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24th October 2014, 05:14 PM
Senate Race in Georgia Offers Glimpse of How the Jewish Lobby Controls Election Races (http://davidduke.com/senate-race-georgia-offers-glimpse-jewish-lobby-controls-election-races/)
October 23, 2014 at 6:25 am

A close-fought senate election in the state of Georgia—and an accidental leaking of a campaign document—has once again clearly outlined just how the Jewish Lobby goes to work controlling elections to the highest offices in America.

The senate race—between Democrat Michelle Nunn and Republican David Perdue has, in the words of the Jewish Business News, been attracting “Jewish Attention.”


According to the Jewish Business News, (http://jewishbusinessnews.com/2014/10/22/jewish-attention-focusing-on-georgia-tight-senate-race/) Georgia is a “state with a sizable Jewish voter block” and the “race to fill the open seat of retiring Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss is attracting truckloads of cash from outside the state for advertising buys.”

Although campaign finance filings from the current quarter are not due to be released on Oct. 30, Politico reported Oct. 14 that the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) spent $800,000 on TV ad buys in Atlanta on behalf of Nunn and is expected to spend $200,000 more in the coming weeks.

So where, one might ask, is all this cash coming from?

The answer was provided—accidentally—in a leaked finance campaign document briefing—which was accidentally published on Nunn’s campaign site for one day—and then quickly taken down.

The campaign document was however spotted and copied by the National Review magazine, and republished in part.

The finance campaign document, drawn up by well-known Jewish Supremacist “campaign strategist” Diane Feldman—who also counts among her clients Minnesota senator Al Franken, South Carolina representative James Clyburn, and former Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa—identified Jews as a vital element for the Nunn campaign, specifically saying that their money would be vital to score a victory.


Even more importantly, Feldman pointed out that the level of Jewish support—and therefore campaign money—was directly linked to Nunn’s “support for Israel.”

The document drew attention to the “tremendous financial opportunity” in the Jewish community and identifies Jews as key fundraisers. It notes that “Michelle’s [Nunn] position on Israel will largely determine the level of support here.”

According to the Jewish Business News, Nunn’s position on Israeli is something that “she has yet to articulate — her message on the subject is marked ‘TBD’ [to be decided] in the document — and Israel goes unmentioned on her campaign website.”

The document said that at least a quarter of a million dollars could be unlocked from the Jews in Georgia alone—with the implication being that this would be dependent on how subservient Nunn would be to Israel and Jews in general.

This is a significant amount when it is considered that according to official estimates there are around 130,000 Jews in the metro-Atlanta suburbs. The Jewish Business News went on to detail how the two candidates have thus far been courting this “opportunity” of Jewish money:

Although both candidates’ positions on issues such as Israel have remained murky, efforts to reach out to the community have come in the form of Rosh Hashanah greetings from Nunn to Atlanta’s synagogues, according to a local rabbi who asked not to be named in order to remain apolitical.

According to the rabbi, both candidates also attended a pro-Israel rally at the Jewish Federation of Atlanta during the summer, though they did not speak at the event.

Although Nunn has made few public statements on Israel, JStreetPAC, the political action committee of the left-leaning lobby J Street, has spent more on her campaign than any other candidates in the nation.

According to OpenSecrets.com, Nunn for Senate has received $120,189 from JStreetPAC this election cycle. This amount is significantly more than the $97,819 the organization gave incumbent New Hampshire Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D).

According to Kerwin Swint, political science department chair at Kennessaw State University, a specifically Jewish issue that might affect the state’s Senate election is Nunn sharing a party with another too-close-to-call Georgia candidacy—that of Jason Carter, who is running for governor and is the grandson of former U.S. president Jimmy Carter. Many Jews consider the former president’s past statements about Israel and the “Jewish lobby” to be anti-Semitic.

It also important to note that J-Street is also a Jewish organization, the J standing for Jewish, and it defends the ethnic cleansing of Israel and ostensibly works for a two state solution. In an ideological difference of opinion, many radical Jews support a separate state as a way to preserve Jewish ethnic purity of Israel. It is not based on any call for justice, but what they see as the Jewish interests. So basically the candidates have two choices for funding on Israel, from two Jewish groups!

Georgia has a population of 10 million—yet it is a community of 130,000 Jews that are only about 1.3 percent of the population, and yet that both parties are directing their campaigns with great concern for the Jewish influence. Note also that huge amounts of Jewish money is coming in from New York and states far away from Georgia. And don’t forget that the way that Jewish dominated media treats a candidate also has a tremendous impact. All of this is a blatant object lesson in how “democracy” in America works these days.

Any candidate who is not pro-Israel, or who does not first and foremost express their loyalty to Jewish Supremacism, is almost automatically excluded from even being able to run for office.

Watch this video below by Dr. David Duke on how the Zio-fanatics control even presidential elections in America, and make sure that whoever “wins” an election, the Jewish ethnic self-interest is always served.

Duke discusses, "AL-KEY-Adaa!!" :|~ 51 mins:

David Duke Show 2014.10.23 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/10/david-duke-show-20141023.html)

http://www.renseradio.com/duke.jpg (http://www.renseradio.com/duke.jpg)

Dr. Duke has the brilliant Dr. Edward Fields on today, an octogenarian who is as sharp as any 20 year old. They discuss the latest election in Georgia that once again proves the preeminent role of Jews in controlling the democratic process in America. Dr. Duke exposes as inadvertent post in a politicians website that revealed how Jewish money is king in American politics and what must be done to get it: Be totally subservient to Jewish-racist organizations and the criminal state of Israel. Also discussed is their role in the current Mideast crisis in Syria and Iraq and the foundations laid by the Jewish-orchestrated Iraq War that has actually incredibly harmed America, made it far less secure. They also go into the Talmud and the truth about the ultimate anti-Christians on the Planet and the ultimate racists on earth. A quote by Israeli professor Israel Shahak from the Talmudic Encyclopedia says that a little girl who is raped by a Jew should be killed, not the Jew, because "she got the Jew in trouble." A shocking but truthful glimpse into the Jewish religion is gained by this program. Share and spread the show everywhere!

