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24th October 2014, 02:17 PM
Canada PM 'hid in a closet' during attack


According to MPs cited anonymously by the daily Globe & Mail and others, Harper spent as much as 15 minutes in the tiny space off a meeting room where he and his Conservative caucus were meeting.


Meanwhile, several Tory MPs began fashioning spears out of flagpoles to protect themselves.

"These guys were up there holding these spears ready to impale anyone who came in," the source said.

24th October 2014, 04:41 PM
As in the US, they need to adopt a "do as I say, not as I do" philosophy, and arm themselves, while prohibiting (as they do) the citizens ability to be armed.

At least the Tory MP's did the best they could with what they had... sounds like courage to me. In the US they would have just whimpered...

That is, if any of this story is true at all...

24th October 2014, 04:57 PM
yes panic room. I would have thought the building would have tunnels. I'm sure the one in my state does. I would be amazed if the federal temple didn't as well. Here the Governors can have firearms without need of license.

24th October 2014, 05:47 PM
Now he's in the closet too
