View Full Version : It's been decided, it will be Bush v. Clinton in '16

midnight rambler
27th October 2014, 08:37 PM
Either way, still more (world) war is locked in.


27th October 2014, 08:55 PM
Get used to seeing this face:


In order to win the New Majority in America, Jeb's son, George Prescott Bush will be appearing in the campaign almost as much as Daddy, to pander to his racial brethren.

27th October 2014, 09:49 PM
Im sorry to hear that...........what is this a dynasty..........why vote the computer already has the winner programed in.

27th October 2014, 10:00 PM
Hillary for 2016. The MSM will be saying, "hey, we just had our first black [but really mulatto] pres, now it's time for a woman" Plus, she's getting older -- not much time left:


General of Darkness
27th October 2014, 10:15 PM

27th October 2014, 10:36 PM





27th October 2014, 10:59 PM
That guy has the same crazy eyes as his brother.....I hope that he is a little bit smarter. He looks like an Arab to me.


midnight rambler
27th October 2014, 11:34 PM
Two years out and the choices have already been selected. lol How pathetic is that??

No more Perot wildcards for those wacky unpredictable rubes!

I'm thinking that the Ayers taught them a thing or two about advanced planning.

28th October 2014, 01:58 AM
I'm not sure how to call it (I can't stand either of them), but, I recall an issue some years ago when Jeb was governor of Florida. The life support system for a comatose lady in Florida had been ordered by a judge to be discontinued, at the request of her former husband, but, over the strong objection of her parents. It was a hot item broadcasted over the "patriot" news, and christian types all rallied to prevent pulling the life support for the comatose lady. Just prior to pulling it, Jeb Bush stepped in and, as governor, ordered the halting of plans to pull the life support. This made Jeb a champion of the christian pro-life set, even though it was clear this was a moot maneuver on his part, since his order would be over-ridden by a federal judge shortly, which it was and the comatose lady was allowed to die.

But primordial feelings live on, and fundamental memories die hard, so, I am suspecting that Jeb will win practically 100% of the christian crowd, especially those who watch televangal TV, and attend 501-3c churches on Sunday. He was their champion, and, they will probably get out the vote and stampede the polls.

Additionally, Jeb married a lady who has a hispanic ethnic background (she looks mexican-american, but could be of any of the spanish speaking countries), and his children are all half-breeds, which will make him a champion for ALL spanish speaking americans of whatever origins.

So he gets the conservative votes (and they will get out in heavy numbers), he gets the christians (also likely to storm the polls and urge all to do so from the pulpits), and, finally, he gets the hispanic vote en toto (which probably amounts to around 40 - 50 million, or so - who knows, even the Immigration Service can't keep up with the hordes flooding over the border).

I predict it will be a landslide. Old Hillary will get the queer, feminist, and oddball votes, and the feminists might get out to the polls en masse, but, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of women vote for ole' Jeb - he comes across as "a really nice guy".

What a farce american elections have become. America will continue to be Israel's bitch, no matter which way it goes.

Bend over, 'murricans, and shut the fuck up!

28th October 2014, 02:15 AM
Two years out and the choices have already been selected. lol How pathetic is that??

No more Perot wildcards for those wacky unpredictable rubes!

I'm thinking that the Ayers taught them a thing or two about advanced planning.

Perot was no wildcard. He was either on board from the start, or brought on board when told his family might have an "accident" if he didn't do as instructed. The only person I trusted in that campaign was Admiral Stockdale.

Perot was, of course, a major government & "defense" contractor.

Ayers himself learned from the best:


The infamous "forgery."

28th October 2014, 02:22 AM
I'm not sure how to call it (I can't stand either of them), but, I recall an issue some years ago when Jeb was governor of Florida. The life support system for a comatose lady in Florida had been ordered by a judge to be discontinued, at the request of her former husband, but, over the strong objection of her parents. It was a hot item broadcasted over the "patriot" news, and christian types all rallied to prevent pulling the life support for the comatose lady. Just prior to pulling it, Jeb Bush stepped in and, as governor, ordered the halting of plans to pull the life support. This made Jeb a champion of the christian pro-life set, even though it was clear this was a moot maneuver on his part, since his order would be over-ridden by a federal judge shortly, which it was and the comatose lady was allowed to die.

Yes, the case of Terri Schiavo.

