View Full Version : NYC, from a gal's perspective.

30th October 2014, 03:13 PM
Stay out of the cities folks, especially if you are a woman.


30th October 2014, 03:19 PM
The video loops itself... Surprised no one got physical with her.

midnight rambler
30th October 2014, 03:24 PM
On a par with Sodom and Gomorrah I'm sure, so wtf is she expecting anyway??

30th October 2014, 03:26 PM
On a par with Sodom and Gomorrah I'm sure, so wtf is she expecting anyway??

I think she's trying to show the world what's it's like to be a woman, that's all. Gettin' hassled all the time.

midnight rambler
30th October 2014, 03:32 PM
I think she's trying to show the world what's it's like to be a woman, that's all. Gettin' hassled all the time.

How women are treated is largely dependent upon the culture they (have CHOSEN to) find themselves in. She's whining 'cause she's getting treated like a woman in the heart of Babylon gets treated. If she's unhappy about that perhaps she should consider moving to some place like Boise, Idaho, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Ames, Iowa, or Waco, Texas...or just STFU and EMBRACE her choice(s).

Twisted Titan
30th October 2014, 03:38 PM
I kinda gotta agree MR

I dispise state goons
But i go out of my way to avoid them
You would never catch me talking smack in front of a PD
If i did such tomfoolery
I get what a get.

30th October 2014, 03:47 PM
How women are treated is largely dependent upon the culture they (have CHOSEN to) find themselves in. She's whining 'cause she's getting treated like a woman in the heart of Babylon gets treated. If she's unhappy about that perhaps she should consider moving to some place like Boise, Idaho, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Ames, Iowa, or Waco, Texas...or just STFU and EMBRACE her choice(s).

Midnight, how she's being treated is really not her choice though, is it?

Yes, she can leave NYC. She could live in waco, iowa, whatever, but think about it. Offering her a place to live, based upon who she is, and what she 'should' avoid....are you seriously comfortable with that? Honestly?

It is what it is. NYC is what NYC is. By her making this video she's saying it's fucked up and we need some change.

I agree with her.

midnight rambler
30th October 2014, 04:01 PM
Midnight, how she's being treated is really not her choice though, is it?

Yes, she can leave NYC. She could live in waco, iowa, whatever, but think about it. Offering her a place to live, based upon who she is, and what she 'should' avoid....are you seriously comfortable with that? Honestly?

It is what it is. NYC is what NYC is. By her making this video she's saying it's fucked up and we need some change.

I agree with her.

And you are completely and absolutely clueless.

30th October 2014, 04:09 PM
And you are completely and absolutely clueless.

Do you have any argument anymore? This post sounds like you give up. You would not call me clueless if you had a leg to stand on.

This video is about a woman's perspective, and what she deals with, living in the big apple

midnight rambler
30th October 2014, 04:16 PM
Not only are you clueless it appears you're a fullblown moron. Jew York Shitty is the very heart of Babylon.

30th October 2014, 04:28 PM
the woman does not have a chaperone. What do you think is going to happen? if they are out there hanging out there shingle, people going to come a shoppin.

and I'm wondering if this is just the highlights reel? Did we sit through hours of her walking around to see that it was a constant bombardment, non stop?

30th October 2014, 04:32 PM
When I go fishing I try to make the hook look as pretty as I can (to a fish) and then I try to find the neighborhood where the walleye hang out rather than the carp.

30th October 2014, 04:43 PM
Not only are you clueless it appears you're a fullblown moron. Jew York Shitty is the very heart of Babylon.

You are condemning this women because of your thoughts/agenda on a whole city and culture.

Who the fuck is clueless?!? You are accusing me of being a moron, but I'm the only person who's actually thinking here.

30th October 2014, 04:46 PM
Stay out of the cities folks, especially if you are a woman.


Typical Niggers - mostly Black, but some White. Such behavior will occur whether it's Jew York Shitty or Stockton, CA.

However, I will say a friendly "Hello" in passing is not "harassment."

