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23rd October 2014, 04:27 AM
Megan Mahoney, Gym Teacher, Charged With 30 Counts Of Statutory Rape
The Huffington Post | By Andres Jauregui

Posted: 10/21/2014 2:44 pm EDT Updated: 10/21/2014 2:59 pm EDT

Megan Mahoney in her team photo from Wagner College.

A former basketball coach and gym teacher at a prestigious New York City high school faces statutory rape charges for her alleged sex abuse of a male student.

Megan Mahoney, 24, was arrested Monday for allegedly having regular sexual contact with the same 16-year-old student over a period of more than two months beginning in late October 2013, the Staten Island Advance reports.

She faces 30 counts of statutory rape in the case. The New York Post reports:

Mahoney romped with the teen “on numerous occasions, that is at least two times per week during the period,” court papers claim.

She also was charged with four counts of “criminal sexual act” because of mutual oral sex that she and the boy allegedly engaged in “at least two times per month during said period.”

In January, Mahoney resigned from Moore Catholic High School in Staten Island, where she taught gym and was an assistant coach for the women's basketball team.

Investigators said at some of the encounters happened on school grounds. In August, the victim told the New York Post that the illicit relationship began shortly after Mahoney allegedly approached him in the gym and offered to coach him in basketball.

“We would just drive around and [do it] in the car,” the boy, whose name was withheld, told the newspaper.

Richard Postiglione, the Moore's athletic director, was also investigated for allegedly failing to report sex abuse accusations against Mahoney and another female teacher at the school.

Before she was a coach, Mahoney was also a student athlete, playing basketball for Fordham University and Wagner College.

23rd October 2014, 05:42 AM
I'd still hit it.

mick silver
23rd October 2014, 06:27 AM
I bet she been hit so many times its like a well by now

23rd October 2014, 07:11 AM
Poor kid, I'm sure he was an unwilling participant the whole time. :rolleyes:

23rd October 2014, 07:24 AM
I bet she been hit so many times its like a well by now
I can't help but wonder what motivates comments like this...


How grateful I would have been to meet this woman when I was in high school... I also suspect, at that age, it would be hard to keep one's mouth shut about it.

midnight rambler
23rd October 2014, 07:25 AM
Yeah, no doubt the memory of that experience with remain firmly embedded in his memory for the rest of his life.

mick silver
23rd October 2014, 08:06 AM
if you would hurt kids you would do anything . just my guess anyway

23rd October 2014, 08:48 AM
How dare you, all of you! Can't you see that this poor child was subjected to perversion of the highest form? Sexual acts with a female, how disgusting. My soul weeps for the state of this world.

23rd October 2014, 09:11 AM
He was crying and screaming for help while he was pushing in and out, in and out, in and out.


23rd October 2014, 09:37 AM
16 year olds used to be considered men. Physiologically a 16yo is a man. Didn't George Washington run his farm at 14, and Thomas Jefferson held his first public office at 17?

We delay adulthood until 25 and then wonder why 10 years worth of hormonally charged behavior, develops.

23rd October 2014, 09:46 AM
if you would hurt kids you would do anything . just my guess anyway

With regard to this specific event, I hope you are being sarcastic...

23rd October 2014, 09:48 AM
16 year olds used to be considered men. Physiologically a 16yo is a man. Didn't George Washington run his farm at 14, and Thomas Jefferson held his first public office at 17?

We delay adulthood until 25 and then wonder why 10 years worth of hormonally charged behavior, develops.

Thank you! This is spot on! Only under modern "law" declaring that you are a child until the magic day when you turn 18 and suddenly you are now an adult does this "crime" even exist. Back when surviving and making a living was more important than arbitrary child/adult designations and all the laws that build upon such labels, a young teenage male would oftentimes be able to properly homestead and manage a property of his own before he was 18.

And yes, nowadays the age of the "child" designation is getting higher and higher, with adults closer to 30 years of age than 20 enjoying mandatory "child" coverage under their mommies and daddies health insurance plans.

23rd October 2014, 01:56 PM
if you would hurt kids you would do anything . just my guess anyway

I am completely confident the "kid" was not "hurt" in his mind. A horny teenager with a "hot" teacher. Rather, I smell a Jew lawyer behind this.

However, the utter breakdown of morality is what is concerning. "Anything goes" anymore, even among the White population (the chick is a dark White, "Black Irish" type). Complete Niggerfication of sexual mores among Whites. The Jewsmedia has done quite a number on White people since the Hays Code was abolished. While I do not regard the "child" as being victimized, the lack of restraint by a supposed adult "teacher" is far more reflective of the Turd World, than old Europe.

23rd October 2014, 02:16 PM
I moved out when I was 16. Moved in with a 26 yr old chick. We never had sex but we thought about it. I guess in NY its 17.


