View Full Version : Africa invaded by 390 Cubans... Doctors and nurses.........

22nd October 2014, 08:35 PM
Where China goes around the world doing business and making friends and the Cubans saving lives and making friends .........the Americanos go around the world doing war and making enemies.

At first Cuba sent 300 Doctors and nurses and just last week 90 more......knowing MY people I would say that very few of them will be returning back....alive or dead.

Such a little country has done more in fighting the Ebola than all countries put together ....... sure the US sent 3,000 and then 1,000 SOLDIERS, I was wondering why and I found out that not long ago they found a humongous amount of diamonds there......... and how about oil, in another place they found a large amount of oil.

But of course China is already there so that trouble there will be........ I just sent a few dollars to the Cuban Embassy in Mexico to help them a little bit.