View Full Version : Lava road

27th October 2014, 03:11 AM
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/10/26/1414351736000_Image_galleryImage_In_this_Oct_24_20 14_photo.JPG
Burning ahead: The 2,000-degree lava flow, pictured burning its way down Apa'a Street, Pahoa, Hawaii, could hit homes in three to five days

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2808225/Hawaii-volcano-lava-prompts-evacuation-concerns.html#ixzz3HL3vrDW9

27th October 2014, 04:49 AM
the road to hell is paved.... well it's paved.

I wonder if the asphalt provides fuel for the fire. Looks like it does. Visible flames for the width of the road. Oily smoke coming just from that part. The smoke around is white. So story says yes.

Also says its been approaching for 2 years. It finally made it.

I'm curious about the way it moves. Molten lava flows along the bottom? Under the cool shell and under itself or over itself? Does it roll over itself inside that shell? Or does it push forward like a front?

I'm wondering because those scientists are standing on an old part of it upstream. Is it the same river of lava or a different one that doesn't flow anymore and cooled? If the lava flows along it's own path then it should still be molten under the scientists.

does anyone notice the side stories on that news web site. Its' all complete dross and dribble. Volcanoes are interesting though.

Twisted Titan
27th October 2014, 07:54 AM
Its amazing that they have learned to live in a place where a volcano is constantly erupting.

Kinda like the yellowstone caldera on steriods.

27th October 2014, 08:34 AM
Is there such a thing as volcano insurance?


27th October 2014, 01:23 PM
Is there such a thing as volcano insurance?


Ioyama volcano raises fears Japan’s Sendai nuclear power facility may be at risk

eo (http://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/ioyama-volcano-raises-fears-japans-sendai-nuclear-power-facility-may-be-at-risk/story-fnjww1r5-1227102573947#)
Image (http://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/ioyama-volcano-raises-fears-japans-sendai-nuclear-power-facility-may-be-at-risk/story-fnjww1r5-1227102573947#)

The 'ghost towns' of Fukushima

http://cdn.newsapi.com.au/image/v1/external?url=http%3A%2F%2Fcontent3.video.news.com. au%2FNDM_-_Daily_Telegraph%2F58%2F743%2Fghost_648x365_220802 2406-hero.jpg&width=650&api_key=kq7wnrk4eun47vz9c5xuj3mc

FIRST it was an earthquake. Then it was a tsunami. Now Japan fears another nuclear disaster — this time because of a stirring volcano.

The Japan Times has reported a sleeping volcano next to its already damaged Sendai nuclear power facility has woken, and is beginning to shake.
The new activity comes barely a month after the sudden and unexpected eruption of Mount Ontake killed 57 hikers enjoying its until-then scenic slopes.
Volcanologists have warned that the enormous magnitude 9.0 earthquake of March 2011 may have increased the likelihood of volcanic activity throughout Japan — which sits on the “Ring of Fire” band of more than 100 volcanoes which forms the Pacific Rim.
Now the signs appear to be proving them right.

Toppled plans ... Factory facilities look damaged in an industrial complex in Sendai, northern Japan, after a giant, quake-fed tsunami killed hundreds of people and turned the north-eastern coast into a swampy wasteland, sparking fears of a possible meltdown at the nuclear reactor. Source: AP

The waking of Mount Ioyama on the island of Kyushu comes after a recent warning from a prominent Japanese volcanologist about the Sendai nuclear plant’s vulnerability.
A cauldron eruption at one of several volcanoes surrounding the Sendai nuclear power plant could hit the reactors and cause a nationwide disaster, said Toshitsugu Fujii, head of a government-commissioned panel on volcanic eruption prediction.
Mount Ioyama sits virtually next door to the power plant. In recent weeks it has started experiencing tremors, the Japanese Metrological Agency’s volcano bureau says.
The implications for restarting the repaired Sendai nuclear power plant are serious.
The spectre of the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, which experienced a partial meltdown, continues to cause scandal and controversy.
A second such crisis would do irreparable damage to the industry.
Now Mount Ioyama has suddenly gone from the dormant end of the threat scale to the second-highest. This means the area around the crater can be regarded as dangerous, and that small-scale eruptions are likely.
Another volatile giant, Mount Sakurajima, sits some 40km from the Sendai facility. This is a very active volcano with frequent minor eruptions.


27th October 2014, 01:23 PM

29th October 2014, 11:51 PM
Fifty residents are finally forced to leave it all behind as Hawaiian lava flow begins to near their homes

Slow-moving lava from the erupting Kilauea volcano has been advancing on the town of Pahoa on Hawaii's Big Island for weeks
On Tuesday the menacing river of molten lava bubbled over a road and overran a cemetery and crossed onto a residential property
Officials have warned that it is hot enough to incinerate any homes, roads and businesses in its path
Residents of about 50 homes in the projected path of the lava have emptied their houses of prized possessions in preparation

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/10/29/1414558035078_wps_13_Construction_crews_prepar.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/10/29/1414558080299_wps_15_PAHOA_HAWAII_OCTOBER_27_I.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/10/29/1414558181504_wps_18_PAHOA_HAWAII_OCTOBER_26_I.jpg


30th October 2014, 12:07 AM
Could they not dig a trench? They have known for 2 years. Dig a damn ditch and take the lava where you want it to go.

I wonder if wrapping power poles will work. Is it a temporary measure until they can run another lot of power lines?