23rd October 2014, 03:02 PM
Well, mine was when I was 12 with a 16 years old maid......of course in Cuba there is no real laws about sex, even now they don't get married anymore.......they just move in together and that is.

Something funny, she became the wife of the City Mayor........and when I went back to Cuba, after 30 years, she saw me in the street and she winked at me.


23rd October 2014, 03:18 PM
(the chick is a dark White, "Black Irish" type).

I'm curious about this comment and I would like to know your point of view on the "Black Irish".

23rd October 2014, 03:23 PM
I'm curious about this comment and I would like to know your point of view on the "Black Irish".

The "Black Irish" are remnants of the pre-Celtic peoples who inhabited Eire long before the Aryan-speaking tribes arrived. They are of Mediterranean racial type, presumably genetically-related to the Basques and other ancient western Mediterranean types. I consider them 100% "White" Europeans (I am not a fanatic Nordicist, though I am blond). I believe Robert Mathews was mostly "Black Irish."

23rd October 2014, 04:43 PM
I'm curious about this comment and I would like to know your point of view on the "Black Irish".

Well Tumble? what do you think of me, I am a black Irish.......a very poor sample, green eyes and white, white, skin .......but is what I am.


23rd October 2014, 05:01 PM
I've recently been reading "The March of Titans" by Arthur Kemp. The struggles of the Irish are very interesting to me because I'm mostly of Irish ancestry with a little English thrown in. My understanding was that the "Black Irish were the white invading tribes that were called "Black Irish" because of their dark intentions towards the native Irish. Later on the invaders tended to be identified with the protestant religion and the natives identified with the with the catholic religion.

23rd October 2014, 05:10 PM
Well Tumble? what do you think of me, I am a black Irish.......a very poor sample, green eyes and white, white, skin .......but is what I am.


I've had a lady friend that says she's "Black Irish" for quite a few years. She has dark hair, green eyes and fair skin. She's a nice person but really f'd up mentally and emotionally from abuse she recieved growing up and past relationships.

According to my reading some of the "Black Irish" turned on the British and helped the Irish fight them when they were trying to enslave them so their alright in my book Ponce.

23rd October 2014, 05:22 PM
However, the utter breakdown of morality is what is concerning. "Anything goes" anymore, even among the White population (the chick is a dark White, "Black Irish" type). Complete Niggerfication of sexual mores among Whites. The Jewsmedia has done quite a number on White people since the Hays Code was abolished. While I do not regard the "child" as being victimized, the lack of restraint by a supposed adult "teacher" is far more reflective of the Turd World, than old Europe.

I would still hit that so hard I'd poke holes in her.

mick silver
23rd October 2014, 05:26 PM
but it for the kids . I was being sarcastic . I know when I was sixteen I would of hit that twice on sunday and a few times on every Friday

23rd October 2014, 06:12 PM
I've recently been reading "The March of Titans" by Arthur Kemp. The struggles of the Irish are very interesting to me because I'm mostly of Irish ancestry with a little English thrown in. My understanding was that the "Black Irish were the white invading tribes that were called "Black Irish" because of their dark intentions towards the native Irish. Later on the invaders tended to be identified with the protestant religion and the natives identified with the with the catholic religion.

Arthur is not correct. He and I knew each other when he was putting the book together back in the mid '90s, when he was still trying to escape Niggerfied South Africa. Most of his work is great, but he did make mistakes. Also be aware that he has buckled now, and is arguably no longer really "White nationalist."

Celtic Irish are generally light-eyed and fair haired (dark blond/golden brown or the famous carrot top), and pale with lots of freckles (stereotyped, of course, but generally true), while the "Black Irish" are dark(er) haired, often dark brown or black, with medium eyes (hazel & light brown), with an olive component to their skin tone (but freckles, too).

I am 1/8th Irish myself, and my wife is about 1/4.

An example female "Black Irish" specimen (Rose Byrne, from Australia):


23rd October 2014, 06:20 PM
I would still hit that so hard I'd poke holes in her.

As you yourself now, as a young man "looking for p**sy," or, as you in a hypothetical young, single guy looking for a relationship scenario? I think she's cute, too, but would I engage in sexual behavior with her? No, in accordance with the plan of God and my Aryan heritage, I am already mated, for life, to one woman. Nor can I sanction the unrestrained animal behavior described in this case. The Jews have broken down self-restraint among our race with endless salacious propaganda in the Jewsmedia and the schools, and we are now reaping what they sowed. We cannot have a hope to recover if we cannot get control of our own primal instincts.

23rd October 2014, 06:30 PM
An example female "Black Irish" specimen (Rose Byrne, from Australia):


She is gorgeous. I would so hit that.

23rd October 2014, 07:16 PM
She is gorgeous. I would so hit that.

I give Rose a 9.5 out of 10.

But as for "I would so hit that," you realize that's pure Nigger talk, right? Ghetto spew that makes light of abusing women. Using them for animalistic purposes. Treating them as a piece of meat, ala the Jewish Talmud.

