your protesations.

23rd October 2014, 03:16 PM
Well billy....... I have never considered myself a Jew.......like I said, only the ones from Jewish mothers can be Jew....my mom is Irish so that I am guilty of being a Black Irish hahahahahahahaah........or should I say Afro-American Irish?

Wrong, Ponce, Jewish genes do not pass down only through the momma...that's a Talmudic myth.

It's OK to be part Jewish, provided one wants to be part of humanity and not Jewry, and, one does not run interference for Jewry. Hillbilly's point is valid: you do seem to want to emphasize "Zionist" over Jewish. The Jewish Problem is two fold: Zionist and Marxist, and neither will side with the Goyim, ever.

23rd October 2014, 04:48 PM
Well, for some reason the Jews were kicked out of more than countries and it was not for being angels....and this was BEFORE the Zionist came about.....but, my first target are the Zionist......fighting at more than 2 fronts was the reason why Herr Hitler lost the war and the Americanos will loose every conflict that they have started....why hell I only learned about my (maybe) being a Jew in 1998 on line........even my family doesn't know about this.


23rd October 2014, 05:13 PM
Well, for some reason the Jews were kicked out of more than countries and it was not for being angels....and this was BEFORE the Zionist came about.....but, my first target are the Zionist......fighting at more than 2 fronts was the reason why Herr Hitler lost the war and the Americanos will loose every conflict that they have started....why hell I only learned about my (maybe) being a Jew in 1998 on line........even my family doesn't know about this.


What, you didn't know 'Ponce Schwartzstein' was a Jewish name?

23rd October 2014, 05:35 PM
I would like more Poncestein if you please........... :)


23rd October 2014, 06:06 PM
I would like more Poncestein if you please........... :)


Your family name is probably "ordinary Spanish," as that's what conversos usually did - from Abraham to Lopez, etc.

23rd October 2014, 06:49 PM
My family name was "Ponce" but then this two brothers saved the life of this guy who was from the city of "Leon" so he bestowed the name of his city on the two brothers so that it became "Ponce de Leon".....the other story is that one of them got marry to someone from the "Leon" family and it then became "Ponce de Leon"...I believe that this is the real story.

You might surprised how many Spanish names are Jewish names.......go to Spanish Jewish Names.

I still like Poncestein more hahahahhahahhaha.


23rd October 2014, 06:56 PM
My family name was "Ponce" but then this two brothers saved the life of this guy who was from the city of "Leon" so he bestowed the name of his city on the two brothers so that it became "Ponce de Leon".....the other story is that one of them got marry to someone from the "Leon" family and it then became "Ponce de Leon"...I believe that this is the real story.

Ponce, my last girlfriend had the last name de Leon. I will not give her first name. She was quite the seductress. She asked me how many women I have been with. I answered a "few". I then asked her, and she said "many, both men and women."

23rd October 2014, 09:16 PM
LOL, the last girlfriend that I had was in bed with 285 men, she had a diary with all her victims......I was 286 and the only boyfriend that she ever had.......I was honored.....I found out much later, after we broke up, that she was a Jew..........as much as I loved my x this woman was the only one to ever curl my toes...........WAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.......we were together for four years :)

Lucky for me that was back in 1978 and before AID and all that crap......