View Full Version : Brad Meltzer's Statue of Liberty Conspiracy

mick silver
23rd October 2014, 05:35 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip3ohF6q90Q ... http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=brad+meltzer's+decoded&qpvt=brad+meltzer%5ds+decoded&FORM=VQFRML#view=detail&mid=EB5981B9086023944C58EB5981B9086023944C58

23rd October 2014, 06:30 PM
docudrama. Is the statue of liberty a symbol of the illuminati?

mick silver
23rd October 2014, 06:32 PM
they say it is glass , I seen part of it tonight at someone home . I don't have cable tv so I look it up on the net

24th October 2014, 08:35 PM
(Most of) the claims are probably true.



Twisted Titan
25th October 2014, 04:37 AM

25th October 2014, 05:03 AM
watch... on same youtube page:
Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (Full video) by GnosticMedia 3,714,733 views

this ancient knowledge has been with us since the ancient egyptians... and has shaped the western culture and its religion. Nothing new under the sun, yet the elites have worked very hard to tag (same as witch burning) this knowledge as new age .. . TO PROTECT themselves.

25th October 2014, 05:11 AM
nope, not probably... completely....

(Most of) the claims are probably true.

25th October 2014, 05:34 AM
docudrama. Is the statue of liberty a symbol of the illuminati?

it is the goddess Minerva.... there wouldnt be any problem with it IF people knew the truth about it,

But the NWO/illuminati worship ancient knowledge and hiding it because they subverted it. Unsubverted, this knowledge in itself is absolutely neutral, and thus useful to undo what they have done to humanity.

27th October 2014, 02:37 AM
yup I'm not denying it. I've looked into the background before. We did this before, here or on a earlier gim. Not sure.

I didn't watch all of it. I have to admit I got to the bit where the MiB guy shows up. Spooky music and then pause... it's the illuminati.... dah Duh Dah. Also, apart from the woman, the others are obviously ethnically invested in a particular slant on the story.... dah duh dah.

But I didn't watch it all yet.

The best place to hide things is in plain sight.