View Full Version : Canada Shooting Being Blamed On Lack Of Gun Control

23rd October 2014, 11:46 AM
That didn't take long...

Canada Shooting Being Blamed On Lack Of Gun Control (http://sweetness-light.com/archive/canada-shooting-is-being-blamed-on-lack-of-gun-control) From the Atlantic (http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/10/canadas-difficult-relationship-with-long-guns/381789/)magazine:

Canada’s Difficult Relationship With Long Guns Though the country has no Second Amendment, the struggle to control firearms has been a fraught one.
By Adam Chandler | October 22, 2014
As more details emerge from Wednesday’s shooting attack in Ottawa’s Parliament Hill, one immediate and inevitable consequence will be a sharp renewal of discourse about gun control laws in Canada.
Despite being hailed for its incredibly low gun-casualty statistics, Canada also has a relatively high rate of gun ownership with nearly 31 firearms per 100 people…
What about the Muslim terrorist who drove down two Canadian soldiers on Monday, killing one of them? Does that prove that we need more car control?

Wednesday’s shooting is reported to have involved a long gun, the kind of weapon Adam Lanza used in the 2013 Newtown shooting. It was also the kind of weapon used in the 1989 Montreal Massacre, a shooting in which 14 women were killed at Ecole Polytechnique. The shooting was the catalyst for stricter gun-control policies in Canada, which were enacted in 1995, however "long guns" still remain legal.
All of the guns used by Adam Lanza were registered. So registration wouldn’t have stopped anything he did.
Also, oddly enough, the shooter in the ‘Montreal Massacre’ was probably also a Muslim. His father was Algerian (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89cole_Polytechnique_assacre]). Maybe Canada needs more Muslim control.

The legislation required licenses for gun ownership along with the establishment of a universal gun registry (including long guns). However… the process turned out to be both expensive and inefficient, and the long-gun registry was scrapped in 2012…
So, naturally, the gun controllers are going to jump on this shooting in order to get that legislation back. And never mind that terrorists use cars and bombs and all sorts of things to try to get their way.

This article was posted by Steve Gilbert on Thursday, October 23rd, 2014. You can leave a response (http://sweetness-light.com/archive/canada-shooting-is-being-blamed-on-lack-of-gun-control#respond).

midnight rambler
23rd October 2014, 12:13 PM
Canada also has a relatively high rate of gun ownership with nearly 31 firearms per 100 people…

THAT is a "high rate of gun ownership"?? What a fucking retarded commentary. I know individuals who have more than '31' guns in their own collections.

23rd October 2014, 02:27 PM
His passport was taken away.

= Travel Restrictions, related to the War of Terror.

but the Jewish controlled Canadian legislature looks like it has other plans.

Travel Restrictions AND gun confiscation.

Never trust a Jew who tries to push that agenda.

23rd October 2014, 02:31 PM
Damned right there was a lack of gun control.

Why didn't the soldier have a live weapon capable of helping him do his job?