View Full Version : NOAH: the TRUTH is BIGGER than you thought

30th October 2014, 03:37 AM
If you get over the strange way he presents it you will learn a lot of very interesting things going back to before and after a massive flood.

After is where things begin to get a bit weird .....

NOAH (FULL Noah Movie ~ "NEVER TRUST THE ENKI" OWN NOAH http://www.godinanutshell.com/project... (http://www.godinanutshell.com/project/nutshell-dvds---stuff/noah-two-disc-noah-dvd-noah-by-trey-smith-available-now/)) is a JourNey into the vast evidence of the Global Flood, Occult, Demons, Nephilim, Enoch, the Watchers, the Enki, Tower of Babel, Mystery Teachings of Fallen Angels, God, Satan, Heaven, Hell and the dimensions between.... A FULL documentary investigation into the science behind the supernatural.

Noah: Welcome to the JourNey. the Truth is BIGGER than you thought...... Noah, God, Satan, Occult and Flood are ALL now science fact.

Noah: The documentary "Noah" takes a hard look, not just at the ancient beliefs, practices, demons, spirits, fallen angels, "aliens" & dark gods going all the way back to their source -- the Tower of Babel itself; but greater still, a sobering walk through some of our current "poor-man sciences" & "textbook mythologies" (such as 1859 Darwin-ism and Evolution-ism .... often debated as "Creation vs. Evolution-ism), to the growing finds of SOFT TISSUE & Dino DNA in dinosaurs... all the way to the controversial Dinosaur Ica Stones.... to the Neanderthal (Human) long-lifespans, to the evidence of a Global Flood (Noah's Flood / Noah's Deluge) all across the surface of the whole planet Earth itself.

Noah: The documentary "Noah" also covers the ancient serpent worship on alters of blood by those creatures with elongated skulls that some call "Nephilim, Annunaki, the Races of Giants, etc.... Children of the Fallen Angels..... from the realms of hell and the underworld..... to the throne of God Himself, and cross of Jesus Christ.... and the boat that saved mankind...... from writings on stone all across the globe.

Noah: A true JourNey from the cells to the stars.... to the rage of waters from Noah's Flood..... the Epic of Gilgamesh..... pages of Revelation..... and the dimensions of the unseen... and that which lies between.

Enjoy Noah......
~trey smith


30th October 2014, 06:59 AM
OMG, this has to be the most daft premise for a work of fiction.

30th October 2014, 07:01 AM
OMG, this has to be the most daft premise for a work of fiction.

Put down the Richard Dawkins book.

30th October 2014, 07:46 AM
Put down the Richard Dawkins book.

What, and swap it for one of your von Daniken books, lol. No thanks :o

30th October 2014, 08:05 AM
Three and a half hours? I wish I had that kind of free time. I'll tag it for later, but it might take me a week of half hour segments to get through it.

30th October 2014, 12:38 PM
4+GB... oh my... why such a big file. I need at least 60mins to download this at library

tnx serpo, as you know I am always ready to stretch it :)

30th October 2014, 01:47 PM
What, and swap it for one of your von Daniken books, lol. No thanks :o

I don't read such fiction. The only difference between Dawkins and von Däniken is the Piled High and Deep (Ph.D.).

30th October 2014, 01:48 PM
Three and a half hours? I wish I had that kind of free time. I'll tag it for later, but it might take me a week of half hour segments to get through it.

He asks us not to download it, but that's ridiculous. Save it for later, and watch in installments - indeed!

30th October 2014, 01:54 PM
Two birds they let out of the ark , first it was the raven , that went to and fro , then the dove which comes back with olive branch.

http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130127174416/lotr/images/d/df/Raven-info0.gifrelated to the dark side

related to the light side

He says there is scientific evidence of the flood with water sediment a mile deep all over the planet full of fish fossils.

Seems like after the flood when humanity was vulnerable they where taken over and ruled by giant types with 6 fingers.

Ever since then it has been the serpent (reptilians) controlling mankind ever since.

Before the flood Neanderthal man he says could live for a long time and they took twice as long as present humans to grow up and develop.

After the flood it appears we where screwed with genetically,ect.....

..............the end result can be observed in any politician today.....a screw up.

7th trump
30th October 2014, 03:07 PM
Didn't get a chance to watch the link....but which flood is he talking about/.
The first world flood where God destroyed all the cities and people of that age to bring in the age of the flesh bodies or the second flood where Noah was told to build an Ark?

30th October 2014, 03:15 PM
Downloading - It Begins...

30th October 2014, 09:39 PM
I downloaded it and it is not playing... did it happen to anybody else in this thread?

30th October 2014, 09:48 PM
2.21 gig and an .mp4 file works here, just checked it.

31st October 2014, 05:39 AM
Didn't get a chance to watch the link....but which flood is he talking about/.
The first world flood where God destroyed all the cities and people of that age to bring in the age of the flesh bodies or the second flood where Noah was told to build an Ark?

Well, considering the movie is titled "Noah", I'm guessing Noah's flood.

31st October 2014, 05:52 AM
After the flood it appears we where screwed with genetically,ect.....

they are still at it right in front of our very eyes, pretending to do it for our own good... in fact that people think it could never have happened BEFORE are not realistic nor rational...

grasping/uncovering humanity's history is where the Absolute Reality sets in and shatters all racial/cultural issues... I have accepted this and therefore regard whatever black, white, jew, etc argument as absolutely vain and pointless. Categories are designed to fragment. A voluntary society without unbiased knowledge is impossible.

look for Michael Tellinger, slave species for gods, on youtube... to start with

31st October 2014, 06:50 AM
why download it? I just watch it on you tube and quit when I want to. When I open it back up it picks up where I left off.

31st October 2014, 03:30 PM
Well, considering the movie is titled "Noah", I'm guessing Noah's flood.

It was meant to be a surprise................

31st October 2014, 04:52 PM
I think my file got corrupt... will have to re-download it :(

31st October 2014, 05:18 PM
It wasnt the player then.......

31st October 2014, 05:51 PM
I have media player and VLC, none of the work when opening the Noah file but both work for all other vids I have on my hard drive, weird.

maybe I closed to quickly the youtube downloader window as I was in the hurry, though I could swear it said "completed".

It wasnt the player then.......

1st November 2014, 02:19 AM
It was ok until he got to the bible stuff. His presentation style is different and at first I didnt care for him, then he kinda grew on me and I felt like I wanted to sit down and have a serious chat with him. Then he got to the bible stuff and that all went out the window.

A friend watched it with me. We stopped it on occassion and talked about it. As I said we both agreed that the first 1 1/2 hrs or so was pretty decent. certainly some facts that would need to be hecked and verified but he claims oil and coal are very young, carbon dating is very innacurate, dinosaurs are also very recent but there were older ones that were much larger as well. In fact everything pre flood was much larger and lived much longer. I dont disagree with that and have heard that reported before.
Some of the stuff I would have to research as he really doesnt present any valid science for his claims. In fact I think many of his claims are just what fits into his theory.

Then we get to the bible stuff and there is so much perhaps, maybe this is what they meant, perhaps they were trying to say... ect... My big problem with that is they said what they said. If they meant something else or wanted to say something else they could have. They didnt so read it as its written and not as what you would like to read into it. This is why I cant get into the bible. To many people making so many claims and noone can agree on what anything really means. Instead why cant they just read it and take it as written?

Anyway, he has an agenda and his perspective fits his agenda. Thats really the bottom line. The facts he presented early on should be easy to verify and its interesting and worth looking into.