30th October 2014, 04:48 PM
How women are treated is largely dependent upon the culture they (have CHOSEN to) find themselves in. She's whining 'cause she's getting treated like a woman in the heart of Babylon gets treated. If she's unhappy about that perhaps she should consider moving to some place like Boise, Idaho, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Ames, Iowa, or Waco, Texas...or just STFU and EMBRACE her choice(s).

Out here in the People's Republik, holding the door for a woman, as a gentleman, can get you a scowl or worse.

30th October 2014, 04:50 PM
Out here in the People's Republik, holding the door for a woman, as a gentleman, can get you a scowl or worse.

This is what needs to change.

30th October 2014, 04:50 PM
This is what needs to change.

The foul reaction of the "liberated" women, or the act of a gentleman? If the latter, I shall never change that.

30th October 2014, 05:10 PM
The foul reaction of the "liberated" women, or the act of a gentleman? If the latter, I shall never change that.

Why do you think it is your choice to change? It is what it is.

We treat folks the way we should, sex or no sex regardless. Liberated women will always be lonely, that is their cross to carry. Not your cross.

30th October 2014, 05:56 PM
She made the video - so what's her proposal ? Does she want to pass laws making it illegal to say hello? NYC attacks many elements of people - deal with it. It is Babylon, it's a city of depravity and excess and expecting 'small town USA" because she wants it to be is pretty ridiculous. It's like moving to Alaska and then complaining about the cold weather

30th October 2014, 06:06 PM
With her big tits and nice ass on display what did she expect exactly?

If she had dressed more modest she wouldn't have to deal with this.

30th October 2014, 08:54 PM
With her big tits and nice ass on display what did she expect exactly?

If she had dressed more modest she wouldn't have to deal with this.

Not necessarily, but, yes, if you advertise a "product," there will be potential "customers."

Amish girls could walk the streets of Jew York Shitty in traditional (modest) attire, and the Niggers would still go after them - possibly more so, since they'd be seen as even more desirable "forbidden flowers."

30th October 2014, 09:28 PM
My comment has nothing to do with what you guys posted, I didn't read them.....but only to the video.

I din't see anything wrong nowhere and I were a woman I would be honored.....only one guy was "nasty" when he said "There goes $1,000 dollars" he must have been a pimp.

By the way, I hate NY.......while walking on the street this pink cadillac drove by us with two blackies and one of them said "Hey girl, would you like to go for a drive with us?"......and I said "Hey, you are talking to my wife".......his answer "Shut up white boy, we are talking to her"..... to which I pulled my 45 and pointed to his balls and said "Really now?" ......his answer? "Hey man we are only kidding around, good night"........ZOOMMMMMMMMM they were gone.


31st October 2014, 03:31 PM
My comment has nothing to do with what you guys posted, I didn't read them.....but only to the video.

I din't see anything wrong nowhere and I were a woman I would be honored.....only one guy was "nasty" when he said "There goes $1,000 dollars" he must have been a pimp.

By the way, I hate NY.......while walking on the street this pink cadillac drove by us with two blackies and one of them said "Hey girl, would you like to go for a drive with us?"......and I said "Hey, you are talking to my wife".......his answer "Shut up white boy, we are talking to her"..... to which I pulled my 45 and pointed to his balls and said "Really now?" ......his answer? "Hey man we are only kidding around, good night"........ZOOMMMMMMMMM they were gone.


You brandished a 45 in NY? And then posted about it on the internet? Those libs aren't gonna stand for that Ponce, watch your back bro! LOL

31st October 2014, 03:56 PM
With her big tits and nice ass on display what did she expect exactly?

If she had dressed more modest she wouldn't have to deal with this.

That is how women are turned out,shes in jeans and Tshirt, in my mind its more of a disrespect coming from the men towards her as they are seeing her as a sex object..................

31st October 2014, 04:07 PM
You brandished a 45 in NY? And then posted about it on the internet? Those libs aren't gonna stand for that Ponce, watch your back bro! LOL

This was back in 71 and the country was more liberal........and I can always say that I was only bragging as usual hahahahahaah, but we do know the truth, don't we?..........yeah, yeah, yeah, I am full of shit ahahahahaahha.

