View Full Version : What a day I had today............ me.................. V

29th October 2014, 10:00 PM
Started after having this dream.....I was in a Chinese factory as an American visitor, I was the only one....first I was sitting by the desk of one of the coat and ties taking notes, then I started to walk among the workers and still taking notes I then went back to the same coat and ties where I woke up.......the funny thing was that there were signs in Chinese, that I could not read, and they were talking in Chinese, that I could not understand.

Went first to the store to get bread and milk and while there I notice four employees going around changing the prices of everything.....I saw some garlics with the price of $3.78 but didn't say for how many, so I went to ask the guy and he said....."is for a pound, but the price went up to $4.98, I just haven't had the time to change it"

29th October 2014, 10:10 PM
Sorry I didn't want to enter it yet.....anyway......I then went to the VA and on the way pick up this kid and took him all the way and gave him $10.00 for lunch.

At the VA they super checked my eyes and the young beautifull Dr told me that I had high BP and that she could tell for some broken catipllar (?) in my eyes and that I could soon die. Going back on the 6 to see a regular Dr and see what we can do about it.

On the way back I say a close dine out place and a gas station, and something else, forgot what.

Saw a 18 wheeler on top of a car and 3 ambulances......in my town, three state police cars with two guilty parties

I am tired, going to bed...........


29th October 2014, 11:22 PM
Ponce, have you ever gotten a solid, comprehensive answer about the HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? Mine just recently started spiking and staying high (185/95) for an hour or two before coming back down in the barely OK range (140/75).

I am taking typical pharmaceuticals for it (ACE inhibitor/ Beta blocker), but they just don't seem to help. I'll see my PCP this month, but I don't expect he'll have any really good treatments to keep this worrisome BP under control.

If you come across some treatment THAT WORKS(!!!!), please advise.

I have some of those NITROSTAT pills that I got for a prior heart condition, and, they DO WORK temporarily by lowering the BP about 20 to 30 points within about 5 minutes (those little teeny pills you put under your tongue and they dissolve into your saliva - you don't swallow them), but you can build up a tolerance for NITROSTAT and then it will no longer work for you. That is not a long term solution.

Why oh why can't modern medical folks get to the bottom of why we have these episodes where our BP jumps sky high, for no reason that I can think of, and then settles back down to normal? I fear it will probably cause a stroke, kidney failure, or a heart attack if I can't find a solution somewhere.

I hope you get some good advice (that really works) because this is really worrying me - my brother had a fatal stroke last year but was motionless for three days before they pulled the plug on him. What a humiliating way to go - a debilitating stroke that leaves you unable to engage motor activities for most of your musculature.

Good luck.

29th October 2014, 11:31 PM
Up again can't sleep, anyway, had high BP all my life and already tried about seven different pills.........even in the army they were unable to give a lie detector test because the needle was going all over the place.....my BP is between 165 and 226 over something or another, I think 119 to 229, not sure......getting dizzy for the past two or three months and the main reason that I want to see the Dr.

Also pain in my left shoulder, broke twice and now is 1/2 inch shorter than my right one and it hurts.......my right foot and leg the same, 1/2 inch shorter than the left one.

I won't say what else or everyone here will vomit hahahahaahahahh.


30th October 2014, 12:27 AM
Ponce, have you tried rehab exercises like isometrics to fix your shoulder? How fit are you overall?

30th October 2014, 01:03 AM
Ponce, I am very sympathetic with your old age ails. Believe it or not, I was a Jack Lalaine type fitness freak for most of my life, but, starting this year when I turned 72 everything has started to go kaput! I'm having to admit that the many critical components to our aging bodies just start giving way - we might be able to retard the degradation a tad if we are diligent about it, but, I am reluctantly having to face the harsh conclusion that there is very little we can actually do about it. I recall an old Chinese proverb (about exercise nuts), which goes: "Want long life? Take nap".

Makes me wonder why I bothered all those years working out,huffing and puffing and denying myself culinary treats.

Most of my conversations these days are with septuagenarians like me, and, we generally wind up talking about our many ailments - then we laugh because we all remember how our grandparents used to go on and on about their aches and pains when they were getting so old.

Life - I wonder if it was worth it?

Let us know if you are going to be silent for a while - I think a lot of readers on this board look forward to your posts.

30th October 2014, 05:21 AM
Well, all that is wrong with me (but for getting up at night to pee) is either war wounds of accidents..........broke my right shoulder twice and half inch of the collar bone was taken out.....the leg because a dislocated hip and because it was broken five time, right foot only the big toe is ok the rest were broken and are frozen and the foot itself was crush.......head, left hand, ribs and so on also either hit or shot......however.....even like that I was a Disco dancer and a winner......all the pains started at the age of 62.

