View Full Version : What about this boat Hitch?

29th October 2014, 11:59 PM
I saw this a couple days ago when I was spending some time along the riverbank in our fair city. There is an old Brewery. Called the Old Swan Brewery right on the bank of the river with it's own jetty. Obviously for loading beer back in the day. The building has been converted into apartments and offices along with a couple restaurants.


Unfortunately it was in a lot of shade. There is a big building and an even bigger hill behind that, casting a shadow. It was a twilight dinner party cruise. I spoke to a few people who were heading towards it. I think the big 50 on the deck might give a hint what it was all about.

There's an idea I thought. I also figured there was a motor somewhere on board. Or maybe it was just moored up? Nah. That would be a bit dull. I've often thought some Chinese Junks would be great to see pottering around the river.

30th October 2014, 03:47 AM
Craziest place Ive ever seen for boats is in Saigon or Ho chi min city as the officials call but to everyone else its still Saigon. There are all sorts of strange boats there.

Here is a cheapy............http://www.mekongeyes.com/assets/images/tours/saigon-cambodia/tour3/tour3_big_4.jpg

see what I mean............


I love these boats......

http://www.mekongdeltatours.net/Upload/Tour/26520112162_head_8.jpghttp://www.onthegotours.com/repository/VientianetoVietnamitinerary7Mekong-Delta-Can-ThoVietnam-152451319126487_800_600.jpghttp://www.travel-vietnamcambodia.com/Upload/Vietnam-tours/237102623_472008213514_Private%20Song%20Xanh%20Sai gon%20&%20Phnom%20Penh%20Cruise1.jpg

30th October 2014, 05:16 AM
I would like to go to Vietnam. The Top Gear show inspired me to try and get there. A friend I caught up with a couple weeks ago spent 5 years living there and 3 or 4 in Cambodia. Did well there running restaurants.

For junks I was thinking of something like these (https://www.google.com.au/search?q=chinese+junk+boat&source=lnms&tbm=isch).

I find it difficult to link pics these days from google. They make it hard. Anyway. There's a variety there. I had a chance to drive one when I was a kid. It was from Abderdeen harbour HK going to Lamma island. The island has a lot of seafood restaurants. Back then it was one of those places tourists didn't really go to. Authentic. I think since 10 years or more it's become a very popular tourist place.

Here is goog sat of Sok Kwu Wan (https://www.google.com.au/maps/@22.2038425,114.1304536,574m/data=!3m1!1e3).

That Aberdeen harbour had an aroma. World famous stench. gagging. I think it is in very good shape these days. I went back some time and it was completely cleaned up. Impressive.

It had/has some floating restaurants in it. Again world famous. The Jumbo and two smaller ones hanging off each end. Went there a few times. I had a couple interesting things to eat there.

mick silver
30th October 2014, 06:55 AM
here a nice one .......... http://www.commonsenseevaluation.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Ship-Of-Fools.jpg

30th October 2014, 02:15 PM
She almost looks like a schooner the way the rigging is laid out. (edit: nope junk rig for sure) Old vessels like that fascinate me, thanks for sharing. Did you catch her name? The internet is a great resource to research these old vessels, they are often built with a purpose originally. It is really fascinating to learn and understand her history.

I've been below decks of the C.A. Thayer and seen the heavy timber planking and framing. I didn't do a tour, I was working with her, but got some alone time with her to soak it all in.


Another vessel I was onboard was the Acania. One of Al Capone's old yachts. Again, at work. I don't believe I've ever seen more impressive woodwork and joinery on any vessel.


It would be really interesting to learn the history of that old girl, imo. All the history of every vessel stays with her, and if you listen, you can feel her talking to you.