Were I to post evrything that I have done in life and who I was with then even Agnut would not believe me LOL...the most funny one was that I was involved with the death of JFK hahahahhaaahah..........I posted that one longgggggggg ago.


Silver Rocket Bitches!
31st October 2014, 08:49 PM

1st November 2014, 02:05 PM
That is how women are turned out,shes in jeans and Tshirt, in my mind its more of a disrespect coming from the men towards her as they are seeing her as a sex object..................

I was thinking this same thing. It's got to be tough to be a woman sometimes.

2nd November 2014, 01:44 AM
I was thinking this same thing. It's got to be tough to be a woman sometimes.

Couple of dumb cunts is all I see.

Party on

2nd November 2014, 01:51 AM
Welcome back Mouse!

2nd November 2014, 04:48 AM
Being a woman myself, I didnt see any real harassment in the video. I also have to say that regardless of the city and my clothing style, I have been through the same since I was a teenager up to today. Annoying but I just got used to it. However, being in my early 50s and looking 10-15 years younger, I wonder how I will feel the day I am no longer looked and smile at.

this woman just seeks more law enforcement


a friend of mine who has lived in Kuweit for almost 10 years said women available for courting have nail polish on their toes and fingers. Men stop them and politely give their business cards. The burka is a norm there.

2nd November 2014, 11:42 AM
women available for courting have nail polish on their toes and fingers

Does nail polish guarantee that they are a woman and not a guy?

2nd November 2014, 12:07 PM
She is a Jewess, she posts on her resume website, that she has DD breast size. They take 2 minutes out of 10 hours , then ask for money for their non-profit... let's see the whole ten hours.

2nd November 2014, 12:31 PM
Being a woman myself, I didnt see any real harassment in the video. I also have to say that regardless of the city and my clothing style, I have been through the same since I was a teenager up to today. Annoying but I just got used to it. However, being in my early 50s and looking 10-15 years younger, I wonder how I will feel the day I am no longer looked and smile at.

The women on my mother's side of the family seem to get more beautiful with age.

Singular, I understand what you mean by not being harassment, and the problem I have with it, is I consider it rude behavior. I was raised you don't treat strangers that way, regardless if they are women, or not. I always have a hard time in cities because if I'm walking along and someone says something to me, my natural reaction is to stop and listen to what they have to say. It must be important, I think. To do so, otherwise, is ignoring another person and that to me is rude.

The problem, is if I stop, say it's a bum asking for money. I wouldn't get anywhere. I'd never get where I am going, my attention would be constantly focused away from my task at hand. I say "you stopped me from going about my business for that?" I don't give money to rude behavior. One bum, I took out a dollar, and gave it the other bum next to him and I said "I'll help people who are not rude".

In case you are wondering, this is a pet peeve of mine. It's rude to talk to someone who's on their cell phone in a conversation. It's rude to stop someone from going from point A to point B, over some BS reason. If I'm walking and someone says to me "I am lost, I need help". That is a valid reason to interrupt me. I will do what I can to help, and if I can't, I will stay with that person until they do have help.

It pisses me off as a society rude behavior is tolerated, and by some comments in this thread, encouraged.

If I am waiting for a stop light, I'll talk to anyone about whatever they like, weather, sports. Same with in an elevator. That's pleasant conversation. Everyone's there waiting. It's not disrupting anyone from going about their day.

People that nod and say hi as they pass are a blessing, in and about the cities. But to demand my attention, to try and stop me from what I am doing at the time with a personal selfish agenda is BS...have a good reason for it. That's all. This is what I see this gal going through in this video. Her freedom is constantly challenged.

Anyway, rant off.

2nd November 2014, 12:34 PM
Jenna Orkin has done some interesting writing about life in NYC post 9-11.

2nd November 2014, 01:38 PM
t life in NYC

NYC is a corporation. There is no life there.

