View Full Version : How the hell does this work?

midnight rambler
24th October 2014, 08:51 PM
Big Pharma heavily advertizes a fave chemical of theirs (e.g. Xarelto) while concurrently ambulance-chasing shysters heavily advertize for 'victims' of Big Pharma's drug Big Pharma is actively pushing (e.g., again Xarelto). If Big Pharma has some liability exposure on a drug like Xarelto to such an extent that it draws out the shyster snakes looking for easy money marks then how come Big Pharma continues with the exposure to lawsuits?? ??? What am I missing here??

Hatha Sunahara
24th October 2014, 09:30 PM
You might be missing the fact that Big Pharma has such high profit margins on the drugs they sell, like 1000-10,000% profits, that they can afford some exposure to lawsuits as long as their volume of sales is high.

I was surprised to discover what their profit margins are. I first discovered it in an Audio book called the Trillion Dollar Conspiracy by Jim Marrs, I think. A prescription that costs them 10 cents to manufacture often sells for $100 or more. Big Pharma has to be the most profitable industry on the planet. Most of their products however are shit and do not work, or work only with unacceptable side-effects, which they have doctors correct with more big pharma products. I would stay away from their products altogether and find natural ways to heal whatever is wrong with my health.

Here, read this interesting link on top ten high markups, http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-biggest-price-markups.php or buy the Trillion $ Conspiracy.


25th October 2014, 12:53 AM
They can lock up a lawsuit for 7 years or more in courts while racking up quarterly profits for shareholders. They are a corporation and have no moral code.

25th October 2014, 10:10 AM
Big Pharma heavily advertizes a fave chemical of theirs (e.g. Xarelto) while concurrently ambulance-chasing shysters heavily advertize for 'victims' of Big Pharma's drug Big Pharma is actively pushing (e.g., again Xarelto). If Big Pharma has some liability exposure on a drug like Xarelto to such an extent that it draws out the shyster snakes looking for easy money marks then how come Big Pharma continues with the exposure to lawsuits?? ??? What am I missing here??

"The cost of doing business."

Twisted Titan
26th October 2014, 06:39 AM
You might be missing the fact that Big Pharma has such high profit margins on the drugs they sell, like 1000-10,000% profits, that they can afford some exposure to lawsuits as long as their volume of sales is high.

I was surprised to discover what their profit margins are. I first discovered it in an Audio book called the Trillion Dollar Conspiracy by Jim Marrs, I think. A prescription that costs them 10 cents to manufacture often sells for $100 or more. Big Pharma has to be the most profitable industry on the planet. Most of their products however are shit and do not work, or work only with unacceptable side-effects, which they have doctors correct with more big pharma products. I would stay away from their products altogether and find natural ways to heal whatever is wrong with my health.

Here, read this interesting link on top ten high markups, http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-biggest-price-markups.php or buy the Trillion $ Conspiracy.


You are also forgetting that big pharma will apply for gubbermint grants while doing RD research.

So it cost them 10 cent to make
Zero cost to research.
Their return on investment if ten cents is just about infinity.

And still it is not enough

Hatha Sunahara
26th October 2014, 10:58 AM
Big Pharma capitalizes on peoples' near religious belief that allopathic medicine will keep them healthy and fix what ails them. Just take these drugs, and yes, we have surgery that will fix you. But everybody overlooks the 'chronic metabolic diseases' that curing will cause a disastrous reduction to their cash flow. So, not only do we have the most expensive health care system in the world, but one that doesn't keep us very healthy at all. BUT---it's 'politically incorrect' to call attention to this.

All this would come to a fast end if people just woke up to the fact that the health care institutions are bilking them. I think most people die before they wake up.


26th October 2014, 01:03 PM
Big Pharma capitalizes on peoples' near religious belief that allopathic medicine will keep them healthy and fix what ails them.


Hatha, you could end that with a /understatement tag.

i would say it's all-the-way religious.

mick silver
27th October 2014, 07:04 PM
and plus the government keeps people from being able to sue Big Pharma so they can make shit that does not work are just kills people

27th October 2014, 07:42 PM
Several replies above hit the "cost of doing biz" angle. This reformed pusher hit on it too, IIRC.
Thread: Gwen Olsen | Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55074-Gwen-Olsen-Confessions-of-an-Rx-Drug-Pusher)

The pharma board rooms have evidence from the trials that their drug will cause damaging side effects, but it's a straight biz decision to go ahead coz the anticipated profit dwarfs the probable settlement some years later when suits are finally adjudicated.

Add to that, they anticipate whole escalating "side effect treating drug" sequences, themselves with side effects, which have more side effects, and so on. What starts as a single prescription becomes many, as the patient becomes a virtual drugee.

Hatha Sunahara
2nd November 2014, 12:30 AM
I found the $10 Trillion Conspiracy and it's list of Prices and costs of manufacturing of some popular prescription drugs. Here it is:

Brand Name : Celebrex 100 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $130.27
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$0.60
Percent Markup : 21,712%
Brand Name : Claritin 10 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $215.17
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$0.71
Percent Markup : 30,306%
Brand Name : Keflex 250 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $157.39
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$1.88
Percent Markup : 8,372%
Brand Name : Lipitor 20 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $272.37
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$5.80
Percent Markup : 4,696%
Brand Name : Norvasc 10 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $188.29
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$0.14
Percent Markup : 134,493%
Brand Name : Paxil 20 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $220.27
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$7.60
Percent Markup : 2,898%
Brand Name : Prevacid 30 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $44.77
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$1.01
Percent Markup : 34,136%
Brand Name : Prilosec 20 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $360.97
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$0.52
Percent Markup : 69,417%
Brand Name : Prozac 20 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $247.47
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$0.11
Percent Markup : 224,973%
Brand Name : Tenormin 50 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $104.47
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$0.13
Percent Markup : 80,362%
Brand Name : Vasotec 10 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $102.37
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$0.20
Percent Markup : 51,185%
Brand Name : Xanax 1 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $136.79
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$0.024
Percent Markup : 569,958%
Brand Name : Zestril 20 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $89.89
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$3.20
Percent Markup : 2,809%
Brand Name : Zithromax 600 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $1,482.19
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$18.78
Percent Markup : 7,892%
Brand Name : Zocor 40 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $350.27
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$8.63
Percent Markup : 4,059%
Brand Name : Zoloft 50 mg
Consumer Price per 100 : $206.87
Cost of General Active Ingredients Per 100 ta$1.75
Percent Markup : 11,821%

Is that a good enough explanation for a lack of concern with the costs of lawsuits?

2nd November 2014, 01:51 AM
Profectus BioSciences Receives $9.5 Million Department of Defense Funding to Manufacture Trivalent VesiculoVax™-Vectored Vaccine to Protect Against all Ebola and Marburg Viruses

2nd November 2014, 02:56 PM
Big Pharma capitalizes on peoples' near religious belief that allopathic medicine will keep them healthy and fix what ails them. Just take these drugs, and yes, we have surgery that will fix you. But everybody overlooks the 'chronic metabolic diseases' that curing will cause a disastrous reduction to their cash flow. So, not only do we have the most expensive health care system in the world, but one that doesn't keep us very healthy at all. BUT---it's 'politically incorrect' to call attention to this.

All this would come to a fast end if people just woke up to the fact that the health care institutions are bilking them. I think most people die before they wake up.


"We will never have a healthy society as long as disease remains a profit opportunity"

-Mike Rivero