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25th October 2014, 06:19 PM
TV: Fukushima nuclear waste increasing off West Coast each year since 2012 — Fish tested “fairly high for radiation” — It’s around for next century, even if reactors stop gushing into ocean now — “A danger to people living here?… Are officials purposefully holding back info?” (VIDEO)

Published: October 25th, 2014 at 2:22 pm ET
By ENENews
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Unfiltered with Jill Krop, Global BC (Transcript excerpts with emphasis added):

Jill Krop, host: For months now, we’ve been seeing conflicting reports of radiation in our water and arriving on our shores. So, how do you determine fact from fear-mongering?…
Karen Wristen, Living Oceans: Dept. of Fisheries & Oceans (DFO) has [monitored] off the west coast of Vancouver… since June 2012 and they found in each subsequent year, increasing levels of radiation… it’s increasing but the highest levels they found are some 20,000X less than ‘safe levels’ for drinking water… certainly not a cause for concern ["This is a major concern" -Vancouver scientists]… There are a lot of people deeply concerned about this, and there is controversy over what is a ‘safe limit’… there are all kinds of questions about the science behind that… There have also been reports of certain fish testing fairly high for radiation, certainly higher than background…
Host: Dr. Frank, do you think that at some point enough radiation could make its way from Fukushima to BC to be a danger to people living here?
Dr. Erica Frank, MD, Univ. of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine: The question is, at what point in this unfolding tragedy are we? We know that the plants are continuing to gush radiation. We know that the isotopes have half-lives of 30 years, so they’re around for the next century, even if they were stop right now. So yes, we are not at the end of this, we are probably only at the beginning of this story.
Host: That means radiation potentially will become much greater in BC in water, in soil?
Dr. Frank: Hopefully not. But the issue is that the gov’t needs to monitor and to report it, and that’s part of the problem. They haven’t been doing the reporting, even though they promised they would… The Canadian food inspection agency and the Public Health Agency of Canada said… yes, they will publish — but they haven’t…
Host: Do you think they are purposefully holding back any information?…
Wrest: I don’t think it’s purposeful… When you know where to look, they [DFO] will release it, it’s not like it’s under wraps… [Their funding had] such deep cuts in 2011.

“When you know where to look, [DFO] will release it”? So one has to ‘know where to look’ to have them ‘release it’? If anyone has found results published by DFO, please share the link.

The public was first informed of DFO’s detection of Fukushima-related cesium by an ENENews report quoting scientist Ken Buesseler’s Oct. 2013 KPFA interview where he revealed, “I’ve seen some Canadian data that the front edge of that plume is starting to show up.” ENENews was also the first to publish data related to the DFO testing in a Dec. 2013 report, “Fukushima ocean plume hit Canada 6 months ago” — which cited information from a little known presentation by a DFO scientist. Nearly one year later, this presentation appears to still be the only publicly available information regarding DFO’s Fukushima-related test results.

Experts warn of volcano destroying Japan at any moment, causing nation’s extinction — Millions buried by lava in minutes, ‘hopeless’ for 120,000,000 people — Reactors would be devastated and spread nuclear waste worldwide — Gov’t: Volcano near nuke plant is shaking, tremor 7 minutes long… ‘Stay away’ — Increased eruption risk due to 3/11 quake

Published: October 24th, 2014 at 3:08 pm ET
By ENENews
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Wall St Journal, Oct. 23, 2014 (emphasis added): One major volcanic eruption could make Japan “extinct,” a study by experts at Kobe University warns… “We should be aware… It wouldn’t be a surprise if such gigantic eruption were to take place at any moment.”

Japan Times, Oct. 24, 2014: Colossal volcanic eruption could destroy Japan at any time: study — Japan could be nearly destroyed by a volcanic eruption over the next century that would put nearly all of its population of 127 million people at risk… “It is not an overstatement to say that a colossal volcanic eruption would leave Japan extinct as a country,” Kobe University earth sciences professor Yoshiyuki Tatsumi and associate professor Keiko Suzuki said… A disaster on Kyushu… would see an area with 7 million people buried by flows of lava and molten rock in just two hours [and] making nearly the entire country “unlivable”… It would be “hopeless” trying to save about 120 million…

Japan Times, Oct. 24, 2014: Volcano near Sendai nuclear plant is shaking and may erupt… Authorities warned on Friday that a volcano a few dozen kilometers from the Sendai nuclear plant… may erupt. It warned people to stay away… Ioyama [shows] signs of rising volcanic activity recently, including a tremor lasting as long as seven minutes… the Meteorological Agency’s volcano division said… [T]he area around the crater is dangerous, he added… On Friday, the warning level for the Sakurajima volcano was at 3, which means people should not approach the peak… Experts warn [the] earthquake in March 2011 may have increased the risk of volcanic activity throughout the nation…

Japan Times, Oct 18, 2014: Sendai reactors vulnerable to eruptions [and] could cause a nationwide disaster, said Toshitsugu Fujii, University of Tokyo professor emeritus who heads a government-commissioned panel… [R]egulators ruled out a major eruption… [Fujii] said at best an eruption can be predicted only a matter of hours or days. Studies have shown that pyroclastic flow… at one of the volcanos near the Sendai plant… reached as far as 145 kilometers away, Fujii said. He said a pyroclastic flow from Mount Sakurajima… could easily hit the nuclear plant, which is only 40 kilometers away. Heavy ash falling from an eruption would make it impossible to reach the plant… he said. Many nuclear power plants could be affected…

Asahi Shimbun, May 12, 2014: Now is the time to rethink the risk of operating nuclear power plants… it is the first time that Japan has seriously evaluated… the danger posed by volcanoes… Nuclear power plants… would suffer devastating damage from catastrophic eruptions… radioactive materials will continue to be scattered throughout the world…

University of Tokyo professor Toshitsugu Fujii, head of government panel on eruption prediction: “Scientifically, they’re not safe… If [reactors] still need to be restarted… it’s for political reasons, not because they’re safe, and you should be honest about that.”

See also: Expert: Island off Tokyo 15X larger after huge eruption…pay close attention (VIDEO)

25th October 2014, 06:30 PM
Three and a half years and nothing has been done to deal with SFP #4 and general containment.

It's like "someone" wants utter disaster to come.

Complete containment with rock and concrete should have commenced in April 2011. It would have been finished long ago. The latest nonsense I read was they were going to try to use ice to contain the radioactive water, LOL.

EDIT: the ice "plan" failed, as expected:


25th October 2014, 08:23 PM
volcano may do what man failed to do

26th October 2014, 01:36 AM
volcano may do what man failed to do
Lets hope so.
If there is a god out there looking at us he must have some serious regrets. He gave us the garden of eden and we've turned the entire planet into a waste dump.

General of Darkness
26th October 2014, 09:08 AM
For some reason I read the title FUK U Update. LMAO.

midnight rambler
26th October 2014, 11:33 AM
For some reason I read the title FUK U Update. LMAO.

I think that was the intention.

26th October 2014, 01:01 PM
I think that was the intention.

If the Tsunami was created, as some suspect, by Israel in retribution for Japan's vote in favor of the Palestinians ... yes, this would be one of the biggest Fuk U's in human history.

Thought I think Israel has 'scored' probably 7 of the top 10's Fuk U's in Human history.