Just to help you out finding where you do live:


2nd November 2014, 03:26 PM
She is a Jewess, she posts on her resume website, that she has DD breast size. They take 2 minutes out of 10 hours , then ask for money for their non-profit... let's see the whole ten hours.


2nd November 2014, 03:28 PM
The video loops itself... Surprised no one got physical with her.


14th November 2014, 06:51 AM
Wow 36 MM view of this version of the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1XGPvbWn0A

Lesbians Wage Hate War on Men

November 12, 2014
http://henrymakow.com/upload_images/camilla-gibb.jpgLeft, Camilla Gibb, 46)

Canadian writer, Camilla Gibb tells her
"Jian Ghomeshi stories" without mentioning
she's a lesbian and former partner of Ghomeshi's (http://henrymakow.com/2014/10/Lesbian-fires-rough-sex-radio-host.html)
ex-boss at the CBC (http://henrymakow.com/2014/10/Lesbian-fires-rough-sex-radio-host.html).

Lesbian and feminist activists continue to serve the
Illuminati (Masonic Jewish) agenda by poisoning
male-female relations.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

I begin by stating that Jian Ghomeshi is a creep. It's apparent that his BDSM sex games were often not consensual.

I love that the face of CBC Radio -- a "cool" non-threatening minority male-- turned out to be a woman beater!

Ghomeshi has prompted every woman who has received unwanted male attention to cry "harassment" and "abuse."

In fact, the media promotes "coming forward" with these stories as a duty and act of courage. However, there is no comparable campaign aimed at homosexuals who have been abused by other gays, or straight people who have been bullied by homosexuals. (Just as there is no mention of the MH-17 shootdown now that it is clear the Ukrainians did it.)


Heterosexuality is about men making bold overtures to win over women. This is what single women want. Naturally, man-hating lesbians and feminists will portray this as a pathology. An example is Hannah Rosin's viral video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1XGPvbWn0A) of a big breasted Jewish woman, Shoshana "Roberts," fielding compliments from mostly uneducated men on a 10-hour walkabout in Manhattan.

At the Illuminati mouthpiece, the Huffington Compost, Michael Laxer, a Canadian socialist, has opined that Ghomeshi (http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/michael-laxer/jian-ghomeshi-_b_6135598.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular&ir=Canada+Living)represents all men.

Clearly, the agenda is to discredit heterosexuality so more people like Camilla Gibb will become homosexuals. Gays generally have sex but not families. The Illuminati wants the government to eventually take over child breeding, as in Brave New World.


Camilla Gibb's article, "The Gian Ghomeshi Effect- I Plan to Speak Out Now" (http://www.salon.com/2014/11/09/the_jian_ghomeshi_effect_i_plan_to_speak_up_now/) may be an indication of what's in store. Women will be searching for every time a man offended them. Some of these grievances are legitimate but they refer to a small minority of men. The vast majority of men love women. Our natural instinct is to protect and nurture them.

Gibb, an English-born novelist, begins by confessing she has no "Jian Ghomeshi stories" of her own because at almost his age (47) he preferred younger ladies. She doesn't mention that she's a lesbian, and that might have figured.

"I can tell you I once watched him crowd a very pretty blond woman less than half [Ghomeshi's] age on the street after an awards ceremony. I watched her shrink backward, with some nervous embarrassment as he stepped into that bubble of personal space that keeps us at a comfortable distance from our non-intimates."

He was standing too close to her.

Then, thanks to "the Ghomeshi effect" Gibb tells us she reined in an inebriated male companion who was hitting on a waitress. "Whoa. Down boy, I eventually said. Back to your kennel."

Then Gibb relates some anecdotes that proves "the world is a lot nastier than we're really prepared to accept."

http://henrymakow.com/upload_images/camillagibb.jpg(Camilla Gibb as a younger woman.)

