View Full Version : Make ready for what’s to come.

old steel
28th October 2014, 12:41 PM

Small business ownership in the United States is now at the lowest level that has ever been recorded.

56% of all Americans now have sub-prime credit in spite of a reportedly 5 year economic recovery and a record Dow Jones industrial average.

Heroin trafficking in NYC is now at a 20 year high.

40% of all workers in the United States make less than what a full time minimum wage worker made back in 1968 adjusted for inflation.

The marriage rate currently in the United States is at a 93 year low, even if you include same sex couples.

The United States has currently the highest incarceration rate in total prison population in the worldwide margin.
31.6% of American adults from the ages of 18-34 are currently living with their parents.
Since 2008, the national debt has grown by $7 trillion and keeps climbing even higher.
In all of the industrialized nations of the world, the United States has the most obese population with Mexico being 2nd.
Suicide has now actively surpassed car accidents as the number 1 cause of injury and death in the United States.


28th October 2014, 01:39 PM
And wait till we get the new idiot Bush and our new president........oi vey, oi vey....are we fvck.


28th October 2014, 02:36 PM

Small business ownership in the United States is now at the lowest level that has ever been recorded.

56% of all Americans now have sub-prime credit in spite of a reportedly 5 year economic recovery and a record Dow Jones industrial average.

Heroin trafficking in NYC is now at a 20 year high.

40% of all workers in the United States make less than what a full time minimum wage worker made back in 1968 adjusted for inflation.

The marriage rate currently in the United States is at a 93 year low, even if you include same sex couples.

The United States has currently the highest incarceration rate in total prison population in the worldwide margin.
31.6% of American adults from the ages of 18-34 are currently living with their parents.
Since 2008, the national debt has grown by $7 trillion and keeps climbing even higher.
In all of the industrialized nations of the world, the United States has the most obese population with Mexico being 2nd.
Suicide has now actively surpassed car accidents as the number 1 cause of injury and death in the United States.


Small businesses: This is by design - because small businesses affect the profits of large corporations who prefer oligopolies. Small businesses nibble away too much at profits. As well, having increased regulation allows you to hire idiots and put them on the government payroll as inspectors, reducing complaints about the low number of jobs that pay well.

Sub-prime credit - this is by design - steal from the upper middle class and everyone below that, trasnfer the wealth to the top 1% and 0.1% . So depress interest rates, stealing from the old folks who saved for retirement and punishing savers in general - meanwhile, the loans push up prices on all goods, since people who are not savers will buy when they should not. Thus the financial fraudsters make money whether you play along (borrow to consume) or not.

Heroin trafficking - the CIA needs money, too! Why do you think we are in Afghanistan?!?

Inflation adjusted pay is low - again, by design. Gut manufacturing, and treasonably transfer design patents and technical know-how (including advanced space design tech - Loral and Bernie Schwarz) overseas where you know full well it will be stolen. The top guys got their 30 pieces of silver out of the deal.

Marriage rate - by design - the nuclear family undermines the coercive power of the state. No nuclear family - no threat to the state. PLus people without kids will consume more.

Prisons - moneymaking scheme on the front end and backend; threat of prison keeps the peons in line.

Stop family formation by having kids live with their parents - again, this serves to increase the power of the state. Keeping people in infantile modes of behavior, prevents them from trying to create real change in their environment.

National debt - there is interest attached to that $7 trillion - guess what, none of that profit, for dollars created out of thin air - goes to the US citizens. From what little we are allowed to know, it goes to Israel or wealthy Jews.

Fat people - load people up with GMO crap, poor nutrtitional content foods- that part is profitable. So is the profit you can make on kidney dialysis, diabetes meds etc. as people's bodies give out from 45yo onwards ...

Suicide - the people who kill themselves are those who are more awake as to what is going on (sometimes) - they eliminate themselves and the sheep keep reproducing. If ever suicidal person took out a banker or a politician, when they killed themselves, that would be something that might help fix our problems.

28th October 2014, 02:56 PM
Number 3, the percentage of young adults living with their parents is something that is maybe not so bad. The reason they are living with their parents is that the jobs are either non-existent or pay so little, and that is bad, but the fact the families are together is maybe good. I tried to convince my youngest son that he should stay here rent free for as long as he wanted and even after he married I thought it would be a good thing. He had it in his head that only losers stayed living with Mom and Dad though. Oh well. He sure was a help around the place. At least I get to see him at work. He helps me on floors.

28th October 2014, 05:03 PM
Number 3, the percentage of young adults living with their parents is something that is maybe not so bad. The reason they are living with their parents is that the jobs are either non-existent or pay so little, and that is bad, but the fact the families are together is maybe good. I tried to convince my youngest son that he should stay here rent free for as long as he wanted and even after he married I thought it would be a good thing. He had it in his head that only losers stayed living with Mom and Dad though. Oh well. He sure was a help around the place. At least I get to see him at work. He helps me on floors.

