View Full Version : This is what the little girls are listening to.

24th October 2014, 08:02 PM
meghan trainor


These girls are 9 years old ..... I really don't know what to say about any of it????

First off do they have to be so diverse? Booty this and Banging that WTH and _____ and ______ and _____ ? ( and the little girls listening are 9 and 10)!

Maybe I am just old ? ya I guess thats it!

24th October 2014, 08:08 PM
That youtube video has over 182 million views.

24th October 2014, 08:29 PM
As the Germans called it, "Degenerate 'Music'":


25th October 2014, 10:14 AM
here's another example......




25th October 2014, 11:44 AM
The Megan Trainor video has no white guys (who are not like a posable Ken Doll) in it.

25th October 2014, 11:54 AM
well, they're developing they're musical personalities ?!

as well as other parts of their personalities.

25th October 2014, 12:39 PM
We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the Goyim by rearing them in principles and theories which are known to us to be false, and we have taught this through repetition.

"Diversity is our strength."

"African-American 'culture' is 'cool' and 'sexy'."

Twisted Titan
25th October 2014, 12:45 PM
The destruction of the young is the most henious crime aside from being a traitor.

Those that defile the young will occupy a special place in hell.

25th October 2014, 03:22 PM
It's to bad they're not listening to music played by a white family having fun together like the one in this video. At 1:50 in the video lots of young kids having fun keeping time to the music with cups. Looks pretty wholesome.

The videos above look pretty immoral and degenerate to me.


25th October 2014, 05:18 PM
The destruction of the young is the most henious crime aside from being a traitor.

Those that defile the young will occupy a special place in hell.


26th October 2014, 06:33 AM
interesting article at OrganicPrepper on the subject -


"Here are a few quotes, literally, out of the mouths of babes:

“What the f*ck? I’m not some pretty f*cking, helpless princess in distress. I’m pretty f*cking powerful and ready for success.”

“So what is more offensive? A little girl saying f*ck or the f*cking unequal and sexist way society treats girls and women?”

“Women make 23% less than men for the exact same f*cking work. I shouldn’t need a penis to get paid.”

“One out of five women will be sexually assaulted or raped by a man. Stop telling girls how to dress and start teaching boys not to f*cking rape.”

This is not how you empower women. This is not how you turn a little girl into a strong woman."

"Empower your girls by teaching them how to take control of their own lives

Teach them not to be victims.
Teach them not to be ashamed of being who they are, whether they are frilly pink-clad princesses or sports-jersey wearing tomboys.
Teach them to change their own tires instead of needing someone to do it for them.
Teach them to use weapons.
Teach them to defend themselves, both physically and with words.
Teach them that men and boys are not the enemy.
Teach them to take active personal responsibility for their lives, instead of looking for a man to blame.
Teach them that equality is different – radically different – from superiority.
Teach them that they don’t need to be rescued.
Teach them they don’t need a “movement” to take control of their own lives, they simply need to do it.
Teach them to abhor special treatment based on their gender.
Teach them not to play the blame game, but to pull up their socks and push harder for what they want.
Teach them to make wise choices to keep themselves safe.
Teach them to earn respect and equality, instead of having it legislated.

This video is not about feminism, it’s about sexism, the very thing they purport to be against. It’s anger. It’s a cry for attention. It’s a plea from women who actually don’t measure up, demanding special treatment. These are the type of women who cannot understand the feeling of victory you get when you earn something fair and square. Women who want a separate set of rules that skews the game. Where the HELL is the victory in that? How can you call it equality when you haven’t earned it, but had the results skewed by some kind of government mandated vagina handicap points system?

Well, I have some foul language of my own.

F*ck all of you so-called feminists who exploit children. You don’t know the first thing about being strong, independent women."

26th October 2014, 08:59 AM

Of the fifty(50) senior executives of the major music labels and trade organizations, thirty-nine(39) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 78%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major music labels and trade organizations by a factor of 39 times(3,900 percent).

26th October 2014, 01:24 PM
All by design. All on purpose. This site shows a lot of the often repeated themes in today's "entertainment".

I don't put all my faith into everything they say, but lots of eye opening stuff. (no pun intended)


26th October 2014, 02:09 PM
Of the fifty(50) senior executives of the major music labels and trade organizations, thirty-nine(39) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 78%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major music labels and trade organizations by a factor of 39 times(3,900 percent).

Nepotism is a powerful force and Jew nepotism is certainly prevalent in many industries, from entertainment to Silicon Valley Jew venture capital.

26th October 2014, 03:52 PM
The whole history of American Jewry is a tribute to the power of Jewish nepotism. Indeed, nepotism has been a positive and wholesome force in Jewish life for thousands of years. It is high time to acknowledge and even celebrate this fact instead of trying to keep it hidden like a shameful family secret.

The Jewish Path to Success (http://forward.com/articles/7806/the-jewish-path-to-success/)

26th October 2014, 10:03 PM

So the first 15 - 30 seconds there are 3 direct satanic references. what ever it is it's scarey as. I'm struggling to see how anyone could find that attractive.

Training the next generation of lap dancers

26th October 2014, 10:05 PM
This ones a good one. Its got language


some people this this is great. Very progressive. standing up for their rights.

27th October 2014, 08:35 AM
This ones a good one. Its got language


some people this this is great. Very progressive. standing up for their rights.

Watching that video is like being fucked by a gang of baby hood rats.

mick silver
28th October 2014, 05:42 PM
it's all about money nothing else