"He is older and established, you are not, so you say nothing to anyone when a teacher puts his tongue in your mouth, as happened to me, or calls you at home when he's masturbating, which also happened, or a photographer grinds the bulge in his pants into your thigh, which happened, too. Instead of saying anything, you change schools. You give up your nascent modelling career. Your choices become dictated and limited by fear."

"And those are just the incidents that happen behind closed doors. You don't tell anyone about the guy who sticks his penis through the fence at you in the schoolyard after hours when you are 7. You feel embarrassed and ashamed and utterly confused and you want so badly to erase it, but there it is in your head, an image still so clear 40 years later."

Then, she recalled the abuse she suffered on the streets of Cairo 25 years ago and the effect it had on her. She seems to think comparing North American men to Egyptians is relevant.

"If women are forced to contort themselves in this way in order to move through both public and private space, who do we become? Diminished and isolated in our own skin, isolated from each other and from the good men in our lives. Afraid not just to speak, but to be."

Obviously, obnoxious and unwelcome behavior by men or women is abhorrent. But there is a bigger agenda at work here. Feminists and lesbians take the behavior of a small minority of men and exaggerate it. They pretend it is characteristic of all men. This is hate, the allowable PC kind. Feminist activists spread fear among women and division between the sexes. This is the age-old agenda of Cabalist (satanist) Jews and Freemasons as they establish their "new world order."


Related - Hanna Rosin's Stealth Lesbian Agenda
---------- (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DCDYSJwwE4)10 Hours of Princess Leia Walking in NYC (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DCDYSJwwE4)
---------- Christina Hoff Sommers on the Catcalling Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2NUk5AFImw#t=16)

First Comment from Dan:

If you enlarge that photo of Gib at the table, you'll see another piece of information about her that seems to have fallen through the cracks.

From Canada.com 'Star Phoenix', Sept. 18, 2010 --quote--

"Gibb is very pregnant: A striking Renaissance Madonna. Gibb is 42 (now, 46) , "late," she says, to have a child. But the time feels right."

"But things have not unfolded according to plan. After Gibb finally became pregnant, and on the cusp of the dream of family life, her partner, the woman she has been with for nearly a decade,[presumably Heather Conway] (http://henrymakow.com/2014/10/Lesbian-fires-rough-sex-radio-host.html) abruptly ended the relationship. Gibb was confronted by the daunting and unanticipated prospect of single motherhood (she is due in less than two weeks).
A new scheme is in the works."--unquote --

I don't know that the 'new scheme' was in 2010, but I think we know the current one!

So many schemes, so little time... The photo was taken in 2010 for this article published by National Post on Aug. 19th, 2010. But what happened next? Both articles said she was due in two weeks. Her Wikipedia bio says NOTHING about the pregnancy or what happened to baby.

I did find a short article she published in 2011 title "Memoir". It recounted her "spouse" dumped her when she was 8 weeks pregnant. but never mentions that the "spouse" was a lesbian TV executive. She bought a house, hired a live-in nanny - saying she could afford these things due to her "ex's financial settlement". She has a baby girl, writes of breast feeding and the serene joys of single mothering. The winds up the story with maudlin innuendo of falling in lust with the younger nanny, whom she was helping secure Canadian citizenship. I nearly fell asleep waiting for her to come to her point, but there was no point. As another 2010 article about her random pregnancy said, "Full speed ahead into the unknown".

What's the attraction? I don't understand why this woman is published. Her article 'Jian Ghomeshi effect' is nothing more than using Ghomeshi's photo and name to draw attention to some emasculating remarks she said she quipped in a restaurant to some other effeminate skirt chaser.

You can find this article permanently at http://henrymakow.com/2014/11/lesbians-wage-stealth-war-on-men.html

14th November 2014, 09:09 AM
imagine...a lesbian that doesn't want any attention from men, who grew up in Egypt where men stick their dicks through fences at children.

"I think I'll put on a tight t shirt and walk my double D's through new york for a whole day so I can produce a few minutes of shocking video." Did anyone notice the neighborhoods she walked in? The ones chosen to produce the desired result?

I'm shocked, shocked...