Hahaha that's funny. In a conversation with my son I said well you will be moving out soon since your 18... He looked at me with a stare of complete confusion. He asked me where is HE going? LOL. I guess it might be taught to stay at home if you dont get those student loans.

28th October 2014, 05:46 PM
Hahaha that's funny. In a conversation with my son I said well you will be moving out soon since your 18... He looked at me with a stare of complete confusion. He asked me where is HE going? LOL. I guess it might be taught to stay at home if you dont get those student loans.

Let him join the army and he will be a sane and upright individual like myself....did I say "sane", better if he goes to college and take finger painting.


28th October 2014, 06:05 PM
Hahaha that's funny. In a conversation with my son I said well you will be moving out soon since your 18... He looked at me with a stare of complete confusion. He asked me where is HE going? LOL. I guess it might be taught to stay at home if you dont get those student loans.

My parents were all about having us kids leave the nest. My older brothers and sisters were allowed to stay at home after high school, but only if they paid rent. Myself, I had to get my own place as soon as I graduated because my parents moved to another state. I can't see any reason to push a child out of my home unless it will somehow propel them into becoming more self-sufficient. I think that allowing a child to branch out at their own pace and build up some fat stores in the form of money is the surest way of insuring that they are going to be a healthy and self sufficient adult. To see a child out in the world, struggling and trying to make ends meet, living from hand to mouth for years is a heartbreaking scene to me. Better they should be nurtured even in adulthood as long as they are not pampered to the point of not being capable and hard working, autonomous adults.

28th October 2014, 07:05 PM
Like I say......"To be ready is not"........no matter how really ready you think that you are you are really not because there is always something else that you could had done...take me, even after 16 years of preparations I am still getting ready.........even if you don't need it (now) buy it anyway and put it away.....in the future what you have today is all that you will have, either because you wont be able to afford it or because there is none.......no matter how many you have always use it as if it is the last one in your home.


28th October 2014, 07:15 PM
The marriage rate currently in the United States is at a 93 year low, even if you include same sex couples.

This number is misleading. The rate of state-sponsored & licensed "marriages" is low for a variety of reasons other than that couples are not making life commitments to each other.

Legal "marriage" is expensive; the license, the ceremony, the reception, and especially, the divorce.

Legal "marriage" is at best meaningless, at worse, caustic to a loving relationship. Many couples see how "married" couples simply get a divorce - why bother with the rigamarole, or even add an anchor on the relationship?

Legal "marriage" is ideologically the opposite of ancient, traditional marriage: the union of two individuals & two families. My wife & I do not have a "marriage license." We choose not to be "married" to the State. Our marriage is fully-valid, even if not "recognized" by the worldly "god" called the government. Our marriage is based upon the Highest Law, the Law of Yahweh. And as such, our marriage cannot be cheapened by easy divorce or the abomination of sodomite "marriage."

28th October 2014, 07:26 PM
Suicide has now actively surpassed car accidents as the number 1 cause of injury and death in the United States.

This is wrong as well. No possible way suicide is the number 1 cause of death, passing up vehicle accidents. Suicide rates are on the rise, and have been, but will never reach even close to that of vehicle accident deaths. Where's the numbers to prove this statement.

old steel
28th October 2014, 08:44 PM
This is wrong as well. No possible way suicide is the number 1 cause of death, passing up vehicle accidents. Suicide rates are on the rise, and have been, but will never reach even close to that of vehicle accident deaths. Where's the numbers to prove this statement.

This information is provided in Joseph Meyer’s, next newsletter which you can find on his website: straightmoneyanalysis.com (http://www.straightmoneyanalysis.com). You can listen/watch the entire interview with Mr. Meyer by becoming a subscriber (http://caravantomidnight.com/ctm-member-subscription-page/).


30th October 2014, 03:12 AM
Like I say......"To be ready is not"........no matter how really ready you think that you are you are really not because there is always something else that you could had done...take me, even after 16 years of preparations I am still getting ready.........even if you don't need it (now) buy it anyway and put it away.....in the future what you have today is all that you will have, either because you wont be able to afford it or because there is none.......no matter how many you have always use it as if it is the last one in your home.


Yes, I think the day is coming when we will not be able to find what we need, be it a tool, toy, etc, at any price. Things just won't be available. Need shoes? Tough luck, no factories in America and we are cut off.

Hopefully we are wrong and it won't get that bad, but it could. You, Ponce, have seen this I guess. Did you live in Cuba when the revolution happened?