View Full Version : What Israel’s Leader Said About Obama is Something EVERY American Should Understand

28th October 2014, 06:27 PM
What Israel’s Leader Said About Obama is Something EVERY American Should Understand

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in the United States last week, first to address the UN General Assembly (http://conservativetribune.com/bibi-defies-un-propping-up-terror/) and then to meet with President Obama in the White House.

Although the White House didn’t address it directly during the meeting (http://conservativetribune.com/bibi-humiliates-obama/), the Obama administration chose to criticize Israel over their so-called “settlements” in east Jerusalem and the West Bank (http://conservativetribune.com/obama-tells-israel-give-land-to-terrorists/), claiming they were “harmful” to the peace process.
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But according to the Washington Free Beacon (http://freebeacon.com/politics/netanyahu-baffled-by-obamas-settlement-criticism/), Netanyahu was “baffled” by such criticism and wishes the Obama administration would “get the facts right (http://conservativetribune.com/bibi-to-obama-get-the-facts-right/)” before further criticizing Israel.

In an interview with CBS’s Bob Schieffer, Netanyahu addressed the condemnation from the US, it’s closest ally.
“I was baffled by this statement because it doesn’t reflect American values,” Netanyahu said, adding, “what we’re being criticized for is that some Jewish residents of Jerusalem bought apartments legally from Arabs in a predominantly Arab neighborhood, and this is seen as a terrible thing.”

“Arabs in East Jerusalem, Palestinians, buy apartments, thousands of them, in the Jewish neighborhoods in West Jerusalem,” Netanyahu said. “Nobody says ‘you can’t do it.’ If I said to you, in some place in the United States, ‘Jews cannot buy apartments here,’ there would be an uproar. I don’t accept this thing.”

“I think actually this whole line that says that ‘Jews can’t buy apartments in Jerusalem,’ the capital of the Jewish people for the last 3,000 years since King David, or ‘you cannot have mixed housing projects for Jews and Arabs,’ I think this is anti-peace,” Netanyahu said. “I think condemning it is wrong. And I’m frankly baffled. I think it’s not the American way.”

Netanyahu is right, and sadly the leader of Israel has a firmer grasp on the principles and ideals that form the “American way” better than our own president.

Americans do not support segregation or apartheid, both of which are encouraged by separating Jews and Arabs into their own communities and neighborhoods. Such separation only exacerbates tensions and fosters a sense of victimhood on the part of the Arabs.

The US should encourage further settlement and mixing of neighborhoods on the parts of both the Israelis and the Arabs. It is the very definition of capitalism, various individuals and groups meeting each other’s needs through voluntary exchange of goods and property.

Different groups living together peacefully, and trading within the same neighborhoods will do more to further peace in the region than separating both sides and placing borders, walls, and armed guards in between them.

It is time for Obama to stop second-guessing (http://conservativetribune.com/dont-ever-second-guess-me/) Netanyahu and let him run his country the way he sees fit. Obama has his hands full running America into the ground, and Israel certainly doesn’t want him “helping” them to do the same.

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter if you aren’t really surprised that Israel’s Prime Minister has a better understanding of “the American way” than Obama does.

28th October 2014, 07:33 PM
US officials pushing back against Israel? (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2014/10/us-officials-pushing-back-israel/)


29th October 2014, 12:54 AM
Complete mythology. The Jews put President Ebola where he is, and he is doing exactly what they instruct him to do.

The Kosher whip-saw is in action again. The approved "popular opinion" for the American boobs is being slammed back to the other side of the dialectical spectrum with this propaganda. "Look at what 'socialism' has done to America, and to our relationship with 'Israel'! We need a good American conservative, like Jeb, in 2016!"