But primordial feelings live on, and fundamental memories die hard, so, I am suspecting that Jeb will win practically 100% of the christian crowd, especially those who watch televangal TV, and attend 501-3c churches on Sunday. He was their champion, and, they will probably get out the vote and stampede the polls.

Schiavo will be a small part of it, but the 501(c)(3) preachers will proclaim Jeb to be a "gift from God" as they did with his brother and his pappy. He has "unwavering support for 'god's people' [sic] in Israel," as well. The "Jesus is an American" numbskulls will do as told.

Additionally, Jeb married a lady who has a hispanic ethnic background (she looks mexican-american, but could be of any of the spanish speaking countries), and his children are all half-breeds, which will make him a champion for ALL spanish speaking americans of whatever origins.

She is from Mexico.

This is the biggest factor. The Latrinos will flood to the polls to vote for him, probably so effectively, they won't even need to rig the election.

I predict it will be a landslide. Old Hillary will get the queer, feminist, and oddball votes, and the feminists might get out to the polls en masse, but, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of women vote for ole' Jeb - he comes across as "a really nice guy".

What a farce american elections have become. America will continue to be Israel's bitch, no matter which way it goes.

Bend over, 'murricans, and shut the fuck up!


Rand has proven himself to be stooge for America's Master, so we might see a Bush-Paul ticket, wrapping up the "Tea Party" types, too. Hillary Cunton will not have the support of a lot of traditional liberals, as her actions under President Ebola have pissed them off (they're floating Jew Communist Bernie Sanders as an "alternative").

28th October 2014, 05:22 AM
Bush is likely as too many dems are disillusioned with Obama. However dems often prepare the ground for war... and reps finish the job

Im sorry to hear that...........what is this a dynasty..........why vote the computer already has the winner programed in.

mick silver
28th October 2014, 07:47 AM

28th October 2014, 07:54 AM
But primordial feelings live on, and fundamental memories die hard, so, I am suspecting that Jeb will win practically 100% of the christian crowd, especially those who watch televangal TV, and attend 501-3c churches on Sunday. He was their champion, and, they will probably get out the vote and stampede the polls.

I think you're exactly right, because most of my family are of that type. My brother is a lifetime Army man, who fully believes he is serving God's own army, a force of good to the world. It's a real source of contention between our families, because he is so firmly set in his ways, after all, he's dedicated his life to serving the machine. I tend to share the same views as Laurence Vance, who put it this way in his latest article (http://www.lewrockwell.com/2014/10/laurence-m-vance/military-blasphemy/):

Then there is the Christian Coalition moralist, just war theorist, values voter, religious rightist, God and country bumpkin, Pledge reciting, patriotic hymn singing, cross and flag lapel wearer who is just an ignorant blind leader of the blind.

Those in the first group might be ignorant as well, but the main problem they have is that they are evil. This second group makes up the majority. Their ignorance might be colossal, it might be simple, it might even be willful, but their main problem is that they are just ignorant. They are ignorant of history, primitive Christianity, U.S. foreign policy, the true nature of the Republican Party, the U.S. government, the U.S. military, and of course, their own Bible.
This is why they—

Thought that the war in Iraq was in retaliation for the 9/11 attacks.
Believed that Saddam Hussein was another Hitler.
Supposed that Iraq was a threat to the United States.
Saw the war in Iraq as a modern-day crusade against Islam.
Assumed that the United States needed to protect Israel from Iraq.
Viewed Bush as a messiah figure.

And perhaps some of them still think, believe, suppose, see, assume, and view these things. Most of them are certainly still guilty of:

Equating the Republican Party with the party of God.
Blindly following the conservative movement.
Deeming the state to be a divine institution instead of a lying, stealing, and killing machine.
Holding a “my country right or wrong” attitude.
Failing to separate the divine sanction of war against the enemies of God in the Old Testament from the New Testament ethic that taught otherwise.
Reading too much into the mention of soldiers in the New Testament.

And of course, being in love with the military.

29th October 2014, 10:12 PM
October Frightfest: The Creeping Horror of Jeb vs. Hillary 2016! (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/10/october-frightfest-creeping-horror-of.html)


*Who Controls America? (http://thezog.info/)
*At Least 29 Members of US House of Representatives Are Israeli Dual Citizens


Posted by WHOOLI (http://www.blogger.com/profile/12745432266860223770) at 8:39 PM 1 comment: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=5279139050159375985)