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24th October 2014, 05:40 PM

"you're bound, gagged, drenched in blood and terrorised for four to seven hours."

24th October 2014, 05:43 PM
Prepp for hell?.................hummmmmmmmmm I'd better go to church, and give the preacher all my money to save me.


24th October 2014, 05:56 PM
Prepp for hell?.................hummmmmmmmmm I'd better go to church, and give the preacher all my money to save me.


Save your money, God does not need it.

Salvation is a FREE gift
YOU have to receive it or it will go "unclaimed"

John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Romans 5:16 And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

24th October 2014, 06:00 PM
And the world just even crazier. What times we live in, folks. Seems some people are into some crazy shit. I'm not as religious as a lot of you folks, but this has to be the work of some evil.

24th October 2014, 06:12 PM
And the world just even crazier. What times we live in, folks. Seems some people are into some crazy shit. I'm not as religious as a lot of you folks, but this has to be the work of some evil.

How do you figure?

midnight rambler
24th October 2014, 06:15 PM
imo, it's all about instilling the mindset into the easily confounded (the rubes) that "this is it, there is nothing else beyond this life" rather than 'life everlasting'. I've also noted this fixation on skulls.

Bill Hicks as a Christian crusader??

"There is no such thing as death"


24th October 2014, 07:23 PM

"you're bound, gagged, drenched in blood and terrorised for four to seven hours."

The question is: why are people so mentally & morally depraved as to want to experience that? Tens of thousands on the waiting list. No wonder our society does not truly eschew or resist brutality.

24th October 2014, 07:25 PM
How do you figure?

Some "people" are obviously getting off on inflicting this on "willing victims." Voluntary or not, simulated or not, one has to have something seriously wrong inside to want to participate in inflicting this.

24th October 2014, 07:26 PM
The question is: why are people so mentally & morally depraved as to want to experience that?

Thank you crimethink, brewtech there's your answer.

25th October 2014, 05:24 AM
There is an element of depravity to it. I don't think that is the whole of it though. A lot more is going on. I believe they want to step out of the 'sameness' of their lives and experience something more profound. This is a twisted form of doing that though. Their choice however, as long as no-one else gets hurt.

Why do people climb mountains? Why do they hunt and kill when they are rich and well fed? They are looking for kicks.

25th October 2014, 07:45 AM
one couple decided to go there straight after their wedding, because what better way to celebrate the joyous union of marriage than by having your heads put in cages full of snakes and being forced to eat rotten eggs?


25th October 2014, 10:09 AM
There is an element of depravity to it. I don't think that is the whole of it though. A lot more is going on. I believe they want to step out of the 'sameness' of their lives and experience something more profound. This is a twisted form of doing that though. Their choice however, as long as no-one else gets hurt.

Why do people climb mountains? Why do they hunt and kill when they are rich and well fed? They are looking for kicks.

Thrills will fill the void.

However, death-defying adventures =/= sado-maschism.

There is something deeply wrong inside with those who fantasize about being victimized, and something even more disturbing - evil - inside those who fantasize about victimizing.

25th October 2014, 03:51 PM
There is something deeply wrong inside with those who fantasize about being victimized, and something even more disturbing - evil - inside those who fantasize about victimizing.

I really think this is the crux of the discussion. This type "entertainment" fosters aggression and violence, and while a fantasy, borders too close to reality.

Any normal person, when confronted with folks trying to put a cage on their head, would react in a defensive manner, myself included. IE, there would be a big fight, and people would actually get hurt during that fight. I'm sure you folks would do the same as me, my fists would be pounding the fuck out those people.

25th October 2014, 05:19 PM
Bondage, dominatrix, sadomasochism...this type of activity has been going on forever.
The Japanese perfected it to an art form.
Is it any different, less normal, less depraved, or natural then homosexuality/sodomy?
If you accept homosexuality as normal and healthy, you should accept this as normal and healthy too.


There's even sadomasochism parades, fairs (Folsom Street Fair) to celebrate their deviancy in San Fran, Germany, etc. Just a bunch of fun loving people?

The Main Stream Alphabet Soup Media Ignores San Francisco Homosexual Event as if it is nothing unusual.

By de Andréa

S.F. Mayor Gavin Newsom and SFPD Chief Heather J. Fong have obviously accepted public exhibition of homosexuality as normal. In addition, the primary sponsor Miller Brewing Co. must view this perverted behavior as something good for our society.

Recently, homosexuals in San Francisco celebrated an event called the Folsom Street Fair. The organizing group claimed that 400,000 people attended the event.

The purpose of the fair was to celebrate "leather pride", a euphemism for homosexuals who indulge in sadomasochism, often called S&M. These people enjoy bondage, whipping, spanking and other perverted sexual practices, and not just in private but in your face. Perverted sex takes place in the public street with the blessings of the SF City government, as well as the protection of the media by keeping it a secret from the rest of the nation. .