The fun part was when a car squash me against a wall like a fly, lucky for me my right leg was in a cast that took most of the hit when it broke to pieces, that was when my right hip was dislocated, like a pig hanging from the ceiling for about 3 months and body cast for two more...from the ankle to under the shoulder with only a hole to shit and one to pee.......and two more months at home in a hospital bed...........I wont count the two occasions that I was in a hospital for six months thanks to the US government, I wont say where or how..........I was given a ortho shoes, the right one is1/2 inch higher than the left one....I never wear it so that I walk with a small limp.

So that my ails are not really from old age but simply for being stupid, did I mention that my right leg was broken five times? hahahahahhaahha, life is good.

Almost forgot, the body cast was in 72 when we had the big earth quake in CA....when it started my wife and two cats jumped in bed with me and wanted me to "save" them, and me is a body cast hahahahahahahah that was great.


30th October 2014, 07:56 AM
Ponce, I think at this stage in your life you should be eating the highest quality, most nutritious foods you can buy. I know you're by nature a thrift person, but at this point in your life, more expensive food high in quality and nutrition will do you very good. Instead of shopping for food at Wally World, do you have an organic food store nearby?

30th October 2014, 08:12 AM
Ponce, I think at this stage in your life you should be eating the highest quality, most nutritious foods you can buy. I know you're by nature a thrift person, but at this point in your life, more expensive food high in quality and nutrition will do you very good. Instead of shopping for food at Wally World, do you have an organic food store nearby?
I agree, wtf is your money and silver going to be worth to you dead? Go to a chiropractor also to get your body frame balanced, it may even help you with your blood pressure. You earned those money, you can sure as hell spend it too, on life quality and add some quantity to it as well.

30th October 2014, 09:01 AM
Why do you guys worry so much about death?...as you know and should remember I have been death three times and made a grand comeback hahahhah. I didn't see any lights or tunnel or God or anything, I simply went to sleep , woke up and that was it..........You should combine old age with the way that you think and not with food with what you eat.

And once again, where you people talk about others that they don't even know I LIKE to talk about myself because I do know him hahahahahaha.

Don't think of this world as what you see out there but by you see , and reason about, in your own mind......and I do have a beautiful mind LOLLLLLLLLL


31st October 2014, 03:13 PM
Why do you guys worry so much about death?...as you know and should remember I have been death three times and made a grand comeback hahahhah. I didn't see any lights or tunnel or God or anything, I simply went to sleep , woke up and that was it..........You should combine old age with the way that you think and not with food with what you eat.

And once again, where you people talk about others that they don't even know I LIKE to talk about myself because I do know him hahahahahaha.

Don't think of this world as what you see out there but by you see , and reason about, in your own mind......and I do have a beautiful mind LOLLLLLLLLL
Well, as long as you are at peace with yourself and your Deity (except those that are Atheists), but don't push your luck either viejo, some of us don't mind having you around here a little longer ;-) lol

31st October 2014, 04:23 PM
Unless I get shot by the cops defending my Private Property I will outlive all of you....... like the Dr. asked me "Are you sure that you are 74?", but for a small hanging flesh on my throat my skin is firm and tight all over.........something funny, I notice this most when I get up in the morning....yeap, is good to be beatifull LOLLLLLLLLL...........hey, what do you expect, I am Ponce.

PS: Even the wrinkles on my face are tight hahahahahah.

Almost forgot........those at Gold is Money 2 (not the owners) (Zionist lovers) want me back.


1st November 2014, 03:01 AM
I hate immortals...

1st November 2014, 11:49 AM
Haven't you guys figured it out yet?

Ponce is "Semper Preparatus", the Roman god of preppers.

1st November 2014, 11:54 AM
Haven't you guys figured it out yet?

Ponce is "Semper Preparatus", the Roman god of preppers.

Now you have done it!

There isn't a hat made in the world that now will fit Ponce's head!


1st November 2014, 02:27 PM
Don't worry Pluto, I'll borrow yours hahahahahah.........ups, to small LOLLLLLLLLLLL


mick silver
1st November 2014, 04:32 PM
ponce is not from this earth didn't you guys know that already

1st November 2014, 06:04 PM
I am from this Earth but I float above it and see it all......and not by the year, not by the month, not by the week, not by the day, not by the hour........but by the second, is getting worse and worse.

Somehow the eye Dr knew that I read a lot, and when he asked me I told him that about nine hours a day.....unless I had to come to see him.