David's site (http://www.davidduke.com/)
Rense Archive (http://www.renseradioarchives.com/dduke/)

56k CF Download (http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/jn15gz7e1g/Duke.20141023.mp3)

Posted by zapoper (http://www.blogger.com/profile/15726967138606494466) at 3:08 PM 1 comment: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=3131530531670102724)

24th October 2014, 05:30 PM
Plastic Man is making much ado about nothing.

Either way, the Jews win. They don't need to "rig" the "election":


In dangerous times like these, when Israelis are being attacked by a terrorist government that controls the Gaza Strip, my commitment to Israel is not equivocal, “to be determined”, or for sale. I full-heartedly support Israel’s right to defend itself, and as United States Senator, I will strongly support legislation to assist Israel in this time of need.

Specifically, the Senate needs to act now to provide Israel with more Iron Dome defense missiles. We must make clear that there is no moral equivalency between, on the one hand, Israel’s acts of self-defense and warnings issued to Palestinians before military action; and on the other hand, Hamas’s use of civilians as shields, United Nations schools as armories, and indiscriminate rocket fire into Israel’s residential areas. And, we must cut off any aid that could flow to the Hamas government.

A Steadfast Ally

When President Truman recognized the State of Israel in 1948, America gained a steadfast ally in a dangerous part of the world. Through the Cold War, the War on Terror and in the present day, Israel and the United States have shared a special bond forged through commitments to the rule of law, democratic government, and a keen understanding of the threats posed by rogue nations like Iran, Syria and other sponsors of worldwide terror like Al-Quaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah.

Israel is one of the world’s only nations that still has its right to exist questioned and threatened by those in its region. Through it all, Israel has remained an ally of the United States and supported American efforts abroad. During the Cold War, many of Israel’s neighbors sided with the Soviet Union or remained part of the “non-aligned movement.” Israel stood by America and proved a vital ally in one of our most dangerous eras.

During the War on Terror, Israel and the United States have worked together to combat terrorism and apprehend those who mean to do us harm. As evidenced by indoor playgrounds to shield children from indiscriminate rocket fire, Israelis know all too well the threats caused by radical groups that see both America and Israel as impediments to their goals of a tyrannical and medieval society. As United States Senator, I will support efforts to further enhance our strategic partnership, including intelligence sharing.

Supporting our ally also means recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It means rejecting the imposition of arbitrary conditions Israel must accept before negotiating for a lasting peace with Palestinians. I recognize that Israel has shown time and again a willingness to make painful concessions for peace, but it has not had a willing partner. Consequently, I would oppose efforts to set preconditions for negotiations. I would also work to oppose any measure within the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state as a destabilizing and detrimental to obtaining a lasting and bona fide peace.

Honoring America’s Commitments

I support Israel’s right to defend itself against those that question its existence. For that reason, I support continued foreign and military aid to Israel. As Senator, I would work to fulfill America’s commitments under the 2007 Memorandum of Understanding that sets a framework for America’s continued financial support of Israel. Not only is the average Israeli foreign aid less than one-tenth of 1% of total federal expenditures, most of it is spent in the domestic defense industry that keeps and expands job opportunities in the United States and in Georgia. Moreover, foreign aid to Israel creates stability in the Middle East: so long as nations in the region know that Israel can defend itself, those nations are less likely to take action against it and further destabilize an already volatile region.

The Common Threat of Iran

A nuclear Iran poses an existential threat to Israel, which at its most narrow point is just over nine miles wide. It poses a serious threat to American security as Iran has shown a commitment to exporting terror beyond its borders. For these reasons, a country like Iran – known to export terror and actively support those that seek to do America harm – cannot be permitted to obtain a nuclear weapon.

I will support legislation to trigger a restoration and expansion of sanctions on Iran for failing to comply with the Geneva Interim Agreement. I will also support closely monitoring Iran’s involvement in Syria and support policies that prevent it from having a seat at the table in any legitimate peace talks or discussions about Syria’s future. Finally, I will work to prevent American and other aid from flowing to Iran’s ally, Hezbollah, a known terrorist group.

A Valuable Trading Partner

Not only is Israel the Middle East’s only functioning democracy, it is a vital trading partner of the United States. In fact, the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Israel is the first one entered into by our nation. The United States is Israel’s largest trading partner, and Israel provides a significant and growing market for American machinery, agricultural products, aircraft, and optic and medical instruments. If elected, I will work to expand American trade with Israel.

Celtic Rogue
24th October 2014, 07:25 PM
Israel is one of the world’s only nations that still has its right to exist questioned and threatened by those in its region.

Yeah that shit happens when you steal land and bull doze homes that dont belong to you by law! Israeli terrorists bombed hotels and other civilian targets in their blackmailing of the world to make them recognize the terrorist state of israel!! Israel is not really a democracy they are a theocracy where they do not allow their citizens to inter marry with other races and religions . With the help of the US and nato they have destroyed viable states where the people for the most part were happy with their governments or at least were better off than after their countries were destroyed! Lybia, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine and soon syria and then the real deal Iran! They are in the 91% control of our media where they are only 2-3% of the population! They are no friends to us!