The beauty of Aryan women has no equal, yet we've stooped to stripping away all the great respect they are due. Because the Jewsmedia has taught us that way.

I'm not trying to "pick" on you, Pete, as I know you're just acting unconsciously, but the phrase really gets to me (I know others are using it, too).

23rd October 2014, 07:21 PM
But as for "I would so hit that," you realize that's pure Nigger talk, right? Ghetto spew that makes light of beating women. Using them for animalistic purposes. Treating them as a piece of meat, ala the Jewish Talmud.

You know crimethink, you are right. That is a bad term to use, and disrespectful to women. Just wanted you to know that I got your message, and that I agree.

23rd October 2014, 07:23 PM
You know crimethink, you are right. That is a bad term to use, and disrespectful to women. Just wanted you to know that I got your message, and that I agree.

Good man. I like you, and that is why I give you my time. :)

23rd October 2014, 09:07 PM
Come on Crime, if a dog were to give you an argument you would give it all your time talking back at it.......is your way.... :)

24th October 2014, 12:15 AM
Come on Crime, if a dog were to give you an argument you would give it all your time talking back at it.......is your way.... :)

I do give animals my time, because most animals are much more trustworthy and kind than most humans.

As for arguing with animals, no, that I don't do. The two-legged kind I flee from, and if they follow, I remove my safety...

24th October 2014, 03:34 AM
I discussed this topic with a female friend that was over tonight. She's early 50's and pretty open minded about a lot of things. At the pool she swims at everyday there is an 18 yr old life gaurd that wants to date her. I thought it was funny and told her to go for it. She had never thought about it but the 18 yr old is seriously interested. Not sure what thats all about but whatever.

Its also interesting that under Ohio law you cant have sex with a female that is 13 to 16 years of age unless your married. So at 50 I could marry a 16 yr old and its all legal but to just have sex I am a pedophile. She told me the marraige legitimizes things. I guess I could see that. Doesnt really matter to me since my age limit is about 35 or so now. The troubling aspect is its not the sex act that seems to bother people as much as them not being married. In my mind its a terrible thing to ruin someones life and label them forever as a pedo, someone say 20 who has a 16 yr old GF. If he married her he's a fine human being, just have sex and your a pedo and go on the sex offenders list for life. Just an example of how screwed up the law is.

24th October 2014, 10:59 AM
I discussed this topic with a female friend that was over tonight. She's early 50's and pretty open minded about a lot of things. At the pool she swims at everyday there is an 18 yr old life gaurd that wants to date her. I thought it was funny and told her to go for it. She had never thought about it but the 18 yr old is seriously interested. Not sure what thats all about but whatever.

Its also interesting that under Ohio law you cant have sex with a female that is 13 to 16 years of age unless your married. So at 50 I could marry a 16 yr old and its all legal but to just have sex I am a pedophile. She told me the marraige legitimizes things. I guess I could see that. Doesnt really matter to me since my age limit is about 35 or so now. The troubling aspect is its not the sex act that seems to bother people as much as them not being married. In my mind its a terrible thing to ruin someones life and label them forever as a pedo, someone say 20 who has a 16 yr old GF. If he married her he's a fine human being, just have sex and your a pedo and go on the sex offenders list for life. Just an example of how screwed up the law is.

I do not regard "relations" with someone who is "sexually mature" to be "pedophilia." It cheapens the real meaning of pedophilia, diluting the rightful public scorn of real pedophiles. I do not approve of "inappropriate" relationships, but they should not be labeled "pedophilia" merely because of an arbitrary chronological age definition of "adult."

"Sexually mature" varies based on individual physical traits, not psychological/emotional traits. After all, there are 40-somethings who are still children psychologically/emotionally.

I was once involved in a formal discussion of the legal aspects of "statutory rape" in a committee concerning the problems of youth in the community. It's clear that the government "cracks down" on it not because of any moral problem with it, but because of the economic implications of it. That is, single, teen mothers on TANF (formerly AFDC) and WIC, and more. The government wants to reduce its outlays for welfare, not strengthen its enemy, strong families.

General of Darkness
24th October 2014, 01:38 PM
She is gorgeous. I would so FLAP to that.

Fixed it for you. hehehehe

24th October 2014, 04:35 PM
Fixed it for you. hehehehe

Actually, I think the term you are looking for is "FAP"... as in FAPFAPFAPFAP ;D

(not that I do that, heaven forbid)

24th October 2014, 05:23 PM
Actually, I think the term you are looking for is "FAP"... as in FAPFAPFAPFAP ;D

(not that I do that, heaven forbid)

That's not what your ophthalmologist said.

24th October 2014, 05:58 PM
That's not what your ophthalmologist said.

They told me I would go blind! Why didn't I listen? I could have saved a shitload of money on contact lenses and cleaning solution...