This has sure brought a new meaning to the word “Fair”. When I was a kid, a fair was something your parents brought you to. Rides, winning a teddy bear by knocking over some bottles. Nothing ever stays the same.

People who attended the event reported that police backed off while the “Fairies” practiced oral sex, nudity, masturbation, and orgies in public.

My purpose in sharing this is to let you know that not a single Mainstream Media news agency reported this tripe. I guess it is because it is too ordinary especially for Sodom and Gomorra… I’m sorry, I mean San Francisco. Can you imagine another event, of any kind, which draws nearly a half a million people not getting a single minute or a single mention from Big Media?

Let the hateful infamous antigay and unbiblical extremist Fred Phelps and six of his followers show up to protest anywhere, and it will make the news. But 400,000 people show up at the Folsom Street Fair and the media completely ignores it because they understand it will impact negatively on the homosexual movement.

The big three television networks didn't seem to think so since they also were conspicuously missing in action.

On Sept. 30. Crowds flooded the neighborhood known as "South of Market" to take part in the 24th annual Folsom Street Fair. People from all over the nation -- even the world -– flocked to the Golden Gate city to celebrate and call attention to an aspect of their lives of which they are very proud. Conspicuously absent from the huge gathering in northern California were reporters from any major news agency. The Associated Press, United Press International and Reuters News Service apparently were all no shows. Even though the event took place in the Golden State, there were no reporters from the Los Angeles Times. If it were not for a few alternative news publications, no one outside of San Francisco would have an inkling of what took place at the Folsom Street Fair.

So what is the event and what exactly takes place? Be forewarned, the following descriptions are not for the faint of heart, even though they have been edited to mute the content. These are individuals that enjoy bondage, whipping, spanking and other unmentionable perversions. While the Folsom Street Fair does draw a few heterosexual sadomasochists to the event, it is clear from reports that the overwhelming number celebrating were homosexuals –- mostly male.

The most detailed report of the event came from Pink News, an organization that describes itself as "Europe's largest gay news service." "SFPD adopted a distinctly relaxed approach to this year's Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco," Pink News observed, "taking little notice of the hundreds of men baring their genitals on every street corner."

According to Pink News, there were orgies in the street, drawing "laughs and photographs from curious onlookers but no police action whatsoever.” Homosexual men and women walked down the street, completely naked, performing sex acts, the website reported. Sounds like a wonderful event, doesn't it?

If the truth of what took place in the streets of San Francisco on Sept. 30 were broadcast from sea to shining sea, the "homosexual rights" movement would suffer a significant setback. If grassroots Americans saw homosexuals blatantly flaunting their sexuality in public, they would be appalled. Make no mistake about it: America's major news organizations are complicit in promoting homosexuality. Hence, they chose to act as if the Folsom Street Fair did not even happen.

Even a bit of controversy did not cause the major news groups -- apart from a few conservative talk show hosts -- to give the event any attention. This year's Folsom Street Fair official promotional poster featured a parody of Da Vinci's Last Supper with Jesus and his disciples replaced by costumed sadomasochists with sex toys on the table.Two conservative organizations -- Concerned Women for America and the Catholic League -- both called attention to the poster. That led to an additional controversy over Miller Brewing Company, one of the fair's major sponsors. While Miller did not pull its money from the event, it did instruct the fair's organizers to remove its logo from the poster. Even with two major public policy groups calling attention to the event and its promotion, no major news organization, with the exception of Fox News, made any reference to the controversy.

THE BOTTOM LINE: For the irresponsible freedom of expression folks that say, well if it is offensive to you, just turn it off, or don’t go see that movie. I have a question, how does one turn off a public street? Why anyone would want to go to a place like San Francisco much less want to live there, is a mystery to me. Is it possible that these dope smoking perverted animals of Satan are the only ones left in SF.? This once beautiful City by the bay is a disgrace not only to California and America, but also to the rest of the world as well as to the human race.

25th October 2014, 06:01 PM
Bondage, dominatrix, sadomasochism...this type of activity has been going on forever.

So has murder and rape, but it is a civilized aim to minimize those.

I don't know if I'd equate most B&D with this type of S&M, either.

You can be sure your civilization is in its deep twilight if this shit is not only not controlled, but embraced.

The Japanese perfected it to an art form.

F**k the Japs. The veterans of the Bataan Death March can tell us plenty about the Japanese (and in general, the East Asian) Mind, and its "different slant" on the value of human life.

Is it any different, less normal, less depraved, or natural then homosexuality/sodomy?

I find sodomy to be an abomination. No, it's not less normal or less depraved.

If you accept homosexuality as normal and healthy, you should accept this as normal and healthy too.

I'd bet most of those who "enjoy" this type of perversion like taking and giving it up the Hershey Highway, as well. And not just in a homosexual manner.

Ultimately, this is Cultural Bolshevism - the deliberate, targeted assault on civilized values. Perverts can call this "freedom of choice" all they want, but I don't give a shit. I stand for morality, and I'm not afraid to defend it.